unification of abrahamic religions?

Do you (or Islam) believe that this impending war will be a physical or spiritual war? In other words, the passage from the Qur'an that speaks of this war, do you translate that literally or metaphorically?

The Quran doesn't refer to this, it is found in the hadith books (saying of the prophet Muhammad(peace be to him)).

The Islamic prophecy of the war in the end times (yawm al qiyamah, literally last day) is a real historical event.

According to the Muslim view, the Mahdi is to be born in a time of strife and oppression in the Middle East. He will overthrow the tyrant Arab kings and establish Islamic law and justice starting from the holy city Madinah, where he will be born, and the Hijaz (sacred region of Arabia). The Prophet said, his name is my name and he is my descendant. Therefore, Muslims assume his name will be Mohammad ibn (son of) Abdullah from the tribe of Quraish.

During the time of the Mahdi's reign, the Anti Christ will emerge from the Jews of the city of Isfahan in Iran, so the Anti Christ is a Persian Jew. He is to start his rule in the Holy Land punishing those who embrace Islam, and slaughtering Muslims there. From the Holy Land (modern Israel/Palestine) he will initiate a war of conquest into the Muslim lands.

At this time when all hope seems lost in the world, Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) will descend from Heaven (we believe he never died on the cross, but was taken up alive to Heaven) and enter from the gates of Damascus. He will then join with the Mahdi and fight the Anti Christ. At the end of the last battle, he will kill the Anti Christ with his own hands.

After this there will be seven years of peace, and then the believers will perish as a cold wind will strike the Middle East. Then the world will be destroyed on the worst people of humanity. the skies will be ripped and the mountains will trun to sand, the Quran describes it vividly.

I want to comment that these events are highly subjective, and no one needs to believe them if they don't want to. I am merely stating the Islamic end times prophecy. I have not included all the details, if anyone interested please ask for more information.
That's very interesting how there is alot similar between that version of the end times and the Christians view. I only get the internet at work so I don't have much spare time or else I would read much more about Islam.

So the idea that the Anti-Christ may be a Persian Jew, does that cause some of the underlying problems between Jews and people of the Islamic faith?
No, however this is one of the main reasons why Muslims are really worried about the war between the Israelis and Palestinians, because the Anti-Christ is supposed to govern that area and the Jews are supposed to destroy the Masjid al Aqsa, the holiest Muslim place in the Holy Land which will initiate the war. The Masjid al Aqsa has already been destroyed and rebuilt two times, first from the destruction of the Babylonians, then the Romans.

They have already begun excavations and demolitions of the areas underneath the Mosque. The Imam of the Mosque is currently trying to make Muslim governments aware of this as the foundations of the Mosque are getting weaker.

It is interesting to note that the start of the recent Palestinian intifada (uprising) started when Ariel Sharon went to the Mosque and banned all Muslims except for the elderly to attend the Mosque. This is a very serious issue, and resolution of this would solve many problems.
i have been sitting and wondering this morning on the idea that perhaps the three major abrahamic faiths might be one day congealed into one religion.
Don't worry. There's already a guy planning to do just what you're talking about. Unfortunately, he's the antichrist.
The most popular apostasy in Christendom today is the teaching that God has revealed Himself in many different ways to different cultures and that, therefore, all religions worship the same god, but just use different names. From this viewpoint, the Allah of Islam is the same as the Yahweh of Judaism and both are the same as the Krishna of Hinduism. The natural conclusion that is drawn from this apostate idea is that there are many different paths to God, Jesus being only one of them. This has led liberal leaders of groups like The National Council of Churches in the United States and the World Council to condemn missionary activity as "arrogant" and "anti-cultural."1

The Bible teaches that these apostate Christian leaders are eventually going to succeed, at least temporarily. Their triumph will occur when the Antichrist forms his one world religion (Revelation 13:12).
Don't worry. There's already a guy planning to do just what you're talking about. Unfortunately, he's the antichrist.
The most popular apostasy in Christendom today is the teaching that God has revealed Himself in many different ways to different cultures and that, therefore, all religions worship the same god, but just use different names. From this viewpoint, the Allah of Islam is the same as the Yahweh of Judaism and both are the same as the Krishna of Hinduism. The natural conclusion that is drawn from this apostate idea is that there are many different paths to God, Jesus being only one of them. This has led liberal leaders of groups like The National Council of Churches in the United States and the World Council to condemn missionary activity as "arrogant" and "anti-cultural."1

The Bible teaches that these apostate Christian leaders are eventually going to succeed, at least temporarily. Their triumph will occur when the Antichrist forms his one world religion (Revelation 13:12).

:) i suppose from a christian viewpoint, this is valid.
i have always wondered if the christian "antichrist" was the jewish "messiah".
Their triumph will occur when the Antichrist forms his one world religion (Revelation 13:12).[/I][/INDENT]

I looked this up and revelation 13:12 says;

Revelation 13:12 (New International Version)

"He exercised all the authority of the first beast on his behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed."

Which is slightly different than your quote, so would you mind telling where your quote comes from, or are you making it up?
Sounds like a one world religion to me.

I think the interesting thing about that line is "the earth and its inhabitants", where its talks of the earth as being capable of worship as if its a separate entity from the inhabitants.
I looked this up and revelation 13:12 says;

Revelation 13:12 (New International Version)

"He exercised all the authority of the first beast on his behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed."

