WHat happens to the mentally challenged after grade school?

then he should write to his goverment and say that he doesnt want his money going to disabled children, there is NO WAY i will hide my two boys

I don't expect or want you to hide your kids .....I just think you should control them a little better than you obviously do. And I think that's all the bus driver wanted too.

Baron Max
The only time it really pisses me off, is when a parent
does not control their child at the movie theatre.
I really cringe when a kid starts talking really loud and getting up
and down, running around crying. Personally my kids know better,
and have never done that. If they did however I would no longer take them.
I don't expect or want you to hide your kids .....I just think you should control them a little better than you obviously do. And I think that's all the bus driver wanted too.

Baron Max

yeah, and it's has easy has that!! live it, do it, and then tell me to control them!!
Well, if nothing bothers you on the bus or subway, then it shouldn't bother anyone else, right? I mean, you're always right, isn't that it? If others don't see things exactly as you do, then they're wrong?
Baron Max

Look who's talking--as if you cared about about making sure that everyone on the bus was happy. I wasn't there so I have to go on my own experience and what Lucifers Angels had to say about it, but I do actually have experience riding public buses and it sure sounds to me that the bus driver was singling out a her child because he was disabled. In addition to it being illegal, it's wrong. It doesn't sound like there were complaints from other riders.
Look who's talking--as if you cared about about making sure that everyone on the bus was happy. I wasn't there so I have to go on my own experience and what Lucifers Angels had to say about it, but I do actually have experience riding public buses and it sure sounds to me that the bus driver was singling out a her child because he was disabled. In addition to it being illegal, it's wrong. It doesn't sound like there were complaints from other riders.

there wasnt they were all laughing along with him, and one guy was even talking to him about making model boats! it was a good feeling till i got of the bus
Lucifer's Angel said:

yeah, and it's has easy has that!! live it, do it, and then tell me to control them!!

I wonder if any of his solutions consider such concepts as human dignity?

We were in a restaurant the other day and a kid was whooping loudly. I'm not sure what the disorder was. The parents were doing their best. My daughter is four, and she perceived that there was some sort of a problem. She asked, "He's sad?" I just shrugged and said, "I don't know. They're doing their best." She accepted that and went back to her lunch.

Everyone else in the restaurant seemed to understand, as well.

Baron Max said:

Tie him up in a straight jacket, and gag him before you enter the bus! (#1555872/125)

I guess that answers the question about dignity.
I wonder if any of his solutions consider such concepts as human dignity?

We were in a restaurant the other day and a kid was whooping loudly. I'm not sure what the disorder was. The parents were doing their best. My daughter is four, and she perceived that there was some sort of a problem. She asked, "He's sad?" I just shrugged and said, "I don't know. They're doing their best." She accepted that and went back to her lunch.

Everyone else in the restaurant seemed to understand, as well.

I guess that answers the question about dignity.

he doesnt know anything about dignity
And I'll bet that, being a public bus, there are rules against loud, obnoxious people riding that bus!

I don't know. Check with the bus company. Considering the driver's supervisor was very unimpressed with the driver's comments, I would imagine the rules for mentally disabled people are moot, since you know, mentally disabled people sometimes lack the self control you seem to expect others to have. If you are, for example, drunk and being loud, disruptive and rude, then the driver would have a right to tell you to stop. But an autistic child? Err no.

Now the question you need to answer, do you think a small autistic child is obnoxious on purpose?

My bet is that there are specific rules against loud, obnoxious behavior on public buses and subways. It has nothing to do with medical conditions, etc. it has to do with the comfort of all of the other passengers.
Actually no. It has everything to do with the medical condition of the passenger. Did the other passengers complain? Or was it just the driver who demanded to know what was wrong with her child? In fact, he is not allowed to even ask such a question, as it is discriminatory and down right rude.

How do you think it would be if all of the passengers were as loud and as obnoxious as that little kid? Pretty damned uncomfortable, huh? And yet here you're arguing to allow one person to break the rules to the detriment of all of the other passengers? ...as if the other passengers don't have any rights, or certainly not the right to ride the bus in peace!
I wouldn't particularly care. But here you are, the great defender of the law, saying that the bus driver should break the law, all for comfort.

And you shouldn't have to put up with that either! No one should have to put up with loud, obnoxious noise and distrubances like that.
Lets say you are on a bus, and a person has an epileptic fit and causes a disturbance. Should the driver be allowed to throw them off? You see Baron, there is disturbance and there is disturbance. One is self induced and the other is completely out of one's control. Do you see the difference? Guess which one the autistic child falls under.

We put up with you even though you are "loud, obnoxious" and disturbing. If I were to follow your line of reasoning, you should be banned outright for disturbing the enjoyment of others on this site. Now we both know you can control it, since you do not suffer a mental illness. So what should we do Baron? What would be fair to you? Hmmm?:) Imagine this site is the bus and you are the loud child.

So you can't control him, huh? But you expect others to put up with it in public places??

It's your fault for taking him out into such places ...when you can't control his actions.
What do you propose? That she beat him for being loud, even though his medical condition means that she actually cannot control him? Not let him out of the house in case he offend's people's delicate sensibilities?

Tie him up in a straight jacket, and gag him before you enter the bus! Or call for special transportation ...which the government will be expected to pay for!!
Your compassion is astounding.

