What does religion DO?

Your nuts. You make so many assumptions about me because I am christian. A lot of things have happened to me, but most importantly i've done a lot of bad things. I told you "God's only weakness is that He can not be of sin" He must not come near it. He is too Holy it would be against His Nature. So He had to sacrifice himself as an equal exchange for our sins. When that happened we were able to be forgiven of our sins, and thus enter Heaven by just living a loving existence for humanity here on Earth. He died for everyone, so everyone applies to that rule. Even His chosen people who persecuted Him just because He can to them poor instead of rich. which they would have known would happen if they kept the commandment of Moses which they never did. I will be surprised if just 2 million jews are in Heaven. It a matter of right and wrong. and they were. but not all Jews are masionic jews. There are Jews who follow the commandments and have never sinned who do go to heaven. But only because they believe Jesus was the atonment for thier sins. DeJa Vus are a simple miricle that everone takes for granted. God never stopped doing works for us, but we need to lean on our faith. That is the way the truth and the light.

It was not his Chosen people who persecuted him it was the Romans the Jew had ) zip Zilch power at the time to persecute any one they were under Roman rule and roman law. And If god sacrificed himself what happened to him he accepted the sin of man onto himself which in turn would have made him unholy or at the very least a liar.
He would only have been unholy had He sinned in this 32 years on Earth. He did not. Which made Him innocent and Holy enough to take the punishment of everyone who did deserve to be punished. Because Someone who was falsely accused died in the place of someone else, the person who He stood in place for never had to go under that punishment. I told you God is just as just as He is Love and if there is a crime it must be punished. Jesus washed away our filth with His Holiness, and now we never have to experience the pain of loss again. However. Would it not be true that after your sentence is carried out and you do your time in prison that even though the covers your past transgressions it does not mean you can go commit more crimes just because you have experienced a punishment. That is where being sinless comes in. If you repent of your sins(are truly sorry) and dont do them again you are safe to enter the Kingdom of God as you will still be sinless.
And I'm sorry to tell you this but if you watch someone be raped or robbed and do nothing to stop it because you simply are afraid no matter how responable that fear may be, you ARE guilty of that sin as you might have saved them. It says in the Bible that many people will see Jesus and the gate of Heaven and Ask him why He will not let them in as they were kind good people, and Jesus will reply to them when I was sick you did not take care of me , when I was naked you did not clothe me, when I was starving you did not feed me. And the people will ask "Lord when did we do such a thing?" and He will reply when you did not do it for the least of my brother and sisters. The Jews as a whole community had the opportunity to let Jesus go when He was imprisoned under Pontus Pilot as in the society the people are allowed to free of prisoner. They chose to free a mass murder named Barabus who freely admitted to killing people... They chose a mass murderer over a innocent man whose only sin was teaching people the word of God as in the Old Testement( The Jews Bible).
He would only have been unholy had He sinned in this 32 years on Earth. He did not. Which made Him innocent and Holy enough to take the punishment of everyone who did deserve to be punished. Because Someone who was falsely accused died in the place of someone else, the person who He stood in place for never had to go under that punishment. I told you God is just as just as He is Love and if there is a crime it must be punished. Jesus washed away our filth with His Holiness, and now we never have to experience the pain of loss again. However. Would it not be true that after your sentence is carried out and you do your time in prison that even though the covers your past transgressions it does not mean you can go commit more crimes just because you have experienced a punishment. That is where being sinless comes in. If you repent of your sins(are truly sorry) and dont do them again you are safe to enter the Kingdom of God as you will still be sinless.

Whoa back up the Crazy Train he did not sin he busted up a house of worship granted it was being used for a market at the time but he busted it up and You clearly stated that a 4 year old lying about a cookie has sin so Jesus busting up the temple sure is a sin. So therefore he was not holy by your own definition.
And I'm sorry to tell you this but if you watch someone be raped or robbed and do nothing to stop it because you simply are afraid no matter how responable that fear may be, you ARE guilty of that sin as you might have saved them. It says in the Bible that many people will see Jesus and the gate of Heaven and Ask him why He will not let them in as they were kind good people, and Jesus will reply to them when I was sick you did not take care of me , when I was naked you did not clothe me, when I was starving you did not feed me. And the people will ask "Lord when did we do such a thing?" and He will reply when you did not do it for the least of my brother and sisters. The Jews as a whole community had the opportunity to let Jesus go when He was imprisoned under Pontus Pilot as in the society the people are allowed to free of prisoner. They chose to free a mass murder named Barabus who freely admitted to killing people... They chose a mass murderer over a innocent man whose only sin was teaching people the word of God as in the Old Testement( The Jews Bible).

yes that is the case But when he died he washed away that sin according to the Bible so in effect he grated them a free pass.
It wasnt a market they were casting lots( fortune telling) and gambling as well as selling alcohol and other thing like food. I'm sorry but your forgetting the part where I said Jesus is Lord. We are His children and that was His House. The Temple of God needs to be sacred. I think if you came home and found crack heads in your living doing lines you would throw them out too. God is Holy and can be near no sin. It was an abomination for them to be in the temple in that way. He died for everyone. Everyone was washed of thier sins. even you. You act like your on the outside looking in. Your like a child who complains about tired they are but refuses to go to bed. its laughable. You have a "Ticket". if thats what you want to know. though i dont see what the point is a ticket when its an open house.

