UFOs Warning about Tsunami?

I wouldn't have cared much for ufo's , but animal panic is a well known presign. A pity we have lost that touch with the nature. Anyways, there are no worth bothering about earthquakes where I live. :)
(Q) said:
Would the UFO's be sporting a flashing billboard similar to the Goodyear blimp?
Naah, they would have started killing everyone, so that everyone runs away from the danger tsunami zone. :mad:
(Q) said:
Magic? Slight-of-hand, smoke-and-mirrors are all that encompasses magic. Have you never been to Las Vegas?
Duendy is using magical to describe the way in which our ancient ancestors made sense of the world. As our cultures evolved the twin strands of the subjective and objective, spiritual and physical, separated into religion and science. Duendy appears to be arguing for a reunification of sorts.

Regardless, it seems either a cheap shot or misinformed act to compare a tawdry entertainment with something that lay at the heart of our transition from cave to civilisation.
Ophiolite said:
I'm not saying alternative views should not be discussed. Start a thread on this in the philosophy section: call it science and religion - two sides of one coin.. You may be surprised how close some of our views are.

D__OK. i might

You say science+state= SCIENCEism.
You accuse me of SCIENCEism
I have a science background an am arguing the science case, so half of your definition.
I have as little as possible to do with the state.

D__Well sos do i...BUT it still is up your arse, and the more 'professional' the more you so, regarding freedom of free scientific endeavour

Therefore, either your definition or your accusation are faulty..

D__ apparently not so

also, THIs forum is called 'pseudoscience' hadn't you noticed?
Yes. That is exactly where I would have attacked my post. It was its single glaring weakness.

Avatar said:
What is 'mental health myth'?

It is the current myth that 'unacceptable' behaviour is a biologically caused disease they diagnose as 'mental illness'

for a deeper inquiry into this i recommend you checout Thomas Szasz www.szaszmaterials.com He wrote the book, The Myth of Mental Illness, in the 1960s

the mental illness myth is founded upon pseudoscience
Duendy appears to be arguing for a reunification of sorts.

Seems more like he would much rather do away with science and return to the cave.

Regardless, it seems either a cheap shot or misinformed act to compare a tawdry entertainment with something that lay at the heart of our transition from cave to civilisation.

A little of both, I suspect.
Nah, I think it's silly too.
A few of my friends have been force treated, etc. It's bollox, as long as that person doesn't start harming other persons.
We each have different perception of reality.
(Q) said:
There MIGHt BE a way of experiencing lightening that is not from a scientific textbook----of experiencing wind, water, and so on. a magical way. and it is that way that this age of science has lost, and stamps down on whenever mentioned...

Magic? Slight-of-hand, smoke-and-mirrors are all that encompasses magic. Have you never been to Las Vegas?

Ever heard of sleight of word, of symbol? do you really think you are above being manipulated in the Age of Reason? wrong

what sciencism claims is that magic is precisly nothing but, merely, sleight of hand
admittedly it is known that shamnans used this practice, but it wasn't then conceptualized as deciet so as to manipulate. it was part and parcel of enhancing healing

so science rushes in all arrogantly superior and says 'ahha, it was just 'plaecebo!'.....well, thy also use placebos, but what they LACK is any spiritual sensitivity. ist is that i am pointing to

look, poetry. you can have someone explain a lightening bolt to you from a scientific perspctive and in its own way it will be very interesting. Nature is unfathomably interesting. BUt to stop there and say that's it is underestimating your potential for relating with Nature. for example, good poetry about the ligtening, wind or whatever....what about that? that's a different mode, right? agreed?
so deeper....mythopoesis....which is a living felt interaction with Nature DIRECTLY. NOT, in this case analyzed, which we have just said is one mode, but this mode i am referring to now is subjective. its like the INSIDe feeling of things. This side is dismissed by science as being 'anecdotal' or 'hallucinatory' or patho-logical, etc. and people FEARING to be seen as such, keep their noses firmly in the science handbook
but what they LACK is any spiritual sensitivity. ist is that i am pointing to

Perhaps the reasoning behind lacking spiritual sensitivity is due in part to the lack of the spiritual, which to date has never been shown to exist.

"Pointing" to the spiritual is pointing where?
(Q) said:
There MIGHt BE a way of experiencing lightening that is not from a scientific textbook----of experiencing wind, water, and so on. a magical way. and it is that way that this age of science has lost, and stamps down on whenever mentioned...

Magic? Slight-of-hand, smoke-and-mirrors are all that encompasses magic. Have you never been to Las Vegas?

D__had actually already posted a reply toyou (Q) vut is
ts disappeared...must beeeee...magIC

alright, sleight of hand. as i said in missing post, do you imagine you are immun e to belieg sleighted in the Age of Reason....there is sleight of word, concept and symbol

regarding sleight of hand. apparently shamans used it to as part of thier healing reportoire. it wasn't meant as a clever deciet as it is now be secualr magicians. it was part of the healing process

think of it this way.....conscious awareness and deeper awareness, which the modern psychologists call the unconscious........we are a continuum. we aren't JUST conscious, but are aware on deeper levels, levels we might not even be consciously aware of. so healing is potentiated by encouraging a supension of suredness of belief
of course such a sleight of hand skill can be used to con, or to make money, but in ancinet times it was seen as a skill connected with the deepe realms of magic

it is your own unconscious that heals. this unconscious is deeply intrerelated with the whole environemnt...Nature, including the universe....all of that Is MEANING, it is the source of meaning

yes, scientific explanations are a part of that, but they are not the whole of that. they are a facet. when they ar believed to be the all and be all is when it turns all dangerous and souless for one and all

we get places like Las Vegas for example
it is your own unconscious that heals. this unconscious is deeply intrerelated with the whole environemnt...Nature, including the universe....all of that Is MEANING, it is the source of meaning

So what? That has nothing to do with the so-called spiritual. That is the physical, that which science encompasses.

when they ar believed to be the all and be all is when it turns all dangerous and souless for one and all

And now you bring up the 'soul,' another supernatural phenomenon never shown to exist.

