UFOs Warning about Tsunami?

SkinWalker said:
skeptic - someone who habitually doubts accepted beliefs

pseudo - fake; imposter: a person who makes deceitful pretenses

Therefore, pseudoskeptic - one who pretends to doubt; a fake skeptic.

I'm a bit skeptical of that definition being applied to phlog.

The real usage of "pseudoskeptic" in forums like this, however, is an attempt at ad hominem or insulting remark, typically applied by someone who is offended at having their belief system doubted or effectively discounted by a skeptic.

D-- Well, i am sorry. i HATe ad hominem, basically cause i receive it quite a bit myself. i spose i am pissed at him cause of his attitude right from the start......condescendingly teliing me to go read s cience book
what i mean about the term pseudosceptic is this....as far as i am aware, and i actually made a note of it--godknows where. that TRUE sceptic is openminded, wheras a pseudosceptic is someone who calls themselves sceptic but just so as to mask a potential for being open to looking at other viewpoints, evidence etc.

Rather than concede that a person is truly skeptical, they attempt, quite poorly, to apply the label of "pseudoskeptic," all the while failing to understand the true meaning of the term.

Basically its a play on "pseudoscience" and "pseudoscientist," both terms that are completely accurate in most applications, but perceived as insulting by the believer.

But i would like to continue this debate with out it being sidelines.
about you feeling i am attackin cause i am afriad of having my worldview fuked with

hah..actually i KNOW what that feels like, and it is frightning. but seriously it isn't my reason for seeming--according to you to attack arguer. what i am saying is that there are VASt accounts regarding unusual phenomena in th skies and actual contact. to just reduce A L L of that is redictionism. something that closed mind scientists know only too well about

when you pick up a stone on the beach, it is unique. a leaf....etc etc. so WHy should this mysterious phenomena just be one thing?....?
'closed mind scientists' !!! HAH!

How many lives have 'closed mind scientists' saved?
How many great achievements have 'closed mind scientists' made?
How would your life be without 'closed mind scientists' that developed your computer, the every day items you take for granted?

Just what has a woowoo ever done for the world!

But please, bring this back on topic. Why do you interpret a natural phenomenon as a UFO? It's not unidentified. It's source is the well known piezo effect. In that respect, yes, piezo lighting is a warning about tectonic stress. Saying it's caused by UFOs derails that, so please explain yourself!
phlogistician said:
'closed mind scientists' !!! HAH!

How many lives have 'closed mind scientists' saved?

D....and tortured, and killed, and incacerated, and taken away human rights, and tortured and killed countelss animals, and made thousands of species extinct....etc. etc

How many great achievements have 'closed mind scientists' made?

So, the pagans achieved nothing, the pre-scientific people achieved nothing?...get off of your skyscaper ass dude

How would your life be without 'closed mind scientists' that developed your computer, the every day items you take for granted?

D--probably just fine mate.

Just what has a woowoo ever done for the world!
D--yes. first you give em put down names. then you exterminate them. that's science. ie., your 'woowoo' shit. next you'll be callin me a 'gook' or a 'nigger'. you are a right one aren't you?

But please, bring this back on topic. Why do you interpret a natural phenomenon as a UFO? It's not unidentified. It's source is the well known piezo effect. In that respect, yes, piezo lighting is a warning about tectonic stress. Saying it's caused by UFOs derails that, so please explain yourself!

oh. maaaan. you have totally decided WHAt IT Is haven't you. that EVERY sighting ever reported officially and secretly, and every rep[orted contact reported publically or privately. EVERRRRRY ONE is
"the well known piezzo effect"

how ruddy reductionist, and closed minded. just-actually, the same as a closedminded scientist would make
You know, I just noticed that duendy has been putting replies within the quoted text all along... I never read any of that. I'll have to go back and read it if I get the opportunity to see what he was saying all this time.

BTW, if you surround the quoted person with [ quote] quoted text[ /quote], then put your replies without the tags, it'll all read better.
Well, speaking for duendy here, I'd have to say 'fuk that'.
All I have to say about alien abductions is....... They are hallucinations that have been going on for all of time.

It first was....
Demons then
Fairys, dwarfs, gremelins, trolls etc then it was
witches, ghoats, satan worshippers then it was

This phenmonon has nothign to do with real abductions, and/or sexual exploitations. Even these sexual exploitations have been reported from demons, fairys etc etc... Why all of a sudden do these things change with popular culture, media etc.

Its mass hysteria, and all these "repressed" expereinces are nothing but meddling from psychologists with a agenda....
I'm just throwing a stone here, not that I really think so:
-> Or all these demons, fairies, gremlins, aliens are one kind being interpreted in different ways throughout the millenias with the common understanding of that period.

