What am I?

Adstar said:
God is Just and has provided a way for our sins to be atoned for.

I just don't understand God's preoccupation with sin. I can't believe a God would consider this crap(sin) worthy of attention.

Sorry Adstar I guess I'll never see the world, or the afterworld, the way you do. If I had a god we'd have an understanding along the lines of 'I didn't ask to be here so don't expect too much'. This would be my philosophy of choice.

I simply think if god exists then what I do doesn't matter to him/her/it. Surely god, in h/h/I's infinite wisdom can see that keeping tabs on me is a waste of time. How does a god who just pulled off the most amazing accomplishment ever tried, that of building a uiniverse for little monkeymen to inhabit, follow it up with something so insignificant as how those monkeymen behave. WTF is going on?
ellion said:
in which cae i think your dilemma is not really a dilemma you know your true path. that is written in your heart. in your feelings for your children.

i am sure there are parts of the written word that do resonate deeply with your experience, then there are those bits which feel too wrong to be right.

if god is all that was and is and will be, if he is the one in whom we live and move and have our being, if god can reveal himself to you and relate to you intimately on a personal level, why does that god need a book to commune with you?

seek your answers in your soul

Thank you for your insite and kindness ellion. :) All I can do is keep searching and learning and trying to understand. That is why I showed up here.
Just do what you feel is right. What's right doesn't have to be written anywhere, and it certainly doesn't need to be written in the bible. Forgive your children because you love them and are children, don't forgive them because you feel you are morally obligated.
Crunchy Cat said:
the zaboombafoo dimension exists

Wow! I’ve always wondered about that! Just kidding! I would expect that you have a good sense of humor.

Sorry I dropped our conversation Crunchy. It seemed like you and Q were starting to head down a similar path and I was a little pressed for time. I work full time during the day, I have three kids with homework in the evenings, I am also trying to redecorate one of my son’s rooms, and I only have a little time some days to learn about or figure out the answers to universe. I apologize! If you want to pick it back up again I will try to keep up with you.

Thank You!
Possumking said:
Just do what you feel is right. What's right doesn't have to be written anywhere, and it certainly doesn't need to be written in the bible. Forgive your children because you love them and are children, don't forgive them because you feel you are morally obligated.

Thanks Possumking! That almost sounds too simple at the moment but perhaps you are right! What I am looking for perhaps is a set of goals or targets, or ideals that are higher than me so I can try to always improve myself and become the best me I can be.
SetiAlpha6 said:
Wow! I’ve always wondered about that! Just kidding! I would expect that you have a good sense of humor.

Heh, yeah :)

SetiAlpha6 said:
Sorry I dropped our conversation Crunchy. It seemed like you and Q were starting to head down a similar path and I was a little pressed for time. I work full time during the day, I have three kids with homework in the evenings, I am also trying to redecorate one of my son’s rooms, and I only have a little time some days to learn about or figure out the answers to universe. I apologize! If you want to pick it back up again I will try to keep up with you.

Thank You!

Yipes, you are one busy gal. No problem and yes I would like to pick up where we left off. Don't know if it will head down the Q path... he's a little more "hard core" than me so things might be very different.
PsychoticEpisode said:
I just don't understand God's preoccupation with sin. I can't believe a God would consider this crap(sin) worthy of attention.

Sorry Adstar I guess I'll never see the world, or the afterworld, the way you do. If I had a god we'd have an understanding along the lines of 'I didn't ask to be here so don't expect too much'. This would be my philosophy of choice.

I simply think if god exists then what I do doesn't matter to him/her/it. Surely god, in h/h/I's infinite wisdom can see that keeping tabs on me is a waste of time. How does a god who just pulled off the most amazing accomplishment ever tried, that of building a uiniverse for little monkeymen to inhabit, follow it up with something so insignificant as how those monkeymen behave. WTF is going on?

Yes - It's like sin exists because it is the natural way of things. A theist will say sin exists because we have free will... Well if 'he' never let sin exist we would still have free will, it would just so happen the universe would miss one parameter. A theist will say 'but if we are missing a parameter we wouldn't have free will', but how do you know we have ALL the parameters and aren't missing any?

