What does God do?

Stop blaming God, we develop a character through our life . If we don't have fear of God , we feed our selfish desire and that will be our character or habit .
So people need to fear God to be good? That tells me a lot about you - I guess it's a good thing that you believe, else you could be a danger to those around you.
So people need to fear God to be good? That tells me a lot about you - I guess it's a good thing that you believe, else you could be a danger to those around you.
Yes it's all very very simple
We really have to fear god to be good
Then God loves us
The more we fear god the gooder we are
And God loves us morer

Nearly 6am here and I'm about to love a mug of coffee

So people need to fear God to be good? That tells me a lot about you - I guess it's a good thing that you believe, else you could be a danger to those around you.

This how I feel riding a boat in a fast river with atheists, because they believe in them selve only, and don't have to account to anybody.
This how I feel riding a boat in a fast river with atheists, because they believe in them selve only, and don't have to account to anybody.
So if one of us falls out of our boat, you would say "Your on your own?" or "Come to my boat?"

This how I feel riding a boat in a fast river with atheists, because they believe in them selve only, and don't have to account to anybody.
Quite the opposite, silly.

Atheists take responsibility for their own actions and their own characters, whereas theists fob it off on some father figure.
Quite the opposite, silly.

Atheists take responsibility for their own actions and their own characters, whereas theists fob it off on some father figure.

Analyse this : a child born never exposed to religion , is an atheist , If he is not trained to fear in some superior being , he will do anything to satisfy his desires even kill.
A child trained to fear to believe into a superior being, will less likely to do things that he knows the superior being is watching and might punish him.
Analyse this : a child born never exposed to religion , is an atheist , If he is not trained to fear in some superior being , he will do anything to satisfy his desires even kill.
A child trained to fear to believe into a superior being, will less likely to do things that he knows the superior being is watching and might punish him.
There are a number of reasons why this is a bad plan:
1. You have to train them to believe things without evidence, so as soon as they realize other religions have other gods and different beliefs that are just as unsupported as yours, they will abandon your training.
2. You have to train them to fear hell, a non-existent place, which is child abuse.
3. You admit it's not true, since you are doing it for a practical result.
4. It's useless anyway, since the bible gives many reasons why one is obligated to be immoral, such as killing "witches", and who couldn't be a witch? It says gay behavior is an abomination, punished by stoning. It says you can own another person, and slavery is immoral.
There are a number of reasons why this is a bad plan:
1. You have to train them to believe things without evidence, so as soon as they realize other religions have other gods and different beliefs that are just as unsupported as yours, they will abandon your training.
2. You have to train them to fear hell, a non-existent place, which is child abuse.
3. You admit it's not true, since you are doing it for a practical result.
4. It's useless anyway, since the bible gives many reasons why one is obligated to be immoral, such as killing "witches", and who couldn't be a witch? It says gay behavior is an abomination, punished by stoning. It says you can own another person, and slavery is immoral.

Let me simplify my example : Let say you have a poppy dog , the dog because have not been trained and does not know where dedicate, your house is carpeted , the dog will crap and piss any place where he wants , you like the pop and you don't want to get rid . So what would you do ?
Let me simplify my example : Let say you have a poppy dog , the dog because have not been trained and does not know where dedicate, your house is carpeted , the dog will crap and piss any place where he wants , you like the pop and you don't want to get rid . So what would you do ?
If I had a puppy like that I would bring another dog into the household for awhile. Maybe I'd name him Jesus.

Then, since I so loved the puppy I would kill Jesus off. This would atone for my puppy's sin of crapping and pissing anyplace he wants.

Makes sense, right?
Let me simplify my example : Let say you have a poppy dog , the dog because have not been trained and does not know where dedicate, your house is carpeted , the dog will crap and piss any place where he wants , you like the pop and you don't want to get rid . So what would you do ?
Dogs don't understand words. If they did, I would explain that if he pooped inside, he would soon be living in a room filled with poop.

Sorry, I made a mistake in post #90. Reason 4 should state that the Bible teaches slavery is NOT immoral.
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If I had a puppy like that I would bring another dog into the household for awhile. Maybe I'd name him Jesus.

Then, since I so loved the puppy I would kill Jesus off. This would atone for my puppy's sin of crapping and pissing anyplace he wants.

Makes sense, right?
Makes sense but wrong

You are supposed to make the pup so literally shit scared of the Jesus he never shits again


I'd need more context to tell you what I think about that.

I think you want the mechanics of spirituality. As I once commented in another thread, some things can't be poured in a bottle for inspection. Any attempt on my part would only grate against your ego (not an insult).
If I had a puppy like that I would bring another dog into the household for awhile. Maybe I'd name him Jesus.

Then, since I so loved the puppy I would kill Jesus off. This would atone for my puppy's sin of crapping and pissing anyplace he wants.

Makes sense, right?
You are not funny, insulting . and you rational , you just showet it.
Analyse this : a child born never exposed to religion , is an atheist , If he is not trained to fear in some superior being , he will do anything to satisfy his desires even kill.
A child trained to fear to believe into a superior being, will less likely to do things that he knows the superior being is watching and might punish him.

You are not alone among people who believe that humans are weak, and need to be controlled through fear.
Not all humans need to be controlled, of course, because you need some to do the controlling - to tell the rest what to fear, and what will happen if they don't. So priests are created, to sow fear amongst the subjects.

You, Tim, have just condoned the very darkest of all motives for religion. That is about as close to evil intent as I have ever seen on a discussion forum. Well done.