Vick's 50 Pit Bulls to be killed

Max, do you really think about every issue every day? No. I'm pretty damn sure you don't, because, technically, it's impossible.

For many people, when an issue is put before them by the news, it's the first time they've thought about it either ever or for a while.

Maybe they should do more thinking and less posting and talking, huh?

Surely you're not suggesting that people react without thinking, are you, Tiassa? Because that's exactly what it seems you're saying ...or at least excusing actions without thought.

When I first heard the news about Michael Vick, the first thing I thought about was all of the dog fighting that's been going on for centuries ...some of it right here in the good ol' USA. I also thought immediately about the large numbers of stray dogs and cats that are "killed" every single fuckin' day in the USA. So how could I possibly be shocked and horrified by what Michael Vicks did so many "non-thinking" individuals who have virtually no fuckin' perspective on issues?

...and now fifty dogs are going to be put down, and that has people's attention. That they're thinking about the subject doesn't mean they're wimps. It doesn't mean they're hypocrites.

No, it means that they're being led around by the nose by the sensationalist news media!! And maybe that's worse than being wimps, which they are, or hypocrites, which they are!!

Ya' wanna' know something, Tiassa? The inhumane treatment of animals, esp. dogs and cats, in our cities and towns is almost worse than horrible ...and is damned sure worse than those fifty dogs of Michael Vick's. But does anyone do anything about it? Nope! It's a sensational news item for one or two days, then it's back to killing dogs and cats by the thousands ......while people are being distracted by the next big news item, and being led around by the nose once more.

A little thought, a little perspective, before, BEFORE, we react is a good thing. But that's not practiced here at all, is it? And when I try to interject a little perspective, people call me all kinds of nasty names, or make insinuations about me you're doing here.

I read in today's Dallas Morning News about the greyhounds ...the racing dogs? Tens of thousands are killed every year. And it's a sport, not much different to the fighting dogs of Michael Vick ...the dogs are actually harmed by running as they're forced to do. Most greyhounds only last about four years on the tracks, if that. Guess what happens to them then?? Wanna' guess??

Baron Max
Ya' wanna' know something, Tiassa? The inhumane treatment of animals, esp. dogs and cats, in our cities and towns is almost worse than horrible ...and is damned sure worse than those fifty dogs of Michael Vick's. But does anyone do anything about it? Nope!

Baron Max

No kidding, Just this week on the news some other idiot chained his german shepard to the back of his truck as he drove.......when the dog was too tired to run it was dragged to the point of having no paws left by the time he stopped. Shit goes on like this all the time. It was on the news once for all over about 2 mins never to be heard again. Or how about the crazy cat ppl they always find and have to go in and remove 50 cats that are so far gone and infected with disease they have to be put to sleep.

It's not big news because its not a celebrity or anybody important.........just another fucked up human.
But I've seen enough stories about pit bull attacks to be convinced that it's a problem with the breed. I've never heard of an Irish setter mauling a human.

I've seen enough stories about black attacks to be convinced that it's a problem with the race. I've never heard of a cracked up white man slicing kids with razor blades. *roll eyes*
DMX (a rapper) just got busted for dog abuse. They found drugs, guns, and some buried dogs. Didn't Iverson get busted for not feeding his dogs as well?
I've seen enough stories about black attacks to be convinced that it's a problem with the race. I've never heard of a cracked up white man slicing kids with razor blades. *roll eyes*
A bad analogy. The weapon used is irrelevant. Whites have attacked many times the number of people that blacks have (think warmongers like Bush). There is an attack problem with Republicans. I wouldn't call it a problem with a particular race.
Geez, most of y'all are such wimps!! All over the country, thousands, perhaps millions, of dogs are "terminated" by cities and states and, yes, by the Humane Society. Did you read that? .....thousands are killed every fuckin' day.

Now tell me, what the fuck is the big deal about a few more?

Geez, it seems that people around here have no damned perspective anymore! Most of y'all are "run" by the news media ...if it hits the sensationalist news, then y'all just eat it up ...and love it! Damn.

Baron Max

so would you rather be killed be a lethal ingection or having your skull repettally bashed against a wall
If those who adopt the dogs sign a release, then the government should try to let the dogs be adopted out by good, loving people.
The problem is that these dogs have been trained to attack and kill other dogs. Even the ones who have not been bred and trained for this often have the instinct, left over from their pit-fighting ancestors. One of my best friends has a pit bull who is just one of the sweetest dogs I've ever met, she just turns to jelly when I come over. But he warns me never to bring my dogs with me, she'll kill 'em. I don't bother myself thinking about this because he lives 25 miles away. But none of us wants pit bulls in our neighborhood. Every dog gets out of his yard once or twice a year, it just happens. I don't want the day my dog happens to get out of my yard to be the same day some a-hole's pit bull gets out of his yard. Yeah yeah yeah I know 95% of them won't attack my dog but I don't know who's in the other 5% and I ain't takin' the chance. People who want pit bulls can go form their own towns and live among each other.
Those dogs'd have you by the balls before you got within 2 feet of their ears.
Actually they're bred and trained not to be aggressive toward humans. One of the rituals of the sport is that each owner bathes the opponent's dog before the match. That way they can be sure they haven't been coated with poison to kill the other dog. Pit bull attacks on humans always make the headlines but they're not terribly disproportional to Dobies, Rotts and the other spike-collared breeds.
I read in today's Dallas Morning News about the greyhounds ...the racing dogs? Tens of thousands are killed every year. And it's a sport, not much different to the fighting dogs of Michael Vick ...the dogs are actually harmed by running as they're forced to do. Most greyhounds only last about four years on the tracks, if that. Guess what happens to them then? Wanna guess?
There is a huge network of greyhound rescue organizations in America. Retired racing dogs apparently have had enough energetic activity to last them forever and they make very lazy, peaceful pets. Bart Simpson's dog, Santa's Little Helper, is a rescued greyhound. The episode in which the family adopted him was unusually poignant and a nice public service.

