What if Eve had not eaten the apple?


Yes very nice but the topic is what would have happened if Eve had not eaten the fruit. Preaching about the current myth is not the issue.
Cris said:

The justification for Christ and the salvation concept depend entirely on man's fall from grace begun by A&E. If the A&E story is not literally true then Christianity has no basis.
And christianity has no basis so I take it that this is your point?
Marlin said:
Not Necessarily

Didn't read the entire web page, did you?
Yes necessarily. You're presedency has been comprised of different people from generation to generation with different opinions and as such have not been entirely consistent on such matters. They do not speak for God as you say, but Joseph Smith was a literalist and as such your original doctrine has the story as literal whether you like it or not.
Marlin said:
Yes, it's in the Book of Mormon. Yes, parts of it are true, and parts are allegorical.
And here I thought it was supposed to be the most true of any book! Yeah right.
Nisus said:
Satan has a very strong hold upon your hearts. And as you stumble over these doctrines he laughs as you revel in the mud and filth he prepared for you to fall in.
Thats a pritty rude attitude. It that attitude from God or Satan?
Marlin said:
I have to confess that I am not sure which are allegorical and which are true, other than the fact that the Fall of Man through Adam and Eve's transgression is taught as church doctrine (after all, it's in all of our scriptures). I think what the web page I referred you to is saying is, that Adam was not literally formed from dust, and Eve was not literally formed from Adam's rib, etc. The basic Fall doctrine is essential to Mormonism, you're correct. How much is allegorical? We are still awaiting further revelation, perhaps, on that subject.
You may not realise it yet but you are an apostate. Good, maybe you are getting ready to have an open mind and learn something.
Nisus said:
I wouldn't say that it is relevant, as much as it is expedient--for you to know that you are digging a pit for your brothers to fall in. And inasmuch as you prepare this pit for them to fall in, you will be the one to fill it. As deep as you dig it, so also will be the fall.

You blaspheme precious truths revealed to us, for our salvation.
More devilish attitude. If they don't agree with me they will burn.

After all, that's what drives techonological developments - the need to work around issues.
Yup that’s why I can’t see any progress being made in an environment where everything is provided and already perfect. Any challenges that might be presented would be known to be unreal since one would always be aware of the ultimate benefactor making sure nothing could fail. Without real challenges, e.g. the struggle to survive, I doubt we’d be motivated to do much.

Also, the universe is a big place. Infinite if I can recall? I guess it'd take an infinite number of humans to fill it... then it's expanding... I wonder if we could fill it.
Well, infinite in duration perhaps but if the cyclic model is reality then at some point we will be scrunched into another big bang at some point.

Looking at it like that... I say we put our energies into building a time machine and going back to A&E's time. We tie them up and threaten to kill their asses if they dare eat that fruit - the world might be a place more to my techy tastes.
Nisus said:
So the only creation that can govern itself, is the offspring of God. Every other creation is governed by and obeys God perfectly....
And yet Jesus cursed the fig tree, why then?

And christianity has no basis so I take it that this is your point?
No, not in this thread. I've made that argument elsewhere.
Trilairian said:
Marlin said:
Yes, it's in the Book of Mormon. Yes, parts of it are true, and parts are allegorical.

And here I thought it was supposed to be the most true of any book! Yeah right.

Here is the corrected version of my remark above:

Yes, it [the Fall of Adam and Eve story] is in the Book of Mormon. Yes, parts of it [the Fall of Adam and Eve story] are true, and parts of it are allegorical. I never meant to imply that the Book of Mormon was "partly allegorical," as you can see.

I am not an apostate. One doesn't become an apostate merely for not knowing all truth and saying that we await further revelation to clear up the matter.
Trilairian said:
Do you know who you just hailed?

Yes, I hailed Nisus for posting Hapsburg's rude comments (which were moderated out of existence soon afterwards). Nisus was censored.
Marlin said:
Here is the corrected version of my remark above:

Yes, it [the Fall of Adam and Eve story] is in the Book of Mormon. Yes, parts of it [the Fall of Adam and Eve story] are true, and parts of it are allegorical. I never meant to imply that the Book of Mormon was "partly allegorical," as you can see.

I am not an apostate. One doesn't become an apostate merely for not knowing all truth and saying that we await further revelation to clear up the matter.
No, but you are an apostate for not believeing your early church leaders that before the fall there was no death in the world etc. Or did you not know your own doctrine?
Trilairian said:
No, but you are an apostate for not believeing your early church leaders that before the fall there was no death in the world etc. Or did you not know your own doctrine?
I meant Amen who modern christianity has forgotten the identity of.
Trilairian said:
No, but you are an apostate for not believeing your early church leaders that before the fall there was no death in the world etc. Or did you not know your own doctrine?

What in the world are you talking about? Of course I believe that there was no death in the world before the Fall. That is basic LDS doctrine. I don't know where you got that idea. Sheesh!
And so there was no way for dinosaurs to leave fossils and so you might as well reject the evolutionary facts and so you might as well take the story to be litteral as your earlt church leaders did.

Or you could just accept the truth that your religion was false. Sorry if this causes and family tensions.
Marlin said:
What in the world are you talking about? Of course I believe that there was no death in the world before the Fall. That is basic LDS doctrine. I don't know where you got that idea. Sheesh!
Moron. Fossils have been PROVEN to be millions, even billions of years old, depending on the fossil. Do you not understand that concept: proven fact. Not theory, proven fact.
Trilairian said:
I meant Amen who modern christianity has forgotten the identity of.
What are you talking about?
Amen is not a "who".
Amen is a Hebrew word meaning, essentially, "You are speaking the truth".
When you shout "Amen!", in a Christian church for example, you are shouting to the preacher for speaking the truth of the word of God.
Here's one of many refernces to give a hint to its roots. If you care to look, there are many more detailed explanations readily available.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 2000.