Was Virgin Mary a Virgin....

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Believing in God would not necessarily imply believing in any religion .

Believing in god IS religion. There is the Islamic religion, the Christian religion, etc. Essentially, you could call it the Islamic belief in god, the Christian belief in god. etc.
I think it was a brilliant idea to fool a bunch of numskulls.

I didn't boink him, I, I, it was a god that got me pregnant, I swear, I never did the deed, seriously.

It was all down hill from there.

Or, maybe she was raped and didn't want to tell or was afraid to tell.
Believing in god IS religion. There is the Islamic religion, the Christian religion, etc. Essentially, you could call it the Islamic belief in god, the Christian belief in god. etc.
You can believe that since you did not create yourself by yourself there must be a God ( creator ) but you know nothing about this God .
This belief in God would not necessarily imply a belief in any religion .
Just remember there are thousands of religions in this world and not just the famous ones .
Virgin Mary was a hooker and Jesus was a magician .
I am terribly sorry if I offended any Christian by this statement .
I was thinking about religions in general .
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You can believe that since you did not create yourself by yourself there must be a God ( creator ) but you know nothing about this God .

The former is faith based bile but the latter is certainly true. I know nothing about a god. Are you going to tell me that you do know?

This belief in God would not necessarily imply a belief in any religion .

Funny how you just repeated yourself as if it were learned by rote.

Just remember there are thousands of religions in this world and not just the famous ones .

And, one god?
The former is faith based bile but the latter is certainly true. I know nothing about a god. Are you going to tell me that you do know?
Funny how you just repeated yourself as if it were learned by rote.
And, one god?
You still did not understand my logic .
I am saying any person can believe in the existence of God ( creator ) without necessarily believing in any religion . Not all religions see God or Gods in the same reasoning . You can say that all religions are myths but I was created by a God and I know nothing about this creator .
I hope this help you see my reasoning here .
You still did not understand my logic .
I am saying any person can believe in the existence of God ( creator ) without necessarily believing in any religion . Not all religions see God or Gods in the same reasoning .

Repeating yourself again?

You can say that all religions are myths but I was created by a God and I know nothing about this creator .
I hope this help you see my reasoning here .

What reasoning? All I see from you is faith based gibberish.

Btw, didn't your father and mother create you? :rolleyes:
What is wrong with a belief that ALL religions are man made and myths while there is a creator or creators who created this universe ?.
he'll make you perfect. he is the way to take away the defect that causes us all to suffer

The thing with 'defects' is that the designer is always to blame for them. Oh well.

Or, maybe she was raped and didn't want to tell or was afraid to tell

Origen heard that Mary was a woman who gave birth to a son, (Jesus Ben Pantera), due to being raped by a Roman soldier. Personally I think that sounds more pertinent than the idea that she was technically raped by an invisible space entity.
it was derived from the raven, trying to use wiki to explain that the Immaculate Conception had nothing to do with Mary being a virgin when Jesus was conceived.
The New Advent - Not Wiki. There is a very big difference.

i 'believe' when someone mentions the words in the use of religion, "immaculate conception' that the majority will see it as Jesus was conceived without intercourse.
I completely agree with you.
This is why I said I think even most Catholics believe it.
They, however would be incorrect.
"The Immaculate Conception" is an official Catholic Doctrine - it's not a matter of opinion.
The Roman Catholic Church invented the phrase as a name for this official doctrine to explain how Jesus could be born to a human mother if all humans are born with "Original Sin" (another official doctrine conjured up by the Catholic Church). So Mary had to be born without original sin - thus, she was "The Immaculate Conception".
Like you said, many people believe Jesus was "The Immaculate Conception" and they are mistaken about the meaning and origin of the phrase - b
it simply is not a matter of belief.
Believing in god IS religion.
No, believing in god is theism. Which is a theological stance.
A religion is a much broader concept; an entire system which usually includes a theological stance. But, as Buddhism and Taoism show, they don't have to.

Is there any evidence that the Mary protrayed in these myths ever existed?
Well, the Four Gospels and Acts were most likely written by the secretaries of the men who knew Jesus of Nazareth, based on their oral testament. So, it stands to reason that the other people mentioned, especially important figures, existed. Albeit not necessarily to the details mentioned in those (very biased) works.
Remember, unlike with statistics, just because a narrative is biased doesn't make it entirely unreliable or fake. You just take its finer details with a grain of salt.
If they existed, Mary rode Joe's pony to make Jesus just like every other couple throughout all of history.
to explain how Jesus could be born to a human mother if all humans are born with "Original Sin" (another official doctrine conjured up by the Catholic Church). So Mary had to be born without original sin - thus, she was "The Immaculate Conception".

Feh, its turtles all the way down. If Mary had to be born without original sin, Mary's mom and dad had to be born without original sin, etc. etc. etc.
Feh, its turtles all the way down. If Mary had to be born without original sin, Mary's mom and dad had to be born without original sin, etc. etc. etc.

Mary was a single mother like the millions of single mothers around us .
Single motherhood is not a new concept to humanity .
Christianity is a pure hoax where Jesus was more a politician than anything else .
I am saying any person can believe in the existence of God ( creator ) without necessarily believing in any religion

believing in god is theism. Which is a theological stance.
A religion is a much broader concept; an entire system which usually includes a theological stance. But, as Buddhism and Taoism show, they don't have to.

I stand corrected. :spank:

find another thread to play on.

no one asked if our confusion lies in the denial of god.

or that you are not envious of mary, because you finally have a man (who worships you) (i remember a day, when you thought life was over with, until you met someone who 'believes you')

either deal with the thread, or go play elsewhere

sure bishadi, just don't kill me ok?
You can believe in God ( creator ) but you believe in no religion at all .
Believing in God would not necessarily imply believing in any religion .

not really, no. religion is it's own animal(s). as far as i can tell god doesn't fit into any religion, nor does god care to.

edit: oops, sorry mike, i meant to quote Q.
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