Was satan really evil or is it just exaggerated propoganda?

What were the alternatives?

Ra was warned by the Watery Abyss that humans had grown too rebellious, so he took Hathor and ordered her to punish the people.

Hathor went to earth and slew millions of humans. The streets of the town of Chetenuten began to run like a river with blood because of her horrific endeavour. So much blood drained into the Nile that it overflowed the riverbanks, and the bloody water flooded the land, destroying everything. This water eventually ran into the sea, which overflowed as well. Hathor began drinking this horrible mixture of blood and water.

The Biblical God was much more reasonable than any other god who was followed then.
If you kill one person, you are a murderer. If you kill lots of people, you are a conqueror. If you kill everyone, you are god!

What makes you think your god is THE god? You can't prove his existence to make me think he is any more sound and real than the easter bunny. The bible is FILLED with contradictions, Jenyar. We have no proof if the writers interjected their own opinions or not.

You choose and pick what YOU think is literal in it or not. The bible doesn't say, "this part is figurative, this is literal...etc You are taking and molding the information in the bible to "fit" your own beliefs. If you do this, what makes you think the authors didn't?

Why do children believe that Santa is real? Because adults tell them so. There are books, movies, and people feeding children this fable. When I was a child I remember hearing a noise on christmas eve. I was convinced that it was Santa. I mean heck, my parents taught me he was real so of course I believed it. Not only they, but everyone around me kept this story alive by building upon it. There were phone numbers you could call and Santa would talk to you- not to mention he was in all the malls! So my mind accepted it as "truth". When I heard that noise it fit right in with what I was told- the noise was on the roof-it was late at night on christmas eve- it must have been the reindeer! I marched in and told my parents I had heard a noise on the roof and they confirmed it was Santa and his reindeer, and how I must go to bed before he caught me awake. They must have been right because upon waking the next morning Santa had ate all the cookies and milk I left for him, and there were gifts under the tree...some from my mom and dad, but others from Santa- it said so on the tags!

What would have happened if I had never been told Santa wasn't real? Would I still believe? Anything is possible, hey, there are many who still believe Elvis is alive. Why? Because they don't want him to be dead.

Hell just isn't a story, it's a bloody nightmare for any child. It's a CONTROL method, and I'm sorry, but I just can't see a true and real God using threats like that. I think He would be above that.

If the biblical "god" was real...and he truly wanted people to believe in him...why wouldn't he come to each and every single person and make himself known? Don't jump the gun- by that, I mean for those who find the bible a touch too much to believe. Why not meet every person on a level where they believe and understand PRIOR going to hell? He's "god" right..so he can do anything. I can't tell you how many times I've heard christians state, "well, you might not believe in him now, but you sure will when you are burning in hell. :rolleyes:
originally posted by heart
What makes you think your god is THE god? You can't prove his existence to make me think he is any more sound and real than the easter bunny. The bible is FILLED with contradictions, Jenyar. We have no proof if the writers interjected their own opinions or not.
The Bible is a collection of the writers' opinions - they "injected" all of it. Or do you think God's "opinions" were somehow spun around their own agendas?

Most of the "contradictions" are the result of different people in different contexts having different problems, and different perspectives. It's like saying "history contradicts itself", which is often true. Some are only paradoxes. But bone of the contradictions present a different view of God or the execution of His judgement. Sometimes it's "right" to punish your child, and sometimes it isn't, that doesn't mean you are giving a contradictory message (or worse, that you don't exist) - it means you are aware, and you want to form your child's own ability to judge.

I have no proof that my God is THE God. The only reasoning I can apply, is that I believe in the God who created the world and everything in it, who has been followed by Abraham, and subsequently by the Israelites, the Jews and the Christians. I don't believe a giant green headed turtle ever made any claims about creating humanity.

Of course my parents have something to do with my faith. As did their parents and their parents before them. These same parents were honest enough about why my uncle was dressed up in a red suit at Christmas (we don't have reindeer, December snow or sleighs in South Africa), and explained that the real gift was Jesus. That is how the Bible was created, after all. Some people are in a more favourable position to come into contact with God, others aren't - originally this was largely a result of ancestry. There still are enough gods around to make it hard not to come into contact with the concept, at least, and those who look for God will find Him (although they might not necessarily also believe in Him).

