What do atheists think that "to know God" means?

@wynn --

In what important way do the parodies depart from the "standard" view on religion? Keep in mind that in our world the "standard" view would be the majority view, and that would mean christianity(specifically catholicism).
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@LG --

And if that were to change?

However a better question would be this, what marked differences are there between scientology and christianity? How do they differ in the fundamentals?
@LG --

And if that were to change?
things would certainly look strange ... much like if it was to change that racist ideas of evolution come to the fore

However a better question would be this, what marked differences are there between scientology and christianity? How do they differ in the fundamentals?
Not too expert in scientology but I would say off the cuff that scientology doesn't really have anything to say about the ultimate nature of existence ( the role of the living entity, the role of the phenomenal world, the role of god .... and the interaction of all these three.) It seems that scientology is mostly about psychic phenomena ... kind of like "how to win friends and influence people" mixed in with reincarnation.

IOW it doesn't really identify the inherent problems of material existence.

IOW it doesn't really identify the inherent problems of material existence.

What inherent problems? I think you are seeing problems that just do not exist.

IOW, just like the racist is departing from their views of evolution to present what they "really" think is the "real"picture of race issues in the context of parody , the atheist is departing from their views of the universe/historical continuum's to present what they "really" think is the "real" picture of theistic issues in the context parody

So you now reveal that it was your purpose to compare racists with atheists. Just as I said. Thanks for confirming your underhanded tactics for all to see. False, of course, the FSM was specifically designed to be practically identical to the mainstream theist paradigm, the racist cartoon is actually nothing like the parody used by atheists, which is what makes the FSM such a devastating parody of theism. Stings, don't it?


Seriously for parody? Will someone tell LG what parody means?

LG has a condition that doesn't allow any evidence or understanding of anything to enter into his mind that contradicts what he already believes. It's called magical thinking.

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LG has a condition that doesn't allow any evidence or understanding of anything to enter into his mind that contradicts what he already thinks. It's called magical thinking.

The technical name of this condition is called "Disagreeing with what Grumpy thinks is true". Apparently his wife has the same condition.

Yet you declare its an imagination to say material existence has inherent problems

Death is not a problem for life, it is an end to it, just like a birth is a beginning. There is no evidence of anything else. Your desires notwithstanding. You are born, you get old, you get sick and then you die and the world goes on without you. There are no get out of jail free cards, sorry.


Death is not a problem for life,
so you had no problems when your wife died?

it is an end to it, just like a birth is a beginning.
and having children never causes anyone any problems?
There is no evidence of anything else. Your desires notwithstanding. You are born, you get old, you get sick and then you die and the world goes on without you. There are no get out of jail free cards, sorry.

hence inherent problems of the material world = no get out of jail free cards.

You seem to be agreeing with this fact.

so you had no problems when your wife died?

Not of the metaphysical kind. Grief is also part of living, not a problem for it.

and having children never causes anyone any problems?

None that are not natural and experienced by most mammals. Even dying in childbirth is a part of living.

hence inherent problems of the material world = no get out of jail free cards.

You seem to be agreeing with this fact.

You seem to think there is a get out of jail free card, a second chance, a life outside of living. You are delusional. You were born, you are getting older, you will likely get sick and you will die. Get used to the idea and deal with it, or continue down the path toward unreason and delusion. I don't care, either way.


Not of the metaphysical kind.
problems don't have to be metaphysical to exist

Grief is also part of living, not a problem for it.
If problems were not a part of living there would be no need to find solutions or suffer in the absence of them

None that are not natural and experienced by most mammals. Even dying in childbirth is a part of living.
Problems are not rendered non-existent simply because everyone experiences ... in fact the statement "inherent problems of material existence " indicates that it would be expected that everyone experience them

You seem to think there is a get out of jail free card, a second chance, a life outside of living. You are delusional. You were born, you are getting older, you will likely get sick and you will die. Get used to the idea and deal with it, or continue down the path toward unreason and delusion. I don't care, either way.

Actually at the moment we are discussing whether there are inherent problems of (material) existence ... since you can't really move a discussion from "problems do not exist" to the likelihood of solutions for them.

So far you seem to indicate that if everyone experiences it, if there is no solution for it or if it is metaphsyical it is not a problem.

Would this be correct?
So far you seem to indicate that if everyone experiences it
it is not a problem.

Would this be correct?

Material existence is the great equalizer. The fact that everyone has to face the same basic problems (at least the problem of having been born and then the problem of dying) introduces a basic sense of equality.

And yes, that which is common or frequent, comes to be experienced as normal, and thus not really a problem, regardless what it is.
@wynn --

In what important way do the parodies depart from the "standard" view on religion? Keep in mind that in our world the "standard" view would be the majority view, and that would mean christianity(specifically catholicism).

For starters, actual religions are not intended to be mockeries.