Vick's 50 Pit Bulls to be killed

The dog whisperer could do it! ;)

He could. I've seen him on his shows deal with the 'red zone case' dogs. However, it would take a LOT of time and effort to rehabilitate these dogs, and even then, they would have to go to a very, very assertive owner who would have to regularly watch over them.
As much as I love dogs, those 50 Pits may be too far gone to save. I say this with a heavy heart, but euthanizing them may be the most viable option. :(

Agreed. I'm a big pet lover myself, but "pit" bull terriers have been selectively bred to promote the instinct to fight, much like a lab to water, and unfortunately we pet lovers hate to see any dog put down.
I don't know if you know this but guess which breed used to be just as popular for fighting as pit bulls; Boxers. Last time I checked, Boxers are one of the most easy going breeds out there. And considering I have a female Boxer, I will vouch for that.
Pit bulls are not selectively bred to fight. They might be bred with certain physical characteristics to fight but their ferociousness stems from the way they are raised.
You can take a lab and make it just as vicious and dangerous as a pit. All you have to do is train it that way.
I don't believe it is possible to compeltely reprogram fighting dogs. No matter what you, they will always pose some level of a threat to other animals, and that makes their placement tricky. You have to find a home with no other animals, that agrees to never have other animals and that will take every precaution needed to make sure that this dog doesn't get out.

Many communities routinely euthanize *all* pit bulls because of the risk that a particular dog might have been trained to fight.

Plus, it's not like we're running out of dogs. We kill other animals all the time simply because they're delicious (or pests) and/or because we have to slather chemicals on them to see if the chemicals are safe for humans. We try to do it painlessly and quickly.

It's the cruelty of the fighting that makes dogfighting and cockfighting so bad, not the deaths. If the deaths were the problem, hunting would be illegal.
It's the cruelty of the fighting that makes dogfighting and cockfighting so bad, not the deaths. If the deaths were the problem, hunting would be illegal.
Is it really more cruel to make a dog born, bred, and trained to fight fight than to kill it? Would you rather be a gladiator or a corpse? I understand the practical reason for killing the animals, it just strikes me as ironic that this is how we deal with animals being mistreated.
I would say that Vick is to blame for abusing the animals to make them so vicious. I however think that its ironic that a man can be convicted of dog fighting and killing these dogs, but the solution to the problem is to kill more dogs. I dont disagree with it, its just silly to me.
I would say that Vick is to blame for abusing the animals to make them so vicious. I however think that its ironic that a man can be convicted of dog fighting and killing these dogs, but the solution to the problem is to kill more dogs. I dont disagree with it, its just silly to me.

I think the solution to the the problem is to put down the jackass people who make these dogs the way they are. I wouldn't lose a wink of sleep if the feds lethal injected Vick and all his cohorts that were involved in this.
Here's the question. Weren't those dogs better off before being saved?

Based on the limited info I have on how many of Vicks dogs survive vs how many have died at the hands of him or his partners, or his customers, I think the basic outcome for all of these animals was a shortened lifespan, most with a brutal existence.

Those dogs are better off euthanized than surviving under the conditions Vick was providing.

As far as re-conditioning, finding acceptable placements, etc. there are plenty of good dogs without a fighting history (most pit breeders do not breed for fighting) looking for homes across this country. They are a great dog generally. I know. I've owned them in the past.
Is it really more cruel to make a dog born, bred, and trained to fight fight than to kill it? Would you rather be a gladiator or a corpse? I understand the practical reason for killing the animals, it just strikes me as ironic that this is how we deal with animals being mistreated.

But, under that interpretation, isn't hunting a more morally questionable activity than dogfighting? Both are done for entertainment, and the deer or bear or whatever is being hunted probably would prefer life as a "gladiator" over death in a field too. At least then it has a chance. Unlike hunters, dogfighters don't want their animals to die. They'd usually prefer the dog win and live.