He is free to ride the public transport as he and his mother so chooses. As an American, I would have expected that you would fight for his freedom and his right to ride that public bus Baron.

And I think that's all the bus driver wanted too.
No dear. The bus driver plainly stated that he would not allow anyone with a mental/medical handicap because he thinks they should be locked away in a home. There's a big difference there. He is basically breaking the law because of a personal belief, which in effect discriminates against mentally handicapped people. It is illegal to discriminate against mentally ill people in such a way Baron. I can't believe you actually support the driver's illegal acts.
I don't expect or want you to hide your kids .....I just think you should control them a little better than you obviously do. And I think that's all the bus driver wanted too.

Baron Max
Her son is autistic. They behave differently from other kids because they are autistic. Autistic people are wired differently and don't respond to the same discipline techniques of typical children. Her son's behavior is not due to Lucifer's parenting techniques or inability to control him. You need to have a little more understanding.
The only time it really pisses me off, is when a parent
does not control their child at the movie theatre.
I really cringe when a kid starts talking really loud and getting up
and down, running around crying. Personally my kids know better,
and have never done that. If they did however I would no longer take them.

I trip them, the kids that is, when they come running by me! ;)
I use the ultrasound frequency emitter pulse gun...it emits this really high pitch sound that makes people really scared, because it affects the human psychology that way...So kids' eyes open wide and they scream in horror running around of fear.
And what about the rights of the other bus riders? ...the right to ride the bus in peace and quiet? ...the right to not be annoyed by the constant, loud, obnoxious actions of an uncontrollable kid?

Or did you, in your whiny, liberal, doo-gooder attitude, forget all of the other people involved?

Baron Max
It is my impression or rather observation that you are doing the whining. I do not have a problem with being in the company of people with disabilities, you do. I can deal with their peculiarities and different behaviors, you have stated or rather whined that you can't or won't. I can because I am an educated, mature, tolerant person. What I won't tolerate abuse of these same individuals in the interest of controlling them by beating or gagging and tying them up as you have suggested nor will I tolerate denial of services for disabled individuals. Their rights are protected under the law. If you have a problem with that, tough.
And I'll bet that, being a public bus, there are rules against loud, obnoxious people riding that bus!

Speaking from personal experience, I see. Did they at least give you back your sign as they punted you out?
Her son is autistic. They behave differently from other kids because they are autistic. Autistic people are wired differently and don't respond to the same discipline techniques of typical children. Her son's behavior is not due to Lucifer's parenting techniques or inability to control him. You need to have a little more understanding.

has do many other people, thanks anyway
For years past people with autism were placed in institutions all over the world. Autism is not a modern problem, even though it has only recently gained vast recognition. It is difficult to discuss the history of autism treatment without paying particular attention to the history of "autism" as a concept and the ways in which autism has been conceptualized and theorized about over the past 100 years.

The ways in which we understand and think about autism have directly and indirectly formed our conceptual responses to autism over the years. The very concept of "treatment" carries with it many presumptions about the nature of autism, its origins and its potential outcomes. The history of autism is not a linear one, and regardless of the past or present debates over treatment, origin or outcome, as more and more studies and research are conducted the greater the understanding of autism will become.


Autism is not caused by bad parents who gave their child too little attention. Most importantly, no known factors in the psychological environment of a child have been shown to cause autism.
It is conservatively estimated that 400,000 people in the U.S. today have some form of autism. It's prevalence rate now places it as the third most common developmental disability - more common than Down's syndrome.
Yet, the majority of the public, including many professionals in the medical, educational, and vocational fields are still unaware of how autism affects people and how to effectively work with individuals with autism.
How do you effectively work with individuals with autism? I saw Resident Evil Extinction, and for those of you others who did see it you will know what I am talking about when I say my next point. In the movie they(being the Umbrella Corporation) captured a few zombies to do some tests on them to see if they could cure the rage virus that infected all of man kind. The test they did only made them worse. Is autism like that, can it be "cured"??
How do you effectively work with individuals with autism? I saw Resident Evil Extinction, and for those of you others who did see it you will know what I am talking about when I say my next point. In the movie they(being the Umbrella Corporation) captured a few zombies to do some tests on them to see if they could cure the rage virus that infected all of man kind. The test they did only made them worse. Is autism like that, can it be "cured"??

You teach them to like music and shoulder a rifle, like in Day of the Dead.
How do you effectively work with individuals with autism? I saw Resident Evil Extinction, and for those of you others who did see it you will know what I am talking about when I say my next point. In the movie they(being the Umbrella Corporation) captured a few zombies to do some tests on them to see if they could cure the rage virus that infected all of man kind. The test they did only made them worse. Is autism like that, can it be "cured"??

no it cannot be cured but, they can give medications to help with the outbursts, and comparing zombies with people with autism is not right!!
How do you effectively work with individuals with autism? I saw Resident Evil Extinction, and for those of you others who did see it you will know what I am talking about when I say my next point. In the movie they(being the Umbrella Corporation) captured a few zombies to do some tests on them to see if they could cure the rage virus that infected all of man kind. The test they did only made them worse. Is autism like that, can it be "cured"??

I'm sorry: are you on crack, perchance?
You have got to be joking right? :bugeye: You are actually making comparisons to
RESIDENT EVIL some madeup hollywood bullshit?