We rescue our own breed, Lhasa Apsos, and we even rescued a gigantic Anatolian Guardian with hypothyroid who even in low gear keeps the bears and cougars out of our yard. But if you're looking for a sweet dog, consider saving a greyhound.

I don't know what to say about this retard's pit bulls. I feel sorry for the poor creatures but I absolutely don't want them within 25 miles of my little dogs. I don't think even our Anatolian would be a match for one.
a pit bull that is trained like any other dog accually makes a great pet people make them bad they are not natrually bad
Not according to the dozens of news items I've seen where a pit bull who never hurt a flea before, and was trained to be nice according to the owner, has mauled someone.
Not according to the dozens of news items I've seen where a pit bull who never hurt a flea before, and was trained to be nice according to the owner, has mauled someone.

thats just because the news hears of a pit bull attacking people and they jump on it. and on some of those it comes out that the dog was not trained to be nice. if memory serves me correctly pit bulls aren't even on the top ten list of dogs breeds most likely to bite
Baron Max said:

Maybe they should do more thinking and less posting and talking, huh?

What the hell are you on about?

Surely you're not suggesting that people react without thinking, are you, Tiassa? Because that's exactly what it seems you're saying ...or at least excusing actions without thought.

Max ... I know you're not this stupid.

Look ... oh, hell, never mind.

When I first heard the news about Michael Vick, the first thing I thought about was all of the dog fighting that's been going on for centuries ...some of it right here in the good ol' USA. I also thought immediately about the large numbers of stray dogs and cats that are "killed" every single fuckin' day in the USA. So how could I possibly be shocked and horrified by what Michael Vicks did so many "non-thinking" individuals who have virtually no fuckin' perspective on issues?

So are you suggesting that Michael Vick has done nothing wrong, or that the people who owned the dogs and cats that die every single fuckin' day in the USA ought to go to prison?

No, it means that they're being led around by the nose by the sensationalist news media!! And maybe that's worse than being wimps, which they are, or hypocrites, which they are!!

I admit that I don't think every minute of every day, or even every day about the possibility of lightning shooting out of my ass. Yet, I guarantee you, when I came across the story, yeah, it had my freakin' attention.

When was the last time, before reading this post, that you ever considered the notion of lightning shooting out of your ass?

Ya' wanna' know something, Tiassa?

Sure. I wanna know something, Max.


The inhumane treatment of animals, esp. dogs and cats, in our cities and towns is almost worse than horrible ...and is damned sure worse than those fifty dogs of Michael Vick's. But does anyone do anything about it? Nope! It's a sensational news item for one or two days, then it's back to killing dogs and cats by the thousands ......while people are being distracted by the next big news item, and being led around by the nose once more.

So if something compels people to think about issues that you or I feel they ought to give some consideration, they're hypocrites for thinking about it when something reminds them of the issue?

Do you ever stop complaining about how stupid and horrible and hypocritical people are?

A little thought, a little perspective, before, BEFORE, we react is a good thing. But that's not practiced here at all, is it?

Obviously, you don't.

And when I try to interject a little perspective, people call me all kinds of nasty names, or make insinuations about me you're doing here.

Funny you should accuse me regarding that particular post. At any rate, though, if you weren't so bitter and thoughtless about it, people wouldn't think of you as being so bitter and thoughtless.

I read in today's Dallas Morning News about the greyhounds ...the racing dogs? Tens of thousands are killed every year. And it's a sport, not much different to the fighting dogs of Michael Vick ...the dogs are actually harmed by running as they're forced to do. Most greyhounds only last about four years on the tracks, if that. Guess what happens to them then?? Wanna' guess??

Goshy, Max, no, I can't freakin' guess.

Of course, you'll probably tell me I'm a horrible, hypocritical person for either opposing the idea of dog racing, or for opposing dog racing without having shut down the whole freakin' industry. And then, of course, if I ever managed to pull that off, you can complain that I'm arrogant enough to decide what's right for everybody ....

It goes on and on, Max. Get help. Get serious, professional help.

