WHat happens to the mentally challenged after grade school?

And they're still an enormous drain on family, friends and society! And worse, society is allowing them to breed so as to create more of a drain on society.

Baron Max

Allowing them to breed? That doesn't mean that their children will be handicapped. I know a kid who's real parents had some sort of handicap and he turned out perfectly normal. Retardation is not in the genes (most of the time) it comes from their parents drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes and doing drugs during labor.
My Mom was born disabled. Easter Seals helped a lot. They provided the leg braces, special shoes, and therapy. I know she had a teacher who came to her house who helped her learn to talk. I think she was retired and my grandparents paid her.
No gvmt help that I know of.
baron! what about the kids that are born disabled because the doctors gave them medication that was seen has safe? like filidimide? (sp)
i got goverment help with my 2 disabled boys and you know what i am proud to say that i do, i paid taxes all my life, time for me to get somthing ack
My Mom was born disabled. Easter Seals helped a lot. They provided the leg braces, special shoes, and therapy. I know she had a teacher who came to her house who helped her learn to talk. I think she was retired and my grandparents paid her.
No gvmt help that I know of.

Good for them! I salute them sincerely. And if we had more people like them in the world, instead of so many fuckin' takers, the world would be a better place for all of us.

Baron Max
baron! what about the kids that are born disabled because the doctors gave them medication that was seen has safe? like filidimide? (sp)

I think it's "thilidomide", but no matter.

Yes, I have a problem with things like that. But please note that I have a much bigger problem with the government being used to deem things safe or not for the citizens. That's not the government's place - it's the doctors and scientists. And with Thalidomide, the doctors and scientists fucked up big time!

My answer is .....I don't know, I'd have to think long and hard about that. But I still wouldn't let those kids breed.

Baron Max
i got goverment help with my 2 disabled boys and you know what i am proud to say that i do, i paid taxes all my life, time for me to get somthing ack

Fine. But as soon as you've used up what you paid in, then you should be cut off. Don't you have family? Friends? Are there no charitable organizations? Churches? Private charities?

Why do you think everyone else, the taxpayers, should pay for your children's care? And if they pay for your's, then why shouldn't they pay for everyone else's children?

You bred 'em, you raise 'em!

Baron Max
I think it's "thilidomide", but no matter.

Yes, I have a problem with things like that. But please note that I have a much bigger problem with the government being used to deem things safe or not for the citizens. That's not the government's place - it's the doctors and scientists. And with Thalidomide, the doctors and scientists fucked up big time!

My answer is .....I don't know, I'd have to think long and hard about that. But I still wouldn't let those kids breed.

Baron Max

ok, thats an honest answer,but what about the kids who are disabled and they're disabilties cannot be seen on an ultrasound? i.e ADHD/OCD/ADD/TOURETTES/Bi POLAR?
ok, thats an honest answer,but what about the kids who are disabled and they're disabilties cannot be seen on an ultrasound? i.e ADHD/OCD/ADD/TOURETTES/Bi POLAR?

Whoever bred 'em, raises 'em. How else can it be justified? If the public, the citiznes, the taxpayers help one family, how can we not help all famlies equally? That ain't very nice is it?

I think we should have those liberal doo-gooders put their money where the fuckin' mouth is and help the people that they want us all to help. As I see it, there's a helluva lot more of those than there are of people like me ....so where's all that fuckin' money?????? Surely they're all helping, right??? Surely they're not just talkin' to make others think they're compassionate and caring, are they???

Baron Max
Whoever bred 'em, raises 'em. How else can it be justified? If the public, the citiznes, the taxpayers help one family, how can we not help all famlies equally? That ain't very nice is it?

I think we should have those liberal doo-gooders put their money where the fuckin' mouth is and help the people that they want us all to help. As I see it, there's a helluva lot more of those than there are of people like me ....so where's all that fuckin' money?????? Surely they're all helping, right??? Surely they're not just talkin' to make others think they're compassionate and caring, are they???

Baron Max

you know what baron, i do help those families who have kids like mine, with autism, adhd, tourrets, add. ocd, bi polar, and i do not regret a second of it all!! and i do it because i want to~!!!
you know what baron, i do help those families who have kids like mine, with autism, adhd, tourrets, add. ocd, bi polar, and i do not regret a second of it all!! and i do it because i want to~!!!