Of course it can also be one cause (of the hallucinations) and the hallucinations are being interpreted differently.
Just what has a woowoo ever done for the world!

The woowoos gave the scientists their ideas. Scientists just find a way to make it happen. Thank goodness for imagination.

All I have to say about alien abductions is....... They are hallucinations that have been going on for all of time.

It first was....
Demons then
Fairys, dwarfs, gremelins, trolls etc then it was
witches, ghoats, satan worshippers then it was

Why all of a sudden do these things change with popular culture, media etc.

Yet they're all pretty similar in intentions despite having time gaps between each name. This is no different than taking an airplane, for example, and having someone in BC try and describe what it is, then having someone from 500 AD trying to describe it, then having someone from 1000 AD trying to describe it, then having someone from 1500 AD trying to describe it, and then all of a sudden with full understanding of what it is in 2000 AD, having someone describe it.

And aside from that, who's to say that each of those creatures of the past didn't do those exact things? Sure, a fairy isn't the same as a troll, but nor is there just one race of alien. So those fairies and trolls could be different races of aliens doing their things, but at least these days we're able to better describe what those fairies and trolls really are. As time goes by, descriptions tend to get more specific through better understandings. And when there are more than just one description during the same time frame, it’s highly unlikely there is just one “thing” doing those acts. Greys aren’t the only aliens people supposedly have contact with and to think only human beings and greys exist in the whole universe is a highly limited view.

- N
and then all of a sudden with full understanding of what it is in 2000 AD, having someone describe it.
"full understanding"? :bugeye:

p.s. Why can't it really be a troll or a faery that's being misinterpreted as an alien?
duendy said:
D....and tortured, and killed, and incacerated, and taken away human rights, and tortured and killed countelss animals, and made thousands of species extinct....etc. etc

Dude, that's two books you have to read now, History AND Science, because you're showing a startling lack of understanding of both. Please show me where it is required in the scientific method to do any of the above? Sounds to me like you're convolving vivisection, Nazi experimentation, Government repression, and hunting, and blaming it all on 'Scientists', which is just absurd, and gives your point of view less credibility.

So, the pagans achieved nothing, the pre-scientific people achieved nothing?...get off of your skyscaper ass dude

What do you count as an 'achievement'? Did pagans (are they the antithesis of Scientists by the way? I don't think so, but I'll go with your terms.) use pagan methodology to invent anything? To cure any disease? Did praying to the earth mother really make their crops grow?

D--probably just fine mate.

I really doubt it. Without Science, sanitation would be very poor. Infant mortality huge, life expectancy short, and your life would be hard. You owe science so much, but are wantonly ignorant because of your petty crusade. I'm sad for you, I really am.

D--yes. first you give em put down names. then you exterminate them. that's science. ie., your 'woowoo' shit. next you'll be callin me a 'gook' or a 'nigger'. you are a right one aren't you?

Again, you are convolving issues, and blaming scientists, when you mean to blame someone else. Perhaps you should get your head clear, and fight each battle separately, because nobody is going to take you seriously when you start ranting off topic and then start talking about aliens. To most people, you'll just come across like some lunatic. Form sensible, researched, well crafted arguments on a single topic, and debate those.
duendy said:
oh. maaaan. you have totally decided WHAt IT Is haven't you. that EVERY sighting ever reported officially and secretly, and every rep[orted contact reported publically or privately. EVERRRRRY ONE is
"the well known piezzo effect"

how ruddy reductionist, and closed minded. just-actually, the same as a closedminded scientist would make

btw, I was talking about the supposed UFOs sightings surround the Tsunami, not "EVERY" sighting. You know, I was staying on topic.

You have the closed mind. You have decided that the Earth could not possibly cause such phenomena. You have shut your mind to the idea that there are really spectacular natural phenomena.

I'm willing to accept the idea of UFOs, when I see good evidence, from a reputable source. I've not got a closed mind, far from it. I had to open it to fill it full of facts.
phlogistician said:
Dude, that's two books you have to read now, History AND Science, because you're showing a startling lack of understanding of both.

@look, mr know it all. take the log outta your OWN eye. you are revealing to me--dont know about others here--that you are mostly hot air, and HAVEN'T really researched about what i say, otherwise you wooldn't flaunt your ignoreance concerning it.
You have to REALLY look at history in a generalist way. NOT what you have learnt in school, college or uni. It is reare academia will deliver less you are willing to be a maverick. You have to understand how science emerged and what its taking over from religion did/does to the bodymind. you HAVe heard of 'mechnaistic' science haven't you? well along those lines.......But i am NOt gonna do the work FOR you. i have/am doing it. but your attitude does not encourage me to help you in your arrogant ignorance

Please show me where it is required in the scientific method to do any of the above? Sounds to me like you're convolving vivisection, Nazi experimentation, Government repression, and hunting, and blaming it all on 'Scientists', which is just absurd, and gives your point of view less credibility.

