WHat happens to the mentally challenged after grade school?

I personally find loud, obnoxious and overly bitter and opinionated old men, who can't mind their own business, more annoying in confined spaces like a bus.

And you shouldn't have to put up with that either! No one should have to put up with loud, obnoxious noise and distrubances like that.

Baron Max
So the bus driver should have to put up with a noisy, misbehaving child? While he's trying to drive a bus? Which is full of people? He doesn't have the right to an opinion?

I specifically remember all of us folks on the primary school bus getting a lecturing to after some misbehaviour (nothing serious, just some mucking around, getting out of seats, making noise, and throwing food. Not on a large scale, but I guess months of that behaviour sort of builds up)
Our bus driver explained to us that he's constantly distracted by such behaviour, and can't focus on driving the bus because he's looking in the rear-view mirror at us. He explained that he wanted better behaviour, because he didn't want to have an accident, especially since a bus full of childrens' lives were in his hands.
Everyone was better behaved after that.

Likewise, I'm sympathetic to a bus driver who is continually being bugged by a constantly misbehaving child. If you're not allowed to bring a noisy trouble-making dog on the bus, I don't see why a noisy, trouble making child should get special privileges. Ooooohh, yeah, I compared a misbehaving child to a dog. *Boo hiss* But to be honest, I find a screeching child more repugnant than a yipping dog.

then your just has arrogant to mental conditons just has other people are then. he wasnt causing any trouble he was just noisy and for your information, the bus driver was a total toss pot, and also yipping dogs are far more annoying than noisy children, just liek people who are ignorant to mental conditions which is somthing i never really expected from you. Like i said already on anouther thread you cannot keep an autistic child and a child with severe ADHD quite just because he's fucking annoying people!!! Live the problems they have for just 2 days and then you see what its like!!
.... you cannot keep an autistic child and a child with severe ADHD quiet just because he's fucking annoying people!!!

So you can't control him, huh? But you expect others to put up with it in public places??

It's your fault for taking him out into such places ...when you can't control his actions.

Baron Max
So you can't control him, huh? But you expect others to put up with it in public places??

It's your fault for taking him out into such places ...when you can't control his actions. Baron Max

i had no choice i had to take himto the doctors! his doctor for his adhd is 20 miles away from my house what are we suppose to do "WALK"? you know what its people like you that confirms that most of the human race is full of ignorance and empty minded people
i had no choice i had to take himto the doctors! his doctor for his adhd is 20 miles away from my house what are we suppose to do "WALK"?

Tie him up in a straight jacket, and gag him before you enter the bus! Or call for special transportation ...which the government will be expected to pay for!!

you know what its people like you that confirms that most of the human race is full of ignorance and empty minded people

Well, at least there's something good that's come out of this thread.

Baron Max
Tie him up in a straight jacket, and gag him before you enter the bus! Or call for special transportation ...which the government will be expected to pay for!!

Well, at least there's something good that's come out of this thread.

Baron Max

they wont because i am not single enough!!

i cant even get transport for my son to get to school saftley we are told that we have to catch the bus, you know the bus driver must have been havinghis period or somthing, because the majority of bus drivers just smile at him and ask if he's ok.
Mod Hat - Do NOT feed the troll!

Mod Hat - Do NOT feed the troll!

Now then:

(1) Play nice, people.
(2) Do not feed the troll!
(3) I recognize the problem. I mean, come on. Really, I see it. Just ... just think about it for a minute. Do you think I don't see the problem? Do not undermine my ability to deal with it by feeding the goddamn troll.​

Got it? Good.

Thank you.
they wont because i am not single enough!!

i cant even get transport for my son to get to school saftley we are told that we have to catch the bus, you know the bus driver must have been havinghis period or somthing, because the majority of bus drivers just smile at him and ask if he's ok.

Lucifer, I don't know what to tell you to do. But I hope that you can see how your kid's actions are affecting the others on the bus ...even if they don't say anything about it.

He's your kid, he's your responsibility, if you can't take care of him in a manner that's acceptable, then you have to get some help. How? I don't know, but then he ain't my kid.

But don't condemn others because they can't accept your kid's wild, loud, uncontrollable behavior ....he's the problem, not them.

Baron Max
Lucifers angel, don't try to hard to make people understand if they have no intention of trying to understand your child's condition. Baron Max has made it clear that he believes everyone with a handicapping condition should be hidden from the mainstream of society so that he will not have to be exposed to them or their disturbing behaviors. He is also unhappy that his some of his hard earned money goes to the government which in turn spends some on special services for defective children. Tough luck for him. There is really no point arguing with him. Just love your kids and carry on the same way you have. Don't ever quit fighting for their rights, be grateful for the understanding of most people and don't let the intolerant ones get you down.
Mod Hat - Do NOT feed the troll!

Baron = Troll ??

I still don't know what a "troll" is?

From the way it's tossed about, I think a troll is someone who tries to point out a differing point of view from that of most of the others.

