What do you believe?

Its not even uncommon to encounter an atheist who advocates an eternal cause to the universe (they say however that it is not god and dull matter)

How can you explain the nature of existence without a cause of all causes?

:rolleyes: ok... two possibilities

1) in future humans will develop a technology that is capable of transferring particles back in time, the humans send the particles back in time that annihilates and causes Big Bang which gives rise to the universe, perhaps it is the same reality of universe as the one these humans of future are in, perhaps it is another reality of universe then that of those humans of future. Perhaps humans are not even responsible for universe creation, black holes might as well be transferring particles back in time until all matter is transferred and another/or same exact Big Bang occurs to create a universe. time lapse basically. All this based on the fact that matter dissapears in black holes...or as we like to say gets crushed to infinite singularity. And space grid is like time. no space grid is no time. (All from Einstein concepts)

2) Humans create a universe within a universe. Humans within that universe create another universe within their universe, whereas within that universe another universe is created. Perhaps it is not humans who create a universe within universe but laws of the universe.

These are the possibilities and not just the GOD who supposevly governs everything and makes big bang not create chaos but something as complex as humans, meanwhile humans are more chaos than there was before.
:rolleyes: ok... two possibilities

1) in future humans will develop a technology that is capable of transferring particles back in time, the humans send the particles back in time that annihilates and causes Big Bang which gives rise to the universe, perhaps it is the same reality of universe as the one these humans of future are in, perhaps it is another reality of universe then that of those humans of future. Perhaps humans are not even responsible for universe creation, black holes might as well be transferring particles back in time until all matter is transferred and another/or same exact Big Bang occurs to create a universe. time lapse basically. All this based on the fact that matter dissapears in black holes...or as we like to say gets crushed to infinite singularity. And space grid is like time. no space grid is no time. (All from Einstein concepts)

2) Humans create a universe within a universe. Humans within that universe create another universe within their universe, whereas within that universe another universe is created. Perhaps it is not humans who create a universe within universe but laws of the universe.

These are the possibilities and not just the GOD who supposevly governs everything and makes big bang not create chaos but something as complex as humans, meanwhile humans are more chaos than there was before.

time is declared (at least in the vedas) to be a subservient quality of god - its what distinguished him from the ordinary living entity
time is declared (at least in the vedas) to be a subservient quality of god - its what distinguished him from the ordinary living entity

just as humans can now fly, they will once control time, but of course there are non-believers. I wonder what will humans think of God then?

Seriously, I really love to feel like "God is in everything" because everyone is happy, and yes God is not visible but he is still in us and within us, but so much bad things happened to me, that if God existed for me before now I wish not to think of him but to think of me as the only one who can change my destiny, this feeling and trust in myself gives me power to go on.

just as humans can now fly, they will once control time, but of course there are non-believers. I wonder what will humans think of God then?

I've got to ask, what are your initial gut reactions to the commonly held theistic notion that when the perfectly pious die they become qualified for an eternal life of bliss in knowledge in a realm that is not subject to death and decay?

Seriously, I really love to feel like "God is in everything" because everyone is happy,
god (and those dovetailed with god's desire) however are happy all the time (coming from russia I think you can appreciate the value of that - I have many russian friends) - its the spiritual inclination of the living entity to seek happiness - whetherthey are looking in the right places for such happiness is what distinguishes material life from spiritual life

and yes God is not visible but he is still in us and within us, but so much bad things happened to me, that if God existed for me before now I wish not to think of him but to think of me as the only one who can change my destiny, this feeling and trust in myself gives me power to go on.

its not clear where you are at - first you say that it was god's fault for cutting short your destiny and then you say that you are the only one who can manipulate your destiny - does god only get the credit when things go bad and we get the credit when things come good?
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I smell dark sarcasm here... If you dont dream at all you will certainly not accomplish anything.