I don't understand religion that is might arrogant of you

Well your making a pretty good job
of acting like you don't understand.

I understand religion the problem is I see through what it really is. I attended Church and bible retreats and bible camps as I was growing up and the older

So attending church and bible camps and retreats, is the catalyst for
understanding religion?

I started to understand the rational real world and started to question what was in the Bible.

Don't you think others have done that?

And you see that is were the problem started the loving Church and the loving religion did not want to be questioned as you see it had no answers other then the collection of stories that were in the Bible

Did it not occur to you, that not every person, or denomination, or religion, operates on the same wavelength?

...and the real killer for me was when they tried to tell me that I was a child of Satan because I was asking the hard questions they had to rational answer for.

They actually gave that as a reason?
I'd have been right out of there. Good call.

Religion is a delusion that is implanted into a week mind that is will to accept what they righteous are saying and taking it as the truth.

Religion can, has been, is being, used to delude, I agree with that.
But as of yet you have only cited your own personal experience, and not
given any insight as to why 'religion' itself is a delusion.
What do you know of eastern religion for example?
How are they delusions?

Don't even presume to know someone does your Bible not say Do not Judge lest ye be judged. Please

Aren't you judging me, by calling me deluded? :rolleyes:

It wasnt a market they were casting lots( fortune telling) and gambling as well as selling alcohol and other thing like food. I'm sorry but your forgetting the part where I said Jesus is Lord. We are His children and that was His House. The Temple of God needs to be sacred. I think if you came home and found crack heads in your living doing lines you would throw them out too. God is Holy and can be near no sin. It was an abomination for them to be in the temple in that way. He died for everyone. Everyone was washed of thier sins. even you. You act like your on the outside looking in. Your like a child who complains about tired they are but refuses to go to bed. its laughable. You have a "Ticket". if thats what you want to know. though i dont see what the point is a ticket when its an open house.

yes but if the crack head is harmed in the process they=n according to you that is a sin and therefore he sinned and was impure. Or is it the rule of he who brings the ball gets to make the rules?
Well your making a pretty good job
of acting like you don't understand..

What part of what I said is not legible as understanding

So attending church and bible camps and retreats, is the catalyst forunderstanding religion? .

Well yes it is a start where would you start and the problem I see your are having is that you are unable to see any other point of view but your own.

Don't you think others have done that?.

Yes I think other have done that and that is how they either except what they are being told or they dont and they challenge what they are being told.

Did it not occur to you, that not every person, or denomination, or religion, operates on the same wavelength?.

Yes and there is lies the problem there can only be one god according to many many religions so which one is right? They all cant be.

They actually gave that as a reason?
I'd have been right out of there. Good call..

Yes they actually gave that reason and any other Christian Baptist Church I have come across has said the same thing.

Religion can, has been, is being, used to delude, I agree with that. But as of yet you have only cited your own personal experience, and not
given any insight as to why 'religion' itself is a delusion. What do you know of eastern religion for example?.

You not been reading what I have been posting I see yes it is my experience granted but none the less it is fact. You can not prove that God exists but for your own exspreience so why are my assertions any different from yours.

How are they delusions?.[/QUOTE]

They are delusions because people whole heartedly believe the drivel that is being spouted and ignore physical evidence to the contrary I suppose you are one of them that think the earth is 6000 years old too completely ignoring physical evidence that it is far older as an example.

Aren't you judging me, by calling me deluded? :rolleyes:

Yes I am but if you have not noticed I am not religious you are appearing as you are so by your standard you are committing a sin by judging me so therefore you are most likely going to go to hell when you die. I on the other hand will rot in a box in the ground unless they follow my wishes and get me freeze dried and turned into a coat rack.
So until the institute of science can come up with some data, the subject moot?
Until ANYONE can come up with data.

So it is an appeal to authority.
Wrong again. I didn't appeal to anyone, I mere;y pointed that besides me there are others with the same opinion. And, as indicated by me saying "physics, biology" it's not just lone individuals.

Can you answer the question please?
Why bring up the subject of evidence (i.e scientific data)?
ANY evidence.

At this stage, its supernatural powers is no more important than
it's little green suit with matching hat.
Plus the fact that, like god, it's something that has been claimed to exist for which there is no evidence.

