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There is no point on destroying Earth...
Give me only one...
There is no point...

Besides that, I think that the Universe is infinite and there is infinites possibilities, then, I guess it's possible to travel beyond the speed of light. ;)

Shortly i can come up with a long list of all the people who have died under mysterious circumstances,who were investigating UFOs.
And BTW,did you happen to know that all the outgoing or incoming calls and radar or all sorts of transmissions were erased from roswell in 1947?Weather Balloon?
I dont think so.

Something unidentified can be many things.

Something unidentified can be many things. There is no single answer. However, I really doubt that UFOs of any type are from another planet, universe or time.

In the 1940's Alien visitors was already a common concept in American culture. As demonstrated by the scare caused by the Orson Wells broadcast of the War of the Worlds. The Soviets were a real threat after WW2 and they demonstrated that they were capable of keeping up with the advancing technology. They did beat us into space. By the late '50s we were flying over the Soviet Union with U-2s. It is reasonable to think they would do the same or even launch a sneak attack. While radar is good at detecting foreign aircraft, it is not perfect and can be defeated by various means. (Not to mention that we have civil aviation, which could be a cover for spying missions by the Soviets.)

I think UFO lore is a combination of government programs to invstigate both the possibility of overflights by foreign nations, to gather information about what public information is available on our own aircraft development and people's imaginations run wild. I think a lot of the UFO groups are in reality government run or sponsored. Atributing UFOs to aliens serves the purpose of alieving the fears of people who would panic if they thought that Soviet Military aircraft were flying over the United States. The fact that an aircraft carrying a camera and could carry an atomic bomb is a scarey thought. They want people to watch the sky without really knowing why. People would really panic if they were told: "Be on the lookout for Soviet aircraft in our skies."

If anyone says that UFOs are definately alien spacecraft, they are either an idiot, someone trying to make a profit off a book or a government spy telling you a lie.
You're the idiot

You're the idiot here,...and I think You should be in the flaming thread. Point final.

Everyone has freedom of speech (at least by "law").
That's a good issue here as many astronauts were told to shut up about the UFOs they saw in orbit and many people that talked about them were "silenced"...

*door knocking*

Excuse me... I have to answer the door...

*I open the door*
*The guys present themseves as FBI agents*

FBI:Can you please come with us?

*I get out, close the door, enter in the car*

... *you never "see" me again*


okay okay,...

You got me there,....I fell trough the basket: I'm the idiot,...pleased?
anim8er: You will quickly learn that skepticism is feared and flamed in this section.

Apparently, although our credulous friends have no problem posting in the sections devoted to LEGITAMATE SCIENCE! they are horridly offended when someone has the temerity to use a few of those groovy little brain cells in the section devoted to pseudoscience.

It would be like the adage "Don't pray in my school, and I won't think in your church".

Don't call pseudoscience science and I'll ignore your UFOs, light people, anti-Christs, earth changes, and whatever the hell else you can think up.

I simply want to have a nice discussion with my fellow scientists (or more likely, lurk on a discussion) without people screaming about earth changes.

Great Cthulhu says that turnabout is fair play, though, and I am bored. Until you folks stop posting pseudoscience as science, I'll be posting logical things in the pseudoscience section.

You got me there,....I fell trough the basket: I'm the idiot,...pleased?

No, you are no idiot. You've shown your opinion. You too have freedom of speech! Only because what you said is not ethically considered right this doesn't means that you are a idiot. ;)


Until you folks stop posting pseudoscience as science, I'll be posting logical things in the pseudoscience section.

Continue... is a pleasure... :D

Btw... Pseudo-SCIENCE... :D:D

You see!

there you have it: I'm NOT an idiot! Even someone else has said so: that's proof I'm not an idiot nèh? hehehe:p

http://www.exosci.com/ufo/ hmmm,...running around in circles,...clever ,... cleveeer!!

just take a look,...I know,...weak but better than nothing

also interresting: http://users.skynet.be/mystical/pics/Ufo/area_s30.htm

oh year: and before I forget: I would like to see YOU make these in one night:
a crop turned symbolical, and believe it or not : they acctually DO have a meaning,...atleast I'm not the only one being nuts,... the crop turns out to be nuts too,....:D
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If anyone says that UFOs are definately alien spacecraft, they are either an idiot, someone trying to make a profit off a book or a government spy telling you a lie

Why do you guys call him an idion?! He's just being logical. If my memory serves me well they are Unidentified Flying Objects - meaning tht we do not really know what they are . Sure everyone's got a clue
time travekers
government funded (not likely becaue they have been seen in all times. Not just 20th or 21st century, but from the wery beginning.

So he is right tht we can't be definetely sure what are they.
Originally posted by TruthSeeker
Check the dictionary;
Pseudo: Sham or Feigned

SHAM-Science... FEIGNED Science

Yeah, the Skeptic's Dictionary:

A pseudoscience is set of ideas based on theories put forth as scientific when they are not scientific.

Scientific theories are characterized by such things as (a) being based upon empirical observation rather than the authority of some sacred text; (b) explaining a range of empirical phenomena; (c) being empirically tested in some meaningful way, usually involving testing specific predictions deduced from the theory; (d) being confirmed rather than falsified by empirical tests or with the discovery of new facts; (e) being impersonal and therefore testable by anyone regardless of personal religious or metaphysical beliefs; (f) being dynamic and fecund, leading investigators to new knowledge and understanding of the interrelatedness of the natural world rather than being static and stagnant leading to no research or development of a better understanding of anything in the natural world; and (g) being approached with skepticism rather than gullibility, especially regarding paranormal forces or supernatural powers, and being fallible and put forth tentatively rather than being put forth dogmatically as infallible.