@only to you, and others of your ilk. plenty understand what i mean if they have experienced and done the research.

What do you count as an 'achievement'? Did pagans (are they the antithesis of Scientists by the way? I don't think so, but I'll go with your terms.) use pagan methodology to invent anything? To cure any disease? Did praying to the earth mother really make their crops grow?

@did spraying them with all forms of pesticides leeching all the goodness from the earth. as well as monoculture--all science-based ideas that fuk up the natrual earth. and make vast amounts of money for scientists!

I really doubt it. Without Science, sanitation would be very poor. Infant mortality huge, life expectancy short, and your life would be hard. You owe science so much, but are wantonly ignorant because of your petty crusade. I'm sad for you, I really am.

@not half as much i am sad for you, duuuude@

Again, you are convolving issues, and blaming scientists, when you mean to blame someone else. Perhaps you should get your head clear, and fight each battle separately, because nobody is going to take you seriously when you start ranting off topic and then start talking about aliens. To most people, you'll just come across like some lunatic. Form sensible, researched, well crafted arguments on a single topic, and debate those.

errrm, like i am gonna take advice from YOU?.....
phlogistician said:
btw, I was talking about the supposed UFOs sightings surround the Tsunami, not "EVERY" sighting. You know, I was staying on topic.

@you mean 'staying on topic' like the past post? or do you mean 'enforcing your opinion' and THEN telling the OTHER to stay on topic?@

You have the closed mind. You have decided that the Earth could not possibly cause such phenomena. You have shut your mind to the idea that there are really spectacular natural phenomena.

@again...look ...listen, and learn. read what i say, not whats in your busy mind. i did NOT disclaim that pheneomena can be 'earth lights' (repeat 10 times sos to remember)....i ACCEPT that. what i dont accept is the wholly MECHANISTIC explanATION of 'earth lights'. by that i am not saying that earth lights are manned ET craft. i am saying that the mechainistic understanding OF elctricalmagnetic energy is ...mechanistic. taking NO account of its spiritual aspect, or its 'inward subjective; aspect.
I also am saying that ALLphenomena ever explained in the annals of reported UFO and contacts is most likely not reduced to a redictionists neat little category that will satisfy phlogistician's narrow awareness@

I'm willing to accept the idea of UFOs, when I see good evidence, from a reputable source. I've not got a closed mind, far from it. I had to open it to fill it full of facts.

@ the wrong KIND of facts it appears. and when it Is full of 'facts' it has no room for inspirational insight

you shold read about Mr Gradgrind in Charles Dickens' novel, Hard Times. all HE was concerned abut was 'Fact, Facts, Facts'

Dickens was exploring the emerging industrial fascist mentality!
All you have is allegory, duendy.

You blame scientists for everything, when it's clear, as an academic underachiever you're just jealous of their intellect.

Now, do you have anything of substance to debate, or are you going to post some more tangential crap?
phlogistician said:
All you have is allegory, duendy.

@well even if that were true, it is more than what you are offering this debate, which really is just childish bickering. pushing out out your 'scientifiky' chest....@

You blame scientists for everything, when it's clear, as an academic underachiever you're just jealous of their intellect.

@No. wrong agin. i never said i blame scientists for everything. what i am saying is i blame a mechanISTIC approach that is fukin up everything. it has the attitude you are demonstrating for anyone with any savvy to see. it is the new religion. where ANY alternate view that isn't accepted by its dogma is insulted, and --if you had you way--would be excluded and inevitably exterminated from further debate.
First you give em names like gooks, woowoos, etc, and then........Read up on REAL history kiddo

Now, do you have anything of substance to debate, or are you going to post some more tangential crap?

Are you speaking to yourself there. am not sure the question was for me....?
So, duendy, you don't want to talk about UFOs anymore, but carry on this rant blaming scientists for everything? Because it was so much better in the days of yore, when your life expectancy was thirtysomething, women and children died in childbirth, and disease was rife, wasn't it?

Yes, science/mechanistic attitudes have a lot to answer for, longer, better quality lives, and less disease, etc.

Science isn't a new religion, only someone who didn't understand either would say that.

Science is the antithesis of dogma, if you understood science, you'd know that.

UFOlogy, now that's a religion. It's based on faith, and easily debunked 'evidence'.

So, you want to tell us what you think these supposed pre-Tsunami UFOs were trying to do, where they cam from, why they cose such a rubbich way to warn people, and failed to save over a hundred thousand lives? You know, the substance of the matter?
What a load of bollox! Thanks for my daily laugh. UFO's and tsunami's my arse :D
phlogistician said:
So, duendy, you don't want to talk about UFOs anymore, but carry on this rant blaming scientists for everything?

