Ulterior motives of "Pseudoscience" against "craterchains"

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Just counting from 1996 I think I've overlived some 7 prophesed Ends of the World.
Far more than that.... it's just that most people don't know about the 2 kook Ends of the World... this sadly isn't the only one.

We've got a guy that sits in the Dunkin donuts parking lot every Sunday with a big sign saying the CIA is going to blow up California because they will own (beach front) property in Colorado.

Not only a kook, but poor geography.
They're an audience cult. New age cults typically come in two types: audience cults and client cults. The former rely on audience membership with no formal organization or structured ritual. Rituals and organizations are ad hoc and informal. Examples are conspiracy theories, ufo theorists, big foot proponents, etc. The latter relies on a client base and has more organization, but still lacks the strict membership of more mainstream cults like christianity and islam. Rituals are more consistent, but can still be ad hoc. Examples are astrologists, palm readers, chiropractors, homeopathy, curanderas, etc.

Either of these types of cults can form more rigid and familiar religious cults: Heaven's gate and scientology are proof of this.

Norval/Gale's audience spans several forums and the very term audience cult is defined by their websites, which seek to capture two possible audiences: the ufo nutters and the bible nutters.

Fascinating stuff really.
But what's the salvation in Norval's cult? What do I gain (from their point of view) if I join their cult ?
You too can look at pictures of dirt and see proof of alien life.
If you believe that the crater chains are evidence of aliens, they will spare your life and perhaps will even give you such priviledges as never showing up in front of you.
If you don't believe in such things, you are doooooooomed to lengthy debates with believers.
It would be disappointing if all of the effort by all of the posters on this thread and similar threads relating to crater chains were to be wasted. Certainly the effort may have delivered some passing level of entertainment or at least, in the case of Norval's posts, helped an individual to eliminate an unwelcome meal. But surely a more fitting monument can be found.

I propose recognition of the FieryIce formula. This formula expresses the relationship between the level of relevant knowledge of the purveyor of a theory and the intensity of emotion they reveal when promoting said theory. The relationship is a simple one

Emotional Intensity = f(expertise)

It emerges that this is a simple inverse relationship: the less the expertise, the greater the emotional intensity. Obviously, we must also insert an appropriate constant, which I have chosen to designate as Bs. The final equation then becomes,

Emotional Intensity = Bs/expertise

To commemorate the contributions made by Norval I propose that the units of inverse expertise, or ignorance as they are sometimes called, be henceforth known as Norvals. Since a single Noraval does represent an unusually high level of ignorance it will probably be more convenient to use milli-Norvals for posts in the pseudo-science section and nano-Norvals for everyday use.

I do hope Craterchains Norval and FieryIce will accept this gesture in the spirit in which it is offered.
I don't see the relevance of the FieryIce formula, rather the Kook Formula is better, its for discerning how seriously to take a persons claims.

K = S/((I+Bs)*(1/L)+O)


Kookdom = Science / (( Ignorance + Bullshit) x ( 1/ Logic ) + Obsession )

A score below 1 means you’re a Kook.

Craterchains Norval and FieryIce get a score of .1

.1= 27/((42+11)*(1/.25)+58)

A Kook score of .1 should be called 9 Norval: the inverse of the kook score subtract 1 is a rating of Norvals. Thus

N = (1/K)-1

With this any score of Norvals below zero means you’re not a Kook and any score above mean you’re a fool of kookdom by integers of how kooky you are.
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Why lock the thread avatar? Seems stryder wants to keep the character assassinations posts in plain view, not deleted.
Ah, but I'm fully loyal to the administration of this forum. You know.. all the under-the-desk management. In fact, I couldn't care less about your problems here, but this thread has turned into a dump therefore needs to be closed.
actually your awfully shitty assumptions on alien wars are the dump here,
I just had fun with it, while you were funny,
now you two are just pathetic
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