Pseudoscientists claim to base their theories on empirical evidence, and they may even use some scientific methods, though often their understanding of a controlled experiment is inadequate. Many pseudoscientists relish being able to point out the consistency of their theories with known facts or with predicted consequences, but they do not recognize that such consistency is not proof of anything. It is a necessary condition but not a sufficient condition that a good scientific theory be consistent with the facts. A theory which is contradicted by the facts is obviously not a very good scientific theory, but a theory which is consistent with the facts is not necessarily a good theory. For example, "the truth of the hypothesis that plague is due to evil spirits is not established by the correctness of the deduction that you can avoid the disease by keeping out of the reach of the evil spirits" (Beveridge 1957, 118).


Why do you guys call him an idion?!

Freudian projection.
To the idiots....... misinformed, unenlightened......... whatever........

Well maybe calling people idiots for having a belief system is a bit harsh. I want to put forth the concept that the study of UFO's probably became more "scientific" because the CIA figured it would be a good way of collecting data on various sightings of terestrial aircraft, both domestic and foreign. I think it's a legitimate theory that somewhere, someplace in the universe there are other sentient beings. Have they come here for a visit? I have my doubts. There are some interesting hints from history that strange things may have happened, but there is certainly no proof.

I never understood why people thought crop circles were so special. Some pretty cool art emerged from the craft, but nothing that couldn't be explained.

I think attributing the building of the Pyramids and other "amazing things" to aliens is an insult to human kind, engineers and architects throughout history. We human being are capable of some pretty amazing things. Saying we are incapable of doing such things is an insult.
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There is a marked difference between Skepticism and deep ignorant obstinate atitude.

There is a marked difference between Skepticism and deep ignorant obstinate atitude

Indeed there is. Are you implying that I exhibit the latter?

Then say so! Or don't you have the balls to attack directly?

I want to put forth the concept that the study of UFO's probably became more "scientific" because the CIA figured it would be a good way of collecting data on various sightings of terestrial aircraft, both domestic and foreign. I think it's a legitimate theory that somewhere, someplace in the universe there are other sentient beings. Have they come here for a visit? I have my doubts.

Do you think UFOs might be human-made craft that the US government is testing? Like Aurora?

I think that many of them could be.

Ooooppsss... I need holidays... :D

That's what I've allways said... I need holidays... :bugeye:

...Excuse me... I'm going to a sunny place.


Erm...Balls?what balls?what are you talking about?;):D:p

I replied essentially to your post in more generalised fashion.if you felt connected to the second one,well...i am sorry.

What about Fedrich Valentich?

Do you think UFOs might be human-made craft that the US government is testing? Like Aurora?

UFO's are an "All of the above" proposition. They are many things. The "original" sighting of a "flying saucer" was clearly a sighting of a Northrop Flying Wing aircraft. It was described properly, the term "saucer" came from the description of how it flew, not it's shape. Disc shaped aircraft have been around a long time. Plenty of pictures and evidence can be found on the web. The "flying pancake" certainly comes to mind.

I have in mind my own design for a "flying saucer". It works with jet propulsion. No anti-gravity, alien technology or any of that.

How it works:

An airplane moves through the air. Faster moving air above the wing causes low pressure, higher pressure below provides lift.

A helicopter moves rotors through the air. Same principle as an airplane except the machine stays stationary while the rotors move.

My "flying saucer" design works by moving the air itself. Jet engines are used to circulate the air above the disc. This caused the air above it to become low pressure and lift is created. I'll have to post images for the design at a later date. (Actually, I have two different designs.)

This principle is used on some STOL aircraft designs in the '70s. There was one STOL cargo plane design I remember years ago that placed the engines above the wings to use the same principle. This gave it the ability to land and take off in very short distances. This principle is how tornados and hurricanes can lift the roof off of a house.

Here is another workable flying saucer design that could actually work. It really relies on vectored thrust, like the Harrier jump jet, only disc shaped.

Silver Bug

Another web site on this particular design:

Silver Bug 2

There are other designs as well, all work without anything science doesn't already know.
There are some interesting hints from history that strange things may have happened, but there is certainly no proof.
Say not so. Ok, there may not be any hard proofs, but hisory itself is a good example. When Schliman(sp) went to search for the city f Troj everyone thought of him as nuts, because Iliad was considered to be a fairy tale. Science world laughed when first explorers of Australia reported of platupus. THERE IS NO SUCH THING-science world said. Also - people originated from Africa-- now we accept this, but when this was first suggested all the science world was furious, because tht would not fit in their world (all scientists were white then). Many discoveries have been denyed because they do not fit our view on the world. And few are not afraid to try and chane tht view.
I have studied ancient civilizations [hobby] anim8er and can say you tht either we have long forgotten and lost highly developed human civilization who obtained spaceflight technologies (at least in the borders of our solar system) or aliens. It's your to choose. I can not do tht, because I have not enough evidence for either, but one of them is true.

Nowaday UFO's are a different story. And I leave thm to you.

Cheers and Good Luck!