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Originally posted by James R

I don't suppose your uncle has any documentary evidence from the relevant time?

Anecdotal evidence is a very unreliable form of evidence. Memories can be faulty. People can make things up, or stories can be passed from one person to another with no real basis.

If there was any evidence, it has probably been disposed. He lived in New Mexico, we are in Louisiana. I agree with you memory can be faulty. some people can mistake a dog for a cow. It happens. I do not want a knock on my door in the middle of the night....you know...cow it is.

Knowing that it is all true and that our major corporations are the recipient of such technology for reverse engineering will not make any difference to me. Thinking that it is just a story he made up will not change the world either. I could rummage his attic to find the piece of metal - but it is too much hassle, a lot of trouble with little benefit.

BTW, informant and second hand witnesses are used all the time in US court system. People have gone to jail for life based on those unreliable witness that happens months or years past. And we are the No.1 country on this planet!
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<i>...informant and second hand witnesses are used all the time in US court system.</i>

Really? What happened to the hearsay rule?

It's the difference between:

"I saw him kill her."


"My brother's ex-girlfriend's uncle's former roommate said he saw him kill her."

The device had backlit keyboards with keys that had symbols.

Simbols? Which simbols? Can your uncle draw them??

The occupants of the device were male and females with large heads, large eyes, small ear, nose, mouth. They wore skin tight clothing that were wrinkle free (memory shape) and bled red blood. They were albino white.

Tipical Orionis... scientists, specifically... did they wore a kind of purple clothe that resembles aluminium...?

When a symbol was pressed, the same symbol appeared on the screen.
There was a lot of graphs and charts on the screen that no body could understand what they represented. .

If you can give me the simbols... :)

James R,

Anecdotal evidence is a very unreliable form of evidence. Memories can be faulty. People can make things up, or stories can be passed from one person to another with no real basis.

His descriptions matches with those who were abducted by Ets from Orion... I mean... even the details...


I could rummage his attic to find the piece of metal - but it is too much hassle, a lot of trouble with little benefit.

It wouldn't be little benefit if you cuould give it to someone who understand this kind of thing... ;)

Let me guess( eventhough it's hard to say this in English...)... hen you crumble the piece of metal, it returns to normal naturally...
when you try to cut it, it returns to normal too... :D
Well... those, I suppose anyone that understand a little bit of UFOs knows it... ;)

But who can says what is the material... and perhaps even where it came from... :rolleyes:


Sorry, my uncle died several years ago. So no more information can be obtained. If the situation is extraterrestial in nature, those aliens are more careful now not to crash. We must be reverse engineering the hell out of the stuff.

I am not sure, what to think, since I was not an eye witness. But coming from the source, it is a mystery, yet to be solved. The keyboard aspect intrigued me. It must be hardwired rather than voice command or touch screen. It is very difficult to understand the description of a computer from a person who has never seen a computer before. Imagine the description of iMac by a person in 1910.

And JamesR, hearsay is all it takes in US, unless you are loaded and have a good lawyer.

The burden of proof is traditionally on the person making a claim.
This you are making up!
A useful dictum is: Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
I'm not the one making a claim here,....You claim that they never came to earth. tssssss!
It is very difficult to prove a negative like "aliens have never visited Earth" or "God does not exist". But it is quite easy to prove a positive.
Well then: prove it to me as much as you want me to prove some proof that they never came here, and that they don't exist: cause that's what YOU are prolifying,...

What's so negative about aliens visiting earth? you are so verry hostile: so they won't visit you,....in fact: I am wondering myself why there are people like you,...
All you need to show aliens have been here is to provide evidence of alien technology or the like. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any.
well again: let me refrase this one for you then:
All you need to show is that aliens have NOT been here and provide evidence that they do NOT exist, unfortunately (for you), there doesn't seem to be any (proof).

you are disaproving it anyhow, even if you would see it with your own eyes: you wouldn't believe it,...