If you weren't ever told, you would have found out about Him here, wouldn't you? I'm sure many Romans died thinking Caesar was god, even though the Jews said otherwise.
You choose and pick what YOU think is literal in it or not. The bible doesn't say, "this part is figurative, this is literal...etc You are taking and molding the information in the bible to "fit" your own beliefs. If you do this, what makes you think the authors didn't?
It's not so hard or cryptical, really. Depending on what type of literature you are reading, it's pretty easy to see what its intention was. Many people forget that there is such a thing as apocalyptic literature, and therefore read Peter and Revelation literally. Job is an epic poem. This determines how you treat what you read: if you want to find out how the text is relevant today, you have to identify the types and symbols, do a study about how they were used elsewhere, and see what you learn. If you want to find out what it meant when it was written, you identify the probable context, look at similar types of literature, and build up a picture from there. When you start doing this critically, it will actually blow your mind how consistent the message is, even if two passage seem irreconcilable.

The "contradictions" actually allow you to "triangulate" the intention in most cases. If A is true, and you assume B is also true, what do both point out? What possibilities do they exclude, and which do they include? Of course, making such projections without study is dangerous. But they provide a reference for living and thinking that you can also triangulate with other parts of the Bible and test their applicability and truth. The Bible is filled with these "checksum clauses". But in the end, they all seem very alien if you don't try to live consistently, and as a result God will seem very alien as well.

Hell just isn't a story, it's a bloody nightmare for any child. It's a CONTROL method, and I'm sorry, but I just can't see a true and real God using threats like that. I think He would be above that.
So should any parent. Any person who threatens his children with hell is working for the wrong god. I personally think hell is no worse a "threat" than death. You can dislike it all you want, it's still there. Hell used to mean sheol "the grave". The hell you have in mind is probably the Roman underworld. Nobody said Greek mythology and Christianity did not rub off on each other, but nobody should think they are the same religion either. Unfortunately, "Hades" (with all its connotations) was the only available Greek word for the concept of a death that wasn't final.

If the biblical "god" was real...and he truly wanted people to believe in him...why wouldn't he come to each and every single person and make himself known? Don't jump the gun- by that, I mean for those who find the bible a touch too much to believe. Why not meet every person on a level where they believe and understand PRIOR going to hell? He's "god" right..so he can do anything. I can't tell you how many times I've heard christians state, "well, you might not believe in him now, but you sure will when you are burning in hell.
Do you really think you would believe in a god that didn't require "belief"? That's like saying you want to see the invisible to believe it is really invisible. If God took on a human form, stood before you, and talked about His invisible nature, you wouldn't be any better off than you are already. You wouln't gain any knowledge. If God took on the form of a giant green headed turtle, you would believe in a miraculous giant green headed turtle, not in God. To believe in God, you have to believe in God, unfortunately.

I think you expect too much from the Bible and too little from God. The Bible is relevant to everybody who is looking for God because it represents the sum of human experience with God throughout history - paradoxes included. Its function is to lead people into a living relationship with God. When you isolate it from a living God, you will only be reading one half of the dialogue. If you don't apply what you read, you have gained nothing at all.

Someone once used the allegory of the Bible as a metal detector for sin at the gates of heaven. It presents an "attendant" who offers to take all the metal on your person and let you pass through. The more you try to look for gaps in the law, the less you'll find - if you don't find and produce every last bit of metal on you, and give it to the attendant, the alarm will go off every time and you will not be able to enter.

I don't believe you will "burn in hell", and I'm a Christian. You might feel more than a little exasperated when you are unable to escape the one thing you were forced to believe in - death. But what I believe makes little difference to you, doesn't it?
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Originally posted by Jenyar
The Bible is relevant to everybody who is looking for God because it represents the sum of human experience with God throughout history - paradoxes included.
What pathetic Western arrogance. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by ConsequentAtheist
What pathetic Western arrogance. :rolleyes:
Actually, Semitic sentiments are traditionally regarded as Eastern. That's why what I say sounds so foreign to you. How many "Western" traditions emphasize the universal over the individual, and general over literal validity?

In this case the punishment was death - as is often the punishment for war. But we do not know the guilt or sinless state of any of those people, so we do not know their judgement either. Remember, not all of them died (despite the command), so some were spared.

