What do you think is the funniest thing about religion or athiesm?

How can you explain the fact that many people with PHDs in maths, physics, chemistry....and other sciences are religious ?.
Also many doctors, specialists....etc are religious .

Social scientists, at 36 percent, were most likely to have no religion, followed by physical scientists and mathematicians (27 percent) and life scientists (25 percent). Among the social scientists, sociologists (35 percent), psychologists (48 percent), and anthropologists (57 percent) were most likely to have no religion. According to a 2003 Harris poll, by contrast, 90 percent of all adults [in the U.S.] believe in God and 84 percent in survival of the soul after death; that is, 10 percent disbelieve in God or are doubters, and 16 percent disbelieve in immortality or are doubters.


Taking the highest number, anthrologogists, at 57% still leaves 43% theist.
It's not whether it exists or not, but whether the massed faithful try and oppress the rest of us into acting like they do by enshrining their personal beliefs in law.

Like not being able to open a shop or buy certain items on a Sunday. That's religious infringement on an individual's human rights.

It's not quaint, or fair, or justified by historic acceptance. It's a travesty.

Oh, and dodging taxation, that's BS too.
It is silly that religion gives us Sunday off, though, more and more this is not the case since the neo-con religion is more and more in force everywhere. Hell, I'll take any excuse I can get for a potential day off. And dodging taxes is corporation liturgy 101. Perhaps the problem is large organizations, period. Very few large organizations are remotely democratic or wield their power with a great deal of consideration of individuals. They tend to worship abstract concepts and woe to the indigenous group or suburban home owner or anyone else who gets in their God given right of way - God would have to be 'god' for the atheist organizations in this formulation.
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Exactly, therefore the extra word "atheists" (first use in your sentence) didn't refer to the followers of those philosophies since they were already included in the term "atheistic philosophies".

No, not exactly.... because people do not always reflect their 'religion' as such mentioning both the followers and its religion/philosophy only clarifies that the following statement encompasses to both....

Peace be unto you ;)
I was describing the people who think they are backed by science when they are not.

Peace be unto you ;)

Depends on the context, and on what you mean by "backed by"...

Regardless, given the fact that science in no way whatsoever supports the Theist position, it's fair to say that in the least, it serves the opposing camp to a better degree..
Regardless, given the fact that science in no way whatsoever supports the Theist position, it's fair to say that in the least, it serves the opposing camp to a better degree..

There you go on with the stupidity... :cool:

Peace be unto you ;)
You're the one who thinks that if science automatically supports the opposite side.

Peace be unto you ;)


Do try and learn to read at some point.
I would have thought even the most simple-minded theist would be able to comprehend a simple disjunction....
The thing that I find most ridiculous about religion is when Christians claim that their Jesus is a man, a God, a king, a Shepperd....a son of God....etc .
A man who eats and shites is just another man by a different name .:):) .

um..any man can be a man,a father, a son, a boss, a teacher, all at the same time..
90 percent of all adults [in the U.S.] believe in God and 84 percent in survival of the soul after death; that is, 10 percent disbelieve in God or are doubters, and 16 percent disbelieve in immortality or are doubters.

i think spider made my point for the other thread Dyw...
(believers are not declining)

Do try and learn to read at some point.
I would have thought even the most simple-minded theist would be able to comprehend a simple disjunction....

Actually the 'simple disjunction' was an attempt to lend support for atheism from science.... and this is actually not 'simple' but a cunning lie- a tool used to delude the masses.... you are only exemplifying my initial response to this thread.

Peace be unto you ;)
actually it suits religion better

for it is religion thats causing war

Give the war drums a break.... religion or not- people will fight for resources- go learn evolution :shrug:

Peace be unto you ;)
“ Originally Posted by thinking
actually it suits religion better

for it is religion thats causing war

Give the war drums a break.... religion or not- people will fight for resources- go learn evolution :shrug:

Peace be unto you ;)

evolution is irrelevant

right now its religion , thats the way it is , right NOW