What are your views on abortion?

Are you in favor or against abortion?

  • Against

    Votes: 19 20.0%
  • In favor depending on the situation (rape or whatever)

    Votes: 29 30.5%
  • In favor

    Votes: 47 49.5%

  • Total voters
nothing is being cast aside nor is the future in jeopardy. this apocalyptic talk is nonsense. every planet has a carrying capacity. there will come a day when this planet s resources cannot meet the needs of the large number of people on it. then what are we to do? this is a more realistic problem than this so called travesty of millions of "children being murdered." the mother has a right to seek out a high quality of life. she should not be forced to reproduce, lowering her own standard of living and bringing a child into sub par living conditions. by some religious standards a fetus might be considered to have a soul. that is not objective or even reasaonable. a religious perspective cannot be generalized. any attempt to do so is both arrogant and self rightuous. a human embryo and a lizard embryo are barely indistinguishable. a more pragmatic, scientific out look should be considered.

the fetus is a parasite of the mother. it requires her bodily functions and environment to simply survive. this parasite can steal the woman's life and livelihood away from her. the fetus does not require some "chance" to live. that is absurd. it has no mind, no brain, no consciousness. the mother does on the other hand. she is a free thinking creature who has built a life. she has hope and dreams all of which can ne destroyed the imposition of some self proclaimed moral crusader who doesnt understand reproduction and molecular biology.

values should not be imposed, the woman deserves the right to chhoose.
I think that shrubby has made a valid point and I must commend him/her for it, yet this statement made; 'she should not be forced to reproduce' I believe is not entirely correct, only in the presence of a pregnancy by rape of some kind (of which is highly unlikely but it does happen, that I shall not deny). The mother is never forced to reproduce, the instinct of reproduction, though it is a powerful emotion can be overcome. The human is an unusual creature, one that can mourn it's dead and take responsibilities for it's actions. I have great faith in the human race, yet like a human I to have a conscious and shall never submit to thinking that abortion can be reasoned off.
well abortion can be reasoned off because it happens everyday. conscious is governed by perceived ethics and no ethic is universal.

if abortion is illegal reproduction will be forced upon a woman. if she is inseminated by an accident of some sort during sex, which can easily happen, she will be forced to follow through with pregnancy. this is reproduction against her will. if she could take the morning after pill, the problem is solved. she does not reproduce and have the burden of a forced life change.

If you have a baby and it cant talk and you can prove nobody wants it you should be allowed to kill it gently.
If a democracy denotes choice, then each must be allowed to choose whether to abort or to keep; and safety measures must be placed as to make the procedure as secure as possible.

As for me, I don't believe in abortion.
you won't find me in a picket line for either.

personally, i'd kill myself before my child. that is what i'd do with my choice. if a friend were to come to me for advice on their pregnancy, i'd listen and be open-minded but would not suggest it as an option, preferring to offer up other options first.
it is a medical issue to be discussed alone with the mother's doctor and no one who is not directly responsible for the child (this includes both the mother and the father) should be opening their mouth about it. medical privacy should under no circumstances be breached.
i realize that whatever i think about abortion does not matter to anyone else. people are going to do what they are going to do regardless of my views and whether or not it is legal. keeping it legal at least assures safe medical conditions for the mother.
Morally (instinctively): abortion feels "wrong."

Logically: abortion is sometimes necessary, and it or some other form of birth control will be unavoidable in the future.

Notice that most of the anti-abortion arguments are on the order of
"you monster! I can't believe you would ever do such a thing!!"

Anyone familiar with Larry Niven's Known Space? Somehow, I find the idea of a Fertility Board that controls reproduction rights oddly appealing . . . <shark's grin>

EDIT: btw, anyone know just how many threads have delved into this topic on sciforums? I'm sure it isn't the first.
Abortion? Why on earth should it be illegal?

Again, the Abrahamic religions are prolly the only ones opposing abortion. They're a bunch of nutters that fail to matter, so we can ignore them.

The only restriction on it should be one that comes from the safety of the mommy or her ability to have more kids. If a woman gets an abortion very late in her pregnancy it could have very dire consequences. So that should be the only restriction. Apart from that, it should be her choice.
btw, those nutters are the same nutters that opposed artificial insemination in the past. AI is standard now for couples that need it.

It's obvious who's holding the lost cause, ain't it now, kiddies?
Abortion ain't something women do for fun but it is occasionally required. The arguments against seem to be of the 'God wouldn't like it' and 'Fetus' are people too' type. Well lets explore the angles here.
God comes first (as he should). Lets talk to God and see what he thinks...
Well I guess God don't care one way or the other.
Now for the 'little people' hypothesis.
OK I cave in on this one. Fetus' are little people. Now what do you do with someone who seems likely to cause you emotional pain, general distress and financial hardship? Easy you remove youself from their vacinity. If my neighbour threatens my lifestyle I can move house and if the person who bothers me happens to be a fetus then down the clinic we go. I don't care if johnny fetus dies or lives on in a jar, as long as he leaves it's not my problem.
This is a solution that accords both God and the fetus the same equal piss poor rights as every other sorry fucker on the planet.

How can such an equitable and sensible solution possibly be wrong?
Dee Cee
Originally posted by one_raven
What about the potential father?