See? Good for you, and there should be more people like you in the world. Everyone says that "we" should help, but where are they?? Where's the money that they say that "we" should give?

See? They don't want to help .....they want EVERYONE to help ...they want to force people to help. And that ain't nice.

Baron Max
See? Good for you, and there should be more people like you in the world. Everyone says that "we" should help, but where are they?? Where's the money that they say that "we" should give?

See? They don't want to help .....they want EVERYONE to help ...they want to force people to help. And that ain't nice.

Baron Max

ok i salute you, point taken, people should help a lot more, people should take some people has an example
I don't mind my taxes going to help the disabled. I hate it when it goes to people who can work, but don't.

If we found a pill that would prevent Downs and every pregnant woman was given it, would that be good or bad? Would it be the same as erasing all the deaf people or all the little people on the planet or would it be considered a blessing because its a mental, not a physical defect?
Fine. But as soon as you've used up what you paid in, then you should be cut off. Don't you have family? Friends? Are there no charitable organizations? Churches? Private charities? Why do you think everyone else, the taxpayers, should pay for your children's care? And if they pay for your's, then why shouldn't they pay for everyone else's children?

You bred 'em, you raise 'em!

Baron Max

no i dont! my mum is a fucking mental bitch, and i would rather die than go to her for help!!
I don't mind my taxes going to help the disabled.

Well, that's very nice of you ....but do you think that you should force others to feel and do what you do? I don't think that's nice. If you want to help, then help, let others make the same choice.

If we found a pill that would prevent Downs and every pregnant woman was given it, would that be good or bad? Would it be the same as erasing all the deaf people or all the little people on the planet or would it be considered a blessing because its a mental, not a physical defect?

Now you're getting waaaaaaaaaaaay off into psycho-babble=philosophy, and there ain't enough space on the planet for that argument/discussion.

My quick answer is ......oops, I better not even say it!! :D

Baron Max
Its a good point Baron Max I mean, why should we be held responsible for other peoples responsibilities. Know I know that a family gets dealt a bad hand and don't get me wrong, I completely respect those families that are able to raise mentally handicapped children I know I would not be able to do the same. Maybe the humane thing to do is help out those families that need it, but I mean, I can barely make ends meet now. I am a single college student and living off of a couple hundred bucks. Understandably I am supposed to be poor because i am paying 30,000 a year to got to school but I cant be giving money to others when I need it my self.

In stead of giving a couple hundred a week to the government I would like to have some of it for my self...I guess it makes sense, If your gonna have 'em you gotta support em.
no i dont! my mum is a fucking mental bitch, and i would rather die than go to her for help!!

Well, okay, but there are people who can and will help you. But I just don't think that other people should be forced to help when they don't want to. I don't think that's very nice.

I'm more than willing to help people that I know and love, even some that I happen to like, but I'm not going to help someone in deepest, darkest Africa or Indian because first, I don't even know them, and second, I don't give a fuck about 'em.

Baron Max
Its a good point Baron Max I mean, why should we be held responsible for other peoples responsibilities. Know I know that a family gets dealt a bad hand and don't get me wrong, I completely respect those families that are able to raise mentally handicapped children I know I would not be able to do the same. Maybe the humane thing to do is help out those families that need it, but I mean, I can barely make ends meet now. I am a single college student and living off of a couple hundred bucks. Understandably I am supposed to be poor because i am paying 30,000 a year to got to school but I cant be giving money to others when I need it my self.

In stead of giving a couple hundred a week to the government I would like to have some of it for my self...I guess it makes sense, If your gonna have 'em you gotta support em.

for fucks sake we pay our taxes for this help and we hsould be able to go to it when we fucking need it, (sorry for the swearing) i have not one but two boys with mental conditions and should they go without becaus people think its not right to help them?
for fucks sake we pay our taxes for this help and we hsould be able to go to it when we fucking need it, (sorry for the swearing) i have not one but two boys with mental conditions and should they go without becaus people think its not right to help them?

So you think that people pay taxes so others can raise their own children? Do you really think that's what taxes are for? Or are taxes to help EVERYONE in some way of other, like infra-structures such as roads and highways and cops and water and sewer and garbage collection and ..........?

You're one lousy person, and you have a problem. How many other people in the world have problems? Should our taxes go to help all of them, too? If not, why not. And if so, then how much money to you think it would take??

Baron Max