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there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!! there is proof !!!
There is proof?

Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it????? Where is it?????

Isn't CNTRL-C CNTRL-V great????
Originally posted by zion
Shortly i can come up with a long list of all the people who have died under mysterious circumstances,who were investigating UFOs.
And BTW,did you happen to know that all the outgoing or incoming calls and radar or all sorts of transmissions were erased from roswell in 1947?Weather Balloon?
I dont think so.


Perhaps it was that paranoid government in the US, What if it was somekind of new weapon? would it not make sense that they would want to keep it quite?

The same applies if it were something from China, japan russia ..... the US would want to keep it quite so that the foreign governments wouldn't know that the US had it.

As for the mysterious deaths, perhaps this occured after the US had visited and told them to keep it secret. Could you live your entire life knowing that you can never tell anyone what happened that day?

I could, but perhaps that just prooves that I am wrong.

Perhaps it was that paranoid government in the US, What if it was somekind of new weapon? would it not make sense that they would want to keep it quite?
Okay,...let's see,....secret weapon that can time travel,...(because the fenomenon is not limited to our time and era of existence)
secret weapon that accelerates from zero to 8.000km/hour in NO seconds,...secret weapon of that kind,...build to control the humans,...their minds,...troughout time,...if you're a time traveler then you have to be carefull that you don't change the things that would make YOUR existence obsolete,....

The same applies if it were something from China, japan russia ..... the US would want to keep it quite so that the foreign governments wouldn't know that the US had it.
ofcourse if you have the luck to come into the possesion of a beamship,...or even the Idea of one,....to accually build one like it,...to start thinking in that direction,...certainly you would want to leak that to the public because you don't want the population to question YOUR authority as a goverment,...because what if that strange things in the sky reaally do take samples from human kind,...samples of humankind,...samples of the cattle,....and of every living being and,...kortom: every fauna & flora,...in the beginning
they don't take you,...when your consious,...but when your unconsious,...they MAKE you unconsious,...easy thing to do,...goverments worldwide do it, day in day out,...without anyone noticing it,...
that's a horrible truth to live in,...day in day out,...so if you know,....than your unconsiously willing to accept ANY and I emphasize again; ANY ,...reason that delivers unconsiousness,...it's like in the matrix: some people are just not able to comprehend these things and I mean: to fit them in the MAIN STREAM VISION of society,...for the obvious reason : because there anomalies,.....and look at the world,...look closely,....at every level of existence,...your shool-time,....your youth,....nothing anomalous gets exepted,...it even gets punished if you walk out of line,....THINK the wrong things at the wrong time,.....KNOW things that are not 'constructive' (that means: not profitable for the economix). in fact: even defiant of these principles,....cause your mind has to be free of the hassle of life,...of problems going your direction,...not facing them, but evasing them,....cowards,....you don't dare to lose this main stream idial,....wich by the way is a total infringment of humanoïd life and real values here on earth,...cause when you would reason,... you would see that if there is something bad going on,....you would expect that it get's stopped,... by the goverment that is in charge of these things: but 'they' don't do shit about environment for example,...and then you reason: now I draw a paralel way of handling and mentality previously etalated,....at least I HAVE the GUTS to DARE to SAY: "WHAT IF": unless you don't really say it ,...think it,...then you'll not even take take hold of, even, the simplest things that are there to prepare the 'humans' to a prosperous future,...(hapffffff,....GROTE ZUCHT) YOU cannot even BEGIN to think towards future events,...

I think I'll leave it with that to start with,....your lessons in wisdom and knowlegde have just started: the way,...my friend is long: and maby we will never reach the end,....maby not even our children may reach it,...maby there is no end to it all,...
But the travel towards it,....my friends: is worth it's while,...and it all begins with the first step,....that has been and/or will be put forth.

