What has god done for you

Not believing in God is as believing in God, neither have any proof for credibility.

Choosing path is without options.
God exists from a belief.

When believes are strong, they matearealize.

The question I asked myself is, do I need God?

And I answered, NO.

Not because I am better than God or it does not exists...but because I want to learn to exist in this world by myself...as tough as it is and if my soul cannot handle it, I will turn to God.

So what you are actually saying is that if i believe in the easter bunny strong enough it will materialize ? :confused:
Personally, god's given me a pretty kickass life. I luck out with so many things, have found good fortune, had a solid head on my shoulders, and have love from family and friends in several corners of the world.

Honestly, why ask for more?
A lack of belief in a belief is also a belief.

By definition, no belief is based on evidence.

Or just a total ignorance (in the literal sense) of the subject.
Insufficient knowledge to form an opinion.

I have no belief that, say, (quick google here), Pele is the best soccer player in the world, simply because I have no knowledge whatsoever about soccer, any other players and how he compares to them.
So is my lack of belief that he's the best player in the world (according to the first page I picked at random from google) a belief in and of itself?
What evidence is my lack of belief based on?
Or just a total ignorance (in the literal sense) of the subject.
Insufficient knowledge to form an opinion.

I have no belief that, say, (quick google here), Pele is the best soccer player in the world, simply because I have no knowledge whatsoever about soccer, any other players and how he compares to them.
So is my lack of belief that he's the best player in the world (according to the first page I picked at random from google) a belief in and of itself?
What evidence is my lack of belief based on?

Not comparable, since your lack of belief does not derive from a belief.

Now if someone were to say that Pele is the best soccer player in the world and you say, I don't believe this, what would you base your lack of belief on?
Not comparable, since your lack of belief does not derive from a belief.

Now if someone were to say that Pele is the best soccer player in the world and you say, I don't believe this, what would you base your lack of belief on?

I don't believe because I have no belief that he is - I have nothing to judge it on.
I do not believe = I have no belief.
I do not believe != I believe it is not so.
I don't believe because I have no belief that he is - I have nothing to judge it on.
I do not believe = I have no belief.
I do not believe != I believe it is not so.

You cannot have a belief or lack of it without a concept.

e.g. if I say I believe/ do not believe in LKJKHBBNJKH, that is a pointless statement. :)
You cannot have a belief or lack of it without a concept.

e.g. if I say I do not believe in LKJKHBBNJKH, that is a pointless statement. :)

I have a concept of footballers.
I'll grant that there is probably (possibly?) a "best in the world".
I have no belief that it's Pele since I have no knowledge of football.
"Best footballer in the world" is a meaningful sentence and relates to a concept idea, but as a concept it is totally and utterly irrelevant to my life.
found this:

quandary (plural quandaries)
1. A dilemma.
2. A state of not knowing what to decide.

And i dont see the quandary, please clarify.

The quandary is that the terms used should portray your thoughts not the other way around.
I have a concept of footballers.
I'll grant that there is probably (possibly?) a "best in the world".
I have no belief that it's Pele since I have no knowledge of football.
"Best footballer in the world" is a meaningful sentence and relates to a concept idea, but as a concept it is totally and utterly irrelevant to my life.

Then you are merely capitalising on your ignorance.

Why would I listen to the opinion of one who has a lack of belief based on ignorance?

In any field whatsoever?