What are your views on abortion?

Are you in favor or against abortion?

  • Against

    Votes: 19 20.0%
  • In favor depending on the situation (rape or whatever)

    Votes: 29 30.5%
  • In favor

    Votes: 47 49.5%

  • Total voters
would you help him if he was dangerous?

Well, since he's scitzophrenic, Bi-polar, and a few other diseases,,he has a pretty great potentiol of being dangerous.

MountainShare, you morals disgust me. It sounds like you would follow hitler if he didint act "foolish".A baby is not property. If a baby was property that means YOU are property of your parents since you carry their Genes.

Oh so you want womens rights in that issue? Well listen, why dont women have the right to kill their older children? Why dont women have the right of killling anyone on the streets?

I still really dont find the slaughter of babies different from the thousands of homicides and murders each day. Except their's one bigger thing. Those babies are INNOCENT!!!!!!!!!!!GUILTY OF NO CRIME!!!
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Christians.....They have no idea...

Mountainhare knows exactly what he is talking about, its your religious altruistic self without a sense of reality that is warped.

would you help him if he was dangerous?"

-I wouldnt risk myself to help someone who is dangerous, thats what my gun and handcuffs are for.. Take em off to jail.

Death is just part of life. We should all get used to it.
Lots of "innocents" die. What is more important is looking out for the "quality of life" on this planet.

1 abortion and millions of meateaters...

Shut up you christian " humans are more valuable than animals" hypocrites.
Why are humans more valuable than animals?
Why is killing thousands of animals for your fat faces allowed, and "ok"??
Because some "GOD" said that it was ok to do so? Thats BS without an objective or ethical base.

They are innocent too...
Im a vegetarian and i wuld rather sacrifice one unborn, unconscious child than 4 cows anyday.

I whining christian has caused more pain and suffering in one year by slaughtering animals than i have in my lifetime.

Shame on you self-rightous whiners.

Single mothers who end up having children can never get ahead, the rent is too much for them to pay for, they usually dont have enough education to get by with a decent job. Their dick boyfriends usually leave them.
Doesnt everyone know what happens to a teenage mother who has a child?

They end up on welfare, draining from the economy, and taking away our taxpaying money because they say that its immoral to kill an unconscious life. What about the terrible immorality of mooching off other peoples money? Dont have the child, get an education, learn about birth control.

Get out of the church and into the school.

Sex is a natural human requirement, I dont think that christians have understood that yet."Dont masturbate, dont have sex before marriage" Its a bunch of nonsense, that untimately leads to self-destructive and "rebellious" behaviour to show individualism. (which is fake even at that)
Instead you get these innocent girls who have feeling of lust who have bee taught abstinence, then have sex and have no idea about birth control because its not whats taught in thier schools.

With a name like galt, I like him already.
Good point.
I still really dont find the slaughter of babies different from the thousands of homicides and murders each day. Except their's one bigger thing. Those babies are INNOCENT!!!!!!!!!!!GUILTY OF NO CRIME!!!
Who is murdering babies? I thought we were talking about abortion? Unless of course you are one of those loonies that equals a fertilized egg with a 'baby'...

If I flush a condom full of sperm down the toilet, am I a baby killer? After all, that sperm certainly had the capability of joining an egg and becoming a baby...much like an embryo has the ability of becoming a baby.
Mountainhare, I know not what you mean, you made the implication that a child's life belongs to the mother, now you claim that once outside of the mother the child now has it's own life. I see quite clearly what you mean, there is an obivous shift taking place here. "It is a part of her body, therefore she will be the one who will make decisions about the child." Alright fine... "As long as the child is "inside" of the mother it is part of her body." During intercourse a man is "inside" of a woman's body, so therefore since he is insider of her he must be a part of her and because of this she would have the right to kill him during that time period. He is "inside" of her is he not? Thus, wouldn't he be a part of her, and since she is allowed to do whatever she will with her body of course she could destroy him. Or is my logic flawed?

"Lots of "innocents" die. What is more important is looking out for the "quality of life" on this planet." Squahsbuckler
I don't believe that there could be a quality of life if there is no life? You also state that animals are just as important as humans, we are no better than they. Well you further state that Christians are hypocrites. Going back to your previous statement wouldn't you be concerned with a pig's quality of life? I mean I'm sure that you live a much more satisfying life than that of a chicken but since your equal to them wouldn't you also be concerned about how a chicken lives out his life? I mean in the spirit of having a high-quality of life for every-life, doesn't this seem quite an injustice?

