What has god done for you

Original said:
An atheist is someone who does not believe in god(s), or rather someone who believes that god(s) existence is false.

I already reacted to that:
Enmos said:
How are these two definitions, definitions of the same thing ?
The first is denying belief while the second assumes belief.
I already reacted to that:

If I say I don't believe you, is that a lack of belief or a belief that your belief is not my belief?

IOW, what about my lack of belief in your belief constitutes a lack of belief?
What has God done for you?

What have you done for God?

What has your God done for you?

What have you done for your God?

What have your belief in God done for you?

What have you done for your belief in God?
What has God done for you?

What have you done for God?

What has your God done for you?

What have you done for your God?

What have your belief in God done for you?

What have you done for your belief in God?

Its a fact.
You mean to say i only belief that i dont have any belief :confused:

So I should believe you when you say you have no belief because you say you have no belief?

Well I don't believe you. I have a lack of belief in your lack of belief. :D

So there.
So I should believe you when you say you have no belief because you say you have no belief?

Well I don't believe you. I have a lack of belief in your lack of belief. :D

So there.

You are free to believe whatever you want, i wont stop you.
However, i could say that i have a lack of belief in your lack of belief in my lack of belief.. :shrug:
You are free to believe whatever you want, i wont stop you.
However, i could say that i have a lack of belief in your lack of belief in my lack of belief.. :shrug:

I don't believe you.

Glad we got all the facts sorted out there.:D
Nothing, since i dont belief in God.

God exists from a belief.

When believes are strong, they matearealize.

The question I asked myself is, do I need God?

And I answered, NO.

Not because I am better than God or it does not exists...but because I want to learn to exist in this world by myself...as tough as it is and if my soul cannot handle it, I will turn to God.