Okay One Raven what if the father has an equal say? How would this work? If the man wants to raise the baby should the woman be forced to endure nine months of pregnancy? If the father does not want the child and the mother does is she forced into having an abortion or is he forced to pay child support? Who's 50% takes precedence here?

Personally I don't think a the male has ANY say when it comes to what a female decides to do with an unborn child. The fact is that a man can and sometimes does walk away. Your premise of men taking more responsibility is based on some unrealistic ideal. I cannot think of anything more frightening than being forced to carry a child to term simply because the man wants the baby. That is simply sadistic. Most men do NOT take fifty percent of the responsibilty of raising a child and that is just a fact and won't change globally anytime soon.

Not only do I believe in a woman's right to choose I believe she should be able to choose it anytime and as many times as she sees fit. The consequences of having too many abortions falls on her just as the consequences of having too many babies also falls on her. I don't care if every woman on the planet has access to contraceptives and is taught how to use them by the age of nine I would still believe in a woman's right to an abortion. There have been studies that show a fetus at three to four weeks is beginning to form a brain and has a heart beat, by seven weeks there is brain activity, and so unlike many pro-choice advocates I do believe the fetus is alive and not just tissue. But that still does not change my stance on abortion. A woman has the right to decide what she wants to do with her body and while a child is in its mother's womb it is her choice as to whether the child will see the light of day. It is no ones business and I don't know why anyone (the picketing pro-lifers) would think it is. For those of you who are anti-abortion that is fine, I believe you have the right to have an unwanted child anytime the situation arises. No one forces an abortion, no one should enforce birth.
my opinion on abortion

Hello everyone.

Why do people make this abortion topic out to be the biggest debate in life?


I would be so happy if these people who are against abortion would start focusing on the children who are homeless, who have no parents, who are being abused etc..
During intercourse a man is "inside" of a woman's body, so therefore since he is insider of her he must be a part of her and because of this she would have the right to kill him during that time period. He is "inside" of her is he not? Thus, wouldn't he be a part of her, and since she is allowed to do whatever she will with her body of course she could destroy him. Or is my logic flawed?

I sure hope not, else I'll be having a few visits from the cops. :)
Not only do I believe in a woman's right to choose I believe she should be able to choose it anytime and as many times as she sees fit. The consequences of having too many abortions falls on her just as the consequences of having too many babies also falls on her.
The consequences fall on the entire society including the unborn. The unborn is a human being, in the US. Our constitution says that all men are created equal. By showing desrespect for the smallest of our family we show disrespect for the largest. What will happen is that human life will be devalued.

You don't get to choose lots of things. You don't get to choose to send your kids to school or to wear a seat belt. Your rights end when they cross over to an anothers.
The consequences fall on the entire society including the unborn. The unborn is a human being, in the US. Our constitution says that all men are created equal. By showing desrespect for the smallest of our family we show disrespect for the largest. What will happen is that human life will be devalued.

You don't get to choose lots of things. You don't get to choose to send your kids to school or to wear a seat belt. Your rights end when they cross over to an anothers.

Yes we do Okinrus, we can choose either to strap them kiddies in or just throw them in the back-seat, you can also keep them with you all day and home-school them and refuse immunizations. But we are speaking of the rights of the born aren't we? For some strange reason there are no concerns or consequences that fall on society if a child isn't born. When these critters appear on the face of the earth no one gives a rats ass what happens to them because they become someone elses problem. Yes the unborn is a human being when it is eventually born, but this is not an issue if its about to be aborted by a mother who does not want to give birth. Okinrus you speak of the smallest of "our family", well when you have gone out and adopted all those children who are being cared for by the State and offer women who are about to abort the option of having the child and moving it into your house write us all back about the respect you show for the smallest of YOUR family?

In the meantime get your head out of the female uterus.
Damn. That's well said.

But of course that clump of cells is more precious than any human.
When these critters appear on the face of the earth no one gives a rats ass what happens to them because they become someone elses problem.
I've seen mothers who have miscarried cry for an entire week. People do care.

Yes we do Okinrus, we can choose either to strap them kiddies in or just throw them in the back-seat, you can also keep them with you all day and home-school them and refuse immunizations.
You must wear a seatbelt in my state. As for home schooling, it just isn't an option for most children.

Okinrus you speak of the smallest of "our family", well when you have gone out and adopted all those children who are being cared for by the State and offer women who are about to abort the option of having the child and moving it into your house write us all back about the respect you show for the smallest of YOUR family?
I wouldn't have a problem with doing that. I'd be able to find plenty of adoptees. I don't really see your logic in this. Your not able to support our country's two year olds either, but you'd speak out about killing them. Abortion is heinous. What is the difference between abortion and eating of the fruit of the womb? Is there really a difference? At least in the second one, the fetus serves a purpose. So go back to your barabaric society where you can eat your own flesh.

In even acient Zorastrian society abortion was condemned.
Then I saw the soul of a woman (2) who ever scraped her own body and face with an iron comb, (3) and ever dug an iron hill with her breasts. And I asked thus: 'What sin was committed by this woman?' Srosh the pious, and Adar the angel, said (6) thus:] 'This is the soul of that wicked woman who, in the world, committed a crime, (7) and through a desire for wealth, gave no milk to her own infant. (8) And now she ever makes an outcry thus: "Here let me dig into this hill, that I may give milk to that infant." (9) Yet until the reestablishment of the world [Frashegird], she does not reach the infant.'
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