I'm sorry there is was no sarcasm intended, I am a humanist and do hold you in much higher esteem than any fantasy god, you are the real thing.
lightgigantic is a god sycophant he's one of the sheeple and will never amount to anything, he is Mr Extremely Boring, a poster to cause you to commit suicide. if he had an original thought, the poor thing would die of loneliness.
I'm sorry there is was no sarcasm intended, I am a humanist and do hold you in much higher esteem than any fantasy god, you are the real thing.
lightgigantic is a god sycophant he's one of the sheeple and will never amount to anything, he is Mr Extremely Boring, a poster to cause you to commit suicide. if he had an original thought, the poor thing would die of loneliness.

A high quantity of ad homs along with an absence of premises usually indicates an exhaustion of ideas

I'm a atheist, the name says it all. Godless. No god need be in my life, no god need exist in the universe, no god created it, no god can ended. God is a feeble voice by primitive men, realizing their brain was communicating from one hemisphere to the other. Subconscious & consciousness had a hallucinating voice in their head, that voice became god, when the voice grew silent, "hence men evolved their consciousness" They sought their god through primitive rituals, the idea of one god became the norm, since the voices had silenced..

And today those who still seek that state of mentality, the schizo's, nutters such as LG, zealot theistic jackass who comit suitside in the name of their deity, what they are is following remnants of their bicameral mentality. Primitive mind set.. Evolution has happened, the secularists, humanists, atheists, have evolved above the primitive mind set of theistic dummers who still believe in fantasy! ;)
I'm a atheist, the name says it all. Godless. No god need be in my life, no god need exist in the universe, no god created it, no god can ended. God is a feeble voice by primitive men, realizing their brain was communicating from one hemisphere to the other. Subconscious & consciousness had a hallucinating voice in their head, that voice became god, when the voice grew silent, "hence men evolved their consciousness" They sought their god through primitive rituals, the idea of one god became the norm, since the voices had silenced..

And today those who still seek that state of mentality, the schizo's, nutters such as LG, zealot theistic jackass who comit suitside in the name of their deity, what they are is following remnants of their bicameral mentality. Primitive mind set.. Evolution has happened, the secularists, humanists, atheists, have evolved above the primitive mind set of theistic dummers who still believe in fantasy! ;)

so apart from colourful terminology, what are the general principles you utilized to draw your opinions? ....., because at the moment all you have is bravado.

Like for instance all your argument boils down to are that theists commit suicide (got any stats?) or are crazy because they don't share the same ideas that you do (you assume that your world view is correct simply because its yours)
I don't believe in God as a creator. Nor in God as is depicted by the majority of main stream religions.

I do believe there's a spiritual side to this universe, and ultimately us. Something outside the physical dimensions that we don't acknowledge and can't explain, but nevertheless plays an integral role in everything. If that sounds vague it's because it is, in truth I have no idea what this 'something' is, but for me it's enough to believe it exists. Something we've overlooked and don't understand. And I'll happily admit I don't understand it, rather than create some backwater explanation and tout it as truth (as most religion does).

I believe that because I've seen and experienced things that can't be explained in a physical sense.
Like for instance all your argument boils down to are that theists commit suicide (got any stats?)

Have you got your brains buried up your ass? Where in the hell did I mention anything about suicide stats in my statement? It's obvious that suicide bombers kill themselve, or are such a moron that doesn't know this is going on?

Here's your problem LG.

“100,000,000,000,000 Flies Can’t Be Wrong: Eat Shit!”
— bumper sticker seen in California in the 1970s

A remarkably common fallacy is the appeal to the masses. If the vast majority of the world’s population believes something to be true, that’s a pretty good indication that it’s true, isn’t it? Not necessarily. Nevertheless, this is a common argument for the existence of God in Positive Atheism’s Letters Section. “The majority of humans believe in a god” (to which one could respond, “but the majority of those people believe that your god is a false god”).http://www.positiveatheism.org/faq/faq1115.htm

Just because billion people believe in some form or deity or another does not make it so, that the deity exists, and furthermore 1/2 the world's population believe your deity, your religion is wrong. However you and your ilk believe the opposite, that's why you'll are at each other's throat. As an atheist I'm just too fucking tired of being cought up by two main religions rhetoric.

