WHat happens to the mentally challenged after grade school?

Why would you be immune to it Sam? Anybody with feelings would be hurt no matter how many times it happens. How can you even understand what a parent or child goes through unless you are in that situation yourself.
I feel for you Angel, it must be tough. I can't even imagine what you have to go through.
I feel lucky to have 2 healthy boys.

yeah it is and it doesnt help when some dick says somthing to put them both down, for example, i was on the bus with my son last friday and we had just found out that he has autism, we knew he had, add, adhd, but now he is autisic aswell, and he was loud on the bus but he wasnt aggresive he was nice to people, and the bus driver said whats wrong with him, and when i told him about my sons condition he said "if i knew that i wouldnt have let him on my bus, i dont like children with mental conditions, and has far has i am concered they should ALL be put into care" i was heart broken, i didnt stop crieing for ages afterwards, and then you get the assholes who says, its your fault your son has add, adhd, autism, you must be feeding them wrongly. I just wish people will just keep they're opinions to thmeselves, because disabled children need a break!
Don't get me wrong when I say drugs I mean like crack-cocaine, marijuana:)m: WOO!), and oxycotin (not prescribed). Not like, drugs that induce labor or Advil!
I bet advil could cure cancer that thing is the shit!


And in reference to the equal education thing, I just want to say that bush's "No Child Left Behind" program sucks balls. Much like Canada's Healthcare, everyone gets the same crappy education as everyone else.

Good. I agree with you on the drugs. You even have to be careful of prescription drugs during preg. Almost everything the mom takes is absorbed into the babies system.
Canada's education system is improving....slowly. Our health care system blows chunks and appears to be getting worse.
yeah it is and it doesnt help when some dick says somthing to put them both down, for example, i was on the bus with my son last friday and we had just found out that he has autism, we knew he had, add, adhd, but now he is autisic aswell, and he was loud on the bus but he wasnt aggresive he was nice to people, and the bus driver said whats wrong with him, and when i told him about my sons condition he said "if i knew that i wouldnt have let him on my bus, i dont like children with mental conditions, and has far has i am concered they should ALL be put into care" i was heart broken, i didnt stop crieing for ages afterwards, and then you get the assholes who says, its your fault your son has add, adhd, autism, you must be feeding them wrongly. I just wish people will just keep they're opinions to thmeselves, because disabled children need a break!

The fuck?? Report that asshole.
..., for example, i was on the bus with my son last friday ..., and he was loud on the bus ...

Loud on the bus? Annoying other busriders? You should have done something to shut him up ....loud, obnoxious, little brats are annoying as hell to other people in confined spaces like the bus.

As far as I'm concerned the bus driver had every right to say something to you, and if I'd been him, I'd have kicked your ass off the bus! If you couldn't control him, as the bus driver, I sure would have. And more to the point, you were being nasty and selfish to all of the other people on the bus.

Baron Max
Loud on the bus? Annoying other busriders? You should have done something to shut him up ....loud, obnoxious, little brats are annoying as hell to other people in confined spaces like the bus.

As far as I'm concerned the bus driver had every right to say something to you, and if I'd been him, I'd have kicked your ass off the bus! If you couldn't control him, as the bus driver, I sure would have. And more to the point, you were being nasty and selfish to all of the other people on the bus.

Baron Max

I think you need a hug <hug> EVERYONE!!! Group hug for Baron...gasp! SAM!!! hands off his butt.

Does everything make you mad? :(
I think you need a hug <hug> EVERYONE!!! Group hug for Baron...gasp! SAM!!! hands off his butt.

Ha! Sam wasn't grabbing my butt, she/he was trying to get one of my guns so she/he could kill me ....then turn the gun on everyone else in the group hug! Sam's a Muslim, ....ya' gotta' watch them like a hawk or they'll blow you up or something worse.

Does everything make you mad?

No, I'm retired now, so I don't come into contact with such things. But I'm acting like I'm angry and upset because no one else here will really say what they really and truly think and feel. So I say it for them.

But angry? Did you see the poster who wanted to get that bus driver fired? That's pretty angry, wouldn't you say? Why didn't you question him?

Baron Max
Ha! Sam wasn't grabbing my butt, she/he was trying to get one of my guns so she/he could kill me ....then turn the gun on everyone else in the group hug! Sam's a Muslim, ....ya' gotta' watch them like a hawk or they'll blow you up or something worse.

No, I'm retired now, so I don't come into contact with such things. But I'm acting like I'm angry and upset because no one else here will really say what they really and truly think and feel. So I say it for them.

But angry? Did you see the poster who wanted to get that bus driver fired? That's pretty angry, wouldn't you say? Why didn't you question him?
Baron Max

But I also didn't agree with him because I didn't know you were retired, I thought you were a bus driver.
I have a handicapped Mom. I'm not about to side with someone who reviles people (especially children) who have no control over who they are. Why did he say that? Did he think he was helping?
yeah it is and it doesnt help when some dick says somthing to put them both down, for example, i was on the bus with my son last friday and we had just found out that he has autism, we knew he had, add, adhd, but now he is autisic aswell, and he was loud on the bus but he wasnt aggresive he was nice to people, and the bus driver said whats wrong with him, and when i told him about my sons condition he said "if i knew that i wouldnt have let him on my bus, i dont like children with mental conditions, and has far has i am concered they should ALL be put into care" i was heart broken, i didnt stop crieing for ages afterwards, and then you get the assholes who says, its your fault your son has add, adhd, autism, you must be feeding them wrongly. I just wish people will just keep they're opinions to thmeselves, because disabled children need a break!