I'm sure that anyone would rather live fifty years rather than five, that is being human to long for life, unfortunately some are denied that right even before they know how to pronounce it.

Living for just the physical is fine, however, as our bodies are physical there are never really ours to own. Not eternally, for in the end we shall all return to dust and no body will be left to own.
Still I am against abortion, and the thought that mirco-organisms hold the same inherent value in their lives than I.
it must be difficult living with yourself if you place the same value on micro organisms as yourself. it would be like killing millions of people everday. that must make you feel pretty guilty
During intercourse a man is "inside" of a woman's body, so therefore since he is insider of her he must be a part of her and because of this she would have the right to kill him during that time period. He is "inside" of her is he not? Thus, wouldn't he be a part of her, and since she is allowed to do whatever she will with her body of course she could destroy him. Or is my logic flawed?
Your logic is flawed, and you damn well know it. You spin this bullshit in an attempt to confuse others.

The woman gives permission for the man to enter her. Also, the man takes nothing from the woman. He is not a parasite. But a baby is.
And here is where you lose, my bullshit spinning friend. At any time during sex, the woman can choose to stop having sex. She can say "Nope, no more." If the guy doesn't stop, and withdraw his penis, he can be charged with rape.
Therefore, even if we use your bullshit logic, by law, it is ok to 'stop' a child.

"Lots of "innocents" die. What is more important is looking out for the "quality of life" on this planet." Squahsbuckler
*rolls eyes*

I'm sure that anyone would rather live fifty years rather than five, that is being human to long for life, unfortunately some are denied that right even before they know how to pronounce it.
They are denied the right before they can even comprehend it.
why do you all want to limit the choices of other people, people who do not share your own views. Even though the prochoice view is perfectly reasonable. Why don't you just live your own life to your own standards?
Originally posted by Abdiel
During intercourse a man is "inside" of a woman's body, so therefore since he is insider of her he must be a part of her and because of this she would have the right to kill him during that time period.

-This is inane

I don't believe that there could be a quality of life if there is no life?
-That "life", realy wasnt a life, because its not conscious yet.

I mean I'm sure that you live a much more satisfying life than that of a chicken but since your equal to them wouldn't you also be concerned about how a chicken lives out his life?

-You tell me, im not the one murdering animals. Do you know your food?

I'm sure that anyone would rather live fifty years rather than five, that is being human to long for life, unfortunately some are denied that right even before they know how to pronounce it.

as our bodies are physical there are never really ours to own.
-When your conscious you move it. doesnt that make it under your control? hence fitting the definition of " your own"?

Haha, now your comparing humans with parasites? "At any time during sex, the woman can choose to stop having sex." Quite right, and going along with the analogy a woman can stop being pregnant whenever she wants, that is what we're discussing. However, in such a case it wouldn't be rape it would be murder, furthermore myriad more victems would be invovled. Also, I am not attempting to confuse others, I merely wish to relate abortion to other topics and try to figure out what your saying here, just because you write something doesn't mean I understand what your saying.

"-This is inane " Your reason?

Similarly, mountainhare you may roll your eyes all you want in doing this however you prove that you cannot fully rebuke the point.

"When your conscious you move it. doesnt that make it under your control? hence fitting the definition of " your own"?" I move things all of the time, hell I could move you if I wanted does that make you under my control, or a rock perhaps? Say I kick a soccer ball I moved it, is it "my own" then?

"why do you all want to limit the choices of other people, people who do not share your own views. Even though the prochoice view is perfectly reasonable. Why don't you just live your own life to your own standards?" It is a valid point, however, I fail to see how the view is perfectly reasonable. Moreoever, it does not just impact the life of one person, nay, indeed it alters generations of life, human beings which could've contributed to society in important ways, people who could've led full lives and found their own happiness and fulfillness in life. Life is what we fight for, death of those who deserve life isn't, in my opinion, moral. Yet, those who would destroy others are also not to be respected...
Originally posted by Abdiel
it does not just impact the life of one person, nay, indeed it alters generations of life, human beings which could've contributed to society in important ways, people who could've led full lives and found their own happiness and fulfillness in life
The same could be said of sperm and eggs. Should we demand that people have as much unprotected sex as possible? to do otherwise after all would prevent "human beings which could've contributed to society in important ways, people who could've led full lives and found their own happiness and fulfillness in life" from being born.

