WHat happens to the mentally challenged after grade school?

LOL, I'm guessing he'll want a gladiator pit made and they have to fight each other for survival and we pay to watch, which boosts the economy, therefore they will no longer be a drain. And since they will be killing eachother, they can't reproduce.
win-win situation for everyone.

Well, perhaps not gladiators or such, maybe just zoos where we could put them on display and have the public pay to watch them and laugh.

Baron Max
The parents made them, let the parents take care of them. Friends, relatives, private charities, etc can help if they want. But "defective" children is not the responsibility of the state or of the society in general.

Baron Max

What if pollution were to blame for their "defective" child ? Would the state be responsible then ?
What if pollution were to blame for their "defective" child ? Would the state be responsible then ?

Oh, did it happen to all children in that area? Because that's the only way one could prove that pollution caused the defective children. In which case, we have an entirely different topic ...which you may begin if you choose.

Baron Max
Oh, did it happen to all children in that area? Because that's the only way one could prove that pollution caused the defective children. In which case, we have an entirely different topic ...which you may begin if you choose.

Baron Max

I said what if, it's just a thought and I don't feel like investigating on it right now (no time either).

Isn't pollution widespread nowadays (car exhausts gases etc) ? If you can't prove it that doesn't mean it isn't true.
I said what if, it's just a thought and I don't feel like investigating on it right now (no time either).

Isn't pollution widespread nowadays (car exhausts gases etc) ? If you can't prove it that doesn't mean it isn't true.

If ALL children come out of the oven defective, then there might be some cause for concern. But when most slide out of the womb perfectly healthy, and only a few are defective, then you can't blame it on some like pollution!

Idle specualation is useless ....no, it's worse than useless.

Baron Max
Some birth defects have been proven to be related to different kinds of drug use (nicotine and alcohol included), so it not unimaginable that pollution may play a role in all sorts of birth defects.
If ALL children come out of the oven defective, then there might be some cause for concern. But when most slide out of the womb perfectly healthy, and only a few are defective, then you can't blame it on some like pollution!

Idle specualation is useless ....no, it's worse than useless.

Baron Max

I don't agree, some people eventually get skin cancer from being out in the sun too much while others don't.
Some birth defects have been proven to be related to different kinds of drug use (nicotine and alcohol included), so it not unimaginable that pollution may play a role in all sorts of birth defects.

Pidgeon shit could also play a role, but are you really interested in pursuing such nonsense?

Baron Max
I agree that handicapped people bear a heavy toll on society but we can't just abandon them. It's not their fault either.
Yes it could, and would you let the people affected rot in the gutter ?

The parents should take care of their children ....defective or not. It's not the place of society to care for everyone else's children. If the parents need help, then they can get help from family, friends, church organizations, private charities, etc. But it's NOT the role of society to take care of everyone's defective child.

Baron Max
I agree that handicapped people bear a heavy toll on society but we can't just abandon them. It's not their fault either.

I didn't say abandon them. The parents take care of their healthy children, why can't they take care of their defective children in the same way?

Society didn't make the children, why should they be forced to care for them ...and especially care for only the defective ones?!

And if you care so fuckin' much, why don't you take care of them?! Why try to force that onto others?

Baron Max
The parents should take care of their children ....defective or not. It's not the place of society to care for everyone else's children. If the parents need help, then they can get help from family, friends, church organizations, private charities, etc. But it's NOT the role of society to take care of everyone's defective child.

Baron Max

Sad as it might be it is societies duty. What if the parent don't have the finances to care for their handicapped child properly ? It's societies moral duty, "if you scratch my back I'll scratch yours". Maybe one day you might have a handicapped child, wouldn't it be great if society helped you ?
I didn't say abandon them.
You want to put them in zoos... and have people laugh at them.. :bugeye:

The parents take care of their healthy children, why can't they take care of their defective children in the same way?
Society didn't make the children, why should they be forced to care for them ...and especially care for only the defective ones?!
Because it costs a whole lot more to care for handicapped children. It may cost too much for the parents to cope.

And if you care so fuckin' much, why don't you take care of them?! Why try to force that onto others?
I live in a country were we pay a shit load of money to health care, thats how the money gets to the parents with handicapped children. So I do take care of them.
Sad as it might be it is societies duty.

No, it is NOT! A "society" decides what it wants to do ...not the individuals of the society. One small, insignificant group in society should not decide the role of all people in that society.

What if the parent don't have the finances to care for their handicapped child properly?

The world is full of people who have children and can't take care of them. Africa and Mexico and India come readily to mind. If they can't care for the children, why should others care for them? ..especially when they had nothing to do with deciding to have them or not.

... Maybe one day you might have a handicapped child, wouldn't it be great if society helped you?

If I have a defective child, I'll take care of it. Others should take the same philosophy and not have kids until they can afford to care for them.

Baron Max
Because it costs a whole lot more to care for handicapped children. It may cost too much for the parents to cope.

Then if you feel that way, why don't YOU help them? Why are you trying to force others to help when they don't want to? That ain't very nice of you.

I live in a country were we pay a shit load of money to health care, thats how the money gets to the parents with handicapped children. So I do take care of them.

Good. Then all the children in your country, defective or not, are paid for by the good graces of others. Congratulations. But I don't want to live in such a fucked up country as that. I think freedom is more important than a few defective kids.

Baron Max
Then if you feel that way, why don't YOU help them? Why are you trying to force others to help when they don't want to? That ain't very nice of you.

Good. Then all the children in your country, defective or not, are paid for by the good graces of others. Congratulations. But I don't want to live in such a fucked up country as that. I think freedom is more important than a few defective kids.

Baron Max

So be it. I hope you never get to be in a situation in which you need someone else's help. Excepting it would make you a hypocrite.
Thats why its called a society, Baron. Everyone should contribute so the society is strengthened ; didn't you say you contribute to the poor?