Ulterior motives of "Pseudoscience" against "craterchains"

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Time is running out and the BS about this cover up keeps getting deeper even with more evidence and photos. Kind of like the UFO cover up.
No, not like the UFO coverup.

More like when people take pictures of a meteor shower and claim 'were being invaded!'
By what measure do you base the assumption that "time is running out?"
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They keep finding more and more crater chains... that must mean the attacks are getting bigger and bigger.

it;s only a matter of time.....
Norval... Just a question, when you find that "we've run out of time" by *your* clock, you're not going to act like one of those crazy suicide cults and start insisting that everyone should top themselves to get beamed up by Scotty are you?
everyone should top themselves

You're not making any sense Stryder, try using better English.

Persol, you should be using past tense, a longer finer crater chain doesn't necessarily equate to larger magnitude just more surgical.

Just for DeadSkinWalking, you might like to peruse this:

Pretty colors. By what real measure do you base the assumption that "time is running out?"
I have a suggestion.... dump this into the religious forum.

Technicaly, it is a religious thread... so logic doesn't apply. (Plus it'll be locked almost immediately, but I just want it to find the most fitting forum... honest)
FieryIce.. Top is slang for "To end ones life", namely refering to how the Top is as high and far as you can go.

As for the whole timeline fanaticism, you have supposedly Bad Aliens fighting amongst themselves for over 6000 years, these being the same aliens that you suggest have desecrated planets reducing them to "dust" (I would have said "rubble", but thats evidence of a civilization which apparently their is currently no evidence.)

Considering the longest wars in the worlds history were between rival countries and only lasted so long because the technologies available were backwards, I think that 6000 years is approximately 5985+ years too many if you suggest those aliens were so far advanced.

I don't think it actually Merits being classed as religious purely because it's too cult driven for one and for the other that it's too much of a hypocritical belief system that alters based on developments in research or news articles. For instance if all current craters were to be proven of "natural origins" as soon as another craterchain is discovered it would be the "smoking gun" of alien warfare or communication, until proven again otherwise.

I would suggest not to go over the same subject, topic, material as it's a dead horse that can be flogged no more.
For instance if all current craters were to be proven of "natural origins" as soon as another craterchain is discovered it would be the "smoking gun" of alien warfare or communication, until proven again otherwise.
Wow, replace 'alien warfare' with 'creation' and you just described religion perfectly.
Considering the longest wars in the worlds history were between rival countries and only lasted so long because the technologies available were backwards, I think that 6000 years is approximately 5985+ years too many if you suggest those aliens were so far advanced.
What the hell do you expect... they could only shoot straight lines. Maybe if they learned to aim it wouldn't have taken so long.
Wow, just when you think it's reached the zenith of zanyness, out comes a project plan with 'Lucifer' on it!

So all of the CS stuff is technobabble, and Norv and Gale are just another doomsday cult.

So yeah, like Stryder, I'm wondering if Norv and Gale are going to follow the 'Heaven's Gate' cult, get mission patches sewn up, and ascend to the mothership, or whatever spurious end times BS you come up with.
From a post I made in another scifoolems area.

No, I am not religious in the sense as it is commonly known as. I highly doubt that an extra-stellar full blown universe wide government would be disorganized. But, it is not a religion. It is a Kingdom, a monarchy, with appointments, not elections. Some may want it to be democratic, or something else, some may want to accept that Kingdom government of the starry heavens as I do. It is comforting to believe what ever one wants and so call it a religion. That doesn’t make it fact.

In reality there are most certainly biblical prophecy’s being fulfilled today, but most are caught up in the matrix of pseudo reality and smoke screens as to the real issues.

We are on the threshold of knowledge of other life because of our technological understandings. We can discern we are not alone by the preponderance of evidence. Yet there are factions and ones that don’t want you to think that. There are tons of documents that show that we are not alone. The one source I have of truth in all of this deception by opponents to that Heavenly Kingdom is the bible.

That book is the greatest source of exopolitics we have to date.
It ain’t about religion or theocracy. It’s about a monarchy

Two do not make up a cult, and I hate followers. I get very annoyed when I am followed.
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