Vick's 50 Pit Bulls to be killed

Our union stemmed from us realizing that wolves could help us hunt with more efficiency, and wolves realizing the same thing; not to mention the fact that humans and wolves are both social animals, which allows us to understand the way each other thinks a lot better.
"Man's best friend" is the truest statement that could ever be made about dogs.

You act like all people think alike about dogs. That's pretty egotistical of you, ain't it? People in Korea and China eat dog meat!

"Man's best friend"??? No, it should be "Some men's best friend."

Baron Max
You act like all people think alike about dogs. That's pretty egotistical of you, ain't it? People in Korea and China eat dog meat!

"Man's best friend"??? No, it should be "Some men's best friend."

Baron Max

Well considering that I'm not the one that came up with that phrase, not really. And considering that my last statement is MY opinion, definitely not egotistical. And the number of people would would agree with the statement "man's best friend" would probably be in the millions, if not tens or hundreds of millions.
I could give a rat's ass what some Korean or Chinaman is doing. As long as they don't try to eat one of my dogs, they will be fine.

Do you honestly think humanity would be where it is today w/o the help of dogs?
Baron Max said:

Perspective, Tiassa, perspective. Outrage at killing the few Pit Bulls of Michael Vick, but ignoring the other millions of dogs and cats that are killed every year.

I think you'll have better success getting the message to stick beyond the sensational reminder if you offer something more than sniveling accusation.

And as I've said before, all that is a sure sign that the news media leads people around by the nose ...whatever the news media says, people react to without putting things into perpective.

That's a bit presumptuous.

The remainder of your post is not worth replying to.

When you reiterate your point about people being led around by the nose while simultaneously refusing to consider the counterpoint, you're not making much of an argument.

So you should try answering a question from time to time. Like this one:

Do you really think about every issue every day?​

Perspective seems to be something your argument lacks. Of course, this seems to be your choice. All I'm asking you to do is put your widespread condemnation in perspective.
...Because violence breeds violence, dogfighting endangers communities wherever it occurs. Aside from hurting animals, it nurtures a violent mind-set that makes it easier for people to brutalize other people. The results of a recent Chicago Police Department study bear this out: Of those arrested for animal crimes, including dogfighting, 65 percent had past arrests for battery.

These statistics, coupled with the sheer moral turpitude involved in torturing our canine companions to death, should be enough motivation for Americans to accept that dogfighting is no sport. It's a social scourge that we all must take part in fighting.
i over heard some people talking who said that vick got busted because of i swear to god inbred jews
So you should try answering a question from time to time. Like this one:

Do you really think about every issue every day?​

No, of course not. However, when I read an article or hear a news story about something, I try to think about it put it in some perspective ...BEFORE ...I post it on some Internet forum as a sensational issue of the day.

See, Tiassa, that's what I mean about ....perspective. When you read or hear about some news story or some issue, think about it in terms of what you know ...put the article, issue, in perspective. When you do that, you'll soon discover that very little news will seem so outrageous as it did at first glance. Perspective's important in life, and it should be here, too.

A good example is when you read a story about some vicious, violent murder. Well, golly, at first glance, you should be horrified. But, by adding a little perspective, and knowing that thousands of similar vicious, violent murders happen every fuckin' day, then the murder just becomes one of many, so isn't such a big deal in the grand scheme of things.

Perspective seems to be something your argument lacks.

I seem to have done a pretty good job as noted by others in the thread. Why haven't you seen the same perspective, Tiassa, you just want to argue ...without any basis for it?

All I'm asking you to do is put your widespread condemnation in perspective.

"Widespread condemnation"? What, exactly, are you talking about? What or whom am I condemning?

Perspective, Tiassa, perspective ....try it sometime, you'll like it. :D

Opps, but then if too many people begin to put things into some proper perspective, then they won't have much to post about here, will they? And if everyone quits posting, then you'll lose your multi-million $ job as a moderator, huh? ...LOL!

Baron Max
...Because violence breeds violence, dogfighting endangers communities wherever it occurs.
It's a social scourge that we all must take part in fighting.

I agree. So I'm going to clean and oil up my guns and, this weekend, go out to the local dogfights and begin doing my part to eliminate the social scourge of the society.

Thanks, Orleander, ....I'll do my part.

Baron Max
I agree. So I'm going to clean and oil up my guns and, this weekend, go out to the local dogfights and begin doing my part to eliminate the social scourge of the society.

Thanks, Orleander, ....I'll do my part.

Baron Max

Thank you! :bravo:
I'll write to you when you are in prison.
Baron Max said:

No, of course not. However, when I read an article or hear a news story about something, I try to think about it put it in some perspective ...BEFORE ...I post it on some Internet forum as a sensational issue of the day.

Ah, I see. So you're the only person who does this?

Whatever you say, Max.

I seem to have done a pretty good job as noted by others in the thread. Why haven't you seen the same perspective, Tiassa, you just want to argue ...without any basis for it?

