What does God do?

I find myself every time I look in the mirror. Not impressed with what I see but that's another story
Don't see god's face looking back so can't say found him yet
I suppose the questing is, are you that reflection in the mirror? Also, what is God and what does he look like?
That is a difficult question. For start I would say he manages the universe , since the universe have billion galaxy, there I will assume there might be billions of planets like or similar to the earth where are populated by living organisms . ( speaking after bio creation )
So far, this doesn't actually answer the question.
In what way does the universe need managing?
As far as we can tell, dust collapses into stars without his help. Planets go around their stars without his help.

The living organisms will live in an ecological balance. He manages the environment
In what way?

Could plants not grow without God's help? Could bees not pollinate them?

After the creation of beings ( biological robots, us ). He would want that they would recognize Him as their creator . ( more complication due to the freedom given to them )
What tasks are involved?
Guidance is given to them so they will have respect for the created NATURE.
What guidance? When did this happen? Is the Bible this guidance? What has he done lately?
Planets go around their stars without his help.

Are you sure about that?

As far as we can tell indicates a tiny tiny doubt

Personally I say the Universe was not created by god and has never needed one

But as long as nature throws up believers questions about god will go on and on and on and.....

It's coffee time

I suppose the questing is, are you that reflection in the mirror? Also, what is God and what does he look like?

You made me check everywhere in the bathroom last time I looked in the mirror and I didn't see anyone else. You could be correct if the reflection is not me but someone in another dimension on the other side of the glass. I hope I look better in this world than he looks in his

As for what god is? my bed answer is mythical and looks like? best answer Sistine Chapel rendition

Its our beleif that God does the only thang it can do... be the monster that it apears to be.!!!

Are you basing your opinions on the actions of a god or on the actions of other men? I mean any fool can kill and claim it was in service of their god.
You could be correct if the reflection is not me but someone in another dimension on the other side of the glass. I hope I look better in this world than he looks in his

So you identify with your body? Personally, I view my body as an instrument through which I experience the world. Without it I couldn't see, touch, taste, smell, walk, hear or do any other activity that requires a body. But it is not me.

As for what god is? my bed answer is mythical and looks like? best answer Sistine Chapel rendition


Some claim he is the core of your being. I can't say that with personal conviction, but it does make better sense than some bearded guy lounging on a cloud.

As for your appearance, as long as your reflection doesn't crack the mirror, you're probably okay.
Personally, I view my body as an instrument through which I experience the world. Without it I couldn't see, touch, taste, smell, walk, hear or do any other activity
Shouldn't there be a FULL stop right there?

that requires a body.
Please give an example of an activity you do that does not require a body.
Shouldn't there be a FULL stop right there?

Please give an example of an activity you do that does not require a body.

I experience the world through my body. Don't you? But I don't identify with my body, no more than I identify with my thoughts and emotions.
I experience the world through my body. Don't you? But I don't identify with my body, no more than I identify with my thoughts and emotions.
Um. We're way off-topic here.

Michael sees himself in a mirror. Ir stops being about what God does pretty quickly after that.
So you identify with your body? Personally, I view my body as an instrument through which I experience the world. Without it I couldn't see, touch, taste, smell, walk, hear or do any other activity that requires a body. But it is not me.

Not sure I follow your logic but I am aware of the view you hold

I take the view I am a package deal. In simple terms there is brain part and body part and the INTERACTION between them produces a reaction PROCESS which is called ME

So ME is not a physical component but a concept

Not sure I follow your logic but I am aware of the view you hold

I take the view I am a package deal. In simple terms there is brain part and body part and the INTERACTION between them produces a reaction PROCESS which is called ME

So me is not a physical component but a concept

GUYS. Read the thread title.
So ME is not a physical component but a concept
A product of mind, perhaps. From my perspective, nearly everything about the human experience is observable: body, thoughts, emotions and the world. The one thing I cannot observe objectively is the observer,,,if you follow.
Um. We're way off-topic here.

Michael sees himself in a mirror. Ir stops being about what God does pretty quickly after that.
Well, how Michael sees himself/herself might be a product of a worldview, which might have spirituality in the mix. These threads should be organic,
I experience the world through my body. Don't you? But I don't identify with my body, no more than I identify with my thoughts and emotions.
Way to totally ignore the question. You know where it's heading - without your body you are nothing, nil. "You" aren't. Not "identifying" with your body means you identify with nothing at all.

On the other hand, if all you are is a body there is no real need for a god, is there? That's the rub...

Try again: Please give an example of an activity you do that does not require a body.
Try again: Please give an example of an activity you do that does not require a body.

You can't be human without a body, Randwolf. I thought I made that point absolutely clear. Without a body you can't feel the sun on your face, smell the ocean when at the beach, or touch the hand of your lover. But even that disappears when you close your eyes at night.

The point I was trying to make with Michael is that your true self cannot be observed as can every other aspect of life. I can observe my mind, body and the world, but when I try to observe that which is at my core being, it is beyond comprehension. That is the true self. And, yes, some claim it is the substratum of everything, or...God.

The OP: What Does God Do?

Forgive me if I appear to be off topic, but for me to appreciate the question, I first need to explore the possibilities.