what if God could be proven?

this isn't a 'prove to me' god exists thread..
this is a 'what if' thread..

what if god could be proven beyond any doubt?
what if god were to show himself so that everyone would not doubt his existence?

how would that change reality as we know it?
wouldn't that create a society where we no longer have any choices?
i think personal responsibility would be non-existant..
would we have any more technological advances? or would we revert back to a technologyless society?

Well, it would be to late to do anything, because you are all already dead. Hahahaha.
This has been a long thread,...but just curious,. have you guys seen exorcism? witchcraft and dwarves and other evil spirits in action, cast away or healed?

I've seen a few,. no one can explain how it occurs,. just some twisted voodoo whodoo and evil spells and it works,.,,,,same thing with the question if there is a GOD right?

if these spirits exist, and theres no denying they dont,...maybe GOD also exist,.. just taking a rest,.probably sleeping,.....
if these spirits exist, and theres no denying they dont,
There's no denying they don't exist? I.e. their non-existence is not in doubt.

maybe GOD also exist
So because spirits DON'T exist maybe god does?
How does that work?

Presumably you meant there's no denying spirits do exist. Which is, of course, nonsense.
There's no denying they don't exist? I.e. their non-existence is not in doubt.

So because spirits DON'T exist maybe god does?
How does that work?

Presumably you meant there's no denying spirits do exist. Which is, of course, nonsense.

Thank you all mighty athesit, for your educated opinion. :)
There's no denying they don't exist? I.e. their non-existence is not in doubt.

So because spirits DON'T exist maybe god does?
How does that work?

Presumably you meant there's no denying spirits do exist. Which is, of course, nonsense.

I've never seen any evidence supporting the hypothesis that spirits don't exist.

(To head it off at the pass, stating "Spirits do not exist" is a positive assertion. It takes more than including the word "not" or "don't" to alter the rules of logic completely.)
I've never seen any evidence supporting the hypothesis that spirits don't exist.
Evidence to to say something doesn't exist?
What world do you live in?

(To head it off at the pass, stating "Spirits do not exist" is a positive assertion. It takes more than including the word "not" or "don't" to alter the rules of logic completely.)
Babble all you like: either you were stating that that spirits undeniably exist (and mis-phrased it) or you were stating that spirits undeniably do NOT exist.
In the latter case how does the non-existence of spirits imply the existence of god?
In the former case: you're wrong.
My apoligies mighty 'atheist'. I forget you speak the truth.
On this occasion most certainly, despite your attempts at facetiousness.
Does everyone accept that spirits exist?
Is there indisputable evidence for their existence, known to everyone?
Therefore the assertion that they undeniably exist must be false.
On this occasion most certainly, despite your attempts at facetiousness.
Does everyone accept that spirits exist?
Is there indisputable evidence for their existence, known to everyone?
Therefore the assertion that they undeniably exist must be false.

Lol. Does the following count as indisputable evidence: touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing?
Lol. Does the following count as indisputable evidence: touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing?
They're all subjective.
Do all foods taste the same way to everyone?
Do all colours appear the same way to everyone?
For example.
They're all subjective.
Do all foods taste the same way to everyone?
Do all colours appear the same way to everyone?
For example.

LOL, elucidate. ( I learned that word from glaucon, yesterday. >8D mahaha)
Elucidate on what?
Everyone senses things differently to one extent or another: tastes, smells, colours, textures etc.
That's why, for example, eye witness accounts are regarded generally as the least reliable form of evidence in a court of law.
Elucidate on what?
Everyone senses things differently to one extent or another: tastes, smells, colours, textures etc.
That's why, for example, eye witness accounts are regarded generally as the least reliable form of evidence in a court of law.

So what you are telling me that roses don't smell like roses, because someone is disabled? Does the fact that billions of other people smell roses as roses the same is plenty of evidence; that roses smell like roses and not as that someone. Therefore roses smell like roses.

I don't understand, what is so complicated to understand? You are making up things that you think should be proof/evidence/truth.
So what you are telling me that roses don't smell like roses, because someone is disabled?
So you obviously didn't understand me.
I didn't mention disabled at all. I said everyone.

Does the fact that billions of other people smell roses as roses the same is plenty of evidence; that roses smell like roses and not as that someone. Therefore roses smell like roses.
And no two people agree exactly what a rose smells like in absolute detail: we all agree a rose smells like a rose because it smells like what we each of us individually identify as a rose scent.

I don't understand
That's apparent.

You are making up things that you think should be proof/evidence/truth.
On the contrary, I'm making none of this up.

Edit: try reading up on Descartes and exactly WHY he ended up with "Cogito, ergo sum".