What does God do?

Stop blaming God, we develop a character through our life . If we don't have fear of God , we feed our selfish desire and that will be our character or habit .
Fear leads to panic & other negativity. Fear leads to believing in something without reasonable evidence. Acting out of fear usually makes things worse.

I am not afraid of anything. I did not decide to be that way & I did not make myself that way. IF there is a god which created me, THAT IS the way it created me to be. I specially cannot be afraid of something I do not know exists. IF somehow I find there is a god that wants me to be afraid of it, it obviously would not be loving or trustworthy.

The vast majority of criminals believe in god. Wife beaters, child abusers, rapists, robbers & murderers believe in god. Belief in & fear of god definitely does not necessarily result in good character.

When left to their own will, good men will do good, evil men will do evil, but it takes religion for good men to do evil.

IF there is a god, it does not want me to know or it does not care whether I know or it is not omnipotent. IF there were an omnipotent god that wants people to believe, it would SHOW ITSELF & leave no possible way to doubt instead of playing stupid mind games.

This is difficult to say without seeming to some like bragging but it needs to be said. I could put my character up against probably over 90% of people, in the USA at least, who claim to believe in god & come out ahead. I am a very good person. I treat others fairly & deal with them with patience, tolerance & understanding. Hardly a day goes by that I do not go out of my way to help someone & often helping several or many. I do things for people that most charge money for.
I catch stray animals & care for them, which I cannot well afford, until I can get them adopted. I have known people who believe in god to throw newborn kittens into a trash dumpster.
There are many I do not like but I love everyone.
It seems society needs some punishment in order to deter crime but I would never want or approve of punishing anyone just for the sake of punishment or vengeance or because they do not believe something. IF there is an afterlife & some short term karmic payup, I would not like that but it would make much better sense than eternal punishment. Eternal punishment for any or all of what a person does in their short time here is horribly sadisticly insane & utterly frigging stupid. Even worse, if possible, would be if it is not for what they do but for what they cannot believe.

You may as well say if you are not a Republican, you cannot have good character. You seem to want to think you are judging people's character but you are arrogantly assuming people cannot be of good character unless they believe what you believe. Anyone who claims to believe in & follow ancient babblings of ignorant superstitious primitives needs some improvement but I do not assume any 1 or few or all of them cannot be of good character.

There is an omnipotent god that created everything but it should not be blamed. Absolute nonsense. An omnipotent god that created life, the universe & everything would be responsible for everything. The christian bible, the koran, other religious writings & beliefs blaming puny humans rather than the omnipotent god is illogical & just plain stupid. May as well put babies in an elaborate maze & blame them for being unable to find their way out. And blame them for being born & being put into the maze. 1 thing, of many, that the religious need to get thru their thick skulls is that an omnipotent god cannot blame humans for being human.

Humans did not make themselves & did not ask to be here. IF humans were created by an omnipotent god, that god cannot justify blaming them for being what it created them to be.

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Not blaming god for a defect is like not blaming the car maker for the defect in the car you bought

Couple of differences
  • We were given the body we have complete with unknown defects but we pay for cars
  • The car maker may or may not know of any defect
  • god must know of defects being omnipotent or has had enough time to learn about them
  • You can sue car makers for defects
  • Frequently cars are recalled to fix defects. Humans are not. Why is that?
  • Can't sue god
  • Cars are improved as new technology arrives
  • When was the last time a upgraded human arrived on Earth?
Meal time

Not blaming god for a defect is like not blaming the car maker for the defect in the car you bought

Couple of differences
  • We were given the body we have complete with unknown defects but we pay for cars
  • The car maker may or may not know of any defect
  • god must know of defects being omnipotent or has had enough time to learn about them
  • You can sue car makers for defects
  • Frequently cars are recalled to fix defects. Humans are not. Why is that?
  • Can't sue god
  • Cars are improved as new technology arrives
  • When was the last time a upgraded human arrived on Earth?
Meal time

I do not mean to pettily quibble but due to the religious so often claiming god gave us life, I must point out that we cannot be given anything until we exist & are alive. The only way we could be given a body is if we somehow existed before the body.

Your point is yet valid.

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I do not mean to pettily quibble but due to the religious so often claiming god gave us life, I must point out that we cannot be given anything until we exist & are alive. The only way we could be given a body is if we somehow existed before the body.

Your point is yet valid.

How about

He made the mud
THEN he took a bit of the mud
THEN he looked in the mirror (and it was good)
THEN he made man in his image
THEN he breathed life into the image
THEN he thought "shit I missed something"
THEN he took out a rib and made woman (don't know where he got that image from)

Book of religion 101 :)
Who would not believe in that right?

How about

He made the mud
THEN he took a bit of the mud
THEN he looked in the mirror (and it was good)
THEN he made man in his image
THEN he breathed life into the image
THEN he thought "shit I missed something"
THEN he took out a rib and made woman (don't know where he got that image from)

Book of religion 101 :)
Who would not believe in that right?

The Holy Babble seems to me to be written so that even mildly intelligent people could not believe it. IF I were to write something I want people to believe, even if it were about an unprovable god, it would not have so much stupid nonsense.

The Holy Babble seems to me to be written so that even mildly intelligent people could not believe it. IF I were to write something I want people to believe, even if it were about an unprovable god, it would not have so much stupid nonsense.