My point was, the symptom of an atheistic mentality is when it holds
people to ransom, even they use God as a reason. Meaning you can tell
a person, or organisation by their actions, and would be foolish to take
someone at their word.
But they didn't use god as a reason.

Can you give an example.
You're kidding right?
House brick.

Please get a grip..
If the pig eats pooh, and empty cornflake packets, it is reasonable
to assume it enjoys these delights, therefore it such indisriminate tastebuds
must be part of its nature
Grip lost by you.
Indiscriminate taste buds don't lead to enjoyment. Does it eat those thing Because it CAN and there's nothing else to eat?
How about shellfish? Why are they not allowed?

I didn't say he was.
Apart from the fact that you used Jesus to counter my comment on religion you mean?

So you tell your child not put its hand in the fire, because it will suffer serious pain, you do so out of force?
Ho hum.
Telling someone is not an example of force. Making them do your will by outlining what you will do if they don't conform IS.
"If you don't do as I say I will shoot you".
Is that coercion?

Well, it didn't actuall say 'cremation', but that is the word we use to describe the burning of a dead body.
When a branch is attached to the tree, it lives and flourishes with the tree, if it becomes separate from the tree, it withers, and eventually dies.
Sometimes they are gathered up and disposed of by burning.
I suggest you re-read that quote again.
Except that religion does not (and cannot) provide that.
It give a story on how we came to be, but it's an unverifiable one.

Yes but thats what it is. If you do not agree then what's your definition?

What part of what I said is not legible as understanding

All of it.

Well yes it is a start where would you start...

You said that you were hailed as a spawn of Satan, because your questions
were too hard. Doesn't seem like a situation in which you could learn about religion at all.

...and the problem I see your are having is that you are unable to see any other point of view but your own.

You think everyone past and present, is deluded, save a handful of atheists,
and as such, I don't hold much confidence in what you see, at the moment.

Yes and there is lies the problem there can only be one god according to many many religions so which one is right? They all cant be.

I don't think the objection is God, it is which religion is the right one, and I think you're correct, this is a problem with religions.
But no scripture makes such distinctions, which is why I don't argue from any
institutional standpoint.

Yes they actually gave that reason and any other Christian Baptist Church I have come across has said the same thing.

I can see why you are skeptical.
But why have you stopped there?
Did you just believe in God anymore?

You can not prove that God exists but for your own exspreience so why are my assertions any different from yours.

Well, I am not asserting God's existence.
You seem to think I am.

They are delusions because people whole heartedly believe the drivel that is being spouted and ignore physical evidence to the contrary I suppose you are one of them that think the earth is 6000 years old too completely ignoring physical evidence that it is far older as an example.

Actually I don't think the earth is 6000 years old.
I understand that a new age began approximately at that time.
What is even more interesting, no scripture asserts that the earth
is 6000 years old. So the creationists have taken it upon themselves to
come to that conclusion, and then claim it is a scriptoral truth.

So here you have a religion claiming something, that religious scripture does not clearly coroborate.
Do you have a better idea of where I am coming from?

Yes I am but if you have not noticed I am not religious you are appearing as you are so by your standard you are committing a sin by judging me so therefore you are most likely going to go to hell when you die. I on the other hand will rot in a box in the ground unless they follow my wishes and get me freeze dried and turned into a coat rack.

Okay, the text went something like...judge not lest ye be judged, right?
So if I am being judged, it is okay for me to judge you, right?
The transgression is only applicable if I am not willing to be judged, right?


Until ANYONE can come up with data.

What kind of data, math, chemicals, bones,...?
Are you not aware the subject matter?
Obviously data, is not the way, as you cannot even
give an example of what would suffice.
You know this, so why insist on data?

Wrong again. I didn't appeal to anyone, I mere;y pointed that besides me there are others with the same opinion. And, as indicated by me saying "physics, biology" it's not just lone individuals.

I'm not wrong, I am correct. You did appeal to authority
and now you trying to retract that appeal, period.
I know there are others of the same opinion, we happened to
be discussing this on a forum where the overwhelming majority are
of the same opinion, yet you didn't cite one of them.

ANY evidence.

So why bring up the subject of evidence?

If you avoid the question this time, I'll assume
you have no effective answer, and did so purely
to avoid, what for you is a difficult question.

Plus the fact that, like god, it's something that has been claimed to exist for which there is no evidence.

I can understand expecting evidence for leprechauns, because they
are physical beings, and as such would have bones, dwellings, writings,
eye withnesses etc...
But what physical evidence would you expect to find for God?

But they didn't use god as a reason.

They didn't, but others do.

You're kidding right?
House brick.

Oops! Sorry I thought you said subjective evidence, when all the time
you meant objective evidence. Your bad. :p

Grip lost by you.
Indiscriminate taste buds don't lead to enjoyment.