Your ranting and raving about hypocrisy. Hell, at least people are thinking about it. I realize this isn't good enough for you, but you're going to have to come to grips with the fact that people aren't as perfect as you wish they were.

"Widespread condemnation"? What, exactly, are you talking about? What or whom am I condemning?

• Geez, most of y'all are such wimps! (#50)

• Geez, it seems that people around here have no damned perspective anymore! Most of y'all are "run" by the news media ...if it hits the sensationalist news, then y'all just eat it up ...and love it! (#50)

• So how could I possibly be shocked and horrified by what Michael Vicks did so many "non-thinking" individuals who have virtually no fuckin' perspective on issues? (#61)

• No, it means that they're being led around by the nose by the sensationalist news media!! And maybe that's worse than being wimps, which they are, or hypocrites, which they are!! (#61)

• And as I've said before, all that is a sure sign that the news media leads people around by the nose ...whatever the news media says, people react to without putting things into perpective. (#75)

• Opps, but then if too many people begin to put things into some proper perspective, then they won't have much to post about here, will they? (#86)​

Unless you're claiming to be psychic, or all-knowing, or freakin' God, you don't know how people feel or what they think except for what they've said here. In other words, you don't know how much thought they have or haven't given an issue, yet you're willing to condemn them as being led around by the nose, as having "virtually no fuckin' perspective", as "non-thinking".

Consider your own perspective, Max. I mean, shit, dude, even I think the bit about locking Vick in a cell with hungry dogs is stupid, but not every post here is supposed to be perfect according to my standards, and they're certainly not supposed to be perfect according to your standards. A little human empathy at least might do your own perspective a world of good.
Ah, I see. So you're the only person who does this?

From reading the posts here at sciforums, yeah, I think I'm one of damned few who does much thinking about some of the topics here.

A little human empathy at least might do your own perspective a world of good.

You're suggesting that I lie?

It's also interesting that you seem to be arguing here against my idea for people to put topics, issues, etc. into perspective. Your arguing seems to be a clear support for knee-jerk reactions ...and people who don't react with such emotions is lacking in empathy. Interesting.

Baron Max
Baron Max said:

You're suggesting that I lie?

No, I'm suggesting that you are being arrogant and presumptuous in order to fuel your bitter condemnation.

It's also interesting that you seem to be arguing here against my idea for people to put topics, issues, etc. into perspective. Your arguing seems to be a clear support for knee-jerk reactions ...and people who don't react with such emotions is lacking in empathy.

I suppose I should also suggest that you (A) read a little more closely, or (B) give better consideration to your perspective.
A more important sense of hypocrisy?

Some ... er ... perspective in from Mike Bianchi of the Orlando Sentinel:

If only Michael Vick had been arrested for abusing women instead of dogs.

He'd still be on the football field today.

He'd still have the love and adoration of his fans.

And, yes, he'd still have his Nike deal.

Such is the shame of professional sports.

The August 5 commentary points out that while the accusations involve deplorable behavior, "Dogfighting is a much less serious societal problem than wife-beating." And, frankly, he has a point. Bianchi notes that the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, who, ironically, trained at the Disney Wide World of Sports, have on their roster not one, but two running backs who have faced domestic violence charges:

Gates was placed in a pre-trial intervention program recently and ordered to take anger-management courses after being arrested for an altercation with a pregnant woman in March. Pittman's case was much more high profile. He spent time in jail three years ago after being indicted on two counts of aggravated assault for intentionally ramming his Hummer into a car carrying his wife, 2-year-old son and the couple's baby sitter. It was the fourth time Pittman had been arrested on domestic-abuse charges, and that doesn't even count the "30 or 40 prior domestic-violence situations" that his wife Melissa told police never were reported. (ibid)

We should also note that it's not just football:

It's been a week since the St. Petersburg Times reported that the Tampa Bay rookie outfielder sent a photo of a gun to the cell phone of his estranged wife, NiShea Gilbert. She played the newspaper a voicemail message in which Dukes reportedly said, "You dead, dawg...Your kids too."

Four times before, deputies have been summoned to break up domestic disputes at the Dukes' home. Gilbert twice filed requests for protection against him. He stormed the middle school where she teaches on April 30 and it took the principal and a deputy to subdue him -- and get him away from all those middle school kids. If that is indeed Dukes talking on the voicemail (he hasn't denied it), those are his kids he's threatening.

Albert Belle, Dante Bichette, Chili Davis. Jose Canseco, Pedro Astacio, Wil Cordero, Julio Lugo and on and on it goes. There are arrests, charges, convictions and pleas. Some domestic battery, some domestic abuse, a whole lot ignored ....

Indeed, as Aditi Kinkhabwala points out, even the currently-demonized Barry Bonds has been picked up for beating his wife. Up here in Seattle, relief pitcher Julio Mateo allegedly beat and possibly tried to kill his wife in a New York hotel; the club moved him to the inactive list while he sought counseling, and eventually dealt him to the Philadelphia Phillies for a minor-league infielder. As near as I can tell, he is currently with the Phillies' Triple-A organization in Ottowa. Alberto Callaspo, utility infielder for the Arizona Diamondbacks allegedly attacked his wife with a knife and beat his son against a headboard; the players' union opposed a move to the inactive list, and Callaspo kept playing. Currently, he is with the D'backs' Triple-A club in Tuscon, and is considered likely to be called back to the Show ... well, today. (I'll look around to see if it happened.)