I don't see how we can really know if a fetus is concious or not, I don't think its really relevant. Cows are certainly conscious and we certainly have no problem ending their lives. The issue, it seems to me, is whether or not fetuses are human beings, which I don't think they are.

Abortion is something that shouldn't have to happen, our society should be reshaped so that people have better access and education about birth control and more motivation to use it, and also to allow for unwanted children to be adopted, however, since the world doesn't work that way right now, abortion is the only option.
Originally posted by jps
Cows are certainly conscious and we certainly have no problem ending their lives. The issue, it seems to me, is whether or not fetuses are human beings, which I don't think they are.

You got it bud.
A fetus is like an ant.

Just like eating an egg...

Everyone out there eats eggs right?
so STFU and dont be hypocritical.

Then there are the whiners...
"but humans are different from animals! its ok to kill a cow because GOD said they are here for us to eat!"
"but humans are different from animals! its ok to kill a cow because GOD said they are here for us to eat!"

Exactly my point.
Originally posted by Abdiel
"but humans are different from animals! its ok to kill a cow because GOD said they are here for us to eat!"

Exactly my point.

you should be shot for your ignorance. All the pain and suffering you cause to innocent animals, yet you whine over the death of one child who will feel nothing, and doesnt even know of his own existence.
You eat chicken eggs which are the equivalent to a human fetus, yet feel no qualms over that?

You should all be shot so we can finaly live in peace.

Violence for a greater cause is justified.Abortion serves just that cause.
Haha, now your comparing humans with parasites?
If you had bothered to read my post properly, you would have read that I said that unborn babies are parasites.

Why don't you try getting pregnant, Abiel? Maybe you'd like to throw up every morning. Maybe be in pain. Have mood swings. Push a large 'thing' out from between your legs.
Maybe you should try getting pregnant when you are 17, and have everyone know about it.

Quite right, and going along with the analogy a woman can stop being pregnant whenever she wants, that is what we're discussing.
I was merely questioning your logic.

However, in such a case it wouldn't be rape it would be murder, furthermore myriad more victems would be invovled.
In my eyes, rape is worse than murder.

Similarly, mountainhare you may roll your eyes all you want in doing this however you prove that you cannot fully rebuke the point.
I rolled my eyes because your argument was not worth rebutting. I don't want to waste my precious time.

"but humans are different from animals! its ok to kill a cow because GOD said they are here for us to eat!"
WHAT THE...!!!
Why you little *bleep*.
Don't use a 'God' to justify your answer. That is weak, pathetic, retarded, and cowardly. If you are going to disapprove of something, do so for your OWN reasons.
"Oh, god told me to, so it must be wrong".

Violence for a greater cause is justified.Abortion serves just that cause.
BINGO! You hit the nail right on the head, squashbuckler.
I have for the longest of times believed that humans are superior to all other life-forms upon this planet. Humans are the only life on this earth who can love others of their brood, others that they haven't even see. Mourn those who have passed on into abyss and dream of things that have yet to happen. A mouse will not learn from it's mistake of going out into a field, it will not admire the grasses that grow or the sun that gives them life. A human though is a life worth defending. The whole idea of worth has come from humans, of conquering and fighting for glory has come from other humans. Animals are our neighbors upon this planet as I shall agree, yet I find it justified to destroy them to feed our children. I find it right to defend those children who would be destroyed by the ones who should be those who defend them. The child knows not that the mother is young, or that the father has left. This life knows not that it's mother will not be able to support him/her in the years to come, however, it still clings to it's mother. For life to which many would deny because of what? It's a hassle upon their life, the mother wouldn't be able to support it anyway, or repuatation, the parents are to proud to admit their mistake, so in such a case they would destroy the child instead of taking the harder path. Lazily casting this life to the gutter with the sinisterly precise tools of modern man. The business of death is now harvesting on a new front, the future of this world is now in jepardy because we, those who live now and care not for our youth cast them aside becuase we're afraid...