What do you think is the funniest thing about religion or athiesm?

Funniest thing about atheism is to spend so much time of actual life arguing about something one doesn't believe exists.

It's not whether it exists or not, but whether the massed faithful try and oppress the rest of us into acting like they do by enshrining their personal beliefs in law.

Like not being able to open a shop or buy certain items on a Sunday. That's religious infringement on an individual's human rights.

It's not quaint, or fair, or justified by historic acceptance. It's a travesty.

Oh, and dodging taxation, that's BS too.
what i think is the funniest thing about religion..

they still assume there are ppl who have not heard of jesus...

the funniest thing about atheism..(someone already posted this)

if they believe god does not exist why are they argueing so hard that he doesn't, i mean i don't see anyone going on a rant about how pixies and fairies don't exist...:shrug:
is there even a term for those who don't believe in fairies or pixies?
if they believe god does not exist why are they argueing so hard that he doesn't, i mean i don't see anyone going on a rant about how pixies and fairies don't exist...:shrug:
is there even a term for those who don't believe in fairies or pixies?
Because none of us live in societies where the existence (or not) of fairies and pixies dictates so much of those societies.

And none of us have to put up with Pro-Fairy Evangelists waking you on a weekend when you're having a lay-in and saying "Do you think there's something wrong with the world? It's all explained in this little pamphlet and I can answer any questions you may have". :p
Funny thing about atheists (not atheism) and atheistic philosophies is that they think they represent science... and use this as a tool to delude the masses.

Peace be unto you ;)
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The thing that I find most ridiculous about religion is when Christians claim that their Jesus is a man, a God, a king, a Shepperd....a son of God....etc .
A man who eats and shites is just another man by a different name .:):) .
Funny thing about atheists (not atheism) and atheistic philosophies is that they think they represent science... and use this tool to delude the masses.
Oh fail again.
Many, many atheists are ignorant on science.
Science deludes the masses?
Explain please.
The thing that I find most ridiculous about religion is when Christians claim that their Jesus is a man, a God, a king, a Shepperd....a son of God....etc .
A man who eats and shites is just another man by a different name .:):) .

Yet, Muhammad talked with angels? That's not ridiculous?
I find it hilarious when someone gives the credit to good fortune to their god but whenever something bad happens they blame it on whatever evil deity pertains to their religion. As for Athiesm (I'm one of them =/) I find it funny that they don't believe in anything because they're to lazy to figure out the truth for themselves. =]
Funny thing about atheists (not atheism) and atheistic philosophies is that they think they represent science... and use this tool to delude the masses.

Peace be unto you ;)


Now that, is the funniest thing I've ever read on here.

Though, perhaps we can blame your words on your deluded computer that you used to write it.....

Now that, is the funniest thing I've ever read on here.

Though, perhaps we can blame your words on your deluded computer that you used to write it.....

Denial is flourishing... :D

Peace be unto you ;)

I agree, many more than most think :D
As you've just agreed.

No, philosophies which act as if representing science- which people respect- and so use it as a tool to delude the masses.
So you didn't actually mean "atheists" then, but philosophies?
Still there's a long tradition in human history of, let's say, self-selected groups who seize upon the chance to present themselves to the masses as the representatives of authority, of any kind.
Or even representatives of an authority whose existence is unprovable.
Oh fail again.
Many, many atheists are ignorant on science.
Science deludes the masses?
Explain please.
How can you explain the fact that many people with PHDs in maths, physics, chemistry....and other sciences are religious ?.
Also many doctors, specialists....etc are religious .
Seems you don't understand generalization of philosophies
Possibly not.
But I do understand English and your claim was
Funny thing about atheists (not atheism) and atheistic philosophies is that they think they represent science
The word AND indicates that it's a secondary clause following, i.e. it could be written
"Funny thing about atheists (not atheism) is that they think they represent science. And the same for atheistic philosophies".
Get it?
So to reiterate - atheists don't think they represent science.
There are, however, certain people that do claim to represent science and who happen to be atheist.
But I do understand English and your claim was

The 'and' can also be used to show a connection between which 'and' is used.... followers of 'atheistic philosophies' are by definition atheist. So not only is the sentence talking about the followers but also the philosophy hence 'atheist and atheistic philosophies'

Peace be unto you ;)
followers of 'atheistic philosophies' are by definition atheist.
Exactly, therefore the extra word "atheists" (first use in your sentence) didn't refer to the followers of those philosophies since they were already included in the term "atheistic philosophies".