Ulterior motives of "Pseudoscience" against "craterchains"

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Hello Silas.
Be my guest and keep tossing hands full of rocks until you get a crater chain in a mud bank. In truth a computer model demonstrates one thing for sure. It is not possible to create a crater chain of these CS types from a breaking up hunk of space junk.

Actually computer models showed that is was possible, but that’s all off topic, perhaps this discussion could be moved to one of your crater chain theories threads, oh that’s right they all got closed because the conversation keep going in loops and people like you would get abusive.

It is amazing how boldly you lie WCF.

To Quote my previous post Craterchains, natural or ?

Since Bottke et. al. computer model for asteroids does not explain these CS crater chains and Bottke's model at Cornell University has been taken off the net a new computer model has been developed at the Russian Academy of Sciences. The developer admits this new computer model also has a flaw and still cannot explain "those that could cause widespread regional or even global damage".
Small Stony Asteroids Will Explode and Not Hit Earth, Study Shows

It is also very apparent who trashs threads with their abusive vulgarity.
Are you still not sleeping very well at night?
It is not possible to create a crater chain of these CS types from a breaking up hunk of space junk.

I would think it not likely those craters were made by bombing or strafing runs. A rock moving towards a planet will move on the same gravity induced geodesic even if it breaks up thus providing consistent trajectory and a consistent pattern while a vehicle moving towards a planet under power will most likely not follow a gravity induced geodesic thus providing inconsistent trajectories as the vehicle changes altitude and attitude. Those patterns would not be the same as have been seen in the pics from Norval.
craterchains (Norval said:
Hello Silas.
Be my guest and keep tossing hands full of rocks until you get a crater chain in a mud bank. In truth a computer model demonstrates one thing for sure. It is not possible to create a crater chain of these CS types from a breaking up hunk of space junk.


My point was not that I needed to be able to recreate a crater chain naturally, it was that the "unnaturalness" simply isn't sufficient to postulate non-natural causes. Imagine you've got grains of powder in your hand, and you hold your hand steady over a moving conveyor belt. You let out a few grains at a time in different proportions and at different times. Now look at the conveyor - you can draw a straight line through all the powder you've dropped. Imagine that instead of holding it steady, you move your hand with a fixed speed across the conveyor. Now you'll be able to draw a straight diagonal line through the grains you've dropped. If you accelerate your hand you'll get a curve. Simple motion can generate straight lines even in a chaotic random dropping of rocks. Seeing a straight line of craters like this prompts me to say, "Hey, that's interesting. I wonder how that came about?" without having to postulate external intelligent causes. My pattern of dots in my previous post was specifically non-random and the exact kind of thing that would make me suggest the necessity for alien incursion.
fiery said:
Since Bottke et. al. computer model for asteroids does not explain these CS crater chains and Bottke's model at Cornell University has been taken off the net..."

Fiery, your ignorance is fascinating. Its also obvious that you chose to ignore/not read posts I made in the past.

Bottke and Richardson's model(s) does work. Bottke didn't "take it off the web" because it didn't work. First, that you view the "web" as the end all be all of science is quite telling (if it doesn't exist on the web, it must be false, eh?). Second, Bottke moved to Boulder, CO and now works for the South West Research Institute.

The link you provided above refers to "small stony asteroids," not large, rubble-pile asteroids, which appear to be common enough to observe (Bottke's new website at SWRI has some examples).

Face it. You and Norval lost this argument. Computer modeling does indeed demonstrate not only the possibility but the probability of crater-chain impacts by rubble-pile asteroids. The evidence is present by the prediction that rubble pile asteriods would be found (they were) and that crater chains would also be found (they were).

There's no "ulterior motive" of science against crater chain (catenae) theory. But there certainly appears to be an "ulterior motive" of pseudoscience (the proponents of "fake" science). From an anthropological perspective, I hypothesize that it is correlated to the human desire to seek some sort of status among peers or perhaps win a mate. I've observed that in primitive cultures, when legitimate status cannot be obtained in the group hierarchy, alternative status is sought. These alternatives can legitimize over time, such as that of the shamans and berdache of American Indian cultures. Or they remain on the fringes of the culture... such as that of certain artisans or performers.

Regardless, there is no desire for the proponents to acknowledge the work of science, since it interferes with their ability to find that fringe status.