Well then let me ask a question: do you believe there are other civilisations out there? (intelligent) Let me tell you this: I don't just believe it: I know it and I can prove it.

if you do then can't you imagine that there are infinite civilisations that are MORE intelligent then ours,....is that so hard to understand? I think not,...it's a bit like seeing the univers as a monkey: realizing that humans made him go into space, punching some buttons, making a few things happen, but eventually don't understand anything of how the thing you're travelling in works,....

that's you.
Originally posted by Fukushi
"The burden of proof is traditionally on the person making a claim."
This you are making up.
Puh-leeez. You cannot be serious with that reply.
can't you imagine that there are infinite civilisations that are MORE intelligent then ours
Infinite civilizations? No. I feel sure that there's life elsewhere. That's mere conjecture based on no evidence, but to think other wise would be grossly arrogant. The best evidence to show that life is possible elsewhere is that we're here. On the other hand, Earth is the only life-bearing planet out of nine in the solar system.

Even if life is relatively common, the physical limitations of the universe seem stacked against the probability that we will ever be able to visit any other races Out There. For all we know, there are many life-bearing planets in our galactic neighborhood, but none of them have developed intelligence. We have yet to pick up any alien TV shows or radio broadcasts, which doesn't bode well for the chances of sentient life anywhere close by.
do you believe there are other civilisations out there? (intelligent) Let me tell you this: I don't just believe it: I know it and I can prove it.
Then by all means, please do. That is all that is being asked of you.


Actually, there are aliens visiting me all the time, but they are the size and shape of roaches
- easily squashed - so we never have the opportunity to connect on an intellectual level.
Proof of life,... :

N=N* x fp x ne x fl x fi x fe x fL.

N= probable number of intelligent civilisations

N*= number of stars in our galaxy

fp= fraction of star-systems which posses planets

ne= number of planets blessed with an atmosphere wich can sustain life

fl= fraction of planets on wich life actually DID rise

fi= fraction of number of inhabited planets on wich INTELLIGENT life develloped

fe= fraction of number of inhabited planets on wich life develloped who develloped a certain technique of communication

fL= fraction of duration of the planetairy life on wich this civilisation capable of communication develloped,....

This my friends is Drakes equasion,....I guess You guys just never heard of it,...or else you would know what I was talking about:

just take the corresponding numbers of the galaxy-systems yes? then just take a nr 1 for every fraction (f)

Now you most begin to see some light ,.....I'm here,....can you see me yet? I'm at the end of this tunnel you're in, hehehehe!

:D :D :D

<i>I'm not the one making a claim here,....You claim that they never came to earth. tssssss!</i>

Let me give you a similar example. I claim to have a large purle and yellow spotted dragon called Herbert who lives in my garage and lives on M&Ms. I ask you: is it up to me to provide some evidence other than my say-so that what I say is true, or is it up to you to prove that my dragon doesn't exist?

I can easily make many many claims. If you have to go to all the effort to disprove every outrageous claim I might make, you'd spend your whole life chasing ghosts. That's why the burden is on me to back up my claims that my dragon exists.

In the case of aliens, the burden is on you, who claims they exist, to support that claim with evidence. It is not up to me to try to prove the negative.

It's really a very simple point to comprehend.

<i>What's so negative about aliens visiting earth? you are so verry hostile: so they won't visit you,....in fact: I am wondering myself why there are people like you,... </i>

I am sorry that you perceive what I consider to be a reasonable and sensible call for evidence a hostile response. <i>My</i> perception, on the other hand, is that you are defensive because you don't have the evidence.

<i>Well then let me ask a question: do you believe there are other civilisations out there?</i>

Whether I believe that or not is irrelevant, since you claim to have the proof. But, for the record, I think it is possible.

So let's see you "proof". But remember, your word-of-mouth alien abduction story is not good enough, because I can't know that you're not just making it up. Nevertheless, if you have some personal story, I'd like to hear it, provided you don't mind my asking a few questions.

By the way, I'll wager I understand the implications of the Drake equation a little better than you.

Am I talking to walls or what? my proof of extrateresstial civilisations is mentioned above, (Drake's equasion)

You can have all the dragon in your garage that you want,...and you will not hear me dispute it !!!

In other cases, explanation is more difficult. But there is no proof of extraterrestrial visitations.
This is your claim that there is no proof,...

