Was satan really evil or is it just exaggerated propoganda?

Originally posted by firingseeds
hi, heart, nicely stated.
...then u also are basing your case on something MAN wrote.
ohh, bytheway, u appear to have a set of those glasses
well done

My point being man is not perfect...thus, flaws in the Bible.
firingseeds still fails to understand

Originally posted by firingseeds
praise the lord! medicine womans given her life to jesus christ!
You are truly delusional. I don't see how you could have interpreted that from anything I have said. I am most definitely NOT an Xian!
medicine woman

how could i have interpretated that from what u said!
u say, 'we are here in physical form to glorify god.' jesus is god.
that is the bottom line...believe me.

You know what M*W meant and what she believes- that would be like someone telling you, "yeah, firingseeds praises satan- thank the evil dude, he's seen the beauty in the darkness"!

'we are here in physical form to glorify god.' jesus is god. that is the bottom line...believe me

Where's your proof? Why should she believe you?
Re: medicine woman

Originally posted by firingseeds
how could i have interpretated that from what u said!
u say, 'we are here in physical form to glorify god.' jesus is god.
that is the bottom line...believe me.
(That is what YOU believe. It is NOT what I believe. Jesus was not the creator of the universe. He was a creation of God just like we all are. He carried the One Spirit of God on the face of the Earth just like we all do, but Jesus is NOT God. Man-made religious writers made up the mythology of Jesus the deity. This came about in 325 AD at the Council of Nicaea. Jesus didn't die on a cross to save anyone. That story was contrived by Paul in order to create a mythological deity. Jesus may be YOUR God, which says that you believe in fairy tales, but he is NOT my God. In this day and time, with all the truth that has already been uncovered about the false religion of Xianity, it never fails to amaze me that there are people like you who still believe in fantasy.)
This came about in 325 AD at the Council of Nicaea. Jesus didn't die on a cross to save anyone
That's a lie. The theology was already evident in Paul's many epistles between 50 and 70 AD, and completed by John by 120 AD. Then accepted by Polycarp (John's student), Irenaeus, et al. The Council just put in writing what was accepted doctrine by that time and what wasn't, because people were starting to believe things like "Jesus was just a man", against everything Jesus ever said and done...

The truth is, M*W, you don't even know who Jesus was, and you only know "God" as well as you know yourself - which makes your god whatever you want it to be. I don't have that luxury. If you are god, M*W, then so is your husband. Remember that next time you see him.

[enter ConsequentAtheist's retort: neither do you, Jenyar-of the-70-books]

We accept man's testimony, but God's testimony is greater because it is the testimony of God, which he has given about his Son. Anyone who believes in the Son of God has this testimony in his heart. Anyone who does not believe God has made him out to be a liar, because he has not believed the testimony God has given about his Son.

And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.
You're in a tapping frenzy

Originally posted by Jenyar
That's a lie. The theology was already evident in Paul's many epistles between 50 and 70 AD, and completed by John by 120 AD. Then accepted by Polycarp (John's student), Irenaeus, et al. The Council just put in writing what was accepted doctrine by that time and what wasn't, because people were starting to believe things like "Jesus was just a man", against everything Jesus ever said and done...
(No, Jenyar-with-tap-shoes, you BELIEVE a lie. At the Council of Nicaea, the RCC hierarchy determined what was doctrine and what wasn't doctrine. As we've gone over many times already, Saul/Paul created the myth of Xianity and profitably sold it. He commissioned the writings of the Gospels. Luke was his buddy. The whole virgin birth malarky was created by Saul/Paul.)
The truth is, M*W, you don't even know who Jesus was, and you only know "God" as well as you know yourself - which makes your god whatever you want it to be.
(Jenyar, I don't think you read all the posts. If you had read the posts, you would have learned that I am a former Xian. I taught catachism for many, many years. I don't even want to go into my Xian background for you, because I have moved onward and found God. You don't know me, you don't know where I've been, and you don't know anything else it appears. I believe Jesus was teaching the message I have attempted to leave on this website, but you Xians are so closed-minded that you cannot see the grace of God for allowing yourselves to be blinded by Jesus! It's not Jesus' fault, of course, it's yours for believing in fantasies. My God is the God for the whole universe. I have not created this, but this is who I accept my God to be. I do realize that you don't know this God. You have removed yourself from the one true God. It's your loss, Jenyar, not mine. You said, "...which makes your god whatever you want it to be." If I was simple-minded, I'd probably want a god that brought me lots of money, but I'm not simple-minded. I know that everything I have comes from God. My God is everyone's God, not just mine, personally! You reject my God, therefore, you reject the whole human race. Doesn't that kinda make you lonely to be all by yourself? My God has given me the whole world and a very, very big family. I'll never be alone. This is what my God has done for me. My God brought me here because it wanted me here. My God has given me my own personal mission in life. I live it everyday. I love my very, very big family, and I am blessed to be here among them for a time. This life is a blessing. It's a gift from God.)
I don't have that luxury.
(It is by your own rejection of God that you have denied yourself that luxury.)
If you are god, M*W, then so is your husband. Remember that next time you see him.
(Your sexist remark shows your ignorance. You assume I have a husband. That's patriarchal misogyny. I wasn't sure of your gender, but you gave that one away! You're a male chauvinist pig. I couldn't help but review your profile which told me a lot about you! Let's see, "English" is not your native language. That explains what happened to you. Did the Xian missionaries in Afrika program your native mind to believe their lies? Furthermore, you write like a big, fat broad with 27 house cats and one worn out Bible. Now I understand where I got the feeling you were dancing around everything. I bet you've danced a jig or two with your tribe, eh? Are they all as warped as you? Do you still run around with paint on your face but half-naked in the jungle? Have you ever appeared in National Geographic wearing those big hoops in your lips? Is the Bible the only formal education you've had? You're as young as my youngest daughter, so from here on out, I've said what I needed to say to you, and I will not acknowledge anything else you have to say to me. I will give you some advice, however. There is a whole big world out there that you have never seen. Until you are able to see both sides of creation, don't limit your mind to false mythologies enforced upon you by strangers. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.)
[enter ConsequentAtheist's retort: neither do you, Jenyar-of the-70-books]

