What A ............

.i Am Sure They Came To U.and Believe That They Gave U Company.confess.
To Night U Will FEEL Them Again

Again ?
I have not experienced anything out of the ordinary, get it through your thick deluded skull.

Any comments on my previous post ?
i am sure they came to u.if u lie tonight will be worse

Repeating yourself over and over doesn't make it true tresbien.
I'll be back when you decide to answer the question instead of repeating yourself. You are an embarrassment.
So here is my experience from 5:00 pm yesterday to wake-up time today:

- Assembled and tested my bluetooth stereo.
- Gave a bum some extra crappy fast food.
- Purchased a printer upgrade.
- Ate dinner.
- Hung out with some friends.
- Went to sleep.
- Dreamed about having the worlds largest cubicle.
- Woke up.

Aside from some salmon in my dinner winking at me and saying "hi", no Jinns came over to play... oh and I got a good night sleep.
They didn't. So now what ?

Either you are lying or you were too drunk to notice, Anyway, why should we take your word for it ? You may be possessed by a jinn who, being evil, is forcing you to lie.

If the above is not correct, you had a lucky escape.
Lol, this whole thing makes me both laugh and cry. One for the hilarity that someone believes such shit and one because it's horrendous that someone believes such shit.
Either you are lying or you were too drunk to notice, Anyway, why should we take your word for it ? You may be possessed by a jinn who, being evil, is forcing you to lie.

If the above is not correct, you had a lucky escape.

Maybe I am a Jin.. who knows :mufc:
Lol, this whole thing makes me both laugh and cry. One for the hilarity that someone believes such shit and one because it's horrendous that someone believes such shit.

I know.. and the realization that he's not by far the only one only makes it worse.
Is he so messed up that he believes this shit, or did believing this shit mess him up this much ?
So here is my experience from 5:00 pm yesterday to wake-up time today:

- Assembled and tested my bluetooth stereo.
- Gave a bum some extra crappy fast food.
- Purchased a printer upgrade.
- Ate dinner.
- Hung out with some friends.
- Went to sleep.
- Dreamed about having the worlds largest cubicle.
- Woke up.

Aside from some salmon in my dinner winking at me and saying "hi", no Jinns came over to play... oh and I got a good night sleep.

He went offline as soon as you posted this btw. just thought you should know ;)

And I believe you've got a problem with your caps lock key. I never understood why someone has to 'shout' on the internet, it's not like the words get any louder.

Why would they come to me? I wasn't part of the challenge I don't think. Having said that however, I did hear this faint 'paarrp' sound last night. I thought it was because I farted, guess not.
tresbian, why not admit the simple truth that Jinns don't exist as was amply demonstrated by your failed experiment. When a concept in your mind doesn't correspond to actual reality you have achieved non-truth.
ok u have just read the article above.I believe in God and his word is true.if jins did not appear either is a test by ALLAH to see my reaction or he has not given the permission yet.LET EXTEND IT FOR OTHER TWO DAYS if u do not lie on me.