So then "god's" commandment was death to all.. (even though it wasn't fulfilled) so he indeed went against Deuteronomy 24:16. Children will not be put to death for the sins of their father

Why were the children killed? Because something their fathers had done! Just as was done in the story of Noah.

If you weren't ever told, you would have found out about Him here, wouldn't you? I'm sure many Romans died thinking Caesar was god, even though the Jews said otherwise.

I don't think I made myself clear. I would think any "god" who deems himself "all-loving", would some how make himself known to each and every individual (hey, Moses had the burning bush) prior to them going to hell. (not that I believe an all-loving god would create such a place to begin with) The bible states "god" doesn't desire for people to go to hell, lake of fire...etc.. If he really meant that -he would make himself known in a way that every person could accept. Unless you think "god" is incapable of doing this.

Hell used to mean sheol "the grave".

Yes, yes...we have been through that. Did you forget the scripture references I gave you regarding the lake of fire where the bible states satan/fallen angels will reside along with the "sinners"?
Matthew 25:41 and Revelation 20:12, 15,

Remember Luke 16:19-31?

The rich man that went to hell described it as torment and fire- he begged for just a drop of water. If it were simply death and no more..what the heck is this story for?

Mark 9:43 And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched:

44 Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.

In fact, if you'll read on to 48 it continues describing hell as fire not being quenched

Revelation 21:8
But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death

I could go on and on and on with the description of hell and lake of fire- It's not like it's mentioned only once.. there are many many times- and quite obvious there is more to it than clocking out- HOWEVER, you have found an answer to this that made me roll on the floor with laughter. See below:

The hell you have in mind is probably the Roman underworld. Nobody said Greek mythology and Christianity did not rub off on each other, but nobody should think they are the same religion either. Unfortunately, "Hades" (with all its connotations) was the only available Greek word for the concept of a death that wasn't final.

How very convenient, Jenyar! LOL If this were the case...then what the heck makes you think they didn't adopt other myths and put them in the bible..and yes, I think it is pretty possible they wanted to get creative and made things up- think about it..someone made up greek mythology, why not stories in the Bible? *takes your tap dancing shoes* No dancing around this..please answer.

If God took on a human form, stood before you, and talked about His invisible nature, you wouldn't be any better off than you are already. You wouln't gain any knowledge.

Isn't Jesus part of the trinity? Father, son, and holy spirit? Isn't he suppose to be "god"? He took human form and ohhhhh ohhhh yeah...good point! :D
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Jesus was an unknown until Paul made him a superhero.

Originally posted by heart
Isn't Jesus part of the trinity? Father, son, and holy spirit? Isn't he suppose to be "god"? He took human form and ohhhhh ohhhh yeah...good point! :D

Yes, Jesus was human. He was a Rabbi. Being a learned man, why didn't Jesus write anything...or has it been suppressed by the RCC? Jesus didn't become a deity until 325 AD as determined at the Council of Nicea. Think about it: If Jesus was a Rabbi, soon forgotten, he was made into a deity so the RCC could sell indulgences and make a nice income selling Jesus to the poor and illiterate believers. You can thank Saul/Paul for being Jesus' spin doctor. And people still believe Jesus is a deity and died on the X for them so they can have eternal life, blah, blah, blah. I feel sorry for all those Xians who follow blindly. Just like the Emperor's new clothes...they are spiritually naked.
Re: medicine*woman

Originally posted by firingseeds
why would u think people follow blindly? are u blind, yourself? blah blah, blah... :D

It has been well-established on this forum as well as on other forums that Xians follow their religion blindly. They cannot think on their own nor do they question their religion out of the fear of recriminations by their peers (or Jesus). Don't tell me that you don't follow your religion blindly, because your posts indicate that you are just a mouthpiece for Xianity. You repeat the same things over and over again like a Zombie who is under the control of Satan.
Re: Jesus was an unknown until Paul made him a superhero.

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
I feel sorry for all those Xians who follow blindly.

That they do- I think it's easy to get "caught up" in it and before long, obvious contradictions etc aren't so obvious. What upsets me most I guess is their "control method" aka: Hell.