Bottke Jr, William F.; Richardson, Derek C. (1997). Can tidal disruption of asteroids make crater chains on the Earth and Moon? ICARUS 126:2 pp. 470-474

Richardson, Derek C.; Bottke, William F.; Love, Stanley G. (1998). Tidal Distortion and Disruption of Earth-Crossing Asteroids ICARUS 134:1 pp. 47-76

I remember us provide links of computer models that did show how crater chains formed, not only that but we also brought up physical evidence such as the SL9 impacts as examples as well as obviously natural qualities of imperfection of many of your crater chains examples, of course you refuted those by your bizarre logic driven by your need to validate your even more bizarre beliefs.
I don't need to comment on "It is also very apparent who trashs threads with their abusive vulgarity", the posters themselves come out of the woodwork to illustrate the fact.

The entire SL9 issue is dead in the water with as little as two simple images:


Skinwalker you can go on with your fairytale antics, sip your 'hot' coffee and continue your tantrums but the facts remain.
Skinwalker you can go on with your fairytale antics, sip your 'hot' coffee and continue your tantrums but the facts remain.

See this is what we mean by illogical vulgar arguments. By the way this thread is not meant to continue arguing over the natural existence of crater chains.
What happens to those so called scientists that sold their reputations as so called knowledgeable ones? The CS Crater Chain theory was accepted and sent to NASA at their request. The list of scientists and knowledgeable experienced people, besides the every day person that reads our site, grows with agreement while at certain forums these pseudo-debunkers spew pseudo science.

Just what are their motives? Obvious to those that have eyes to see. Nothing to see here folks, go back to your beer and chips with the football game. Lose more sleep over lies and deceptions, we don’t. We watch movies that show pit chains and how they develop. They are not from volcanoes or subsidence of surface materials. Now why would anybody want to misinform the public as to what we KNOW can cause these CS types of crater chains, namely war weapons?

Sips his coffee and :D
Appeal to authority: you never told us how nasa replied to your result or what nasa is doing with it today.

Appeal to popularity: who are these people that accept your theory?

And then anyone that counters your argument is part of a alien/goverment conspericy to hide the truth? thats called a Poisoning the Well and red harring.

can you make logical arguments, instead of fallacies?
FieryIce said:
Skinwalker you can go on with your fairytale antics, sip your 'hot' coffee and continue your tantrums but the facts remain.

Been googlin' lately :)

* slips away for another hot cup of joe
The entire SL9 issue is dead in the water with as little as two simple images
Funny how both of those images shot an asteroid breaking up IN A STRAIGHT LINE.
They're not an asteroid at all. They're images of a comet as far as I know. That's been one of my points all along. Norval and Gale keep going on about comets, but the more likely progenitors of impacts that create catenae are rubble-pile asteriods, which may be held together in an entirely different manner than comets and are certainly comprised of different material.
Skinny, if your going to play ball atleast move into the ball park, or the out field otherwise your just tossing the ball back and forth with others that are not even at the ball park.

I will give you a hint Skinny, look over the history of the research, the research over time.
Instead of 'giving hints' like a kook... why don't you actually try and make a case like a scientist.
They're not an asteroid at all.
Comets have an asteroid in the middle though... and as far as I know it's usually a rubble pile.
“Appeal to authority: you never told us how nasa replied to your result or what nasa is doing with it today.”
Yes we do appeal to authority to pull their heads out of their asses. NASA replied with conformation. That has been stated. Read the sites. SkinWalker should also read the sites and stop making statements that are groundless and have all ready been covered in our research. We have received compliments from scientists and astronomers on the research and investigations we have done.

“Appeal to popularity: who are these people that accept your theory?”
They are not people with your problems to say the least OCF.

Damage control and discrediting is all Information Control Agents can do now.
But you would have to with draw all NASA photos to do so. FOLCMFAO

As a couple of amateurs, Gale and I have done what we could do. The rest is in the capable hands of your demonocracy elected governments as to what else will be disclosed and when.
I stand confirmed: you two are not capable of being reasoned with nor can you make logical argument or discern them from illogical ones. Case closed.
craterchains (Norval said:
NASA replied with conformation. That has been stated. Read the sites. SkinWalker should also read the sites and stop making statements that are groundless and have all ready been covered in our research. We have received compliments from scientists and astronomers on the research and investigations we have done.

Perhaps you wouldn't mind sourcing these "scientists?" Give a citation to something they've written in support of your speculations? And each of my statements are well grounded in citation. But in all fairness, I'll look over the "links" you refer to. Any in particular? I thought I visited all that you posted to date.
The rest is in the capable hands of your demonocracy elected governments as to what else will be disclosed and when.

Have these demonocracy elected governments moved their clock time past the 59 seconds yet (as in 11:59:01 or 02, tic toc)? Shouldn't they catch up?
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