Ulterior motives of "Pseudoscience" against "craterchains"

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can you perchance offer us an actual example of a personal contribution

Sure, seek professional help.

if nothing else it'll demonstrate how superior I am

A megalomaniac, as well. You must love the sound of your own voice and talk aloud while typing.
Fair enough, although at this relatively poor resolution, what should an alien "production plant" look like in SAR format?

You tell us! I have no idea! But I'm flabbergasted that YOU seem to think that you know judged on a few blurry pixels that have no shapely definition; and that goes for the rest of your so called "structures".

Even though "SkinWalker" has apparent ulterior motives, I'll try to accommodate his limited perspective as well, as if nothing else it'll demonstrate how superior I am, or at least open minded enough as to consider the possibilities before flushing everything into his intellectual blackhole.

And I quote from SkinWalker: " To make a priori assumptions that features in image above are "structures, roads, quarry sites, accomadations, silos, bridges, aircraft/airships," etc. is a very anthropocentric perspective."

I wholeheartedly agree with him Brad. And your statement is a clear demonstration of hypocrisy. You are stating what you truly see but jump on anyone when we post what we truly see...and you're open to other opinions how? Only if they include aliens and your definition of physics? He made a statement concerning his opinion on the matter and you go and prove my point with your "counterstatement".
blackholesun & (Q),
Good grief almighty, and get over it. I'd never expect a blind man to see what I can, even if he's got the best damn dog in the world. As such, I'd just as soon have "Stryderunknown" extract the majority of your useless contributions, as obviously you're NOT looking on the bright side of anything. Although, even an intellectually blinded/bigoted man can't actually look on the bright side of squat, now can he?

BTW; just in case you freaking morons haven't noticed, there's a great deal more to Venus that is perfectly natural, that's 100 fold more scientifically interesting and of importance to humanity than all of what your sub-frozen, TBI and otherwise pulverised to death Mars has to offer, and obtainable at not 10 cents on the dollar at that. Of course, since your intellectual incest cloning is in the fullest of control of your butts, as such there's not all that much point in expecting anything except your devoted intent to demise upon anything that's not your idea in the first place.

Of course, since you folks don't actually have any original ideas, that clearly leaves the field of topics wide open for receiving your flak, or intellectual flatulence is more like it....

I don't suppose you've got the likes of Hitler hidden under your computer desk, and the "Flat Earth Society" camped out in your bathroom?
As mentioned elsewhere, If the content of discussion is foul, use the ignore list which is found with the buddy list inside your preferences on this forum.

Leaving the content in the threads allows people to understand where everybody is coming from, otherwise it would mean new posters would be unaware of what to expect.
BTW; just in case you freaking morons haven't noticed, there's a great deal more to Venus that is perfectly natural, that's 100 fold more scientifically interesting and of importance to humanity than all of what your sub-frozen, TBI and otherwise pulverised to death Mars has to offer, and obtainable at not 10 cents on the dollar at that.

C'mon everybody -let's hear ya!

Fine and dandy, just as long as you don't mind my having to remind all honest folks, as at the top of every topic, that individuals like yourself have been intent upon distorting if not destroying as much information as suits your team agenda. As I'll gladly include a WARNING of "DOT NOT BOTHER TO READ ANYTHING FROM THE FOLLOWING LIST OF CULT MEMBERS", perhaps sharing a link to the typical excerpts of what sort of ulterior motives to expect from such certified borgs.
So now you are clearly saying we are not able to express our opinion nor provide any sort of debate or counterevidence? Jesus Brad you might as well have be fucking Stalin. So we should let you babble all you want unabated about nothing that has be proven other then in your active imagination while you slander and insult everyone on this board who actually has a shread of common sense when dealing with blury low resolution radar images? I guess you're against free speech too...unless it's your own.
Stryderunknown said:
As mentioned elsewhere, If the content of discussion is foul, use the ignore list which is found with the buddy list inside your preferences on this forum.

Like this?

<img src = "http://www.sciforums.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=3054&stc=1">
bradguth said:
BTW; just in case you freaking morons haven't noticed, there's a great deal more to Venus that is perfectly natural,

Excellent, can you show us your mathematical models and computer simulations of how Venus _should_ look according to your theories of planetary evolution (detail those as well) and then contrast these with your hi-resolution full surface topographical study and show us the differences.

I presume you have done all of this reasearch?
There are several topics that get this kind of treatment.

In general there are those that want to know and want you to know.
Then there are those that know and don’t want anyone else to know.

Their tactics are well known to be used here at SciFoolems
'This kind of treatment' consists of pointing out people who claim things which aren't true.

It's a public service paid for by your tax dollars. Enjoy.
Thanks for your kind interest in my scientific welfare.

Observationology is an obscure science, although as I've stipulated before, having the best damn seeing eye dog just isn't going to cut it.