So more than worrying about Vick's dogs versus all the fuzzy unfortunates around the country, it may be that the real hypocrisy is that we're making a big deal out of it while continuing to endorse with ticket and merchandise money, and with general indifference, widespread domestic violence.

Of course, there's also the flip-side whenever an athlete or musician decides to be political: "Shut up and play!" It doesn't seem much of a stretch to wonder if something similar is afoot here. We pay these players to score points and win games. We do not pay them to give deep thought to anything but scoring and winning. And, maybe, that demand is showing through.


Bianchi, Mike. "Ignoring domestic abuse is the shame of the sports world". August 5, 2007. See,0,7785251.column

Kinkhabwala, Aditi. "Way off base". May 31, 2007. See

See Also:

CBS Sports. "Julio Mateo". See

CBS Sports. "Alberto Callaspo". See
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Indeed, as Aditi Kinkhabwala points out, even the currently-demonized Barry Bonds.....
...., relief pitcher Julio Mateo allegedly beat and possibly tried to kill his wife in a New York hotel;...
Alberto Callaspo, utility infielder for the Arizona Diamondbacks allegedly attacked his wife ...

I think if you checked, you'd discover that none of those have gone to trial. And in the USA, people are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

So it seems that what you and the newspaper reporter are doing here is nothing more than slanderous sensationalism to try to prove some point of your own. That ain't very nice of you, Tiassa. ...well, unless you don't believe in the legal system and think that people should be considered guilty if there's a sensationalist story in the press or on the 'Net???

In fact, do you think that people should be "tried" and found guilty here on the sciforums site? Do you think that any of us have the knowledge and experience necessary to hold a fair and impartial trial of people's alleged crimes?

So more than worrying about Vick's dogs versus all the fuzzy unfortunates around the country, it may be that the real hypocrisy...

Ain't no hypocrisy at all ....Vick plead guilty in a court of law.

Baron Max
Baron Max said:

Ain't no hypocrisy at all ....Vick plead guilty in a court of law.

You're inconsistent with your own posts, Max. What's new?

As to the rest of the post, I don't believe you're actually as stupid as you make yourself out to be, so just quit with the act, Max. You don't have to plead guilty or be convicted of other offenses to receive league punishment. It's just curious that with drugs, performance enhancement, and other offenses, you get to keep playing.

Additionally, I reject the notion implicit in your argument that if a crime isn't charged, there has been no incident.
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The killing of the dogs goes to prove that it's not about the welfare of the animals. It's just about who can be the bigger jerk.

All but one of the dogs seized in the Michael Vick dog fighting case will be placed with families or put in a "sanctuary," where they will interact with people to overcome their fear and lack of socialization, according to court order filed Monday.

Michael Vick pleaded guilty in August to conspiracy charges related to dog fighting.

One of the 49 seized dogs "has a history biting humans" and will be euthanized, according to a motion filed in Virginia in U.S. District Court.

U.S. Attorney Chuck Rosenberg said the dog -- identified as number 2621 -- "exhibited intense aggression to humans to the point where the evaluation could not safely be completed."

The recommendation came more than a month after the court ordered the dogs evaluated by U.S. Department of Agriculture contractors....
All but one of the dogs seized in the Michael Vick dog fighting case will be placed with families or put in a "sanctuary," where they will interact with people to overcome their fear and lack of socialization, according to court order filed Monday.

That only makes me wonder how many OTHER dogs are going to be killed to make room for Vick's dogs?!

And, yes, just so you know, that's exactly what happens around here when there's a "celebrity dog" ...dogs that are already in the "system" are killed so the authorities can claim the "celebrity dog" isn't killed. There just ain't no more room in the kennels ....and so few of the bleeding-heart liberals will adopt the dogs.

Baron Max
I agree with you baron. People rush to get these 'maybe safe' dogs, but the 'safe' dogs languish in cages and then are put down. There's no entertainment story behind these good dogs, so no one wants them.
Death by the pound

Web Posted: 11/14/2004 12:00 AM CST
Lisa Sandberg

Pawing at the rusty crate it shared with three mutts, the big husky howled.

It must know, Rasiel Galvan mused.

Galvan is a supervisor at the San Antonio Animal Care and Control shelter, commonly known as the pound. On this humid morning, when the gas chamber was ready for another load, the husky would join a grim processional that this year will send nearly 50,000 cats and dogs to their deaths — more per capita than any other major American city.

Masked by euphemism and hidden from the public, the ritual of animal euthanasia proceeds unabated every day but Sunday.

In some ways, what happens in San Antonio is no different from what happens nationwide; dealing with strays and unwanted pets is a pound's sad mission.