What has god done for you

LOL i had to look it up to be honest ;)
You seem to have some knowledge of Latin, do you know what cognito means, i know cognitus means something like "to be known to someone".

The only knowledge of Latin I have is through my eclectic reading tastes; cognito?

Since incognito means unknown, I would say cognito means known.
Personally I subscribe to a mixture of abduction and falsifiability; being a big picture person

Since one is a logical fallacy, falsifiability is precluded. The use of abduction is already false.

You're not a big picture person, you're a big picture guesser.
Unbelief or lack of belief is just that. There is no belief one way or another.
Disbelief is a statement of 'against'.

Example: I don't like x food is not the same as I dislike x food.

To clairify: unbelief is a passive position.":shrug:"

While disbelief is an active one.

And Atheism, according to several dictionaries, is very much the active "God does not exist".
So Enmos, et.al. When you say "I don't believe in god"
do you mean "God? :shrug: " or do you mean "There is no god - God does not exist".

My point is it seem there are folks out there who call themselves Atheists, and seem to have the posistion towards Theists: 'Well, at least my thinking isn't muddied with a bunch of beliefs'. And what I'm saying is "Well, actually, it is."
Who cares? Abductive reasoning is a logical fallacy.

Here's an example from your link:

If I have the flu, then I have a sore throat.
I have a sore throat.
Therefore, I have the flu.

Since one is a logical fallacy, falsifiability is precluded. The use of abduction is already false.

You're not a big picture person, you're a big picture guesser.

i dont believe in god and therefore he has done nothing for me.

Correct...and your truthfullness/'honesty' serves to demonstrate/declare/confirm the Truth of God's Word:

God gave his approval to people in days of old because of their faith.

By faith we understand that the entire universe was formed at God's command, that what we now see did not come from anything that can be seen...you see, it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that there is a God and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him... a doubtful mind is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind.

People like that should not expect to receive anything from the Lord.

Thank you for your testimony.
And Atheism, according to several dictionaries, is very much the active "God does not exist".

You'll find in general that at least a couple of definitions are given - along the lines of:

1. the belief that there is no god.
2. disbelief in the existence of a supreme being or beings

Even though these definitions aren't worded perfectly, one is an active stance, the other is passive - two separate positions for the exact same word. This is generally seen as strong atheism and weak atheism, (if it wasn't explained in such manner people such as yourself would keep getting it wrong).

Summary: If you talk to most atheists and say "you have faith, you have a belief", they'll probably laugh in your face because generally they don't, they lack a belief in that which you have a belief in.

Hope that helped.
So Enmos, et.al. When you say "I don't believe in god"
do you mean "God? :shrug: " or do you mean "There is no god - God does not exist".

I mean: I dont believe a bunch of no-evidence crap conceived by humans - for humans before the scientific era .

Why is their such confusion over that simple stance?

dis- prefix 1 expressing negation : dislike | disquiet.
apple dictionary. 1.0.1

Look, if I use a word in a certain way, and three dictionaries tell me I'm wrong, then I'm wrong.
My point about that: the word is used incorrectly.
Well then it is probably defined incorrectly due to the majority of the world being theologians creating a biased towards the definition.
Again: I've never heard anyone say they believe with faith that god doesn't exist. It's alway: I dont believe in god! Byebye!
Does god exist?

Three choices: Yes, there is a god; No, there is not a god; and, I don't know if there is a god.

To simply say 'I don't believe in god' avoids the question.

It seems to me atheists (meaning those who say: There is no god.) don't like to admit or deal with the fact that to say 'there is no god' is a belief

Simply saying 'I don't believe in god' leaves room for 'then what do you believe in'? Or it could mean 'god exists, but I don't believe in it'. Or, 'you don't belive in which god exists'?
I am not being flip here.

sidenote: when I say I am a theist, I am not referring to the big three (and a half). Nor am I trying to proselytize.
Does god exist?

Three choices: Yes, there is a god; No, there is not a god; and, I don't know if there is a god.

Its avoiding nothing! The question is loaded, so can not really be answered by me, for one. But to humour you I will say option 3: I dont know their is a god. But bear in mind that I would also have to answer the same to a loaded question like : Is there a pink elephant waving a magic wand just beyond our perceptible limit of the universe.