We accept man's testimony, but God's testimony is greater because it is the testimony of God, which he has given about his Son. Anyone who believes in the Son of God has this testimony in his heart. Anyone who does not believe God has made him out to be a liar, because he has not believed the testimony God has given about his Son.

And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. [/B][/QUOTE]

she's been told, heart. if she's not smart enough to work it out, then so be it. her rebuke wasn't that bad, actually, and i thought i detected a softening in her disposition. ya never know with catholic's. they have their own ways about them. everything they see- even when they deny their religion- is from what they have been taught...something like conditioning. i try to respect the view of others, and she would probably have been aware that i was just probing....and at least she's got something to fall back on, when and if, her sand castle tumbles down. sand castles tend to look good and pretty as long as everything's going well, but when the wind's blow, no trace of the sand to lean on.
she also appears to have some moments of moderation...which is a good thing.
i tell u what i heard an 'enlightened' soul say in yahoo christian chat: maybe the perfection of eve was satan's demise... in other words- his downfall.

she's been told, heart. if she's not smart enough to work it out, then so be it

She's been told what? How she should believe? According to the christian faith? From reading her posts, it appears to me that Medicine Woman has found truth for her and is at peace with that.

ya never know with catholic's. they have their own ways about them. everything they see- even when they deny their religion- is from what they have been taught...something like conditioning.

Talk about stereotyping

hi. if medicine woman's happy with her truth, then so am i. it's truth about catholic's- they all have that mentality. they are still normal, so-so, but when it comes to their religion, it's a no-no; which i respect.
from observation, tho, heart, i'd say mw is looking for more in her life. peace is peace, no matter what handle u wear, be it muslim, whatever...she reminds me of a bigot trying to justify her existance...well, u wanted the truth! i could just talk purdy.

Wow, look, I cannot speak for her, I don't even know her..then again, neither do you.

From reading her posts, I don't view M*W as a bigot, I think she has found truth and is simply sharing that.

if u are right, then she will smile at my ignorance, ( and overlook it ), and edify me in love. we will see. i don't need to know her truth, i merely need to eat of her fruit- kindness, love etc. let her truth be real, and let me enjoy her works.
i also believe she has found something to work from, whether it be just sand shows in her demeanour.
hey! i just heard a good one in yahoo christian chatroom: 'was the perfection of eve the downfall of satan?' i thought, wow, i hadn't seen it from that view before. we usually refer to satan being the downfall of man....
Satan, who has been hanging out at my house for several months, thanks all for their concern and wants everyone to know that he is guilty of nothing. Everything has been a bit of a mess since he introduced God to the bottle. In heaven angels report that he's been in a muddle ever since, doing nothing save laying around drunk in his own vomit, and doesn't seem to give a fig anymore what comes of mankind.
now that was funny...( ps. i hope u don't mind but i gotta beat u up on that other thread, otherwise it won't look too good.;) ....and, ahhh...ahh....a ten plus, i reckon. i think u practically wrapped this mystery up, singlehandedly. now we know...

sorry if i been a bit hard on u. u actually seemed fairly reasonable and clued up. i was teasing a bit.
anyway, let me say this- don't rubbish this, either, coz' i don't like wasting my time. let me say, the teaching of jesus is basically this ( i will place myself there for but one moment ): 'if u are not for me, then u are against me.'.. that is the simple reality of the story of the goat and the sheep. satan reminds me of someone with aids, who passes it on deliberately, and doesn't care who is hurt. seen a couple of cases like that in the news...that could be actually plain evil- taking out the stupidity, careless disregard, and emotional shit of the perpetrator, tho noones perfect.