WHat happens to the mentally challenged after grade school?

when I was little I went to the Custer State Hospital where a lot of downs children, teens, adults were. Some were kept in giant cribs with a locked lid on it. Lots of them were naked, it stunk like pee, it was noisy. It was horrible. I cried and cried so my Mom said from then on I had to wait for her in the PT room, while she was busy taking x-rays. It always made her angry that no one listened when she brought up the fact that too many of the kids were mysteriously getting broken arms. I played with MaryAnn who was hydrocephalic. Her head was ginormous!

Anyways, it was closed years and years later and now they live in group homes. Getting jobs at Piggly Wiggly stocking or bagging. Working at McDonalds sweeping floors and wiping tables.
Anyways, it was closed years and years later and now they live in group homes. Getting jobs at Piggly Wiggly stocking or bagging. Working at McDonalds sweeping floors and wiping tables.

And they're still an enormous drain on family, friends and society! And worse, society is allowing them to breed so as to create more of a drain on society.

Baron Max
So what do you suggest we do with them ?

LOL, I'm guessing he'll want a gladiator pit made and they have to fight each other for survival and we pay to watch, which boosts the economy, therefore they will no longer be a drain. And since they will be killing eachother, they can't reproduce.
win-win situation for everyone.
LOL, I'm guessing he'll want a gladiator pit made and they have to fight each other for survival and we pay to watch, which boosts the economy, therefore they will no longer be a drain. And since they will be killing eachother, they can't reproduce.
win-win situation for everyone.

I'm afraid you are right.. :(
They continue as a drain, emotionally as well as monetarily, on the families, friends and all of society until they finally die of old age. Or worse, we allow them to breed, thus continue to drain families, friends and all of society even after they're dead.

Baron Max

They should euthanize everyone who is not socially productive enough. Like people older than 50, amputees (including veterans) and the mentally retarded.
Or of course, someone who is all of the above. A fifty year old old, disabled, metally retarded, amputee who is also a veteran.
And they're still an enormous drain on family, friends and society! And worse, society is allowing them to breed so as to create more of a drain on society.

Baron Max

But those people will be strong like you and not let it ruin their lives. They seem to in general cherish these children and the adults they become, a lot like other parents.
all because someone has a mental condition doesnt mean that they cant becomme a fully paid up member of the human race, what if someone has got autism, add, adhd, ocd, bi polar? they can go on to have children that dont have those conditions
So what do you suggest we do with them ?

The parents made them, let the parents take care of them. Friends, relatives, private charities, etc can help if they want. But "defective" children is not the responsibility of the state or of the society in general.

Baron Max
But those people will be strong like you and not let it ruin their lives. They seem to in general cherish these children and the adults they become, a lot like other parents.

If they can make it on their own, then we wouldn't even be having this conversation, would we? Nope.

Baron Max
The parents made them, let the parents take care of them. Friends, relatives, private charities, etc can help if they want. But "defective" children is not the responsibility of the state or of the society in general.

Baron Max

so you think that if a child is born disabled they shouldnt get any assistance from the goverment?

what about the ones who were born with disabilities because they were given the drug that made them have Filidimide? )sp)