What has god done for you

Originally posted by GhostOfMaxwell.
.....Then most people labelled atheists are not actually atheists at all. A Theory has to be based on evidence and there is no evidence a god doesn't exist as much as there is no evidence a god does exist.

A scientist will dismiss any hypothesis that doesn't stand up to testing and thats all we can say about the existence of god/gods. There is no theory that he doesnt exist! The only theory a scientist will have in regards to gods/god is they are a man made construct brought about to comfort and control.

An atheist is someone who does not believe in god(s), or rather someone who believes that god(s) existence is false. An agnostic does not believe in god(s) but also remains open to the possibility of their existence. Your post about theories is confusing. Any theory that deals with the existence of god(s) tries to interpret the evidence available to us. From our observations of the physical world, there is not yet a definitive conclusion to these hypotheses. There are theories that conclude god(s) can or can not exist, but none of these theories are proven beyond a doubt. To say that a scientist only has a set of theories regarding god(s) that involves human control and comfort is unfounded. I would say that is a theory of your own device.

To answer the original question, god has enabled me, if god exists. Otherwise, god has only been a puzzling hypothesis of mine, to which the pieces paint an unfinished picture of the universe. I'm still looking for the puzzle piece that has the face of god. Maybe it isn't in the box.
An atheist is someone who does not believe in god(s), or rather someone who believes that god(s) existence is false. An agnostic does not believe in god(s) but also remains open to the possibility of their existence. Your post about theories is confusing. Any theory that deals with the existence of god(s) tries to interpret the evidence available to us. From our observations of the physical world, there is not yet a definitive conclusion to these hypotheses. There are theories that conclude god(s) can or can not exist, but none of these theories are proven beyond a doubt. To say that a scientist only has a set of theories regarding god(s) that involves human control and comfort is unfounded. I would say that is a theory of your own device.

To answer the original question, god has enabled me, if god exists. Otherwise, god has only been a puzzling hypothesis of mine, to which the pieces paint an unfinished picture of the universe. I'm still looking for the puzzle piece that has the face of god. Maybe it isn't in the box.

Call me what ever you want. I dont beleive anything regarding god, other than it's a fairy story. I have no theories regarding god because theories are extrapolated from the evidencial.

If you cant keep up with that I dont know how to make it any simpler.
You have ignored my argument! My argument is unble to penetrate 10inches of skull bone you have built up! You dont know how to counter a point(argue), you only know how to ignore and endlessly repeat a sales pitch as absent of integrity as a spanish holiday scheme tout. To top it all, you really do seem to beleive your own bullshit afterall.

erm excuse me
me -BTW if you want to argue that the only certainty is that nothing is certain you have just shot yourself in a foot with a double negative ("never say never")

you - How so dipstick?

me - well my highly erudite champion with a gaping hole in your foot, if nothing is certain, how do you know that with certainty?

you - Are you on a different planet from me?

me - if you can't see the problems of logic in the above statement, yes

when all else fails, ad hom
First, Thanks for the clairification on 'We'.

As to my facts:

atheism - noun
the theory or belief that God does not exist.
DERIVATIVES - [atheist- noun] [atheistic- adjective] [atheistical- adjective]
ORIGIN late 16th cent.: from French athéisme, from Greek atheos, from a- ‘without’ + theos ‘god.’

agnostic - noun
a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God. adjective of or relating to agnostics or agnosticism.
DERIVATIVES: [agnosticism- noun]
ORIGIN mid 19th cent.: from a- 1 [not] + gnostic.

Dictionary Version 1.0.1 (1.0.1)
Copyright © 2005 Apple Computer, Inc.,
All Rights Reserved.

I'm not a 'wiki' kinda guy. Actually, I'm more of the paper type. However, as the computer dictionary is easy to quote...
I have not added any words/content. I did delete the 'how to pronounce' bits as they did not survive the transfer legibly.
As to your: "YOU value MY" opinion- my position stands.
See, I hold YOUR opinion in some value,[so far, lol] otherwise I would not engage. Like, ya know?

Enmos, sometimes I'm away from my 'puter a day or three, but I will respond:) I'm enjoying this board/site.

And, if y'all want, T1G! works just fine. It's easier.