Here's what I would have said:
"What's wrong with your son?"

"None of your business".
Here's what I would have said:
"What's wrong with your son?" "None of your business".

Yeah, maybe ...but then she wouldn't have been truthful or honest. What she should have said is; "He's a mentally defective kid and I can't control him ....so all of the rest of y'all are just going to have to suffer with his uncontrollable actions and noise. So ....fuck you!"

See? Honest, truthful, .....and showing what she's taught her son ....to do anything he wants to without having to suffer the consequences of his actions.

Baron Max
But I'm acting like I'm angry and upset because no one else here will really say what they really and truly think and feel. So I say it for them.

Hey! I always say exactly what I think, regardless if nobody agrees
with me:bugeye:
Loud on the bus? Annoying other busriders? You should have done something to shut him up ....loud, obnoxious, little brats are annoying as hell to other people in confined spaces like the bus.

As far as I'm concerned the bus driver had every right to say something to you, and if I'd been him, I'd have kicked your ass off the bus! If you couldn't control him, as the bus driver, I sure would have. And more to the point, you were being nasty and selfish to all of the other people on the bus.

Baron Max

thats because your a complete fucking asshole, who knocks children all the time, people are alwasy bad to you, and you can never ever bloody well see the good in people. my son has a condition, fuck the idiot bus driver and his rude opinions he is a fuck wit!! just like someone else i can mention :mad::mad:
....loud, obnoxious, little brats are annoying as hell to other people in confined spaces like the bus.

I personally find loud, obnoxious and overly bitter and opinionated old men, who can't mind their own business, more annoying in confined spaces like a bus.

lucifers angel said:
thats because your a complete fucking asshole, who knocks children all the time, people are alwasy bad to you, and you can never ever bloody well see the good in people.
Now there's truthfulness and honesty for you!
So the bus driver should have to put up with a noisy, misbehaving child? While he's trying to drive a bus? Which is full of people? He doesn't have the right to an opinion?

I specifically remember all of us folks on the primary school bus getting a lecturing to after some misbehaviour (nothing serious, just some mucking around, getting out of seats, making noise, and throwing food. Not on a large scale, but I guess months of that behaviour sort of builds up)
Our bus driver explained to us that he's constantly distracted by such behaviour, and can't focus on driving the bus because he's looking in the rear-view mirror at us. He explained that he wanted better behaviour, because he didn't want to have an accident, especially since a bus full of childrens' lives were in his hands.
Everyone was better behaved after that.

Likewise, I'm sympathetic to a bus driver who is continually being bugged by a constantly misbehaving child. If you're not allowed to bring a noisy trouble-making dog on the bus, I don't see why a noisy, trouble making child should get special privileges. Ooooohh, yeah, I compared a misbehaving child to a dog. *Boo hiss* But to be honest, I find a screeching child more repugnant than a yipping dog.
So the bus driver should have to put up with a noisy, misbehaving child? While he's trying to drive a bus? Which is full of people? He doesn't have the right to an opinion?

I specifically remember all of us folks on the primary school bus getting a lecturing to after some misbehaviour (nothing serious, just some mucking around, getting out of seats, making noise, and throwing food. Not on a large scale, but I guess months of that behaviour sort of builds up)
Our bus driver explained to us that he's constantly distracted by such behaviour, and can't focus on driving the bus because he's looking in the rear-view mirror at us. He explained that he wanted better behaviour, because he didn't want to have an accident, especially since a bus full of childrens' lives were in his hands.
Everyone was better behaved after that.

Likewise, I'm sympathetic to a bus driver who is continually being bugged by a constantly misbehaving child. If you're not allowed to bring a noisy trouble-making dog on the bus, I don't see why a noisy, trouble making child should get special privileges. Ooooohh, yeah, I compared a misbehaving child to a dog. *Boo hiss* But to be honest, I find a screeching child more repugnant than a yipping dog.

You missed what the bus driver said to her about her son.

"if i knew that i wouldnt have let him on my bus, i dont like children with mental conditions, and has far has i am concered they should ALL be put into care"​

It is not "his" bus. He is merely an employee of a bus company, or possibly the local government and is employed to drive the bus. The laws state that he cannot refuse entry to someone because of their medical condition based on his own opinion or beliefs. It is akin to refusing to allow a black person on a bus. As an employee of the bus company, he must abide by the rules set down by the company he works for, and also by the laws of the State he lives in. His actions were basically discriminatory and thus, illegal.
It is not "his" bus. He is merely an employee of a bus company, or possibly the local government and is employed to drive the bus.

And I'll bet that, being a public bus, there are rules against loud, obnoxious people riding that bus!

The laws state that he cannot refuse entry to someone because of their medical condition based on his own opinion or beliefs.

My bet is that there are specific rules against loud, obnoxious behavior on public buses and subways. It has nothing to do with medical conditions, etc. it has to do with the comfort of all of the other passengers.

How do you think it would be if all of the passengers were as loud and as obnoxious as that little kid? Pretty damned uncomfortable, huh? And yet here you're arguing to allow one person to break the rules to the detriment of all of the other passengers? ...as if the other passengers don't have any rights, or certainly not the right to ride the bus in peace!

Baron Max
I personally find loud, obnoxious and overly bitter and opinionated old men, who can't mind their own business, more annoying in confined spaces like a bus.

Now there's truthfulness and honesty for you!

its ok i tried to see things from his point of view but i couldn't fit my head up his ass hole to!!