What do you think about this video on Islam?

Yeah, I note how many countries with nukes the US is occupying.

It's no accident. It's like putting honey out and the hornets show up. Not sure if they're out to protect their citizenry or economics, and I don't think religion is high on that list.
The US never attacks a country that can fight back.

The Ottomans did not create the Third World. The western nations did. And still continue to sustain it.


impoverish countries existed before the ottoman empire, western nations did not create third world countries either, they are simply an effect of human social advancement on this planet.

Yeah, I note how many countries with nukes the US is occupying.

At this rate, Pakistan, it practically begging us for help.
The US never attacks a country that can fight back.

Well d'uh!

You guys should try it some time instead of provoking us and getting punked all the time.

War sucks and if you pick on the big guy, you are going down hard.
Well d'uh!

You guys should try it some time instead of provoking us and getting punked all the time.

War sucks and if you pick on the big guy, you are going down hard.

We spanked your ass in 1812, and we weren't even a country yet.:D Although I think we may be counting on your help when Russia starts encroaching on our Arctic soil and airspace.
Why don't you open a few more threads on how terrible all theists except Jews are and quit pretending you actually have a position that you'll maybe eventually stand up for?

I don't push Islamic propaganda like you do, so why bother?
At this rate, Pakistan, it practically begging us for help.

Correction. Pakistan's leadership is begging the US to stop bombings of civilian neighborhoods as it is angering its population. The powerlessness of a government to prevent murder at the hands of foreign powers reveals that such a government is subservient and a puppet for a foreign power. Once, Pakistani citizens realize, as they are now, that their government does not represent their legitimate aspirations, it will be dismantled and new politicians and leaders shall be put in place. Pakistan is facing massive protests, and Zardari knows this is because of his own corruption and exploitation of the populace, and his unwillingness to stop violation of Pakistani sovereignty by his masters in Washington, Indian agents, Northern Alliance agents, etc.

The overall population is not begging the US for anything. Don't be mistaken. They realize that asking a colonial and oppressive power to stop murdering your civilians never works. You must defend yourself and threaten to take action when your civilians are killed. Imagine if any nation monthly murdered 100 American civilians, what would be the American response to them? An American life is not any more sacred than a Pakistani life. That is the entire point.
impoverish countries existed before the ottoman empire, western nations did not create third world countries either, they are simply an effect of human social advancement on this planet.

At this rate, Pakistan, it practically begging us for help.

Only you would consider structural adjustment as social advancement. :rolleyes:
Only you would consider structural adjustment as social advancement. :rolleyes:

Compared to mass ignorance and tribalism of the past today's imbalances between the rich and the poor scale in comparison. Consider that without the technology of the last 200 years most of the to worlds population would not even have been born.
We spanked your ass in 1812, and we weren't even a country yet.:D Although I think we may be counting on your help when Russia starts encroaching on our Arctic soil and airspace.

If by "spanked" you mean "avoided being taken over."

The Brits did a good job of spanking us (we were a third world nation at the time after all), but lost on the home front by having too many irons in the fire.

As for US/Canada: "During the course of the war, both the Americans and British launched invasions of each other's territory, all of which were unsuccessful or gained only temporary success. At the end of the war, the British held parts of Maine and some outposts in the sparsely populated West while the Americans held Canadian territory near Detroit, but these occupied territories were restored at the end of the war."

For a more personal touch, my great [some odd greats] uncle Daniel Baker was a significant financial contributer for Cmdr. Perry's victory on lake Erie, at least by family legend..
Really? Like the Dutch who rode their vehicles over fleeing civilians in Srebrenica?

...this is an imminent danger to the society of islamic nations? I think you've (deliberately) misconstrued the issue in favour of propaganda.

Look around you, whose identity politics is imposing itself with military force, torture and murder on civilians?

Iran. Saudi Arabia. Egypt. Jordan. Turkey. Iraq.

Pakistan. Afghanistan. Indonesia. Malaysia. Morocco. Libya. Palestine. UAE.

The Sudan.

I can't believe you're educated people, acting like blind clueless morons.


Can you believe if the situation were reversed and you were in some Gitmo while your family rotted in a refugee camp and the people whined about how dangerous YOU were to THEIR society? Fucking A.

In the bolded text, you're sort of joining issues again. As for danger, you were perfectly ok with Egypt rounding up 20,000 Egyptian Jews and either deporting them or putting them in a concentration camp, so your humanitarianism comes late.

What planet do you live on where YOU kill and torture people and blame THEM for it?

...are you referring to Saudi Arabia or Iran when you say this? Because this happens to apostates there.

Or Pakistan. Afghanistan. Egypt. Malaysia....

Oh, irony. You show your head in the strangest places.
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Ah, another proud nationalist threatened by Muslims. Boy, I hope the Muslims in these countries are making alternate arrangements for their families.
No one is paying any attention to his silly films. What gets me is that he says Judaism is Western like Christianity but not Islam. In other words he accepts Jews but not Muslims.
No one is paying any attention to his silly films. .

Are you sure?

IT WAS no surprise that the far-right Freedom Party did well. But even its leader, Geert Wilders, did not expect to come second. Yet a combination of strong Euroscepticism and strident anti-Islamic rhetoric won 17% of the vote for Mr Wilders, giving his party four seats in the European Parliament—one fewer than the Christian Democrats. Eurosceptic parties, which include the far-left Socialists and a pair of small Calvinist parties, took nearly a third of Dutch seats.


In other words he accepts Jews but not Muslims.

Why is this surprising?

Geert Wilders in Jerusalem “The Jihad against Israel is the Jihad against the West.”

Perhaps a few of you may be new to Jerusalem, yet, Jerusalem is not new to any of you. We all carry Jerusalem in our blood, in our genes. We all live and breathe Jerusalem. We talk Jerusalem, we dream Jerusalem. Simply because, the values of ancient Israel have become the values of the West. We are all Israel, and Israel is in all of us.

Wilders lived in Israel for two years during his youth and has visited the country 40 times the last 25 years.[32]

Wilders stated about Israel: "I have visited many interesting countries in the Middle East (Tunisia, Turkey, Cyprus, Iran) but nowhere did I have the special feeling of brotherhood that I always get when I land on Ben Gurion International Airport[33].

SAM why are you avoiding a response to GeoffP post #154?

Selective outrage? also called Bigotry.

Seems that GeoffP has nailed your provincial diaconal view of Islam and Muslims.