You see?
once you have gone through all the fires, you will grow to want death and to love it.
Once you have chosen death as your ultimate goal, you will strive to confront all things with maximum vigor while you are alive and will live a fruitfull life and will even live as long as you choose, if you enter the "kingdom of heaven".
(my poem of the day).
PsychoticEpisode said:
I just don't understand God's preoccupation with sin. I can't believe a God would consider this crap(sin) worthy of attention.

Sorry Adstar I guess I'll never see the world, or the afterworld, the way you do. If I had a god we'd have an understanding along the lines of 'I didn't ask to be here so don't expect too much'. This would be my philosophy of choice.

I simply think if god exists then what I do doesn't matter to him/her/it. Surely god, in h/h/I's infinite wisdom can see that keeping tabs on me is a waste of time. How does a god who just pulled off the most amazing accomplishment ever tried, that of building a uiniverse for little monkeymen to inhabit, follow it up with something so insignificant as how those monkeymen behave. WTF is going on?

We are far more significant to God than you think PE. I am sorry you may never see things as i do. You compare yourself to the universe and see yourself as being nothing in comparison. I look at the universe and see it as being nothing in comparison to me. Does that sound arrogant? Not really. Even scientists say that the universe when compressed fitted into a space smaller that a pinhead. So the universe you see around you is mostly a whole lot of nothing. But we are Soul, we are beings, we are much more than protons, neutrons and electrons.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
SetiAlpha6 said:
If the above is what you yourself "WANT" to believe to match your own view of this universe then there is no reason to argue with you about it. No evidence, personal testimony, or experience that conflicts with your own apparently materialistic world view will probably ever change your mind. It certainly "IS" deniable by you or anyone else or even my dad. I have never said I could prove it to you as a fact. It was a personal experience for him alone.

You are mistaken. There was no evidence of divine intervention, unless you or your dad can show there was? His personal testimony or experience was that he saw god come down and fix his back, he was absolutely, positively convinced? HE SAW IT???

No, he simply wanted to believe it, and that's it. And now you believe it too because you want to believe it, that is, unless you yourself saw god come down and fix his back, did you?

Did anyone see it?

If not, how the hell can your dad be certain? How can you be certain?

*hint* Because you WANT to believe it.
Adstar said:
The price of sin is death. Is it not? All the things dealt with in the scriptures you posted are sin, striking, cursing, and the rest; they still hold a death penalty, eternal death. Nothing has changed in that regard. Of course through Jesus we are told not to judge, so not we no longer carry out the death penalty. But discipline is still a good thing for kids. No matter what the governing authorities say.

Those who sin and have not obtained forgiveness through belief in the Messiah Jesus are under an eternal death penalty. That is the will of God, His will be done.
Ones agreement or disagreement with God makes no difference to the ultimate outcome. God is Just and has provided a way for our sins to be atoned for.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Hi Adstar,

Can we take a moment to look at this passage one more time?

Deuteronomy 13:6-10 (NIV)
6 If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, "Let us go and worship other gods" (gods that neither you nor your fathers have known, 7 gods of the peoples around you, whether near or far, from one end of the land to the other), 8 do not yield to him or listen to him. Show him no pity. Do not spare him or shield him. 9 You must certainly put him to death. Your hand must be the first in putting him to death, and then the hands of all the people. 10 Stone him to death, because he tried to turn you away from the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.

I guess I am still basically thinking in these terms. The above scripture was written in the days of the old covenant. So it has to be true, good, and perfect for that time regardless of what Jesus said in one place later about judging others. It has to stand on its own and in context. I would guess that you might agree with that. Now, based on that point of view, if I myself were to timewarp back to this real time and real place. I would personally have a real problem actually doing exactly what this scripture calls for. Here are just a few quick thoughts.

1. If I lived in a family who carried out the things written here and elsewhere I would probably not have the fear of God instilled in me, but instead really only the fear of all those who "love" me. I would fear my own "loving" family members and they would fear me for good reason. Why? Because I might kill them, even over a misunderstanding, and they might kill me. I do not see the love and mercy of God that you refer to anywhere here? And if I kill my wife because she momentarily rebels and becomes fed up with living day after day in fear of being killed (what’s her problem anyway!) how do I know that she wouldn't just possibly want to come back and live in this “loving” environment later. She might come back and repent Adstar. If I kill her she will have no chance to ever receive the forgiveness of God you are talking about because I have taken that chance away. There is certainly and quite obviously no mercy or “pity” here! There is only death, and eternal death at that.