Your definition of agnostic is similar to that found on wikipedia, your definition of atheism however doesnt cut it.
But i believe GhostofMaxwell already adressed that accurately.

I tribute value to everyones opinion, but if someone chooses not to attribute any value to my opinion im not bothered by that, thats their choice. That was all i was saying.

I apologize for so blatantly asking you to respond, but i confused you with someone else that was online at the time (and posting in the same thread). As you can see i edited the post, that was to replace the name with yours.
An atheist is someone who does not believe in god(s), or rather someone who believes that god(s) existence is false.

How are these two definitions, definitions of the same thing ?
The first is denying belief while the second assumes belief. :shrug:

Atheism, as a philosophical view, is the position that either affirms the nonexistence of gods or rejects theism.
When defined more broadly, atheism is the absence of belief in deities, alternatively called nontheism.
When defined more broadly, atheism is the absence of belief in deities, alternatively called nontheism.

Thats how I would define myself. From now on I think I may use the word "nontheist" because it more immediate says lack of belief rather than a belief of nonexistence.
Its funny but I dont ever remember anyone saying : I believe and believe until I make myself sick that god doesn't exist! or anything remotely similar to the theist take on atheism.

It's always just said: I dont believe in god!.
Its funny but I dont ever remember anyone saying : I believe and believe until I make myself sick that god doesn't exist! or anything remotely similar to the theist take on atheism.

It's always just said: I dont believe in god!.

Same here, they seem stuck in their own mindset..
Please cite your source. I am not gonna click the links.

The definitions I offered was not my definition. They are the dictionary definitions.

Wiki don't cut it. Give me a real source.

atheist, n One who disbelives or denies the existance of a God or a supreme intelligent being.

Webster's New International 1925, 4th ed, G & C Merriam

atheism: n a. disbelief in the existance God or any other deity.
b. the doctrine that there is neither God nor any other deity.

Webster's Third New International 1966, 15 th ed, G & C Merriam

Again, these are not my opinions. These are from various dictionaries.
Wiki ain't gonna cut it.

I've cited three* dictionaries that span 100 years, (the first dict. is a 4 edition). I realize 'language follows usage' But, the definition is holding.

About the 'response request': Don't sweat it, I know what like, in a discussion and then...? Not an issue, thanks

*see post 289 for third citiation.
Last edited:
So what am i according to your definitions ?
The definitions i gave descibe me very accurately.
"atheism is the absence of belief in deities, alternatively called nontheism."

So what am i according to you ?
It's not according to me.
They are not my definitions.

If you simply lack a belief in a/any god, that's closer to agnostic.
It's not according to me.
They are not my definitions.

If you simply lack a belief in a/any god, that's closer to agnostic.

No it isnt, the definition you found is:

agnostic - noun
a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God. adjective of or relating to agnostics or agnosticism.

I lack belief in any god so therefore i have DISBELIEF in any god.
No it isnt, the definition you found is:

agnostic - noun
a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God. adjective of or relating to agnostics or agnosticism.

I lack belief in any god so therefore i have DISBELIEF in any god.

No, I agree, they are not the same. I said closer. Maybe I should have said 'kinda' or 'sorta'?
Here's one problem, unbelief is not the same as disbelief.

'debate protocol', as it were, suggests that citing your sorce is useful.

cite, v
1, quote (a passage, book, or author) as evidence for or justification of an argument or statement, esp. in a scholarly work.
Apple Dictionary 1.0.1
italics mine
An atheist is someone who does not believe in god(s), or rather someone who believes that god(s) existence is false. An agnostic does not believe in god(s) but also remains open to the possibility of their existence. Your post about theories is confusing. Any theory that deals with the existence of god(s) tries to interpret the evidence available to us. From our observations of the physical world, there is not yet a definitive conclusion to these hypotheses. There are theories that conclude god(s) can or can not exist, but none of these theories are proven beyond a doubt. To say that a scientist only has a set of theories regarding god(s) that involves human control and comfort is unfounded. I would say that is a theory of your own device.

To answer the original question, god has enabled me, if god exists. Otherwise, god has only been a puzzling hypothesis of mine, to which the pieces paint an unfinished picture of the universe. I'm still looking for the puzzle piece that has the face of god. Maybe it isn't in the box.

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