What are your views on abortion?

Are you in favor or against abortion?

  • Against

    Votes: 19 20.0%
  • In favor depending on the situation (rape or whatever)

    Votes: 29 30.5%
  • In favor

    Votes: 47 49.5%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by one_raven
Of course not, but since he is the potential father and you did accept the inherent responsibilty of having sex with him, he should be allowed to have a say in whether HE should be allowed to raise that child.

I agree in principle, but it is unlikely that this idea will ever be acceptable to many on the pro-abortion side of the debate.

In the meantime, I'd suggest that the parental responsibility of fathers be equal to the abortion rights of fathers: zero. As long as abortion is considered a personal decision for the expecting mother, she should be held personally responsible for all consequences of her decisions.

I am against abortion!!! (unless it involves rape) Had my mother aborted me.. where would I be? (she was asked by several Dr. if she wanted to abort me) I have human rights now... so what prevents a little kid in the belly from having them? Those of you who are for abortion... see you hell. (no doubt) Abortion is something we as a people need to tackle and destroy. I liken it to nigro rights, one day or another its gotta change just as it did for them. "For a nation that kills its own children is a nation without hope."
Pro-middle ground... heh

I don't like that abortions occur, so I choose to ignore the fact that it happens. I think that a woman SHOULD have the right to choose but personally, I couldn't do it. But, that's just me... shrugs. I'm not saying that I have a problem with a woman who had or is planning to have an abortion. I don't like it, but at the same time, I just feel that it's their life and their decision. I am glad that some women are able to get an abortion because I would hate to hear a lot of stories of women who died (like the well-known Becky Bell story) at the hands of an untrained doctor. I, also, think it's dumb that, in some states, girls under 18 should consult their parents before getting an abortion because it just forces the girls to get that back-alley abortion as to avoid facing disappointing their parents. Some may argue that it would cause more permiscuous behavior if girls under 18 are allowed to have an abortion but maybe, just maybe, the girls who experience the abortion at a young age will find the experience so tramatic, they would think about their actions. Also, it's silly to think that young girls aren't already permiscuous. I've seen TV interviews with young 12- and 13-year old boys who are getting b/j's at parties while the chaperones (the parents) are in the next room... CRAZY stuff!

WOW! Those pictures were disturbing... Ick!
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abortion should be made legal everywhere. when the mother carries the foetus inside her, the foetus is not a seperate life. it s a part of the mother, if the mother dies, it dies. a person should be able to have control over any part of his body. if a person can cut off his hand or foot, why not carry out an abortion. it's the mother's wish entirely, and if she so wishes, who are we to say no?
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Originally posted by airavata
when the mother carries the foetus inside her, the foetus is not a seperate life. it s a part of the mother, if the mother dies, it dies. a person should be able to have control over any part of his body. if a person can cut off his hand or foot, why not carry out an abortion. it's the mother's wish entirely, and if she so wishes, who are we to say no? however, if the mother had consentual sex with the father and THEN she wants to abort then it should be taken to court-- because the child is the father's as much as it is her's.

That seems to be a contradiction.

If teh fetus is nothing more than another body part of the mother, then what does the father have to do with it?

If a woman should be free to cut her hand off (since it is her own body part) and a fetus is also her own body part, why shouldn't the mother be free to cut that out too?

Should a woman get her mate's permission to cut her hand off?

There is obviously a distinction between the hand and the fetus, then.
sorry. i pasted my previous posts on abortion here and got slightly confused. disregard everything from 'however'

The sooner the better.
Humans eat aggs and murder cows and chickens all the time.
A human fetus that is barely created is, in my view, not alive yet.
If a woman continualy has abortions, then she is irresponsible.
One might argue that she is irresponsible to begin with, but things happen.
Its the bull headed, meat eating christians who typically disagree with abortions.
Makes no sense to me why they are against it.
Even if raped....abortion is still moraly wrong. Your robbing the life of a young person. Your killing a person. Not property, not onlya "clump of cells" but a human being. It's just a human that hasnt been fully developed yet. I dont see a difference between abortion and just killing a homeless man since they are both "unwanted"
Originally posted by Agent Smith
Even if raped....abortion is still moraly wrong. Your robbing the life of a young person. Your killing a person. Not property, not onlya "clump of cells" but a human being. It's just a human that hasnt been fully developed yet. I dont see a difference between abortion and just killing a homeless man since they are both "unwanted"

do you give every homeless person you meet on the street a place to stay? You might be killing them if you don't.
Actually yea,we help this homeless guy. He's mentally ill and all but not dangerous. He goes to our church, and after church we take him to his shelter. We give hiim money for food and crap., Because sometimes he says he eats out of a dumpster.We take him since it's far to the train station, and he's kinda scared of some black guys.
Once upon a time i knew a girl who participated in youth group. Her mother was very active in the church and made sure her daughter had a strong base in christian doctrine. This girl enjoyed all the fun times of youth group, capture-the-flag games, zip lines, late night swimming, and meeting the opposite sex. During school one year she became very affectionate with a fellow from a large catholic school, and in time the two were sleeping together regularaly. Through careless practice (petroleum products with condoms, or no condoms at all) she missed her period, and it turned out that she had become pregnant.
Now, what was this poor girl to do, in the face of carrying a baby in high school? Not only would she have to care for the child, but also face the stigma and alienation from her former peer group and especially her mother. It turned out that she (and her strongly catholic boyfriend) went to get an abortion a week or two before her third trimester began. Now everything with her is fine, she still sleeps with the same guy, is going to college, and otherwise shows no signs of harm from the experience. It was fortunate for her and her self-image that in this state abortions are legal and accessible to minors.