Your outrage is not in good faith. Don't get me wrong Ren Höek, I know the feeling, too. Sometimes it just feels good to be angry. But, really man: what the hell crawled in your shorts and died?
No offence to Vick's animals but sometimes I wonder at people's outlook:

Those dogs were never pets, they were trained to be vicious killers and as such are a threat to society, the only sensible and humane solution is to put them down.
exactly. Ever try to make a feral cat a pet? They will tear you up! I can't imagine a pit bull trained to kill.
What the hell are you on about?

Perspective, Tiassa, perspective. Outrage at killing the few Pit Bulls of Michael Vick, but ignoring the other millions of dogs and cats that are killed every year.

And as I've said before, all that is a sure sign that the news media leads people around by the nose ...whatever the news media says, people react to without putting things into perpective.

The remainder of your post is not worth replying to.

Baron Max
Those dogs were never pets, they were trained to be vicious killers and as such are a threat to society, the only sensible and humane solution is to put them down.

I agree. But then, what about all of the thousands of Greyhounds that are trained to run races? If they're not good racers, or they reach the end of their racing life (after about 4 years), the owners kill them. Is that the sensible solution in that case?

What of the thousands of stray, unwanted dogs and cats? Is killing them the sensible solution in that case, too?

Many here seem so upset by the order to kill Michael Vick's few dogs, yet they allow thousands, perhaps millions, of Greyhounds and stray dogs to be killed every year. Doesn't that seem a bit strange to you? ..a major lack of perspective?

Baron Max
I agree. But then, what about all of the thousands of Greyhounds that are trained to run races? If they're not good racers, or they reach the end of their racing life (after about 4 years), the owners kill them. Is that the sensible solution in that case?
There are organizations that exist solely to place retired greyhounds.

Those are just three out of hundreds that I found from a simple Google search. So yeah, an attempt IS being made to help the racing greyhounds out.

What of the thousands of stray, unwanted dogs and cats? Is killing them the sensible solution in that case, too?
As much as I hate to say it, yes. Even though there are hundreds, possibly thousands of shelters and rescues out there, they get crowded quick. The more populated they become, the more facilities you need, the more manpower you need, and more importantly, the more funding you need.
Why do you think so much emphasis is put on having your pets spayed or neutered? Most rescues and shelters either have their available pets spayed or neutered before they will adopt them to you, or require you, in the contract, to have the pet neutered by or after a specific date (if the pet is younger than the neuter date).

Many here seem so upset by the order to kill Michael Vick's few dogs, yet they allow thousands, perhaps millions, of Greyhounds and stray dogs to be killed every year. Doesn't that seem a bit strange to you? ..a major lack of perspective?

Baron Max
See above reply. And I don't think Greyhound racing is on the level of dogfighting. Greyhounds LOVE to run. They are not injuring one another when they race. They are getting exercise.
I don't think anything is wrong with the racing itself; as long as the dogs get treated humanely. If they are being fed properly and looked after, it's all good. I see no reason why they are killed after they're retired.
Humans are very unusal when you look at what they have done in order to make a dog a pet to begin with. All dogs started out as a wolf somewhere a long time ago and humans began screwing with them to make them more trainable to eventually have them as pets. Then all sorts of shit hit the fan and we have many varieties of dogs running around now. Just think if we would have just left them alone, the wolves that is, perhaps they would all be extinct for humans would have hunted them to death.
Humans are very unusal when you look at what they have done in order to make a dog a pet to begin with. All dogs started out as a wolf somewhere a long time ago and humans began screwing with them to make them more trainable to eventually have them as pets. Then all sorts of shit hit the fan and we have many varieties of dogs running around now. Just think if we would have just left them alone, the wolves that is, perhaps they would all be extinct for humans would have hunted them to death.
Our union stemmed from us realizing that wolves could help us hunt with more efficiency, and wolves realizing the same thing; not to mention the fact that humans and wolves are both social animals, which allows us to understand the way each other thinks a lot better.
"Man's best friend" is the truest statement that could ever be made about dogs.
There are organizations that exist solely to place retired greyhounds.

There are also organizations that try to place Pit Bulls, too, but that don't mean that they actually accomplish that task!

Those are just three out of hundreds that I found from a simple Google search. So yeah, an attempt IS being made to help the racing greyhounds out.

If those organizations actually worked, then why are so many Greyhounds killed in the USA?

It's funny speak about the organizations as if that's the end of it. It ain't. Many organizations try many things, but they don't always work with the Greyhound adoption programs. Saving one Greyhound, while killing thousands is not my idea of accomplishing the task of saving the Greyhounds.

And I don't think Greyhound racing is on the level of dogfighting.

No, of course not. But that's not what we're discussing here. We're discussing killing dogs ...any and all dogs. Some people here seem horrified by the state's actions to kill a few of Michael Vick's fighting Pit Bulls, just a few dogs ......while ignoring completely that thousands of dogs are killed every day!! See? Some people, like Tiassa for example, can't seem to put things into perspective.

I see no reason why they are killed after they're retired.

It costs money to care for and feed thousands of dogs ...that don't race anymore ....and that few people want to adopt. What would you do with them??

Baron Max