Baron Max
Don't ever quit fighting for their rights, ....

And what about the rights of the other bus riders? ...the right to ride the bus in peace and quiet? ...the right to not be annoyed by the constant, loud, obnoxious actions of an uncontrollable kid?

Or did you, in your whiny, liberal, doo-gooder attitude, forget all of the other people involved?

Baron Max
Mod Hat - Response

Mod Hat - Response

Short 37 said:

Mod Hat - Do NOT feed the troll!

Baron = Troll ??

I very much resent any circumstance where I must penalize the decent on behalf of bullies, hatemongers, or trolls. If people measure their responses to calculated and persistent provocation, the moderators are in a better position to bring such situations to their inevitable conclusions.

I haven't slept yet. I'm going to do that in a few minutes. And when I wake up, I'm off to see a friend, and then, as I understand it, I'll be on my way to catch a concert that I found out I was going to just last evening. While I would prefer a neat and orderly forum when I get back, I'm aware that such things just aren't possible. Thus, if the only shit I have to clean up is the troll's, I'll not only be very thankful to you all, but I will also have better leverage to deal appropriately with the troll. And once that's done, we can get back to the slightly more dignified business of our everyday savagery.
Lucifer, I don't know what to tell you to do. But I hope that you can see how your kid's actions are affecting the others on the bus ...even if they don't say anything about it.

He's your kid, he's your responsibility, if you can't take care of him in a manner that's acceptable, then you have to get some help. How? I don't know, but then he ain't my kid.

But don't condemn others because they can't accept your kid's wild, loud, uncontrollable behavior ....he's the problem, not them.

Baron Max

he is NOT a problem!!
Don't get me wrong when I say drugs I mean like crack-cocaine, marijuana:)m: WOO!), and oxycotin (not prescribed). Not like, drugs that induce labor or Advil!
I bet advil could cure cancer that thing is the shit!

Neither opioids (like oxycotin) nor marijuana have been associated with birth defects. While there is an ongoing debate about cocaine, most of the concerns about "crack babies" from 20 years ago have been shown to be wrong. Cocaine does appear to increase chances of intrauterine death but there's no good evidence that it causes any defects.

On the other hand, Advil in the 1st trimester nearly doubles the chances of heart defects in babies.
How do you think it would be if all of the passengers were as loud and as obnoxious as that little kid? Pretty damned uncomfortable, huh? And yet here you're arguing to allow one person to break the rules to the detriment of all of the other passengers? ...as if the other passengers don't have any rights, or certainly not the right to ride the bus in peace!

Baron Max

Do you ever ride buses in major metropolitan areas? My guess is not. I do on a regular basis and have never been disturbed by any child as much as by your average group of teenagers (presumably healthy) and have never seen one ejected from a bus. In fact the only time I ever saw anyone ejected was when some crazy old lady stabbed the guy in front of her with a pen.
he is NOT a problem!!

Then what's this thread all about? I think you were the one who said that he was loud and uncontrollable on the bus, right? And you don't see that as a problem?

What if everyone was as wild, loud and uncontrollable as your son? Would you still say it wasn't a problem?

Or .....to keep from being a "troll", and to keep from being punished by Tiassa, would you want me to just agree with everyone here? And say nice things about you and your kid? Is that what you want? ...sympathy?

Baron Max
Lucifers angel, don't try to hard to make people understand if they have no intention of trying to understand your child's condition. Baron Max has made it clear that he believes everyone with a handicapping condition should be hidden from the mainstream of society so that he will not have to be exposed to them or their disturbing behaviors. He is also unhappy that his some of his hard earned money goes to the government which in turn spends some on special services for defective children. Tough luck for him. There is really no point arguing with him. Just love your kids and carry on the same way you have. Don't ever quit fighting for their rights, be grateful for the understanding of most people and don't let the intolerant ones get you down.

then he should write to his goverment and say that he doesnt want his money going to disabled children, there is NO WAY i will hide my two boys
Do you ever ride buses in major metropolitan areas? My guess is not. I do on a regular basis and have never been disturbed by any child as much as by your average group of teenagers (presumably healthy) and have never seen one ejected from a bus. In fact the only time I ever saw anyone ejected was when some crazy old lady stabbed the guy in front of her with a pen.

Well, if nothing bothers you on the bus or subway, then it shouldn't bother anyone else, right? I mean, you're always right, isn't that it? If others don't see things exactly as you do, then they're wrong?

Baron Max
Baron Max has made it clear that he believes everyone with a handicapping condition should be hidden from the mainstream of society so that he will not have to be exposed to them or their disturbing behaviors. He is also unhappy that his some of his hard earned money goes to the government which in turn spends some on special services for defective children. Tough luck for him. There is really no point arguing with him.

My guess is that he's got some serious problem himself that he doesn't want people know about. Maybe a deformed, vestigial arm. Probably just jealous when he sees someone else getting services.