1) In addition to learning all there was to know about becoming a certified village idiot, apparently I also spent/wasted hundreds of hours looking at, of all things, nearly all other SAR images of Venus. I then wasted my time away by enlarging upon hundreds of interesting sites, followed terrain and I even looked high and low at what others had accomplished. Oddly, I then compared the image in question to as many Earth SAR images of similar terrain, and of terrain containing artificial looking attributes.

2) Lo and behold, after months of study, and of asking others to kindly do the same, I nor could others uncover anything nearly as complex looking, nor as for such looking as most likely artificial, that is unless it was in fact artificial.

3) Since I'm intent upon starting up another less cluttered topic (in replacement of this one), perhaps that's where I'll go into some detail of what I've learned from others, as obviously I haven't been to Venus, but then nor have you.

BTW; do not "presume" anything, at least not until the fat lady sings, as I could be wrong about a few of my observational interpretations. Although, I'll stick with those laws of physics as to the possibilities of life making a go of it, as bad-off as that might be, upon Venus.

craterchains (Norval,
You may be more right than you think, about this "SciFoolems" running us amuck.
Uhhhmmmm geeeeee Brad, yah think there is “Ulterior motives of "Pseudo science" against "crater chains", now what in the world (or out of the world) ever gave you that idea? :rolleyes:

Maybe it is just a figment of our imaginations?
Yes, Sci Foolems is one of the best representations of information control and acquisitions around. Others are just told to CLOSE THE TOPICS ! :eek:

End of story. :bugeye:

WTF, seems there are several topics that get this special treatment while the rest just get egged on.
If you actually provided information, then it would be 'information control'.... but you haven't. Instead you talk out of your ass and pretend to have things to backup your claims. That is called fiction... which makes this 'quality control'. Your story isn't very interesting at all. Maybe if you add some pink flying elephants we'd let you stay.
Is on a power trip.. Its time for a coup detat.

Stryder open the closed threads.

You should only close when complaints offer justification for closure. You opinion has no place... I would say that being a moderator supplants your right to participate.
FieryIce, Norval, if you are so unhappy with this place, why don't you go some other forums?

But of course you can't......you've been banned everywhere else. hahaa.......
Complaints have been acknowledged by how people conduct themselves when responding to posts. It's not just my opinion that closed the threads, originally I had left them open and all it caused was people to either act up from one side or the other, or suggest things that are beyond the scope of Pseudoscience.

Although Pseudoscience isn't Science, it's not Science Fiction either. Certain statements had got to the point of being Science Fiction, if they want to continue those discussions then it should be moved to the relevant sub-forum.

And No, It's not a Power Trip, It's just when I realised people were playing me for a chump I had to put a stop to it.
Stryderunknown was elected by you people, you choose him, now he does not match with you expectations, and thus you claim he is part of the alien conspiracy?
Stryderunknown is in fact doing exactly what you've programmed him to do, and as such his programmed inability to shun the folks that have nothing whatsoever to contribute (other than flak) is securely within the charter/root of his existence.

I'm sorry that so many of his close friends are what they are, as what was I ever thinking. Most of these supposedly upstanding members are just in this for the hell of it, with absolutely no intentions of their sharing squat (thank God), much less contributing anything that's positive, other than being so absolutely snookered that all of the sudden those freaking USSR Russians are the upstanding honest ones, having equal or better technology at that, and as though they have absolutely nothing to hide about their portion of the cold-war.

Apparently, as in anytime I've offered the truth and nothing but the truth, such as pertaining to those phony baloney NASA/Apollo Kodak moments, lo and behold, the upstanding morals of this forum shuts down the topic.

Why is that?

Addressing a few of those pesky photographic details; http://guthvenus.tripod.com/gv-photo-entro.htm
NASA uses LLPOF anti-flak to protect Apollo butts; http://www.sciforums.com/showthread.php?t=38195

Oddly, when I've requested specific information upon the available tonnage of moon rock, as meteorite deposited substance that should be found in great amounts upon Earth, there's absolutely nothing in the hopper, as in zilch, zip, nada.

Remember, that I'm only absolutely certain that those Kodak moments were not as such acquired upon the moon, and that it's otherwise entirely possible (though by no means sufficiently documented), that we actually made a landing, even though as of today (3.5 decades past due) we still can't seem to deploy squat upon the moon without our reliance upon using the impact method, such as with regard to their most advanced "Polar Night" mission, and so forth.

As far as "craterchains", I can't dispute the WMD possibility of what tossing and/or directing a few rocks at another world would be rather energy effective, though due to the intellectual incest against anything that's outside the mainstream status quo box, and of the utter lack of seeing honest external (newcomer) input, as such there's only the event horizon of a vast vortex of what's leading humanity into a blackhole of another intellectual cesspool, whereas Lord Stryderunknown is scripted into the program of "auto-lock-down" as soon as folks (outsiders) start to shed light on the truth, and thereby attracting (God forbid) media attention.

Regards, Brad Guth (BBCI h2g2 U206251) http://guthvenus.tripod.com/update-242.htm
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