You are right in that there is a lot of money that is made from it- I think it's sad when they sell their religion.
hahahah- don't be stupid, medicine*woman. i reckon half the churches are all bullshit, and, i reckon, many of them are dabbling in spiritual crap. this is me, here, you're talking to- and i am the most studious, analytical, person, i know.
woman, i love buddhism, love zen, and understand most faiths. i am also a liberal. u sound more like a crazed religious nut than i do.
also, as i have said already:
two prevailing spirits cover the earth- those of god, and those of the dark one. some of the darkened ones belong to god, and some of the bible-bashers belong to the other side. handles, names, dogma, and titles are for human definement.
remember! who educates who?
keep up the good work and soul-searching. god loves a trier.
jesus is the great teaching:D
Originally posted by heart
So then "god's" commandment was death to all.. (even though it wasn't fulfilled) so he indeed went against Deuteronomy 24:16. Children will not be put to death for the sins of their father

Why were the children killed? Because something their fathers had done! Just as was done in the story of Noah.
Guess what? Remember I told you the Amalekites continued to terrorize the area long after that incident? Don't you think some of them were children at the time of Israel's retaliation? Were they innocent after all? They didn't die for someone else, they died their own deaths. Maybe they weren't exempt from the sins of their parents because they didn't believe in the God who would show them mercy. The parents in Noah's time could have aked Noah (or God) to save their children when they realized that their own sins could deprive their children of a future.

Here's another example: What was the tenth plague in Egypt? Their parents ignored God and they had the opportunity to save their children. If you live outside the law (including the one above), does it have any power to protect you?

Once again I'll ask you: by whose standards were they innocent? Do you believe in that law or don't you?

I don't think I made myself clear. I would think any "god" who deems himself "all-loving", would some how make himself known to each and every individual (hey, Moses had the burning bush) prior to them going to hell. (not that I believe an all-loving god would create such a place to begin with) The bible states "god" doesn't desire for people to go to hell, lake of fire...etc.. If he really meant that -he would make himself known in a way that every person could accept. Unless you think "god" is incapable of doing this.
What would you accept, if you don't accept God himself?

Yes, yes...we have been through that. Did you forget the scripture references I gave you regarding the lake of fire where the bible states satan/fallen angels will reside along with the "sinners"?

In fact, if you'll read on to 48 it continues describing hell as fire not being quenched

Revelation 21:8
But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death
Did you read the previous chapter?
Revelation 20:14
Then death and Hades [hell] were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death.
The Roman hell will be thrown into the Christian hell, so to speak. It seems to indicate that the hell you are talking about will be destroyed along with the "first death". It exists, but I don't know how long a person will last in it - it must exist for ever because Satan and his angels did not know death and are therefore probably eternal themselves.

How very convenient, Jenyar! LOL If this were the case...then what the heck makes you think they didn't adopt other myths and put them in the bible..and yes, I think it is pretty possible they wanted to get creative and made things up- think about it..someone made up greek mythology, why not stories in the Bible? *takes your tap dancing shoes* No dancing around this..please answer.
It is possible that Greek mythology did not come out of nowhere - their gods seem very similar to Norse gods, and to Hebrew accounts of Nephilim and angels, etc. The so-called "great men of old". Remember that these myths are all representations. Even today, we talk about the psyche as in "psychology". Does that mean psychology is based on a myth and therefore invalid? What about Freud's mythology - Oedipus, etc. You see, validity is not limited to physical reality. Thus:
"soul" [=breath/life+body=sum of your character+God/eternal]
"death" [=the grave/hell=underworld/fire/eternal/"second" death]
They are nothing more than words with attributed meanings.

Symbolism, metaphors and allegory are valid ways of expressing concepts for which we have no words. The Bible contains language and words that already had connotations attached to them (that is what language is), and puts them in the Jewish/Christian context. Just like the writers of the Old Testament put ancient myths/events in context. You distance the word's context and culture from the intended meaning at your own peril. We can only learn from the relationships between these concepts, but their content remain largely a mystery. We only know death is just a fork in the road.

A big myth can still contain a seed of reality. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater...
Isn't Jesus part of the trinity? Father, son, and holy spirit? Isn't he suppose to be "god"? He took human form and ohhhhh ohhhh yeah...good point! :D
Glad you see my point (or do you?) I repeat my question. What more do you expect God to do? Send someone like Jesus again?
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Re: Jesus was an unknown until Paul made him a superhero.