Which is slightly different than your quote, so would you mind telling where your quote comes from, or are you making it up?
What I posted is the traditional interpretation of the coming to the antichrist. He will be accompanied by a false prophet who will unite all the worlds religions into one.
:) i suppose from a christian viewpoint, this is valid.
i have always wondered if the christian "antichrist" was the jewish "messiah".
No, much closer to the Muslim Mahdi. The Mahdi will arrise from a well to restore order in a time of chaos (wars and rumors of wars) and create a one world government based in ancient Babylon (Iraq).

The antichrist will arise from the pit to restore order during a time of chaos (wars and rumors of wars). He will then create a one world government based in Babylon (Iraq).

PS al Qada has announced its goal of a global calliphate based in Iraq.
No, much closer to the Muslim Mahdi. The Mahdi will arrise from a well to restore order in a time of chaos (wars and rumors of wars) and create a one world government based in ancient Babylon (Iraq).

Who exactly told you this, Pat Robertson?

You seem to have completely ignored reading my post about the Mahdi when you posted this.

Care to explain Christian end times prophecy in the light of what most Muslims actually believe? Please read my previous posts on this thread for more information.

The antichrist will arise from the pit to restore order during a time of chaos (wars and rumors of wars). He will then create a one world government based in Babylon (Iraq).

PS al Qada has announced its goal of a global calliphate based in Iraq.

That's odd considering that in the Muslim view, the Anti Christ is supposed to bring misery and chaos to the Middle East (this has not happened yet).

So is the Anti Christ good or bad for the Middle East if he brings order to the world as you say?

Who is the Anti Christ and is he alive yet, and what will be his religion?
You seem to have completely ignored reading my post about the Mahdi when you posted this.
I'm not saying that the prophesies are identicle, just strikingly similiar.
That's odd considering that in the Muslim view, the Anti Christ is supposed to bring misery and chaos to the Middle East (this has not happened yet).
So is the Anti Christ good or bad for the Middle East if he brings order to the world as you say?
Who is the Anti Christ and is he alive yet, and what will be his religion?
The Anti-Christ will seem good, at first. Everyone will love him. He will restore order. He will bring world peace and a one world government.

Then all hell will, literally, break lose.
I'm not saying that the prophesies are identicle, just strikingly similiar.

They are not similar.

According to the Muslim view, the Mahdi is to be born in a time of strife and oppression in the Middle East. He will overthrow the tyrant Arab kings and establish Islamic law and justice starting from the holy city Madinah, where he will be born, and the Hijaz (sacred region of Arabia). The Prophet said, his name is my name and he is my descendant. Therefore, Muslims assume his name will be Mohammad ibn (son of) Abdullah from the tribe of Quraish.
The Prophets name was Abu al-Qasim Ibn Abd Allah Ibn Abd al-Muttalib Ibn Hashim; Mohammed is just an appellation (the praised one).
The Prophets name was Abu al-Qasim Ibn Abd Allah Ibn Abd al-Muttalib Ibn Hashim; Mohammed is just an appellation (the praised one).
Holy cow. That is one insanely long name. I wonder what his friends called him? Was this his name as a kid, or is some of that titles and whatnot?
The Prophets name was Abu al-Qasim Ibn Abd Allah Ibn Abd al-Muttalib Ibn Hashim; Mohammed is just an appellation (the praised one).

Yes, you are correct, however his mother Hazrat Amina named him Muhammad (peace be to them both).

Abul Qasim means Father (Abu) of Qasim because his eldest son was Qasim (rahmat allah alay).

Ibn (son of) is referring to his lineage.

The sahabah often called him using a variety of names Nabi, Rasool, Muhammad, Abu Qasim, and many other names.
For some reason people don't seem to consider it a major monotheistic faith, even though it has almost as many followers as Judaism.
As far as monotheism goes I think it's the fastest growing faith in AU. Second only to Buddhism in terms of religous profession. Or so I read a couple years ago.

Actually all of the Bahai I have met are nice people and very educated. I met a Baha'i once when two Muslim guys, who thought I was Christian for some reason, wanted to tell me how the Qur'an was just like a perfected Bible (which of course was corrupted over time by men). When all of a sudden this girl sitting next to us started using the same arguments against the Qur'an they were using about the Bible to promote the Baha'i faith. I have to say it was funny watching their faces as she spouted off dates and names. Then they fell back on the old "you really don't know what you are talking about because you read the Qur'an in English" and so she started speaking Arabic.

Haa! Very funny. They just sat there dumbfounded. Here was this girl trying to convert them just as they were trying to convert me! Then I told them all I was Atheist and they should convert to Atheism. Haa even funnier.

In short the Muslims walked away remaining Muslim
The Baha'i walked away Baha'i
and I am of course still Atheist.

And the reasons for that are the reasons why there will never be a unified monotheistic faith.
That's brilliant. :D

I guess we will remain one species with many faiths (or lack thereof).
Holy cow. That is one insanely long name. I wonder what his friends called him? Was this his name as a kid, or is some of that titles and whatnot?

Not really the Ibn stands for "son of" and gives the lineage for the previous 3 generations.:p

Friends called him Amin (the trustworthy one) before Prophethood and Mohammed or Ahmed (the praised one) later.