was the moon landing fake?

what do you think about the moon landing?

  • its was real

    Votes: 68 79.1%
  • it was fake as hell

    Votes: 6 7.0%
  • i dont have any strong feelings either way and are essentialy worthless as a human being

    Votes: 5 5.8%
  • it was fake as shit

    Votes: 7 8.1%

  • Total voters
Yes, the moon landing was real. The cause for disbelief is motivated by the lack of media attention surrounding the achievement today and the stoned directionless culture of the 70s.
So why is America going to the moon in 10 years time?

What do they expect to achieve by doing something their grandfathers have supposed to have done?
snake river rufus said:
We are going to the moon (again) to build a base to make a mars landing possible.

Lol - yeah right - this time you might actually land the dam thing.

What use will a Mars landing be. We've observed Mars enough from our own planet to prove that there's nothing there. Pointless.
to the sceptics here....explain about the van ellen belt tang. how is it we are told on one hand it is impossible for humans to survive going thru it, and one physicist at above site recokns ytou'd need so many metres of thick solid mterial between you and it, yet APollo 11 ('ELEVEN' shaman_....in'joke')....walls thicknss was much less than that papparently. so can you explain hows it the astronauts mnaged to survive such intense radiation...and not one has even got cancer?
by J. Vernon Bailey
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center


Radiation doses on the Apollo mission ranged from a minimum on Apollo 7 of about 0.40 rem to a maximum on Apollo 14 of about 2.85 rem. At first it would seem that since Apollo astronauts went through the Val Allen Belts twice and stayed under the legal limit for radiation workers that we could. However, it turns out that Apollo went through the very edge of the Van Allen Belts and that is why they got very little radiation. Apollo missions left LEO heading for the moon when radiation belts were 11 degrees South and they were about 28.5 degrees North, thus missing most of the radiation [Langton1969, page 134]. For a toss from a LEO-tether to a GEO-tether where both are over the equator we will go through near the middle of the Van Allen Belts.

Detailed simulation and examination of the radiation problem is possible with the SPENVIS - SPace ENVironment Information System web applet. It is possible to specify a level of shielding and a trajectory for the spacecraft and find out how much radiation would get inside the spacecraft. This applet uses MULASSIS - MUlti-LAyered Shielding SImulation Software which in turn uses GEANT4 which is a toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter.
duendy said:
to the sceptics here....explain about the van ellen belt tang. how is it we are told on one hand it is impossible for humans to survive going thru it, and one physicist at above site recokns ytou'd need so many metres of thick solid mterial between you and it, yet APollo 11 ('ELEVEN' shaman_....in'joke')....walls thicknss was much less than that papparently. so can you explain hows it the astronauts mnaged to survive such intense radiation...and not one has even got cancer?
Yes but then you must explain how the aliens that you believe in get through it. :D
The people telling you that it is impossible to survive passing through it are simply wrong. The van allen belts are composed of three type of radiation alpha, beta, and gamma(X-ray). Gamma rad. is a powerful emitter but only makes up about 3% of the rad emitted from the sun. The van allen belt is mostly composed of alpha Rad-(93%) a very weak emitter. You can safely sheild yourself from heavy exposure to alpha rad with a single sheet of newsprint. The balance is beta rad a mild emitter that can be sheilded by a simple sheet of thin (.032 IIRC) alum. Further the CM were moving some 16,000 MPH( again IIRC) the belts are some 90 miles wide Just how long were any astronots exposed? :rolleyes:
The reason for the confusion over this, Duendy, is that the van Allen belts are a discovery of the space age. Their existence was not, as far as I am aware, postulated by anyone before their discovery. Initially, the full character of the belts was not established: dimensions, intensity, variability, etc. They were a clear potential threat to equipment and astronauts passing through them. Doubtless, some in the media, and perhaps some scientists over stated this threat for dramatic effect. As we mapped them and studied them it became clear that, while still dangerous, they could crossed safely.
Those from the hoax moon landing school have ignored the later work on the belt and simply used those early, dramatic pronouncements. When the later work is cited the conspiracy theorists claim that is part of a cover up. That is a fundamental error on the part of those who criticise science - failing to recognise that science is fluid in its conclusions, but rigid in its methodology.
duendy, I'm still waiting for an answer
Further the CM were moving some 16,000 MPH( again IIRC) the belts are some 90 miles wide Just how long were any astronauts exposed?
the astronauts were exposed to direct solar radiation for DAYS while on the moon.

after a few hours on earth you get a sunburn,imagine if you were in direct solar radiation without van allen belts and an atmosphere.

you need a quarter inch of lead to get a 5 second xray,but only 3 foil thin layers of gold to stop direct solar radiation for a WEEK!!!

the appolo 13 crap was BLATENT hype,the 13th hour of the 13th day of the 13th mission,gimme a break.

while they were HALFWAY to the moon the earth is visible out of BOTH windows of the capsule,you cant even see the curve of the earth,meaning that they were WELL within orbit.

the fact that a space suit CANT fit throu the door of the lander is a dead giveaway.

nasa was created to LAUNDER MONEY,they can get to orbit[and just barely i might add]and thats it.

even those phoney mars landings are to scam money.

funny how the ''testing grounds''look IDENTICLE to the ''mars''pictures they ''send back''.

Where did you get your "facts", mars?

Why do you think you can get sunburn through a spacesuit?

Why do you confuse solar radiation with xrays?

Why do you think the spacesuits can't fit through the lander door?
first off the sun is a fission reaction,its basicly a giant hydrogen bomb.

it produces gamma rays,ultra violet rays,x rays,and a bunch of other radiations.

how long do you think a space suit will survive against an hbomb?

they didnt even have any radiation shielding,just three FOIL thinlayers of gold,no where near enough to stop a small dental xray,let alone THE SUN!!!!

and compare the lander door to the size of a space suit with oxygen pack.

and i think i started this thread,i posted my links on the first page i belive.
mars13 said:
it produces gamma rays,ultra violet rays,x rays,and a bunch of other radiations.
Oh my!

mars13 said:
how long do you think a space suit will survive against an hbomb?
Ummm... 16 seconds. Am I right?

mars13 said:
...let alone THE SUN!!!!
not the... no it can't be... not THE SUUUUUUN!

mars13 said:
and compare the lander door to the size of a space suit with oxygen pack.
Consider it compared.

mars13 said:
and i think i started this thread,i posted my links on the first page i belive.
First true thing you've said in this post.
mars13 said:
first off the sun is a fission reaction,its basicly a giant hydrogen bomb.

Hmmm... Don't even know the difference between a fission and a fusion reaction, eh?

how long do you think a space suit will survive against an hbomb?
It's hardly like you're even near the "H-bomb."

they didnt even have any radiation shielding,just three FOIL thinlayers of gold,no where near enough to stop a small dental xray,let alone THE SUN!!!!

The gold foil was for thermal (heat) reflection.

and compare the lander door to the size of a space suit with oxygen pack.

So? There was room to get through.

Tell us, does that "13" in your screen name stand for your age?
lets see,human VS solar radiation?

nixon says the human wins,those sunburns tell a diffrent story.