What A ............

I want those in here who are ignorant to understand what this muslim
tresbien is attempting to do.

jinns are demons

tresbien is trying to get people to agree to accept demons into their lives and is attempting to call demons upon them. This is a satanic practice indeed and no one should have any part in this little game. muhammed was affected by the these jinns/demons and they influenced the righting of the quran.

So be wary because you do not want the first confirmation of the existence of a spiritual force to be from the legions under the control of satan.

May God keep you from this evil.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
PS: Oh I am deadly serious here believe me.
I hope none of the evil demons come get me in my sleep. Its strange that legions of satans army seem to only hide undeer the beds of children or the heads of the clinically insane or fanatical.....it seems like a strange strategy to me...
Thats not surprising. Some jinns occupy Presidents of countries and incite them to look for invisible WMDs. Always good for an excuse, these jinns.

Yes Sam, you said it as a joke of course. But you may be surprised how close you are to the truth. jinns/demons affect masons too.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I hope none of the evil demons come get me in my sleep. Its strange that legions of satans army seem to only hide undeer the beds of children or the heads of the clinically insane or fanatical.....it seems like a strange strategy to me...

I think there is a lot to be said for sitting in the dark on starless nights in a pitch black desert. Sometimes you can't see beyond the length of your arm and suddenly you run into something you cannot identify because its so dark.
Really? Do you believe in these too? I completely missed that criticism of Islam. There's no end to the harm that could come from thinking invisible spirits are the cause of social problems, to say nothing of physical ailments.
Really? Do you believe in these too? I completely missed that criticism of Islam. There's no end to the harm that could come from thinking invisible spirits are the cause of social problems, to say nothing of physical ailments.

Not really, it depends on whether you read mostly western interpretations or follow classical Arabic. ;)

Genie is the usual English translation of the Arabic term jinni, but it is not directly an Anglicized form of the Arabic word, as is commonly thought. The English word comes from French génie, which meant a spirit of any kind, which in turn came from Latin genius, which meant a sort of tutelary or guardian spirit thought to be assigned to each person at birth. The Latin word predates the Arabic word jinni in this context, and may have been introduced in the Arabian civilization through the Nabataeans. The root however, and its concept of being "hidden" or "concealed" still comes from the Semitic root "JNN" and from which the Arabic Jannah (garden or paradise) is derived.[1][2]

Arabic lexicons, such as William Lane's lexicon provide[3] the rendered meaning of Jinn not only for spirits, but also for anything concealed through time, status and even physical darkness. A classical Arabic use of the term Jinn is as follows:

وَلا جِنَّ بِالْبَغْضَآءِ وَالنَّظَرِ الشَّزْرِ

And there is no concealment with vehement hatred as well as the averting look.

The sad part of course, is that even Muslims are more influenced by what westerners think they should believe rather than studying their own religion.
I hope none of the evil demons come get me in my sleep. Its strange that legions of satans army seem to only hide undeer the beds of children or the heads of the clinically insane or fanatical.....it seems like a strange strategy to me...

How litle you understand. The jinns make previously normal people fanatical and insane. They often hide in childrens' beds in the guise of teddy bears and other soft toys. I have read a reliable account of a jinn taking the form of a comfort blanket.
Are U Afarid.u Reject Allah Existence.so Let Accept The Challenge

I have already excepted the challenge and I am not afraid.. lol

By the way, I slept like a baby last night and there were no djins in sight. So now what ?
Maybe you should tell them what these jinns look like just so they don't miss them.

Enmos get your camera ready, we'd all love to see these jinns, oh and don't forget your three wishes.. Wait, those are genies. Whatever.

LOL I missed this post last night, damnit..
No problem, personally, I always believe that anyone who thinks jinns, God etc are inviting you to kill people should be lobotomised to cut off the connection.

So in short you think everyone that believes in jins should be lobotomized ?
LOL I missed this post last night, damnit..

Oh for the love of Gilgamesh!

You were in the absolute perfect position to show the existence of jinns to the entire world, (and earn a packet while doing so), and you faffed it.

It's not like you use one of those silly phone cameras or nothing, you're a dslr man! Pfft.. :D