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Jesus didn't become a deity until 325 AD as determined at the Council of Nicea.
You can thank Saul/Paul for being Jesus' spin doctor. And people still believe Jesus is a deity and died on the X for them so they can have eternal life, blah, blah, blah.
Do you have any idea what you are talking about? If you have any interest in at least being more informed about what Christians do have, please read Wasn't the New Testament written hundreds of years after Christ?. There can be no later "conspiracy" than the first century. If you still want to believe your urban legend, it's up to you to provide proof of your claims.
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Re: Re: Jesus was an unknown until Paul made him a superhero.

Originally posted by Jenyar
Do you have any idea what you are talking about? If you have any interest in at least being more informed about what Christians do have, please read Wasn't the New Testament written hundreds of years after Christ?. There can be no later "conspiracy" than the first century. If you still want to believe your urban legend, it's up to you to provide proof of your claims.

Jenyar, I know what I'm talking about. I'm not as gullible as you. I was a devout Xian at one time, a Roman Catholic, until I found the truth and the whole RCC shtick is one big lie. So, don't tell me I'm not 'informed.' I've been to St. Peter's and I found no Spirit of God there. It was creepy, like something out of a horror movie. That's when I started questioning the RCC.

The gospels were commissioned by Saul/Paul to make Jesus a deity who died for everyone's sins but came back to life ala God. This is not what Jesus, the Rabbi, taught--far from it. To be a Rabbi, a man had to be married. That was the Jewish law. So everything else that is said about Jesus is a lie, too.

I am well-read on this topic. I have provided a bibliography in an earlier post. I read everything I can on this topic and compare notes. Maybe you should, too. You know nothing but the lies. Take off your tap shoes, and learn the truth. The RCC is crumbling faster than your tap dancing. Xianity is NOT real! Wake up and smell the lies!
Guess what? Remember I told you the Amalekites continued to terrorize the area long after that incident? Don't you think some of them were children at the time of Israel's retaliation? Were they innocent after all? They didn't die for someone else, they died their own deaths.

Well, I know it says:
1 Samuel 15:2 It says, "Thus saith the LORD of hosts, I remember that which Amalek did to Israel, how he laid wait for him in the way, when he came up from Egypt." This event happened long ago...but..

1 Samuel 15:3
Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.

I Samuel 15:8,9
And he (Saul) took Agag the king of the Amalekites alive, and utterly destroyed all the people with the edge of the sword.
9: But Saul and the people spared Agag, and the best of the sheep, and of the oxen, and of the fatlings, and the lambs, and all that was good, and would not utterly destroy them: but every thing that was vile and refuse, that they destroyed utterly.

Now, this angers "god" because Saul disobeyed him, long story short Samuel said to Saul "for thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, and the LORD hath rejected thee from being king over Israel"

I'm not condoning any action of slaughtering people...but, it seems you think because the Amalekites did this (long ago) then it is okay for them to have killed the Amalekites babies/children. How could a BABY have possibly been guilty?? Those babies were innocent, Jenyar...dance all you want...justify until the cows come home... but they were innocent. Again this goes against:
Deuteronomy 24:16. Children will not be put to death for the sins of their father

This also applies to the 10th plague as well. Those children were put to death because of their fathers sins. Don't you agree?

It seems to indicate that the hell you are talking about will be destroyed along with the "first death". It exists, but I don't know how long a person will last in it - it must exist for ever because Satan and his angels did not know death and are therefore probably eternal themselves.

Well the Bible states this:
This is how it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come and separate the wicked from the righteous and throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." Matthew 13:49-50

Note: aionios is greek to be translated as eternity: which implies the fire is forever...torment is forever
Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal (aionios) fire prepared for the devil and his angels. ... Then they will go away to eternal (aionios) punishment, but the righteous to eternal (aionios) life." Matthew 25:41,46

A big myth can still contain a seed of reality. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater

What is the reality, Jenyar?

What more do you expect God to do? Send someone like Jesus again

Seems that "god" put a lot of energy and time in killing people (guilty and innocent alike)- yet, he can't meet people on terms that they'll come to understand and believe without a shadow of a doubt. If he is suppose to know people's hearts- he should be able to figure out to do this. Then again..I don't think a true god would create hell...so
Re: Re: Re: Jesus was an unknown until Paul made him a superhero.

