How can you explain the fact that many people with PHDs in maths, physics, chemistry....and other sciences are religious ?.
Also many doctors, specialists....etc are religious .
Social scientists, at 36 percent, were most likely to have no religion, followed by physical scientists and mathematicians (27 percent) and life scientists (25 percent). Among the social scientists, sociologists (35 percent), psychologists (48 percent), and anthropologists (57 percent) were most likely to have no religion. According to a 2003 Harris poll, by contrast, 90 percent of all adults [in the U.S.] believe in God and 84 percent in survival of the soul after death; that is, 10 percent disbelieve in God or are doubters, and 16 percent disbelieve in immortality or are doubters.
Taking the highest number, anthrologogists, at 57% still leaves 43% theist.