2. I would be confused about what is right and honorable and just and true and moral. The Ten Commandments tell me not to murder. That is good! This tells me to murder my own friends and family, just the opposite. Do you see any problem here at all?

3. This is self-destructive. No nation or people or family can grow and learn about loving, or forgiving each other or loving God in this kind of environment. This destroys both the loving and forgiving nature of a family and the idea of a loving and forgiving God.

4. This creates an entire nation and culture of men women and children who have been desensitized to killing in general and specifically the killing of friends and family. It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood!

5. I could never bring myself to kill my own 3 sons or my own wife I love, or my friends. What a fool I have been all this time, I thought you were supposed to love and protect your own family and friends from being murdered not kill them yourself.

6. In the “wonderful” little world described in Exodus 21:15 it is not “O.K.” for your child to strike you, but it is “O.K.” for you to kill him. Does it even matter if the child’s “strike” was just in defending himself from one of those repeated and righteous rod beatings? No! This is evil, possibly even insane! This is justice turned on its head! And this is absolutely and completely sickening to me!

Here is a somewhat related question for you Adstar. Do you think that a righteous God would ever ask a person to prove that they are righteous by requiring them to commit a sin? Even against an innocent person?

Thanks for your patience! Hope you have a great week!
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i wonder if it matters to you what Adstar thinks, will it change your mind? do you hope to change his mind?

is it more that you need to share this problem you have found?
ellion said:

i wonder if it matters to you what Adstar thinks, will it change your mind? do you hope to change his mind?

is it more that you need to share this problem you have found?

Have you ever heard the phrase, iron sharpens iron, ellion?
Well, it also takes a diamond to cut another diamond.
That is how it is made into a beautiful gem of great value.
(Q) said:
You are mistaken. There was no evidence of divine intervention, unless you or your dad can show there was? His personal testimony or experience was that he saw god come down and fix his back, he was absolutely, positively convinced? HE SAW IT???

No, he simply wanted to believe it, and that's it. And now you believe it too because you want to believe it, that is, unless you yourself saw god come down and fix his back, did you?

Did anyone see it?

If not, how the hell can your dad be certain? How can you be certain?

*hint* Because you WANT to believe it.

You might be right! OK, I want to believe it and I am also mistaken. I could just tell my dad that it never happened to him. Or maybe not. I'm not sure he would really take my word for it.

You seem to be approaching this whole thing from a preconceived and intolerant point of view, that it can't happen, without even knowing all of the evidence since you do not know my dad and you have never even talked to him about it.

So, again, could you please tell me what your own view of the universe is and what factual and absolute basis it is built on.

Thanks, Q
SetiAlpha6 said:
You might be right! OK, I want to believe it and I am also mistaken. I could just tell my dad that it never happened to him. Or maybe not. I'm not sure he would really take my word for it.

I'm not saying it didn't happen to him. If what you say is true, that one day your dad woke up and his back was fixed, I won't argue that. I will argue however, that you cannot claim a god did it, since that is what you want to believe, not what actually happened.

How are you so certain it was a god?

You seem to be approaching this whole thing from a preconceived and intolerant point of view, that it can't happen, without even knowing all of the evidence since you do not know my dad and you have never even talked to him about it.

Ok, what evidence exactly points directly to a gods intervention in fixing your dads back? What is it exactly that confirms in your mind and your dads that a god had anything to do with it?

So, again, could you please tell me what your own view of the universe is and what factual and absolute basis it is built on.

Thanks, Q

My views are irrelavent in this matter, what's important here is understanding the connection between your dads back and a god. How do you make that connection?
SetiAlpha6 said:
Hi Adstar,

Can we take a moment to look at this passage one more time?

