What does God do?

So far, this doesn't actually answer the question.
In what way does the universe need managing?
As far as we can tell, dust collapses into stars without his help. Planets go around their stars without his help.

In what way?

Could plants not grow without God's help? Could bees not pollinate them?

What tasks are involved?

What guidance? When did this happen? Is the Bible this guidance? What has he done lately?

You are talking after things have been made . In essence after the train is in motion you don't need the engineer.
Are you sure about that?

As far as we can tell indicates a tiny tiny doubt

Personally I say the Universe was not created by god and has never needed one

But as long as nature throws up believers questions about god will go on and on and on and.....

It's coffee time


You are really positive , it seems you were there at the beginning. should anyone believe you ?
You are really positive , it seems you were there at the beginning. should anyone believe you ?
While I don't claim to be that old in my current form I am sure some of my atoms could claim to be there soon after

Dave used the term as far as we can tell which is hardly a ringing endorsement

But that's OK

I'll base my understanding up against unsupported beliefs

What others choose to understand or believe is a matter for them

I'm sure their atoms have been around as long as mine have


You are talking after things have been made . In essence after the train is in motion you don't need the engineer.
Yes, oft-called The Clockwork God: he wound up the universe and then let it go.

The OP is asking what does God do now?
A God wit free will coud have put an infinite number of diferent creation plans into action... an all knowin God knew ever detail of how the creation plan he chose woud turn out... an the plan he intentionally chose contains great horrors... God alone is responsible for those horrors.!!!
I truly believe, with life and time as constituents, and it logically comes to fruition because of Love. Creating literal hope.
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