Originally posted by kmguru
That is a lot of documents. If anyone read it, please summerize...thanks Markx

It will take me lots of time but main idea was to tell you all that NSA did release some documents and it is one of the most powerfull goverment agency. Then what I was looking for was about Iran 1976 accident. I did post the link for that one also. I can try to give more details but then I have to go through some of those doucuments, I really have to have lots of time for that. Maybe be someday I will do that.:p
The only one I read was the National Enquirer article on NSA report. That are sounds reasonable and pragmatic. The report does not say that aliens are zipping around here but to prepare a foundation where, we are prepared in case there is an alien contact. That is not any different from our SETI program or any of NASA objectives including Pioneer probe.

What would be interesting is if NSA actually found physical proof of extraterrestials and is not telling us. If anyone can get the facts, NSA and its counter parts in France, Germany and UK can.
Re: zucht,...

Originally posted by Fukushi

ofcourse if you have the luck to come into the possesion of a beamship,...or even the Idea of one,....to accually build one like it,...to start thinking in that direction,...certainly you would want to leak that to the public because you don't want the population to question YOUR authority as a goverment,...because what if that strange things in the sky reaally do take samples from human kind,...samples of humankind,...samples of the cattle,....and of every living being and,...kortom: every fauna & flora,...in the beginning
they don't take you,...when your consious,...but when your unconsious,...they MAKE you unconsious,...easy thing to do,...goverments worldwide do it, day in day out,...without anyone noticing it,...

Ok, I think I see what you are saying, but remember people like to exagerate their stories, And perhaps they are covering up the fact that they are testing new weapons etc by use of UFO's. Granted, Reports of UFO's have been around longer than the US etc but perhaps they have adopted it, twisted it for their own use?

"Don't go so far out of the box that you can no longer see what you are supposed to be against..."

On a lighter note... Bush makes me unconsious every time he speaks...
Re: There is proof?

Originally posted by anim8er
Isn't CNTRL-C CNTRL-V great????

There may be a good reason not everybody on Earth actually has contact with extraterrrestrials or has had contact in the past. It is an undeniable fact that humans do have contact with Beings from out of this world. I think extraterrestrials are not that extraterrestrial after all. Because they still are here on Earth, in different shapes, human shapes.

Can't care less about all the opinions and scientifical facts you all mention. Fact is too that so many people post about UFO's and extraterrestrials and then say they do not believe it is true. Why do you all want to read the internet pages about it if it's all a hoax?

Guess there is a lot of truth in the cover ups by the governments. They hide so many things for the people, a lot of it is finally coming out. It will take its time, as always, it will come out though, eventually.

Even in the holy bible extraterrestrials play the main part... and they are just like humans, 'good' and 'bad' Beings...
As soon as we have a disclosure, we will see what's true... I hope...

Even if the government don't open it up, we will finish by seeing them even during daylight in major cities of the world...

Time is soon... to see the Truth...
It can be sooner than we imagine... ;)


It is an undeniable fact that humans do have contact with Beings from out of this world.

There are MANY that would deny this so-called fact. This is merely your opinion.

Can't care less about all the opinions and scientifical facts you all mention.

Yes, burying your head in the sand is an option.

Fact is too that so many people post about UFO's and extraterrestrials and then say they do not believe it is true. Why do you all want to read the internet pages about it if it's all a hoax?

Does the phrase, "There's a sucker born every minute" mean anything to you?

Guess there is a lot of truth in the cover ups by the governments. They hide so many things for the people, a lot of it is finally coming out.

What exactly is "finally coming out?"

Expiring minds want to know. :)
Originally posted by [Q]
*Yes, burying your head in the sand is an option.*

You're one hell of an example doing this. Dig your head up my friend...:)

Originally posted by [Q], too
*Does the phrase, "There's a sucker born every minute" mean anything to you?*

Indeed it does yes! Look at you... :)

How very disappointing.

I was, at the very least, expecting an *original* thought from you.

Oh well, maybe some day. :)
And the scientist vs. pseudoscientist catfight goes into the second round.......

Woo woo! I have 50 bucks on Q!

I have gazed out over the land and from what I've seen have come to the conclusion that the Earth is flat.

I believe this to be an undeniable fact.

Do you deny that the Earth is flat?


Perhaps you are looking too close...

Can you be more vague?