What do you believe?

Who said that. If each God controlled a star, they wouldn't have to quarrel.

well to a degree thats what takes place in the heavenly planets according to vedic descriptions - such descriptions are also full of descriptions of conflict too (eg - rahu vs candra, exploits of ravana, bali, hirankakasipu, hiranyaksa on th eupper planetary system etc)
Promises to the future?:eek: :bugeye: ? Astronauts can fly in air, hover, in space. If people were told 200 years ago that they will be able to do that, noone would believe it.

Remember we are talking about how a man can go to an artificial insemination clinic and have his desire fulfilled to be his own father - flying in a shuttle doesn't really compare since it is operates on the same essential principle as a bullock cart
At the very least einstein secured a more prestigious scientific title and greater salary than yourself, so that must make him a greater god than you

Einstein died long ago, he was really old when he secured that title, I am 19 and I have done as much as Einstein did in his years. so boo ya :p
Remember we are talking about how a man can go to an artificial insemination clinic and have his desire fulfilled to be his own father

oh so since promise of human flight and delivery of that promise, doesnt suit ur beliefs you now switch to the insemination clinic. Allrighty...
Yes it is in the future, but so was being able to fly....that was all in the future for the past.
How many nobel laurettes have you secured?

what he secured a nobel laurette when he was 19? and since when do nobel laurettes are the only things in the universe to measure the intellect and power?:bugeye: Anyways did Einstein grew up in a family that left him all alone in a country, like I was left? Was he able to change from dirt into society's elite? Or was he society elite from the start?

oh so since promise of human flight and delivery of that promise, doesnt suit ur beliefs you now switch to the insemination clinic. Allrighty...

Actually it was the original premise I offerred for the limitations of desire - you are th eone who brought up the whole space travel thing, something that is obviously close to your heart ;)

Yes it is in the future, but so was being able to fly....that was all in the future for the past.

flying is not so amazing since birds can already do it without getting intoxicating scholarship credentials - its not clear what scientific processes will enable a man to be the cause of himself by visiting an insemination clinic since history (as you so adroitly brought to our attention) happened before the present, and thus it is a bit difficult to approach a scientific process that enables one to be one's own cause
what he secured a nobel laurette when he was 19? and since when do nobel laurettes are the only things in the universe to measure the intellect and power?:bugeye: Anyways did Einstein grew up in a family that left him all alone in a country, like I was left? Was he able to change from dirt into society's elite? Or was he society elite from the start?

Actually he was an insignificant office clerk before he became famous - as for the nobel prizes, yes, generally they do indicate substantial achievements in the field of science ... and remember you are the one that said

I am 19 and I have done as much as Einstein did in his years.

Do you mean that you have achieved as much as einstein had at 19 and are most definitely destined to out do him in the immediate future?
so...lightgigantic...after all this chit-chat. Any q's left?

You are not the president of the united states

You are not einstein

and you most definitely aren't god

(even though you think that willpower alone is enough to secure any of these three positions)
You are not the president of the united states

You are not einstein

and you most definitely aren't god

(even though you think that willpower alone is enough to secure any of these three positions)

No I am not a president of United States but I am trying to come close to the power the president holds.

No I am not Einstein but in time I might be one and exceed his accomplishments.

You are correct, willpower+imagination is what will secure these positions...

And YES I AM GOD. In my own way.

If GOD did exist what do humans think of his existence? Was he always a GOD? or was he something else before that? if he was always a GOD, than what should I respect him for? what did he do to earn such power? If he wasnt a GOD and progressed to be a GOD? than how did he do it? I will respect such GOD if such progression to power did not cause deaths or evil.
As for your increasing power I guess it is still in the realm of insignificance since no one but yourself holds you in awe and reverence
excuse me!
I hold him in much much higher insignificance then you, and I hold him in awe and reverence, but only slightly more than me.
this man is god, and could be anything he wishes to be.
even the President or an Einstein.

No I am not a president of United States but I am trying to come close to the power the president holds.
yes - you and 3 billion other people - problemis that there is only one president so it seems that quite a few people will miss out, regardless of their willpower

No I am not Einstein but in time I might be one and exceed his accomplishments.
At least einstein never said anything as riduculous as being god

You are correct, willpower+imagination is what will secure these positions...
In that case the street sweeper is already the president of the USA

And YES I AM GOD. In my own way.
Just as the street sweper is the president of the USA in his own way

If GOD did exist what do humans think of his existence? Was he always a GOD?
if he is the eternal cause of all causes it suggests so

or was he something else before that?
an entity that was something before becoming god is not god

if he was always a GOD, than what should I respect him for?
generally we show respect to people in this world who display wealth, beauty, strength, renunciation, wisdom and fame - since god possesses these qualities in the greatest quantity he is automatically given respect

what did he do to earn such power?
nothing - its his eternal constitutional position - thats why despite being all powerful god is not a tyrant like hitler or someone - he is so powerful that he is never in anxiety at the prospect of losing his power, thus he can exhibit renunciation greater than any other

If he wasnt a GOD and progressed to be a GOD? than how did he do it?
He didn't

I will respect such GOD if such progression to power did not cause deaths or evil.
on the contrary we cause death and evil when we try to usurp the position of god by our material prowess - thats what the material world is all about
material accomplishment has its limitations - can you drain the pacific ocean with a 250ml cup?

in time I can drain all oceans with one cup. The only thing is, it would not be intelligent of me, thus if I really wanted to drain all oceans I would do so a more efficient way.
Allthough there lots to discuss really regarding that post you made. I wish to know which causes are these that suggest this eternal cause?:bugeye:

Its not even uncommon to encounter an atheist who advocates an eternal cause to the universe (they say however that it is not god and dull matter)

How can you explain the nature of existence without a cause of all causes?