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Jenyar, I know what I'm talking about. I'm not as gullible as you. I was a devout Xian at one time, a Roman Catholic, until I found the truth and the whole RCC shtick is one big lie. So, don't tell me I'm not 'informed.' I've been to St. Peter's and I found no Spirit of God there. It was creepy, like something out of a horror movie. That's when I started questioning the RCC.
If you were gullible at some stage, what prevents you from being gullible now? If you thought the Spirit of God inhabited St. Peter's, you misread the scripture:

John 2
19Jesus answered them, "Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days."
20The Jews replied, "It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and you are going to raise it in three days?" 21But the temple he had spoken of was his body.

The gospels were commissioned by Saul/Paul to make Jesus a deity who died for everyone's sins but came back to life ala God. This is not what Jesus, the Rabbi, taught--far from it. To be a Rabbi, a man had to be married. That was the Jewish law. So everything else that is said about Jesus is a lie, too.
If you would be so kind as provide a source for that claim, I would gladly compare it with the website I mentioned. I don't need a list of sources, just the ones that substantiates your claim that Paul created the Jesus we know would suffice.

Rabbi means "teacher". He might not have been a rabbi, but apparently He was called one.
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Originally posted by heart
I'm not condoning any action of slaughtering people...but, it seems you think because the Amalekites did this (long ago) then it is okay for them to have killed the Amalekites babies/children. How could a BABY have possibly been guilty?? Those babies were innocent, Jenyar...dance all you want...justify until the cows come home... but they were innocent. Again this goes against:
Deuteronomy 24:16. Children will not be put to death for the sins of their father

This also applies to the 10th plague as well. Those children were put to death because of their fathers sins. Don't you agree?
For the third time: the parents carried the responsibility. As you rightly mention: this was long after the Israelites out of Egypt, and they were still a warring nation. They declared war with Israel when they attacked them well outside their own territory at Rephidim (Ex.17), and again near Hormah (Num. 14:45).

They had their warning, and ignored it - they showed no fear of God (Deut. 25:18), but instead declared war against His people. What happens when a warning from God is ignored?

'When I bring the sword against a land, and the people of the land choose one of their men and make him their watchman, ...
6 But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one of them, that man will be taken away because of his sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for his blood.'

You still haven't told me why they are innocent. Who is innocent of sin? After all, these laws were applied with the same strict measure to the Israelites themselves (as you've read - don't you think some Israelite children and infants were also killed when the Amalekites retaliated?). Your whole argument rests on this, your own (emotional) judgement. If a serial rapist bursts out in tears after being given his sentence because he did not think he was doing anything wrong, is he innocent? Reality often does not have much room for sentimentality. By what standards are those children innocent, modern standards? Can you provide any evidence from any source that the Amalekites were ever anything other than at war with Israel? Can you provide any extenuating circumstances in their defense?

This nomadic nation was, in ancient times, Israel's eternal foe. Shortly after the Israelites left Egypt and were wandering the desert, the Amalekites attacked the weary nation, slaughtering the weak and elderly. The Israelites, under the leadership of Joshua, later avenged the attack and defeated the Amalekites, but failed to completely eradicate the nation. Israel was then plagued with Amalekite raids. Today, the name Amalek is a symbol for evil and hatred against Jews, and Haman, the Persian leader who vowed to destroy all Jews, is considered a descendant of Agag, king of the Amalekites.
- Jewish Virtual Library: The Amalekites

In the Babylonian inscriptions they are called "Sute," in those of Egypt "Sittiu," and the Amarna tablets include them under the general name of "Khabbati," or "plunderers."

This is the context. (Strange that all those innocent children grew up to be just as bad as their parents).The children did share the punishment collaterally, but one thing is certain: they were not held accountable for the sins of their fathers. Everybody dies for his own sin - whether naturally, by accident, or as in this case: as a casualty of war (and of their parents' bad judgement).

[I would extend the Amalekite story as God declaring war on war, promising and intending to exterminate it totally, tolerating no tolerance of it (like Saul did). Every person who makes war opposes God, and being opposed to God separates you from His mercy - but this is of course all purely exegetical.]