Religion's devils:

PS I'll get the stats for you of how many theist comit suicide, that may also of course include suicide bombers ;) K!

Have you got your brains buried up your ass? Where in the hell did I mention anything about suicide stats in my statement? It's obvious that suicide bombers kill themselve, or are such a moron that doesn't know this is going on?

ad homs aside - you have said that there are two qualities to an atheist
1) they commit suicide (human bombs)
2) they are deluded in their foundations

concerning point one, even atheists commit suicide and kill people

concerning point two, I am curious what general principles you used to arrive at that statement ..... or perhaps your are more satisfied just by making statements to the world or something

Here's your problem LG.

“100,000,000,000,000 Flies Can’t Be Wrong: Eat Shit!”
— bumper sticker seen in California in the 1970s

A remarkably common fallacy is the appeal to the masses. If the vast majority of the world’s population believes something to be true, that’s a pretty good indication that it’s true, isn’t it? Not necessarily. Nevertheless, this is a common argument for the existence of God in Positive Atheism’s Letters Section. “The majority of humans believe in a god” (to which one could respond, “but the majority of those people believe that your god is a false god”).http://www.positiveatheism.org/faq/faq1115.htm

Just because billion people believe in some form or deity or another does not make it so, that the deity exists, and furthermore 1/2 the world's population believe your deity, your religion is wrong. However you and your ilk believe the opposite, that's why you'll are at each other's throat. As an atheist I'm just too fucking tired of being cought up by two main religions rhetoric.

Religion's devils:

PS I'll get the stats for you of how many theist comit suicide, that may also of course include suicide bombers ;) K!

The problem is that you try to write off religion as a social delusion saying that there is no noumenon (god - or something that gives rise to t he notion of god) - this can be contended since the same phenomena (religion, ie the response to noumenon of "god") can be visible beyond the constraints of what usually dictates socially transmitted delusions (language, history, geography, culture etc)
Yes, religion is a delusion even though our human capacity for understanding ideas gave rise to other technologies such as culture, which may or may not be delusional.
Yes, religion is a delusion even though our human capacity for understanding ideas gave rise to other technologies such as culture, which may or may not be delusional.

the point is that the idea of god transcends defintions of culture - it has a uniform appearance in all cultures at all places in all times
Ah hah! The idea of God is by no means universal. I think the commonality of belief in supernatural personalities comes from evolution. You see, most threats in our past came from entities with motivation, ie, tigers, rival tribes, wild creatures. So when we see something we don't understand, the natural thing is to make out the personal motivations of the threat, with the intention of anticipating and avoiding it.

Still, the commonality of an idea has no bearing on it's factuality.

Ah hah! The idea of God is by no means universal.

Really? Its practically impossible to seperate studies of history or culture from religion

I think the commonality of belief in supernatural personalities comes from evolution. You see, most threats in our past came from entities with motivation, ie, tigers, rival tribes, wild creatures. So when we see something we don't understand, the natural thing is to make out the personal motivations of the threat, with the intention of anticipating and avoiding it.

This heading towards the tautological argument for the existence of god - if all cultures everywhere tend to the personalize the unknown as part of their intrinsic psychological make up as a context, what does it suggest?
Really? Its practically impossible to seperate studies of history or culture from religion
People are clever. Religion is an early attempt at an explanatory narrative. Still, religion per se is not God.

This heading towards the tautological argument for the existence of god - if all cultures everywhere tend to the personalize the unknown as part of their intrinsic psychological make up as a context, what does it suggest?
It suggests that figuring out the motivations of a percieved threat confers a survival benefit.