What are the odds of a religion being the "right one"?

The extra dimension to this is also time. Say a religion was correct, and God really did want women to STFU in church. But now they are even allowed to become vicars. So maybe it was the correct religion, but it's less strict, and now all the followers are going to hell.

Or maybe nobody believed the prophet that was sent, and we never got to hear about the true word.

Or maybe the word was delivered, but to cannibals, and they ate everybody that came to them, and the word never spread.

There are lots of possibilities, maybe we just never heard the truth, ever.
or maybe if one can't distinguish between a principle and a detail one is totally inept at understanding the subject
In an extension of a talk about Pascal's Wager in a different thread, I want to ask everyone this question.

There are a lot of religions in the world. New ones are created all the time. How do you determine what the chances are for each of the religions to be real and the other just superstitions?

Personally I KNOW that Pastafarianism is the one true religion, but I'm sure that other religious people feel there same way about their religion as well.

So let's hear.
Although elements of truth and sanctification are found in many churches outside of Catholicism, the Catholic Church is the only one to contain the fullness of the Christian faith. Vatican II’s Lumen Gentium (LG) states:

"Christ, the one Mediator, established and continually sustains here on earth His holy Church, the community of faith, hope and charity, as an entity with visible delineation through which He communicated truth and grace to all… This is the one Church of Christ which in the Creed is professed as one, holy, catholic and apostolic, which our Saviour, after His Resurrection, commissioned Peter to shepherd, and him and the other apostles to extend and direct with authority, which He erected for all ages as ‘the pillar and mainstay of the truth’. This Church constituted and organized in the world as a society, subsists in the Catholic Church, which is governed by the successor of Peter and by the Bishops in communion with him..." (LG 8).
No THIS is a typical troll.
You can't prove they are all myths. One of them might be right. It might be one that is not discovered yet (of course i already know what the right one is but let's say i don't), but how do you determine the odds of a religion being true?

The point is not to prove them myth, but for any one of them to prove anything is true about it's position. That is what can't be done so by elimination, they are all myth.
Although elements of truth and sanctification are found in many churches outside of Catholicism, the Catholic Church is the only one to contain the fullness of the Christian faith. Vatican II’s Lumen Gentium (LG) states:

"Christ, the one Mediator, established and continually sustains here on earth His holy Church, the community of faith, hope and charity, as an entity with visible delineation through which He communicated truth and grace to all… This is the one Church of Christ which in the Creed is professed as one, holy, catholic and apostolic, which our Saviour, after His Resurrection, commissioned Peter to shepherd, and him and the other apostles to extend and direct with authority, which He erected for all ages as ‘the pillar and mainstay of the truth’. This Church constituted and organized in the world as a society, subsists in the Catholic Church, which is governed by the successor of Peter and by the Bishops in communion with him..." (LG 8).

So what you're saying here is that Catholicism is the only right form of Christianity. That doesn't really relate to the question of religion as there are many other religions than Christianity.
So from these answers i can make the following conclusion:
The chance for a random religion to be true is 1 divided by number of possible religions. right?

1 divided by infinity then i guess. That's a very small number. Small enough so that we can simply ignore it?

I'm sorry for reposting this, but i find it an important point.

I know we can't divide by infinity but as x approaces infinity in 1/x the result approaches zero.
So what you're saying here is that Catholicism is the only right form of Christianity. That doesn't really relate to the question of religion as there are many other religions than Christianity.
Like what? The FSM? Oh, now I understand that FSM is flying spaghetti monster. In my part of the world we call it el gran spaghetti (EGS) although we don't deny the flying part. Just a difference in terminology. The "el" does not indicate male gender, of course, since we are aware that spaghetti is without gender (or, in other words, it transcends gender). On the other hand, we do affirm that we are Spaghetti Pastafarians , the original ones. Though we don't deny our brotherhood with the generic Pastafarians, even the bow-tie pastafarians who are far from orthodox.