It seems to me that the salient difference is the infliction of pain on the animal, not the intent to kill it. The intent to kill is stronger in the hunter, but they usually have no desire to inflict needless pain. Needless pain is part and parcel of the life of a fighting dog, though.
I think the solution to the the problem is to put down the jackass people who make these dogs the way they are. I wouldn't lose a wink of sleep if the feds lethal injected Vick and all his cohorts that were involved in this.

I think that 50+ dogs = one Michael Vick...especially since there is no way he can even entertain us by playing football now =p
I understand the practical reason for killing the animals, it just strikes me as ironic that this is how we deal with animals being mistreated.

How does it strike you that we have large cattle ranches that breed, raise, fatten, then kill and slaughter for the rest of society to eat beef?

Baron Max
How does it strike you that we have large cattle ranches that breed, raise, fatten, then kill and slaughter for the rest of society to eat beef?

Baron Max

How does it strike you that we DON'T put cows in a fuckin pit and make them fight for our entertainment, then drown/electrocute the cattle that lose the fight? When cattle are killed for slaughter, they are killed relatively quickly and painlessly.

Now if you'll excuse me, I am going to go ahead and eat this double Whopper that I just got from Burger King.
I'd think that, unlike humans, dogs can be deprogrammed from vicious to somewhat semi irritable. Let them be adopted if they can be.

Humans can't be de-programmed? Since when? I thought our entire judicial system was based on pacification and rehabilitation...
Notice the media doesn't say "killed"? Nope, that sounds too harsh, so they use the nice, kind, thoughtful, understanding term "euthanized". See? Don't that sound so much better?

How it sounds is a subjective judgment by each listener. However, I'm certain my comrades used the term because that is actual medical term used by the vets and clinics.
Humans can't be de-programmed? Since when? I thought our entire judicial system was based on pacification and rehabilitation...
You ever seen that movie, 'The Hunted' with Tommy Lee Jones and Benecio Del Toro?

Del Toro was a SpecOps guy trained by Jones' character and once Del Toro was back in the civilian world, he made a sport out of killing people. He did this because he still had his 'programming' instilled in him.
Now, it's a fictional movie but some people actually can't let go of programming like that very easily. I think the human term would be brainwashing.
Humans can't be de-programmed? Since when? I thought our entire judicial system was based on pacification and rehabilitation...

Yeah, right. Show me anywhere that you can find where convicts aren't recidivists.

It is well known that rehabing convicts doesn't work most of the time. It will work sometimes but the odds are very few make it back to society "cured" of their wanting to still do whatever they did before. Like drug usage, many go through rehab but they mostly end up doing the drugs that they want.
Yeah, right. Show me anywhere that you can find where convicts aren't recidivists.

It is well known that rehabing convicts doesn't work most of the time. It will work sometimes but the odds are very few make it back to society "cured" of their wanting to still do whatever they did before. Like drug usage, many go through rehab but they mostly end up doing the drugs that they want.

I don't deny any of that. I deny the people have been "programmed" to do what you have talked about.
They haven't been programed to smoke pot, use drugs and have sex. Oh, well excuse me! NOT! Just watch TV, movies or listen to music today. it is full of sex, drugs and violence. People watch this crap and pick up on the messages that all these media events spew forth. If you think otherwise then you're living on another planet IMHO.
I don't smoke pot and use drugs and I watched plenty of television as a child. I have sex, thank god, but pretty much all biological creatures do (that's something we "are" programmed to do). But murder? Murder has been a no-no ever since man left the state of nature and became a social being...
Yes. The programming claim is nonsense. People do what they do the evil they do because, at some point in life, they begin to make and accept small compromises in their ethics. Eventually those compromises deliver an end result that is what you see it today.

In today's urban "thug" culture, the erosion starts early-- either from parents that don't care or from the social influences from friends and relatives.

TV, Video Games, Movies & Music have nothing to do with it: they are the "impetus" of things ONLY in weakened minds which are that way because of poor rearing. Too many moral compromises early on leaves the individual incapable of distinguishing right from wrong.
