What do you think is the funniest thing about religion or athiesm?

The funniest thing to me about atheism is the introduction to the term "I lack belief in God"

Its a window into the cluelessness of those who use it.
i think the funniest thing are the messages on reader board signs outside most protestant churches. i can't figure out if they're trying to encourage or discourage attendance.

As for foolish behaviour, clearly it's foolish for someone to disapprove smugly of a child's belief in an imaginary friend, whilst going to 'visit' theirs once a week.....
I have to say it seems to me you believe in an imaginary enemy. Do you really know people who dissaprove smugly of a child's belief in an imaginary friend, whilst - 10 points for using this adverb however - going to 'visit' their once a week? And the implied notion that theists would be more likely to be smug about this behavior in a child?

Are we not hallucinating a tad?
I lack belief in God.
Well, as per my discussion with Glaucon elsewhere on the issue of empiricism. Since all conclusions within empiricism are about probabilities, are you really saying that you do not think God's existence is improbable?
Well, as per my discussion with Glaucon elsewhere on the issue of empiricism. Since all conclusions within empiricism are about probabilities, are you really saying that you do not think God's existence is improbable?

No. I think Gods existence is unbelievably improbable, but I can't know if it's impossible.
Funniest thing about atheism is to spend so much time of actual life arguing about something one doesn't believe exists.
Funniest thing about atheism is to spend so much time of actual life arguing about something one doesn't believe exists.

What's so funny about that? It exists in the minds of people who act on these ideas in sometimes very bad ways.
Funniest thing about atheism is how it owes its existence to a set of ideas about something that doesn't exist.
What's so funny about that? It exists in the minds of people who act on these ideas in sometimes very bad ways.

It's funny because the motivation behind atheism is to spend more quality time with the family and the physical world.
I think the funnest thing about religion is well religion. Enough said i think.
I find nothing funny about religion.

Human condition of knowing that one day, one beautiful day we will die and the next day others will continue as if our one precious life didn't die yesterday. This ain't a funny knowledge.

Having the need to make up for a life time of suffering in a better another life, is also not so funny.

In short, the need for religion is not funny.

Using religion for power and control is also not funny.

From a non-believer's point of view, religion is a very serious thing.
Not really, people do that all the time. If someone says something you don't agree with, and you find it important enough to tell them, these kind of arguments arise.

Its true, I just thought it was funny is all. ;)
I find nothing funny about religion.

Human condition of knowing that one day, one beautiful day we will die and the next day others will continue as if our one precious life didn't die yesterday. This ain't a funny knowledge.

Having the need to make up for a life time of suffering in a better another life, is also not so funny.

In short, the need for religion is not funny.

Using religion for power and control is also not funny.

From a non-believer's point of view, religion is a very serious thing.

See that is the funny pat thinking there is life after this have ou ever stopped to think that perhaps yp are living in Heaven/Hell and that there is nothing beyond this world.