I apologize for continuing this thread but I feel it is important to thoroughly explore the nuances of P-ism and convince those of you who differ with me that I, er, that is, Spaghetti Pastafarianism, is right.
Which religion is right is a question that is analogous to the question which political party is correct? For each person, it depends on which side you choose. If you look at this objectively, each political orientation will contain truth, but no single one contains all the truth.

The concept of God, by definition, is infinite and therefore too expanded to contain all that inifinite truth in just one mental construct. But if you put all the constructs together, we begin to approximate God.

Cosmology works the same way in science. There is more than one orientation, such as BB, continuous creation, strings, wave theory, etc. Which is right depends on which one is right for you. They all exist, side-by-side, since each contains some of the truth, but none can express the entire truth that is satisfactory for all. Together, as a whole, we are able to get closer to the truth.

As a visual analogy, picture a 3-D ball. We can approaximate that ball with an infinite number of planes, at different angles, which all intersect the central point of the ball. Each plane is an orientation. The sum of all these planes approximates the ball. Since they all intersect the origin of the ball, they all share that same central feeling (conviction) that is true for all.

Although we are used to thinking in terms of symbols and cause and effect on just one of those rational planes, with a 3-D ball concept like God, a simple 3-D flex of the entire ball (distorting a golf ball with the swing of a golf club) can cause the points on the different planes to jump out of or into another place in 3-D space, which may not follow from the logic on that plane when it is not distorted. When God swings the golf club and he hits the human 3-D ball of concepts, it is called divine inspiration, since planes are moved out of place and begin to enter other planes. The normal cause and effect of your chosen planes appears to be violated; inspiration and/or blaspheme.

Note: God swinging the club is visual so you can see how a 3-D flex in the ball of infinite truth can alter planes of thought in ways that may not follow from the cause and effect of that plane.
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Cosmology works the same way in science. There is more than one orientation, such as BB, continuous creation, strings, wave theory, etc. Which is right depends on which one is right for you.

As a visual analogy, picture a 3-D ball. We can approaximate that ball with an infinite number of planes, at different angles, which all intersect the central point of the ball.
Nonsense. A plane (regardless of the number of them) does not "approximate" a sphere.
Like what? The FSM? Oh, now I understand that FSM is flying spaghetti monster. In my part of the world we call it el gran spaghetti (EGS) although we don't deny the flying part. Just a difference in terminology. The "el" does not indicate male gender, of course, since we are aware that spaghetti is without gender (or, in other words, it transcends gender). On the other hand, we do affirm that we are Spaghetti Pastafarians , the original ones. Though we don't deny our brotherhood with the generic Pastafarians, even the bow-tie pastafarians who are far from orthodox.

I apologize for continuing this thread but I feel it is important to thoroughly explore the nuances of P-ism and convince those of you who differ with me that I, er, that is, Spaghetti Pastafarianism, is right.

This is not a thread about pastafarianism. If you want to discuss that, you should make your own thread about it. It's about the odds of any religion being true.
I am no such thing. I just think people should stick to the topic at hand. It's interesting enough in itself.
I'm sorry for reposting this, but i find it an important point.

I know we can't divide by infinity but as x approaces infinity in 1/x the result approaches zero.
Well mathematically that's true.
If I ask what colour car will pass next, just because there are millions of colour combinations doesn't mean that they all have equal odds of passing.

All the religions are various ways of interpreting the big unknown questions. Their differences are mostly down to geography.
Now we are all more travelled and know of different cultures, its easy to compare them all and see the similarities.

If there is a 'true religion' or 'true god', then it is possible or even probable, that none of our human stories are on the mark. Some might be close, some are probably not anywhere near.
There are a lot of religions in the world. New ones are created all the time. How do you determine what the chances are for each of the religions to be real and the other just superstitions?

Why that's the easiest question I ever answered. But if you have to ask a question like that, I think you are trolling.