Deuteronomy 13:6-10 (NIV)
6 If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, "Let us go and worship other gods" (gods that neither you nor your fathers have known, 7 gods of the peoples around you, whether near or far, from one end of the land to the other), 8 do not yield to him or listen to him. Show him no pity. Do not spare him or shield him. 9 You must certainly put him to death. Your hand must be the first in putting him to death, and then the hands of all the people. 10 Stone him to death, because he tried to turn you away from the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.

I guess I am still basically thinking in these terms. The above scripture was written in the days of the old covenant. So it has to be true, good, and perfect for that time regardless of what Jesus said in one place later about judging others. It has to stand on its own and in context. I would guess that you might agree with that. Now, based on that point of view, if I myself were to timewarp back to this real time and real place. I would personally have a real problem actually doing exactly what this scripture calls for. Here are just a few quick thoughts.

1. If I lived in a family who carried out the things written here and elsewhere I would probably not have the fear of God instilled in me, but instead really only the fear of all those who "love" me. I would fear my own "loving" family members and they would fear me for good reason. Why? Because I might kill them, even over a misunderstanding, and they might kill me. I do not see the love and mercy of God that you refer to anywhere here? And if I kill my wife because she momentarily rebels and becomes fed up with living day after day in fear of being killed (what’s her problem anyway!) how do I know that she wouldn't just possibly want to come back and live in this “loving” environment later. She might come back and repent Adstar. If I kill her she will have no chance to ever receive the forgiveness of God you are talking about because I have taken that chance away. There is certainly and quite obviously no mercy or “pity” here! There is only death, and eternal death at that.

2. I would be confused about what is right and honorable and just and true and moral. The Ten Commandments tell me not to murder. That is good! This tells me to murder my own friends and family, just the opposite. Do you see any problem here at all?

3. This is self-destructive. No nation or people or family can grow and learn about loving, or forgiving each other or loving God in this kind of environment. This destroys both the loving and forgiving nature of a family and the idea of a loving and forgiving God.

4. This creates an entire nation and culture of men women and children who have been desensitized to killing in general and specifically the killing of friends and family. It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood!

5. I could never bring myself to kill my own 3 sons or my own wife I love, or my friends. What a fool I have been all this time, I thought you were supposed to love and protect your own family and friends from being murdered not kill them yourself.

6. In the “wonderful” little world described in Exodus 21:15 it is not “O.K.” for your child to strike you, but it is “O.K.” for you to kill him. Does it even matter if the child’s “strike” was just in defending himself from one of those repeated and righteous rod beatings? No! This is evil, possibly even insane! This is justice turned on its head! And this is absolutely and completely sickening to me!

Here is a somewhat related question for you Adstar. Do you think that a righteous God would ever ask a person to prove that they are righteous by requiring them to commit a sin? Even against an innocent person?

Thanks for your patience! Hope you have a great week!

A side issue first: I do not agree with the NIV bible, that it is a good bible. I see it as a false bible. But putting that aside for now i will go on.

In the OT times God decided to use His people to carry out justice upon those who transgressed His will. You are very very wrong in claiming that the Ten Commandments say thou shalt not kill. No it says thou shalt not Murder

God did not call upon these people to commit a sin as you so wrongly call it. God called upon these people to carry out a death penalty upon those who where rebelling against and seeking to undermine the faith of others In His will.

So the allegation you are levelling against God is false.

You quote OT bible verses and seem to think there is some kind of inconsistency with the OT and the NT? You should read the Book of Revelation in the end of the NT, God is not finished with carrying out the death penalty upon those who seek to rebel against His will and seek to undermine the faith of His people. The day of the return of Jesus will be a bloody affair indeed. He will carry out the death penalty upon millions, as it says in those days the living will envy the dead because His wrath will be so bad.

When you told the story of your Dads healing by the power of God i was amazed that you attacked the Word of God seeking to call God a murderer.

But you have taught me a true lesson that the bible is true. That even if people are shown a miracle they will still not believe in the Word of God but will rebel against His will. Truly you are a prime example of someone who has seen the power of God first hand but have turned around and spat in the face of the living God of Abraham.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
is it though a rebellion against god, or a rebellion against a book?

Everything else is the vanity of men.

ALL Praise The Ancient Of Days