@who said (putting words into my mouth agin) i didn't want to talk about UFOs no more? and i am not blaming ALL scientists. just one's like yer arrogant self. if you ARe one that is. Are you?

Because it was so much better in the days of yore, when your life expectancy was thirtysomething, women and children died in childbirth, and disease was rife, wasn't it?

@what times are you talking? And are you not aware that disease is rife NOW for many of the world's population, as is starvation, unbelieveable poverty,..oh, yeah, and mostly caused by expolitation of mechaistic sciencific principles, and doings. so whose this 'science' greeat' FOR exactly?

Yes, science/mechanistic attitudes have a lot to answer for, longer, better quality lives, and less disease, etc.

@Again. for WHO? for the privileged?....cant see much QUALITy of life for many others. oh yes, they have tellys and your drugs. but QUALITy of life? i dont think so. i am sure many WOULD prefer early deaths if they were honest

Science isn't a new religion, only someone who didn't understand either would say that.

@look, YOU a re a prime example it IS a new religion. your very attitude dude. though i KNOW you wont see this. head's too full of facts

Science is the antithesis of dogma, if you understood science, you'd know that.

YES, REAL science may be. but we are --or i am not talking about science without the state p its arse--as it was in Theocracy with Church&State. what i am on about is ignoramouses yourself spouting off about shit you REALLy do NOT know but think you do. that

UFOlogy, now that's a religion. It's based on faith, and easily debunked 'evidence'.

@yawwwn))))) according to YOU. NOT to the many people who have experienced UNEXPLIANABLE phenomena. for them, people like yourself are a pain in the neck, and who could blame them for thinking so? including me?

So, you want to tell us what you think these supposed pre-Tsunami UFOs were trying to do, where they cam from, why they cose such a rubbich way to warn people, and failed to save over a hundred thousand lives? You know, the substance of the matter?

chose such a 'rubbich' way. don't you mean 'rubbish' clever sod?.....Maybe what's rubbish is you MFs in charge of things, your mechanistic opressive presence in the world, that dumbs down any sensitivity to events such as were porportedly witnessed in the skies about where Tsunami happened

also can i say. people such as yu with this utterly disrespectful, lughingly arrogant manner really defeat proper dbate, which CAN be strong, but not if there isn't a receptiveness to other points of view. and err LISTENING is important too!
phlogistician said:
So, duendy, you don't want to talk about UFOs anymore, but carry on this rant blaming scientists for everything?

@who said (putting words into my mouth agin) i didn't want to talk about UFOs no more? and i am not blaming ALL scientists. just one's like yer arrogant self. if you ARe one that is. Are you?

Because it was so much better in the days of yore, when your life expectancy was thirtysomething, women and children died in childbirth, and disease was rife, wasn't it?

@what times are you talking? And are you not aware that disease is rife NOW for many of the world's population, as is starvation, unbelieveable poverty,..oh, yeah, and mostly caused by expolitation of mechaistic sciencific principles, and doings. so whose this 'science' greeat' FOR exactly?

Yes, science/mechanistic attitudes have a lot to answer for, longer, better quality lives, and less disease, etc.

@Again. for WHO? for the privileged?....cant see much QUALITy of life for many others. oh yes, they have tellys and your drugs. but QUALITy of life? i dont think so. i am sure many WOULD prefer early deaths if they were honest

Science isn't a new religion, only someone who didn't understand either would say that.

@look, YOU a re a prime example it IS a new religion. your very attitude dude. though i KNOW you wont see this. head's too full of facts

Science is the antithesis of dogma, if you understood science, you'd know that.

YES, REAL science may be. but we are --or i am not talking about science without the state p its arse--as it was in Theocracy with Church&State. what i am on about is ignoramouses yourself spouting off about shit you REALLy do NOT know but think you do. that

UFOlogy, now that's a religion. It's based on faith, and easily debunked 'evidence'.

@yawwwn))))) according to YOU. NOT to the many people who have experienced UNEXPLIANABLE phenomena. for them, people like yourself are a pain in the neck, and who could blame them for thinking so? including me?

So, you want to tell us what you think these supposed pre-Tsunami UFOs were trying to do, where they cam from, why they cose such a rubbich way to warn people, and failed to save over a hundred thousand lives? You know, the substance of the matter?

chose such a 'rubbich' way. don't you mean 'rubbish' clever sod?.....Maybe what's rubbish is you MFs in charge of things, your mechanistic opressive presence in the world, that dumbs down any sensitivity to events such as were porportedly witnessed in the skies about where Tsunami happened

also can i say. people such as yu with this utterly disrespectful, lughingly arrogant manner really defeat proper dbate, which CAN be strong, but not if there isn't a receptiveness to other points of view. and err LISTENING is important too!