Vick's 50 Pit Bulls to be killed

PETA supposedly said put them down, they're killers. So even they think trying to adopt them is foolish...
PETA supposedly said put them down, they're killers. So even they think trying to adopt them is foolish...
PETA? Well, now I really think killing them is a bad idea. I'd hate to be on the same side of an issue as those nutjobs.

I kind of like the idea of housing the dogs with Michael Vick. All fifty of them in his cell. At dinner time, they could just throw some raw meat in and he can "fight" his well trained dogs for the meal.
sadly dogs trained to fight are to mentally screwed up to be reahabiltated the fact that you would blame the government for doing what sadly has to be done for what vick and his friends did to them is appalling to me and at least the government will kill them humanely not say by hanging, being shot, or beaten against a wall.
sadly dogs trained to fight are to mentally screwed up to be reahabiltated the fact that you would blame the government for doing what sadly has to be done for what vick and his friends did to them is appalling to me
I've said I understand the logic, it simply reminds me of the old
"We saved the village, but it was completely destroyed and all the residents killed in the process"​
They are trying to get people to adopt them and have given until today to find them homes.
Question: Let's say you adopt one of these dogs. It's been retrained. But then one day the dog up and mauls someone. You get sued. Should you be the target of the lawsuit, or should Mr. Vick?

If you knew, it's you. If the agency didn't say anything, it's them. This is something people are going to consider; thus, these dogs are going to die.
Let us hope those that adopt these dogs will retrain them and keep them inside a fenced yard. I'd think that if the dogs are treated well over time they can and will become pretty good pets. It is all up to those who adopt them though and that only time will tell. If the dogs do hurt someone then whoever adopted them is at fault.
I heard someone make a brilliant suggestion. Have Vick pay for people to take care of them.
Geez, most of y'all are such wimps!! All over the country, thousands, perhaps millions, of dogs are "terminated" by cities and states and, yes, by the Humane Society. Did you read that? .....thousands are killed every fuckin' day.

Now tell me, what the fuck is the big deal about a few more?

Geez, it seems that people around here have no damned perspective anymore! Most of y'all are "run" by the news media ...if it hits the sensationalist news, then y'all just eat it up ...and love it! Damn.

Baron Max
Geez, most of y'all are such wimps!! All over the country, thousands, perhaps millions, of dogs are "terminated" by cities and states and, yes, by the Humane Society. Did you read that? .....thousands are killed every fuckin' day.

Now tell me, what the fuck is the big deal about a few more?

Geez, it seems that people around here have no damned perspective anymore! Most of y'all are "run" by the news media ...if it hits the sensationalist news, then y'all just eat it up ...and love it! Damn.

Baron Max

They are being put down because of some fools that didn't care about them and left them to die. Vick , on the other habd, wanted his animals to die fighting.
I have a few times, never really focused on doing them on my dog
but I should give it a try.
I think it's legal in the US to kill dogs "humanely". You can do it yourself; it doesn't have to be a vet who does it. So it should not be ironic that the 50 pit bulls will be killed. Although I think had Vick killed the dogs humanely, he'd still be in trouble just for killing them, and that would be ironic.

Recently in my area two pit bulls got loose and entered a neighbor's doggie door and mauled the neighbor. The owner of the pit bulls swears they weren't trained to attack. The Humane Society says that attack behavior is learned only. But I've seen enough stories about pit bull attacks to be convinced that it's a problem with the breed. I've never heard of an Irish setter mauling a human. I don't believe it's just selective reporting. It seems clear that these dogs have a hair trigger instinct to attack, that can go off for the first time at any time.
Baron Max said:

Now tell me, what the fuck is the big deal about a few more?

Max, do you really think about every issue every day? No. I'm pretty damn sure you don't, because, technically, it's impossible.

For many people, when an issue is put before them by the news, it's the first time they've thought about it either ever or for a while. I don't think I've given consideration to the ethics of euthanizing (executing, call it what you want) of animals in shelters since local animal control agencies started the push to drop the practice ... oh, probably a year ago. Yeah, it sucks. And yes, we need to figure a better solution. But that requires an effort on the part of the American people, and we all know what that means.

I have a four year-old daughter; I don't doubt many people pained by the thought of these dogs being put down share a certain sentiment with me: Not a chance I'm bringing a pit bull trained to destroy anywhere near my kid. I don't want that risk in my home, and I don't want that risk in my community. Maybe if I lived in a mountain compound, or one acreage. But I don't. These things are trained killers. And people don't want to invite that risk into their homes and neighborhoods. It sucks, and now fifty dogs are going to be put down, and that has people's attention. That they're thinking about the subject doesn't mean they're wimps. It doesn't mean they're hypocrites.
I worked in a humane society business for a short time and I had to load dogs and cats , separately, into large cylinders that were like a fence around a cylinder, but small openings. I then pushed 100's of them that were stuffed into this tank into a vacuum chamber where all the air was removed and the animals suffocated to death. This was done because of the thousands of animals that were rounded up or brought to the society and couldn't be adopted out. It was the fastest way to get rid of the animals that was being done all over America. They then were put into a furnace to be cremated.

Like I said I didn't work there long, about 2 weeks is all. It broke my heart to much to stay there and to this day the time I worked there still haunts me and a sadness overwhelms me.
...Like I said I didn't work there long, about 2 weeks is all. It broke my heart to much to stay there and to this day the time I worked there still haunts me and a sadness overwhelms me.

try working at a nursing home. its just as heartbreaking. :(

Did labs ever show up to get animals for research?
No, not that I was made aware of. Where I live there weren't any labs around at that time.