:) You might be a stranger in a strange land in a even stranger world but your not moving in mysterious invisible ways

I catch stray animals & care for them, which I cannot well afford, until I can get them adopted. I have known people who believe in god to throw newborn kittens into a trash dumpster.
There are many I do not like but I love everyone.
It seems society needs some punishment in order to deter crime but I would never want or approve of punishing anyone just for the sake of punishment or vengeance or because they do not believe something.

that's very clever and convoluted reasoning, to an amateur that is. you are alluding to moral sentiments that result in laws which result in punishment.

who approves of punishment just for the sake of punishment? the statement is nonsensical. i mean, really who does that? what you are really doing is not coming out directly to say what you mean which indicates subterfuge, sneakiness and dishonesty hidden behind a facade of soft fakery.

why would someone want vengeance, unless there was wrong committed toward them usually? who punishes just because someone doesn't believe in something? unless that something is harmful to others?

have you dealt with sociopaths or psychopaths? they are very clever in how their hypocrisy works. they also reason like you and are soft on crime.

for instance, my mother would tell me to volunteer to help the less fortunate, not because her motives cared for the less fortunate since she never did so herself, it was to alleviate any responsibility of the consequences of her abuse by touting the conventional line. she would also make excuses for even the most heinous crimes. i suppose it's okay to commit crimes as long as someone else picks up the pieces or you pretend compassion after? clever? only to the average person.

it seems to me that your reasoning isn't a 'very good person' as you assume about yourself. it's very simple: your wanting to help a newborn kitten dumped into the trash is moot considering you don't think punishment is appropriate for those who caused the problem in the first place to deter them. your not as much of an ally to justice really at all. in essence, you are not a true friend to that kitten. you are using the opportunity to satisfy yourself actually.

it seems you just want to be able to do 'good' for your own personal satisfaction or enjoyment or ego stroke or hell, just to have something to do, like it's a hobby, not because you actually care to really fix or solve actual problems for what they are.
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What does god do right?
Here and now today right?
Not want to know about how he created the Universe right?
What is he doing in the here and now right?

Well considering this god has never been proven to exist my best guess is nothing.

Of course that's only a guess

Another guess would be theists might look upon the question as a gottya and not bothering to answer

This is difficult to say without seeming to some like bragging but it needs to be said. I could put my character up against probably over 90% of people, in the USA at least, who claim to believe in god & come out ahead. I am a very good person.

why don't you ever respond to inquiries of your bullshit? if you actually stand behind them?

why are you taking credit for your behavior when in the same breath you write one's values and nature is not based on choice or one's effort? hmm..?

and you are tooting your own horn and bragging which is also why you mention not being able to afford it which is hypocritical considering, according to your own words, you don't have any real justification to take credit for your character. but in fact, you do want to take credit for your efforts. besides, people caring for animals is not that rare anyways, especially in a pet driven culture. there are sociopaths who like and have pets too, it's not some absolute gaurantee someone is a good person.

the reason why you prefaced your 'good character' and volunteerism to help animals was to make your next statement seem credible but it doesn't.

it's a simple psychological tactic. i've seen the posts you happen to approve of and they are sociopathic and lean toward favoring the predator. that is why you happen to choose the word 'vengeance' which was not a coincidence because predators don't operate on vengeance usually since they are not victims of who they predate on. vengeance is an impetus to right a wrong and punishment is not an evil in itself as you insinuate, if that vengeance is justified.

the rest just further gives you away. the added nonsensical 'punishing anyone just for the sake of punishment' indicates trivialization of justice and even worse, cognitive dissonance and muddling/equalization of right and wrong as well as 'do not believe in something' as justification for predation as well.

your values indicate you are actually a bad person because you want to discredit others efforts at self-improvement which also includes morals in life with who don't, equalizing everyone.

your values are no different than assuming that someone putting in the sweat at the gym and choosing right foods which require personal sacrifices and self-discipline is not a choice. as if people want to eat rabbit food and don't want pizza or ice cream or there is no effort and exertion required to exercise etc while another doesn't want to put in that effort and are like oh well.

to you, they are both the same and don't have a choice. that's a lie and it's the same with moral choices. it's just doing the wrong thing is more tempting and easier than the right thing.
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God was not GOD before GOD created the universe within GOD's self during which time GOD was GOD.
And, then, GOD separated God's creation from GOD and God was no longer GOD..

True. God as we know it is simply a self contained Universe hopping around in a garden as a frog, he isn't the only frog or animal. GOD is not called GOD outside of our universe, I keep on forgetting his name, something like Compo.

Edit: Compo did not create "the frog", just the pond.
True. God as we know it is simply a self contained Universe hopping around in a garden as a frog, he isn't the only frog or animal. GOD is not called GOD outside of our universe, I keep on forgetting his name, something like Compo.

Edit: Compo did not create "the frog", just the pond.

We look after our frogs in Northern Territory Darwin


Northern Territory Newspaper NT Darwin 15 Feb 2018

How can one claim that Jesus failed?
Jesus was a reform minded Jew--------all early Christians were Jews---
Much as Martin Luther intended reform and had no intention of creating a new religion, Jesus saw that his religion needed reform(they both had the same problem--------money).
What followed was a spreading of the Abrahamic religion(Jesus' religion) to the entire world.
Crazy shit.
If this is failure, may we all be so blessed.
What followed was a spreading of the Abrahamic religion(Jesus' religion) to the entire world.
Crazy shit.
If this is failure, may we all be so blessed.

Crazy indeed... an even tho Jesus accomplished his goal 100%... im sure he woud be humble about it an give all the credit to God.!!!
Does God meddle in human affairs? Does God talk to people? Does God spend his time running things like the weather?
Yes, yes, and probably not.
Those who believe God talks to people believe he also works through people.
The Devil does the same thing.
The rest of nature, I assume, is left to a deist conception of God. I'm sure there are people who would argue otherwise, but I'm not sure they could justify it.