What do you believe?


I think you must be wearing blinkers. The evidence of the sequence is overwhelming as Darwin realized as he made his discoveries. It is as obvious as the number sequence I gave you. And it makes no sense to attempt to deny it.

Humans are the result of evolutionary processes as is all life on this planet.

actually the sequencing is all hearsay - you may have something to add but from what I understand after 150 years of trying to cram empirical findings into darwinism to elevate it from the status of a theory there has been no progress
I think you are still confusing the fact that it has occurred with the mechanisms (the theories).
Wouldn't it be crazy if we all discovered that the universe was kept in order by trillions of gods?
I think you are still confusing the fact that it has occurred with the mechanisms (the theories).

not clear on the distinctions or similarities you are making between the words mechanisms and theories - as it stands I don't think they are interchangable
Strongest power of will is the strongest God. Sometimes I hear my echo, and think if it is really what I believe in, but there is nothing else to believe in but in me.
Strongest power of will is the strongest God.

there are other trifling characteristics too - such as being the origin of all creation, the source of all sources, infallible, completely independent etc - if we are gods we are certainly not very effective ones - in short it seems you ar emore in line with corrupting language than having a puffed up sense of I
there are other trifling characteristics too - such as being the origin of all creation, the source of all sources, infallible, completely independent etc - if we are gods we are certainly not very effective ones - in short it seems you ar emore in line with corrupting language than having a puffed up sense of I

Im more of I dont know anything of this universe, I know I exist right now, who created me? why am I here? why cant I live forever? Is there a God? Why does this God create me only to kill me?...these questions arise and being alive for some time now, I question them and get answers not by what I think of or what other think of, but by observation. I notice that there are humans on this planet and that I am now this human, I also notice that Gods of which some humans speak of are nowhere to be seen. Without any answers with proof from anyone I now only believe in myself, myself only for I know that I currently exist, and I am a God in my own sense as everyone is in their own senses. Why do they wish to kneel before other God and how do they know that God exists? I wonder often. If I dont know if God exists than there is noone to kneel before. And if such God existed would I kneel before him?
Im more of I dont know anything of this universe, I know I exist right now, who created me? why am I here? why cant I live forever? Is there a God? Why does this God create me only to kill me?...these questions arise and being alive for some time now, I question them and get answers not by what I think of or what other think of, but by observation. I notice that there are humans on this planet and that I am now this human, I also notice that Gods of which some humans speak of are nowhere to be seen. Without any answers with proof from anyone I now only believe in myself, myself only for I know that I currently exist, and I am a God in my own sense as everyone is in their own senses. Why do they wish to kneel before other God and how do they know that God exists? I wonder often. If I dont know if God exists than there is noone to kneel before. And if such God existed would I kneel before him?

Here's a standard definition of god

1. god \'ga:d also 'go.d\ n [ME, fr. OE; akin to OHG got god] 1: a being or
object believed to have more than natural attributes and powe rs and to
require man's worship; specif : one controlling a particular aspect or part
of reality 2: a person or thing of supreme value 3: a powerful ruler
2. God n : the supreme or ultimate reality : as : the Being perfect in
power, wisdom, and goodness whom men worship as cr eator and ruler of the
universe Christian Science : the incorporeal divine Principle ruling over
all as eternal Spirit : infinite Mind

notice how we don't fit it

If you want to call a man the president of the united states it implies that the man has substantial political sway in america - if you call some street sweeper the president (even if they happen to be american) its a misuse of terminology - for instance you are plagued by unlimited unanswered questions - god, being omniscient, is not

You seem to be saying that you are the closest thing you've experienced to being god - you also admit that your experience of the universe is not very extensive

I don't think it is appropriate that you title yourself god by default, anymore than a street sweeper should declare himself the president of america because the real president will not appear before him to prove he exists
Here's a standard definition of god

1. god \'ga:d also 'go.d\ n [ME, fr. OE; akin to OHG got god] 1: a being or
object believed to have more than natural attributes and powe rs and to
require man's worship; specif : one controlling a particular aspect or part
of reality 2: a person or thing of supreme value 3: a powerful ruler
2. God n : the supreme or ultimate reality : as : the Being perfect in
power, wisdom, and goodness whom men worship as cr eator and ruler of the
universe Christian Science : the incorporeal divine Principle ruling over
all as eternal Spirit : infinite Mind

notice how we don't fit it

If you want to call a man the president of the united states it implies that the man has substantial political sway in america - if you call some street sweeper the president (even if they happen to be american) its a misuse of terminology - for instance you are plagued by unlimited unanswered questions - god, being omniscient, is not

You seem to be saying that you are the closest thing you've experienced to being god - you also admit that your experience of the universe is not very extensive

I don't think it is appropriate that you title yourself god by default, anymore than a street sweeper should declare himself the president of america because the real president will not appear before him to prove he exists

so was God a street sweeper before he became a president? :p
well then my definition of God differs from other's definition of God. Either way I dont feel any of my Gods but me and another of others God.
well then my definition of God differs from other's definition of God. Either way I dont feel any of my Gods but me and another of others God.

Who is more superior? God or the president of the united states? Why don't you call yourself the president of th e united states while you are at it?
Remember you can define your god anyway you wish since there is nothing real that you can draw upon for support. So you have as good a chance of being correct or wrong as everyone else.