But I'm fairly confident in saying that they are not alien spaceships of any kind.
Also yours,...

My intention is not to convince you,...at all,....
What I am saying is that according to my oppinnion (and to say quiet fairly: Eufemistically speaking), you are pretty narrow minded,...sorry to say so,....nothing personall,...

I'm not the one you should pic to discuss this issue,...I'll leave this tread cause it is not mutual beneficial,....so quarral will emerge,...after that hate and personal discontent will follow: I don't like the way you adress this issue: with a pre-determinded mind.

Let's just keep it like this then: You don't want to see,...
and I don't want to become blind,...okay?!

bye ! srry: I'm reeaaaally not in the mood for this anymore: I think it's a waste of my time.

No offence tough
Re: Hello?

Originally posted by Fukushi
my proof of extrateresstial civilisations is mentioned above, (Drake's equasion)
I'm sorry, my friend, but Drake's equation is not a proof.

Drake suggested figuring out how many habitable planets there are in the galaxy, how many are likely to develop life, how likely that life is to develop civilization, and so on. If you can figure out the right numbers and plug them in, you'll have a pretty good idea how many civilizations are out there. The difficulty, of course, lies in figuring out what the right numbers are. Do you know them? All you have given us are the variables to be assigned. Proof requires the numbers to be filled in, and the equation to balance.

Drake's little equation was only intended, I'm sure, to stimulate discussions, like this one, which is a good thing for discourse, and therefore for science. Some people may jump on it as "proof" that ETs are out there, but some people will always be ready to jump on the least hint of evidence that supports a conclusion they are devoutly attached to. The fault is in themselves.
you are pretty narrow minded,...sorry to say so
It is not narrow-minded to ask for proof of your statements. I am also eagerly waiting for you to demonstrate that we are not alone.


I'm sorry, my friend, but Drake's equation is not a proof.

Yeah... you allways say to me the same thing. You, as many people around here, just don't accept proofs that don't agree with your beliefs. Yes... I'm afraid you are close-minded...

Drake's equation is definetly a proof.

Originally posted by TruthSeeker
Drake's equation is definetly a proof.
Please plug in the numbers for the equation and present it to us.

Drake's Equation has been a favourite of science-fiction authors for quite a while now, and it does indeed present interesting ways of looking at it all. However, there is not one single thing about that equation which has any connection whatsoever with proof. It is, quite literally, assumption one * assumption two * assumption three...
If you guys want proof, you should hang out in the SCIENCE section more. If you want to eat Chinese food, please go to a Chinese restaurant and not an Italian restaurant. Even though I know a Chinese restaurant run by an Italian in Boston.

For the nth time, this is not the Science section. This is for your entertainment. Ever played ball in high school? Just enjoy...

Drake's equation is definetly a proof.

Speculation at best. There are factors to the Drake Equation that we can assume fairly accurately, but other factors are entirely a crapshoot. The Drake Equation does not provide proof or even evidence whatsoever.


Am I talking to walls or what? my proof of extrateresstial civilisations is mentioned above, (Drake's equasion)

How is it proof? There isn’t even a shred of evidence that alien civilizations exist. The Drake Equation allows for the probability that ET exists, that’s all.

Try the Drake Equation for yourself:

Originally posted by kmguru
For the nth time, this is not the Science section. This is for your entertainment. Just enjoy...
Don't get your undies all in a bunch... I find all of this very entertaining. :D


For the nth time, this is not the Science section. This is for your entertainment. Ever played ball in high school? Just enjoy...

I couldn’t agree with you more. Now if only the cranks and crackpots would keep their ridiculous theories out of the science section.
I believe that there is alien life, BUT we will never meet it in our life times.

They must hit all the same barriers (i.e. speed of light), so they could arrive, but most alien cultures will believe that they are alone and so will only bother "moving" if their sun is about to go Nova.

Space is too big for alien cultures to meet...
things happen................
but I rather we don't meet aliens.
Anything could happen and if we have a possibility tht a high-tech culture wants to destroy earth..........
.....I've seen Independence Day;) and am cautious ever since