Well the Bible states this:
This is how it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come and separate the wicked from the righteous and throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." Matthew 13:49-50

Note: aionios is greek to be translated as eternity: which implies the fire is forever...torment is forever
Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal (aionios) fire prepared for the devil and his angels. ... Then they will go away to eternal (aionios) punishment, but the righteous to eternal (aionios) life." Matthew 25:41,46
Obviously, the weeping and gnashing occurs in hell before it gets thrown into the lake of fire. Imagine a fire burning forever. Now throw something that isn't eternal in it. It burns up - but the fire continues burning, along with the [eternal] devil and his angels. The only problem might be that everybody who is raised from the dead to be judged will not be able to die again... But if you want justice you must be willing to be judged yourself. If you don't want justice, then what are we still talking about?

Seems that "god" put a lot of energy and time in killing people (guilty and innocent alike)- yet, he can't meet people on terms that they'll come to understand and believe without a shadow of a doubt. If he is suppose to know people's hearts- he should be able to figure out to do this. Then again..I don't think a true god would create hell...so
That is because you don't see the seriousness of evil. For some reason you recognize injustice quickly enough, but you think there will be no justice. Is that why you take these deaths so seriously: do you think these children were already judged? This is the message of the Bible: judgement has been deferred! That is we only seem to experience injustice in this life.

I think you forget where death comes from: Sin - disobedience and self-righteousness. It is not God's will that even the wicked should be found guilty (see Ezek.33), but if you don't submit to God you cannot inherit His gift of life again. This isn't a threat, it's a warning. God does not "send" you to hell. Does a shepherd send anybody but his own sheep anywhere? Unfortunately there is no possibility of being sent to heaven against your will either.
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For the third time: the parents carried the responsibility.

Okay, maybe I'm not understanding what you are meaning, Jenyar. If you are stating that the parents are responsible- are you saying God isn't responsible for the children dying..and this somehow dismisses Deut 24:16?

Read this again...please: Deuteronomy 24:16. Children will not be put to death for the sins of their father

Are you saying the above scripture has nothing to do with this story? Excuse me..but, WHY did those babies and children die? You can hold the parents responsible all you'd like and say, "god" warned them and do all the other tap dancing, break dancing, and disco moves you want- but those babies didn't attack Israel, Jenyar! Therefore, they were being punished with DEATH because of what their parents had done- actually, what was done 450 years prior to Saul becoming King

You still haven't told me why they are innocent

Because they didn't attack Israel- all babies do are nurse, make goo goo noises, cry, poop, burp, and sleep- Since when are any of those things a sin?? God said he REMEMBERED what had happened 450 years prior... Therefore, they couldn't of had anything to do with what had upset "god".

don't you think some Israelite children and infants were also killed when the Amalekites retaliated

That isn't the point. Please don't get me wrong, as I stated in the prior post that I do not condone slaughter of any child be it Israelite or Amalekite- My beef with this is "god" commanded all the Amalekite babies/children to be killed- those babies couldn't defend themselves. They knew nothing about what had been done- but "god" chose to kill them any way. That's sick and wrong, Jenyar.

If a serial rapist bursts out in tears after being given his sentence because he did not think he was doing anything wrong, is he innocent?

There is a HUGE difference in a tiny INNOCENT baby and a serial rapist bucko! *screams out the window in frustration..turns around and smiles* Point blank, what crime did those babies commit, Jenyar? Being at the wrong place at the wrong time?

The children did share the punishment collaterally, but one thing is certain: they were not held accountable for the sins of their fathers

Ohhhh, so it all boils down to that they were put to death because of their fathers sins...but, they weren't held accountable, meaning they probably are in heaven instead of hell, huh? This is insane!

Obviously, the weeping and gnashing occurs in hell before it gets thrown into the lake of fire. Imagine a fire burning forever. Now throw something that isn't eternal in it. It burns up - but the fire continues burning, along with the [eternal] devil and his angels. The only problem might be that everybody who is raised from the dead to be judged will not be able to die again... But if you want justice you must be willing to be judged yourself. If you don't want justice, then what are we still talking about

Well, Jenyar, the problem with that is it states Then they will go away to eternal (aionios) punishment If one is dead, how could they be punished eternally? Death ceases...eternity is forever.
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