Indiscriminate from our perspective, not theirs.

Does it eat those thing Because it CAN and there's nothing else to eat?

I suspect it enjoys it, hence the term "greedy pig".

How about shellfish? Why are they not allowed?

Look, I've answered one of your question effectively, I suggest you
look stuff up. I personally limit my eating habits to vegetables, pulse, beans, and so on. My intention is to curb the killing of other life forms as much as possible.

Apart from the fact that you used Jesus to counter my comment on religion you mean?

What's wrong with that?

Ho hum.
Telling someone is not an example of force. Making them do your will by outlining what you will do if they don't conform IS.

Yes you are right, but show me where in religion you find this particular kind of coercion.

"If you don't do as I say I will shoot you".
Is that coercion?

Don't smoke that crack, or you may end up a crack-head, is that
the same thing?

I suggest you re-read that quote again.

I have fully explained its meaning to, and I will be surprised
if you have any objection.

Originally Posted by earth
Destroying another person's property was wrong back then just as it is these days.

Originally Posted by LColburn86
It wasnt a market they were casting lots( fortune telling) and gambling as well as selling alcohol and other thing like food. I'm sorry but your forgetting the part where I said Jesus is Lord. We are His children and that was His House.

The temple was built by men and not by Jesus during those days. Jesus didn’t own the temple in Jerusalem. Jesus wasn't in charge concerning the activities in that temple during that time. You justify that wrong act by your faith and are not using honesty or legality. Just because you say so doesn’t make it right. As a matter of fact you're twisted in your conclusion. You will never be a judge.

Originally Posted by LColburn86
God is Holy and can be near no sin.

Prove it. Does God have anything to do with the earth and its inhabitants? If he does than your wrong. That is if you believe the sin lie.

Originally Posted by LColburn86
He died for everyone. Everyone was washed of thier sins. even you.

No he didn’t and don’t lie to me. Supposedly, Jesus died for his followers and not everyone. Make yourself his slave and he becomes your master. You are a slave bought by a price using a human sacrifice to consummate the purchase……..You call it clean thinking…… hahaha…….Actually its no more clean than an Aztec’s thinking.

Here is the new rule: "stop presenting people to me as though they were property".

Originally Posted by LColburn86
You act like your on the outside looking in. Your like a child who complains about tired they are but refuses to go to bed. its laughable.

Actually it is you who is the one on the outside looking in.
What is laughable is your idiotic lack of understanding and the deceitful dishonest way you apply your beliefs.
Last edited:
What kind of data, math, chemicals, bones,...?
Are you not aware the subject matter?
Obviously data, is not the way, as you cannot even
give an example of what would suffice.
You know this, so why insist on data?
Any objective data.

I'm not wrong, I am correct. You did appeal to authority and now you trying to retract that appeal, period.
Wrong again.

I know there are others of the same opinion, we happened to be discussing this on a forum where the overwhelming majority are of the same opinion, yet you didn't cite one of them.

So why bring up the subject of evidence?
Er because if there's no evidence it's not worth consideration. Simple.

I can understand expecting evidence for leprechauns, because they
are physical beings, and as such would have bones, dwellings, writings,
eye withnesses etc...
But what physical evidence would you expect to find for God?
How about eye witnesses?
Observable effects?

They didn't, but others do.
But others weren't the topic under discussion.

Oops! Sorry I thought you said subjective evidence, when all the time you meant objective evidence. Your bad. :p
Subjective is rarely evidence.

I suspect it enjoys it, hence the term "greedy pig".
Greedy pig happens to be a human perspective.

Look, I've answered one of your question effectively, I suggest you
look stuff up. I personally limit my eating habits to vegetables, pulse, beans, and so on. My intention is to curb the killing of other life forms as much as possible.
I was actually after getting YOU to question the origins of such rules. Never mind.

What's wrong with that?
Because, as previously stated, Jesus is only one aspect of religion.

Yes you are right, but show me where in religion you find this particular kind of coercion.
Already done: excommunication. Execution.

Don't smoke that crack, or you may end up a crack-head, is that
the same thing?
Not quite.

I have fully explained its meaning to, and I will be surprised if you have any objection.
Because it's not how it reads to me.
You explained YOUR personal take on it.
Jan I suggest a remedial reading comprehension course for you if you fail to understand what I am saying. You are doing the same thing to every poster that does not agree with you. And you were right you cannot carry on an intelligent non biased discussion as like I said you have been deluded as I once was the sooner you come to terms with that the better off you will be. And yes it is a scary thought that everything you have believed in for so long is in fact a pipe dream. Just step back and look around you compare your thoughts about religion and God to every one else and I do mean every one else's including all the cults that are part of the same delusion you will see that every single one of them and I mean every single one will have the same idea's towards a supreme being. And what makes them different from any main stream religion at the root and no difference is what you will find.