I would prefer Las Vegas.
HAHA...regarding the two answers i've given you...it was more the missin PAGE rather than the missin post. i was only CONSCIOUS of being on the last page of this thread when REALLY i was only on page 3

(Q) said:
but what they LACK is any spiritual sensitivity. ist is that i am pointing to

Perhaps the reasoning behind lacking spiritual sensitivity is due in part to the lack of the spiritual, which to date has never been shown to exist.
D__ Let me guess. Evidence?

"Pointing" to the spiritual is pointing where?

here (points to heart)....it is feeling. no science text book will tell you cause their very mode oe operation intentionally leaves sensual experience out of its equation

we are not talkin patriarchal idea of 'transcendent spirit' we are rather talking prepatriarchal understanding of Enspirited matter

what menchansitic science ahs done and does is not even acknowldege spirit. it is MATERialistIC...believing consciousness is a product Of 'matter'. this is its belief. but it doesn't REALLY know this. otherwise please explain 'the Hard Problem' in science where they struggle to understand 'subjective' awareness?
duendy said:
HI...I found this today:
India Daily - an enormous number of UFO sightings before Tsunami

This really makes you wonder....THAt if we would just be more openminded about all this, then we would be able to SEE signs about disasters like Tsunami.

another natrual sign before it was may many sand snakes coming out of the ground as in response to earth tremor

I thought that was the thread topic!!
here (points to heart)....it is feeling.

FYI - the heart pumps blood.

no science text book will tell you cause their very mode oe operation intentionally leaves sensual experience out of its equation

How do you define 'sensual experience?' What does it have to do with the heart?

we are not talkin patriarchal idea of 'transcendent spirit' we are rather talking prepatriarchal understanding of Enspirited matter

Six of one...

what menchansitic science ahs done and does is not even acknowldege spirit.

The 'spirit' has never been shown to exist outside of ones imagination. How does one acknowledge that which does not exist?

otherwise please explain 'the Hard Problem' in science where they struggle to understand 'subjective' awareness?

I wasn't aware there existed such a struggle. Perhaps you need to brush up on your own research.
(Q)....??? have you got any fingers?` oooops, silly question, you must haVE TYPED THOSE REPLIES RIGHT. so why is it then i have to break my arse for you and do research for you. i have already DONE it

so get them glass fingers working and type at google.com 'David Chalmers...or David Charmers The Hard problem' and see what you find

and yes the heart DOEs pump blood. how matrialsitically and functionally astute you are. but it also is feeling? like when you are sad that area feels heavy. when you are anxious heart beats faster....in love..? use your imagination and feeling rather than just your logical capacity, and you'll beigin diggin where i'm comin from.
(Q)....??? have you got any fingers?

Actually no, I'm an alien on a mission to Earth - my entire existence is comprised of a head in a jar. I type using a pencil in what Earthlings would consider my mouth.

but it also is feeling? like when you are sad that area feels heavy. when you are anxious heart beats faster....in love..?

Are you refering to the release of adrenaline and other neurotransmitters?

use your imagination and feeling rather than just your logical capacity, and you'll beigin diggin where i'm comin from.

I kinda figured out from your first posts that your entire concept of reality stems from your imagination. Thanks, but no thanks. I prefer reality. Yoiur imagination can easily refute anything anyone has to say and would be valid... in your imagination.

If what I have argued is correct, it appears, not necessarily that Chalmers is mistaken, but that if he is correct, neither he nor we are in any position to know or reasonably conclude that he is. A stripped-down version of his argument can be put this way:

1.There are phenomenal experiences.

2. Phenomenal experiences are not logically supervenient upon the physical.

3. If anything actual is not logically supervenient upon the physical, then physicalism is false.

Therefore, physicalism is false.

That is certainly valid. It may also be sound. I have said nothing to directly argue that any of the premises are false. However, if it is sound, I have argued, we do not know and, to all appearances, cannot know that it is. Therefore, unless something (consistent with Chalmers’ other central claims) can be done to shore up the claim that we can know or be justified in believing that we have phenomenal experience, it is not rationally incumbent upon us to reject physicalism even if Chalmers’ argument is sound.

(Q) said:
(Q)....??? have you got any fingers?

Actually no, I'm an alien on a mission to Earth - my entire existence is comprised of a head in a jar. I type using a pencil in what Earthlings would consider my mouth.

D__i didn't realize. is there anything i can do?

but it also is feeling? like when you are sad that area feels heavy. when you are anxious heart beats faster....in love..?

Are you refering to the release of adrenaline and other neurotransmitters?

D__ Yes and more. the other doesn't cancel that out, it is just a deeper dimension of relational experience rather than mere logical reductive analytical analysis

use your imagination and feeling rather than just your logical capacity, and you'll beigin diggin where i'm comin from.

I kinda figured out from your first posts that your entire concept of reality stems from your imagination. Thanks, but no thanks. I prefer reality. Yoiur imagination can easily refute anything anyone has to say and would be valid... in your imagination.

D__ dont be so quick to judge. you may be rong and end up with yer pants round your ankles
i have capacity for intellectual analysis...i know you do too. also for ecstatic abandonment. not sure bout you though?
D__ dont be so quick to judge. you may be rong and end up with yer pants round your ankles

No pants. No ankles. Just a head in a jar.