It was difficult for me not to get mad at this girl, because she was once a strong opponent to abortion, it had been fed to her through YOung Life (a large youth group organisation) but when she needed it she gave up her views. All of her peer group was the same way, once innocent christian girls now having dangerous sex in lieu of their ostensible religious and moral opinions.
I think it is especially difficult for christian males to understand, abortion is a complicated issue that involves more than just the bunch of cells that you call a human being. Have any of you ever felt the fear that you may have to support a baby before you are out of high school? Very few at that age could turn away from the possibility of abortion as a way out. And as for the woman or girl even, how can you boys comprehend what it would be like? In high school your life would be ruined, you would most likely live your life in poverty and the same for your child. "Morals" are not as strong nor as constant as the universal human want to survive comfortably, i would like to see what any pro-lifer here would do when they were confronted with the situation.
The value of a man's opinion on abortion

As my wife so sensitively and delicately puts it, "I'll give a flying fuck what men think about abortion the first time one of you bastards gets pregnant."
Those of you who are for abortion... see you hell. (no doubt)
Using threats to try and make us change our opinion is disgusting, low, and pathetic. Get a life.

Had my mother aborted me.. where would I be?
You wouldn't be able to ask that question, would you? That is an appeal to fear. If you were aborted, you wouldn't know about it.

If teh fetus is nothing more than another body part of the mother, then what does the father have to do with it?
When the kid pops out, the father has a say (50%). Before that, he has NO say. The mother is the one carrying it.

Should a woman get her mate's permission to cut her hand off?
Why? The hand doesn't belong to the father.

What really annoys me is when these pro-lifers (actually anti-choice) use pictures of aborted babies to gain support. Honestly, I think that's low and pathetic.
Maybe these 'pro lifers' should take a trip to the local slaughterhouse, and watch a cow get slaughtered and made into mince meat. And a cow is a living, breathing, independent animal.

Well, pictures of aborted babies doesn't faze me. Use your petty tactics on someone else. People often forget that they find alot of things disgusting. Do you find a pile of faeces disgusting? Go and campaign against them then. Jeesh.

Maybe you should pity the doctors who perform the abortion, possible saving a woman's life and reputation. A potential life... what a load of bullshit. Should I be charged with murder because I don't collect my sperm? Right at this moment, as you sit on your chair staring at this screen, thousands of your sperm are dying. QUICK! Go find any woman you can and use these sperm, otherwise you're committing murder.
Mountainhare, you make the implication that the life of the child belongs to the mother. Therefore, everyone walking around today is, what "owned" by another person? Your agreeance with such a statement would indicate that you believe that life itself isn't a valuable thing. Also, you state that "pety tactics" do not sway you. It seems here that to you human life is worth about as much as cattle. Such a view allowed for Rome to rule for such a long time, however it also allowed for the Nazis to commit genocide. Pol Pot had also the same views upon life. Now would you support Hitler in such a viewpoint? The point that I'm trying to make is that I believe human life has an inherent value and must be protected. Once the sperm meets an egg this would be a human life.

Some would now argue that men should mind their own business. Well I must say that I am a member of the human community and should be allowed to defend the rights of other human beings. In such circumstances we should pity all the involved parties. Tis a saddening site to see that our society would destroy a human life, to save what another life? A more important life, and as mountainhare says perhaps it'll save that woman's reputation, well there you have it reputation saver I suppose in that instance anything would be considered right? Abortion, in my opinion, is wrong.
Mountainhare, you make the implication that the life of the child belongs to the mother. Therefore, everyone walking around today is, what "owned" by another person?
That's not what I meant and you know it. Stop playing games. As long as the child is 'inside' the mother, it is part of her body. Therefore, she is the one who makes the decisions about what will happen to the child.

Your agreeance with such a statement would indicate that you believe that life itself isn't a valuable thing.
I don't believe in the quantity of life, I believe in the quality. Better to live 5 good years than 50 in misery.

It seems here that to you human life is worth about as much as cattle.
That depends which human you are talking about. I think that rapists lives are worth far less than those of cattle.

however it also allowed for the Nazis to commit genocide.
Now would you support Hitler in such a viewpoint?
The Nazi's religious beliefs, and severe brain defects, led to them committing genocide.
Hitler was quite foolish. He was winning a war, and then acted like a fool. I don't support fools.
I believe life if valuable and precious, but not sacred. Life has not even begun for a child in the womb.

The point that I'm trying to make is that I believe human life has an inherent value and must be protected. Once the sperm meets an egg this would be a human life.
Well, I don't agree. It's a thing which the woman carries around. Sure, it has potential. So does a single sperm. Are you one of those people who believes that 'every sperm is sacred'?

Tis a saddening site to see that our society would destroy a human life
Tis a saddening sight to see that our society will continue to repress and restrict a woman's rights. It is HER body. Not yours. Not mine. Not the child's. HERS. HER BODY. HER CHOICE.

A more important life, and as mountainhare says perhaps it'll save that woman's reputation, well there you have it reputation saver I suppose in that instance anything would be considered right?
*rolls eyes* I don't see the unborn baby as a 'human life'. It is still part of the mother.